

本文主要实现卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)中卷积操作的forwardbackward函数。CNN主要包括卷积(Convolution),池化(pooling),全连接(Fully Connected)操作。相信点进来的同学对这些操作的细节已经很熟悉了,不熟悉的同学可以参考这一篇博文(本人看过讲CNN最简单易懂、最好的博文,没有之一):An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks


你可以使用numpy的切片操作来进行切片,按照上面动图的操作一步一步来,但是这种naive的方法非常慢,通常我们会用img2col操作把kernel变成行向量,把kernel对应的局部数据(receptive field)变成列向量,这样卷积操作就变成了矩阵乘法,速度成倍提升。img2col的操作细节,如下图可以概括:

def img2col(input, h_out, w_out, h_k, w_k, stride):
        Stacking ONLY Single Channel
    :input: (batch, channel, height, weight)
    :return: (batch, channel, h_k*w_k, h_out*w_out)
    b, c, h, w = input.shape
    out = np.zeros((b, c, h_k*w_k, h_out*w_out))
    convhIdx = 0
    convwIdx = 0
    for i in range(b):
        for j in range(c):
            # For each channel, scan from left-top
            convwIdx = 0
            convhIdx = 0
            for k in range(h_out*w_out):
                if convwIdx + w_k > w:
                    convwIdx = 0
                    convhIdx += stride
                out[i, j, :, k] = input[i, j, convhIdx:convhIdx+h_k, convwIdx:convwIdx+w_k].flatten()
                convwIdx += stride
    return out




    def forward(self, input, weights, bias):
        # Arguments
            input: numpy array with shape (batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width)
            weights: numpy array with shape (out_channel, in_channel, kernel_h, kernel_w)
            bias: numpy array with shape (out_channel)

        # Returns
            output: numpy array with shape (batch, out_channel, out_height, out_width)
        kernel_h = self.conv_params['kernel_h']  # height of kernel
        kernel_w = self.conv_params['kernel_w']  # width of kernel
        pad = self.conv_params['pad']
        stride = self.conv_params['stride']
        in_channel = self.conv_params['in_channel']
        out_channel = self.conv_params['out_channel']

        batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width = input.shape
        # computing output shape
        out_h = int((in_height + pad - kernel_h)/stride) + 1
        out_w = int((in_width + pad - kernel_w)/stride) + 1

        # padding
        pad_input = np.pad(input, ((0,0),(0,0),(int(pad/2), pad-int(pad/2)),(int(pad/2), pad-int(pad/2))), 'constant', constant_values=0)
        in_height += pad
        in_width += pad

        # Img2Col
        col_input = img2col(pad_input, out_h, out_w, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride)
        # merge channel
        col_input = col_input.reshape(col_input.shape[0], -1, col_input.shape[3])

        # reshape kernel
        weights_flatten = weights.reshape(weights.shape[0], -1)
        # compute convolution
        output = weights_flatten @ col_input + bias.reshape(-1, 1)

        # reshape convolution result
        output = output.reshape(output.shape[0], output.shape[1], out_h, out_w)
        return output



def col2img(input_col, pad_h, pad_w, kernel_h, kernel_w, channel, pad, stride):
        Unstack columns to image
    :input_col: (batch, channel*kernel_h*kernel_w, out_h*out_w)
    :return: (batch, channel, pad_h - pad, pad_w - pad)
    batch = input_col.shape[0]
    pad_out = np.zeros((batch, channel, pad_h, pad_w))
    # unchannel input, get shape (batch, channel, kernel_h*kernel_w, out_h*out_w)
    unchannel_input = input_col.reshape(input_col.shape[0], channel, -1, input_col.shape[2])
    col_idx = 0
    for i in range(batch):
        for j in range(channel):
            widx = 0
            hidx = 0
            # for each column in one channel
            for col_idx in range(unchannel_input.shape[-1]):
                #                 print(i, j, hidx, widx)
                pad_out[i, j, hidx:hidx + kernel_h, widx:widx + kernel_w] += unchannel_input[i, j, :, col_idx].reshape(
                    kernel_h, -1)
                widx += stride
                if widx + kernel_w > pad_w:
                    widx = 0
                    hidx += stride
    if pad<1:
        result = pad_out
        result = pad_out[:, :, int(pad / 2):-(pad - int(pad / 2)), int(pad / 2):-(pad - int(pad / 2))]
    return result


c i c_i ci表示图片channel的数目,即输入通道; c o c_o co表示kernel的数目,即输出通道。
本文backward的实现参考这篇博文:Convnet: Implementing Convolution Layer with Numpy

    def backward(self, out_grad, input, weights, bias):
        # Arguments
            out_grad: gradient to the forward output of conv layer, with shape (batch, out_channel, out_height, out_width)
            input: numpy array with shape (batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width)
            weights: numpy array with shape (out_channel, in_channel, kernel_h, kernel_w)
            bias: numpy array with shape (out_channel)

        # Returns
            in_grad: gradient to the forward input of conv layer, with same shape as input
            w_grad: gradient to weights, with same shape as weights
            b_bias: gradient to bias, with same shape as bias
        kernel_h = self.conv_params['kernel_h']  # height of kernel
        kernel_w = self.conv_params['kernel_w']  # width of kernel
        pad = self.conv_params['pad']
        stride = self.conv_params['stride']
        in_channel = self.conv_params['in_channel']
        out_channel = self.conv_params['out_channel']

        batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width = input.shape
        batch, out_channel, out_height, out_width = out_grad.shape
           compute b_grad
        b_grad = np.sum(out_grad, axis=(0, 2, 3))
        b_grad = b_grad.reshape(out_channel)

        # pad zero to input
        pad_input = np.pad(input, ((0,0),(0,0),(int(pad/2), pad-int(pad/2)),(int(pad/2), pad-int(pad/2))), 'constant', constant_values=0)
        # Img2Col
        col_input = img2col(pad_input, out_height, out_width, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride)
        # merge channel
        col_input = col_input.reshape(col_input.shape[0], -1, col_input.shape[3])
        # transpose and reshape col_input to 2D matrix
        X_hat = col_input.transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape(in_channel*kernel_h*kernel_w, -1)
        # transpose and reshape out_grad
        out_grad_reshape = out_grad.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0).reshape(out_channel, -1)
            compute w_grad
        w_grad = out_grad_reshape @ X_hat.T
        w_grad = w_grad.reshape(weights.shape)

            compute in_grad
        # reshape kernel
        W = weights.reshape(out_channel, -1)
        in_grad_column = W.T @ out_grad_reshape

        # Split batch dimension and transpose batch to first dimension
        in_grad_column = in_grad_column.reshape(in_grad_column.shape[0], -1, batch).transpose(2, 0, 1)

        in_grad = col2img(in_grad_column, in_height+pad, in_width+pad, kernel_h, kernel_w, in_channel, pad, stride)
        return in_grad, w_grad, b_grad



class pool(operator):
    def __init__(self, pool_params):
        # Arguments
            pool_params: dictionary, containing these parameters:
                'pool_type': The type of pooling, 'max' or 'avg'
                'pool_h': The height of pooling kernel.
                'pool_w': The width of pooling kernel.
                'stride': The number of pixels between adjacent receptive fields in the horizontal and vertical directions.
                'pad': The total number of 0s to be added along the height (or width) dimension; half of the 0s are added on the top (or left) and half at the bottom (or right). we will only test even numbers.
        super(pool, self).__init__()
        self.pool_params = pool_params

    def forward(self, input):
        # Arguments
            input: numpy array with shape (batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width)

        # Returns
            output: numpy array with shape (batch, in_channel, out_height, out_width)
        pool_type = self.pool_params['pool_type']
        pool_height = self.pool_params['pool_height']
        pool_width = self.pool_params['pool_width']
        stride = self.pool_params['stride']
        pad = self.pool_params['pad']

        batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width = input.shape
        # computing output shape
        out_h = int((in_height + pad - pool_height) / stride) + 1
        out_w = int((in_width + pad - pool_width) / stride) + 1

        # padding
        pad_input = np.pad(input,
                           ((0, 0), (0, 0), (int(pad / 2), pad - int(pad / 2)), (int(pad / 2), pad - int(pad / 2))),
                           'constant', constant_values=0)
        in_height += pad
        in_width += pad

        # Img2Col
        col_input = img2col(pad_input, out_h, out_w, pool_height, pool_width, stride)
        if pool_type == 'max':
            output = col_input.max(axis=2).reshape(batch, in_channel, out_h, out_w)
        elif pool_type == 'avg':
            output = np.average(col_input, axis=2).reshape(batch, in_channel, out_h, out_w)
            output = None
        return output

    def backward(self, out_grad, input):
        # Arguments
            out_grad: gradient to the forward output of conv layer, with shape (batch, in_channel, out_height, out_width)
            input: numpy array with shape (batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width)

        # Returns
            in_grad: gradient to the forward input of pool layer, with same shape as input
        pool_type = self.pool_params['pool_type']
        pool_height = self.pool_params['pool_height']
        pool_width = self.pool_params['pool_width']
        stride = self.pool_params['stride']
        pad = self.pool_params['pad']

        batch, in_channel, in_height, in_width = input.shape
        out_height = 1 + (in_height - pool_height + pad) // stride
        out_width = 1 + (in_width - pool_width + pad) // stride

        pad_scheme = (pad//2, pad - pad//2)
        input_pad = np.pad(input, pad_width=((0,0), (0,0), pad_scheme, pad_scheme),
                           mode='constant', constant_values=0)

        recep_fields_h = [stride*i for i in range(out_height)]
        recep_fields_w = [stride*i for i in range(out_width)]

        input_pool = nnFimg2col(input_pad, recep_fields_h,
                             recep_fields_w, pool_height, pool_width)
        input_pool = input_pool.reshape(
            batch, in_channel, -1, out_height, out_width)

        if pool_type == 'max':
            input_pool_grad = (input_pool == np.max(input_pool, axis=2, keepdims=True)) * \
                out_grad[:, :, np.newaxis, :, :]

        elif pool_type == 'avg':
            scale = 1 / (pool_height*pool_width)
            input_pool_grad = scale * \
                np.repeat(out_grad[:, :, np.newaxis, :, :],
                          pool_height*pool_width, axis=2)

        input_pool_grad = input_pool_grad.reshape(
            batch, in_channel, -1, out_height*out_width)

        input_pad_grad = np.zeros(input_pad.shape)
        idx = 0
        for i in recep_fields_h:
            for j in recep_fields_w:
                input_pad_grad[:, :, i:i+pool_height, j:j+pool_width] += \
                    input_pool_grad[:, :, :, idx].reshape(
                        batch, in_channel, pool_height, pool_width)
                idx += 1
        in_grad = input_pad_grad[:, :, pad:pad+in_height, pad:pad+in_width]
        return in_grad

评论 4




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