PubNub 云消息服务

The menagerie of unique hardware devices, operating systems and individualized applications built from different development platforms all have one major requirement in common

IoT applications demand a network that provides:

  • Lightweight, low latency device signaling.

  • High scale and constant availability.

  • Secure network communications.

  • On-device data encryption.

  • Device to device signaling without the need for open listening ports on devices.

On top of basic networking demands additional best-practice requirements for management of IoT devices also include:

  • Automatic device discovery.

  • Attribute and policy based access controls at both the application and user levels.

  • Real-Time data collection and analytics.

  • Tight coupling between application and network.

PubNub: A Real-Time Network for the Internet of Things for IoT providing

  • IoT Device Signaling with PubNub Data Streams.

  • Secure IoT Data and Communications.

  • Automatic Device Discovery and State Monitoring.

  • Real-Time Data Collection.

  • Policy Based Access Controls.

  • Native Support for Over 50 Languages.

Security is a huge umbrella, but it’s paramount in Internet of Things connectivity. For example, what good is a smart home if anyone can unlock your doors? Here are three specifics:

    Authorization: When sending or receiving a stream of data, it’s essential to make sure that the IoT device or server has proper authorization to send or receive that stream of data.
    Open ports: An IoT device is dangerously vulnerable when it’s sitting and listening to an open port out to the Internet. You need birectional communication, but you don’t want to have open ports out to the Internet.
    Encryption: You need end to end encryption between devices and servers.


Example Demo:

<button id=button>Press Here</button>
<div><img id=image></div>

<script src=></script>

var button = PUBNUB.$('button');
var image = PUBNUB.$('image');
var pubnub = PUBNUB.init({});

    channel: 'my_channel',
    message : received_button_click

function received_button_click(message){

pubnub.bind('click',button, function(){
         channel: 'my_channel',
         message: 'go'



PubNub only returns 100 messages at a time for a history call

Data Stream Controller

  • 1 Creates persistent lists of thousands of Data Stream channels grouped as single manageable object (via Channel Groups)
  • 2 Enables application access for up to 50 individual channels with a subscribe call utilizing a single TCP socket (via Multiplexing)
  • PubNub enabled applications are now allowed, with a single subscribe call, access to up to 10 channel groups each comprised of up to 2,000 different channels. Applications leveraging Channel Groups will efficiently receive a cornucopia of custom-tailored data streams in real time over a single TCP socket.



Security is a huge umbrella, but it’s paramount in Internet of Things connectivity. For example, what good is a smart home if anyone can unlock your doors? Here are three specifics:

  • Authorization: When sending or receiving a stream of data, it’s essential to make sure that the IoT device or server has proper authorization to send or receive that stream of data.
  • Open ports: An IoT device is dangerously vulnerable when it’s sitting and listening to an open port out to the Internet. You need birectional communication, but you don’t want to have open ports out to the Internet.
  • Encryption: You need end to end encryption between devices and servers.
- See more at:

Security with PAM, AES & SSL for Real-Time Apps Introduction  三个层次的安全加强

  • PubNub Access Manager - Enforces access control to PubNub enabled applications.    secret_key is a super-secret private key used to sign PAM messages. Signatures are computed using HMAC + SHA256 with the application’ssecret_key as the signing key and the request string as the message. This signature is then Base64 encoded.

  • Transport Layer Security with SSL - Creates secure channels between client devices and the PubNub Network.   2048 bit SSL/TLS transport layer security

  • Message Level Encryption with AES - Encrypts messages on publish before leaving the client.          AES 256 message level encryption

Once PAM is enabled for the first time in the PubNub Admin Portal, there are no pre-existing permissions granted, so all read (subscribe) and write (publish) attempts to a channel will fail until explicitly granted (implicit whitelist).


keep in mind that traffic within the PubNub Network will also be decrypted while messages are replicated (they are re-secured before being sent to other clients as required). For highly sensitive messaging, this does present a bit of a problem. What’s the answer to this obvious Big Gaping Security-hole with TLS? See our next tutorial ( hint: Use PubNub Message Level Encryption with AES! ).  为何要在Message层次继续做AES加密的原因

Presenting the 5 challenges of IoT connectivity:

Security is a huge umbrella, but it’s paramount in Internet of Things connectivity. For example, what good is a smart home if anyone can unlock your doors? Here are three specifics:

  • Authorization: When sending or receiving a stream of data, it’s essential to make sure that the IoT device or server has proper authorization to send or receive that stream of data.
  • Open ports: An IoT device is dangerously vulnerable when it’s sitting and listening to an open port out to the Internet. You need birectional communication, but you don’t want to have open ports out to the Internet.
  • Encryption: You need end to end encryption between devices and servers.
- See more at:
While TLS provides security on route to or from the PubNub Real Time Network, once SSL is terminated the message can be read with ease.

1. Signaling

5 challenges of IoT connectivity:
the 5 challenges of IoT connectivity:
1. Signaling

This message will self-destruct in five seconds.
Babel is an open source chat widget and API built on the PubNub Data Streams Network. Babel lets you send self-destructing messages and helps facilitate public key exchanges. 实现共同绘图

5 challenges of IoT connectivity:  车联网  pubnub教程  a demo

As I discussed on CNBC at Davos 2015 in January, we've produced smart technologies for some time, 20 years in fact. But there are some critical changes that have taken place in the market that signal a next evolution. Consumption of these sophisticated technologies used to be reserved for the B2B world. As these smart technologies become simpler and more affordable, the shift to consumers is inevitable. It has already happened. With this new-found power, consumers are putting pressure on enterprises to manage this internet of things better. Partner this with seamless communication, everywhere, and cloud services to collect and aggregate data for predictive analytics and behavior, and yes, we may be in for a breakthrough year in IoT. 转贴

Cloud technology enables rapid development.

Cloud services enable development teams to quickly scale (up and down) applications, data, and storage, based on changing market demand. This makes the time-to-market for startups cheaper, faster, and more efficient than ever before. The cost for startups to get into the market has plummeted, enabling thousands of startups, that would previously have been unable, to enter the market at low cost.

To sum it up, the Collaborative Economy might be able to exist on some, much smaller scale without technology. But it is the increasingly more rapid advances in technology, like microelectronics, wireless connectivity, and cloud computing that are enabling, advancing, and expanding the power of the Collaborative Economy to engage others, using the Internet of Things, in your neighborhood and around the globe.

As technology continues to advance, the day is coming when everything and everyone that can be connected to the internet will be connected to the internet — and we are farther down that road than most people think.

Over the years, we have had people leave the company and then return at a later date. This is good because it does two things: The first is that it reassures the people in our company that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Yes, it can be a setback when someone great wants to move on, but when somebody leaves and then wants to come back, it’s a great opportunity to spread goodwill throughout the company.

Ovation has a very high retention rate in a difficult industry that tends to have somewhat of a revolving door. I think the reason why is because we strive to create loyalty by running a very professional business and encouraging a “family atmosphere,” where we take care of the people who take good care of our clients.

The second reason is that it can also give you a bird’s-eye view of what the competition is like, and that eventually helps your business improve. We have the same strategy with sales. When we lose a client, it can be tempting to say that we never want to do business with them again, to put it politely. But I think it is much more productive for everyone involved to say, “I am going to do everything possible to improve even though I’ve lost your business, because I want to be considered again in the event that things don’t work out with your new travel provider.” That has also happened many times — where a client has come back after leaving for a low-priced competitor, only to return when their service deteriorates and the travelers start complaining.

For any employee who is considering moving on, there are many reasons it’s important to leave on good terms. Certainly, you want a good reference, and, particularly if you are staying within a similar industry, the world is a smaller place than you might think, and reputations travel quickly, so to speak. But another added consideration is that it may one day be fortuitous for you to return to the company. Obviously, some work experiences are miserable and not worth re-considering, but it’s always better to take the high road.

All the behaviors that you continually see on HR advice sites – speaking directly to your boss first, giving a full two weeks' notice, training your replacement or leaving detailed instructions about your duties, not bad-mouthing your colleagues, and remaining committed to good job performance — all of these work wonders on multiple fronts.

But perhaps it’s time to add a new item to that list: never slam the door on a job when you move on, because you never know if that same door will open again in your future.

 Be honest with your employer.  The world is a small place. I still run into lots of people I worked with at IBM, at Sybase, and at all the other companies I spent time in. Don't burn any bridges, regardless of how frustrated you may feel. In my case I was a bit of a "late bloomer" — but life is long and everything works out in the end.

Always explore new opportunities. As much as you may love your job, you owe it to yourself to look at new things too. Every company is different, and it's educational to visit new environments. You never know what might turn you on.

we are all going to be "quitting" and "moving on" from company to company during our career. Rather than think about it as an ending, think about it as a journey. You may be leaving one company for a while, going to a new job or new company, and later you may find yourself working with some of those same people again. If you think about your career as a long tapestry of jobs and companies, it won't seem so difficult or stressful to leave.

Pivotal Changes During Your Career: In my case, (and for most of the more senior people I know), I now look back on a career as a series of "pivotal changes" that happened at meaningful times. These transitions are sometimes unexpected and often frightening. (Being laid off is a good example.) But in every case what I've learned is that quitting, leaving a position, or even being laid off is usually an important transition and learning opportunity.

Quitting a job is never easy, but sometimes it's the best thing to do. In my case, every time I left a job it was difficult, but later I was very happy I did. Look at "quitting" as just another transition in your long and ever-learning career, and it will just come naturally...

One falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn

IPv6 Protocols and Autoconfiguration

NDP is used for hosts-hosts and routers-hosts communication. It offers several services on a LAN:
1. Discovery of routers, network prefixes, network parameters
2. Autoconfiguration
3. Address Resolution
4. DAD (Duplicate Address Detection)
5. NUD (Neighbor Unreachability Detection)
It only uses 5 type of ICMPv6 packets:
RA: Router Advertisement
RS: Router Solicitation
NA: Neighbor Advertisement
NS: Neighbor Solicitation

Autoconfiguration in general is about automatically configure network parameters, not manually

In IPv6 there are more options
1. Sends RAs -> M and O Flags -> four combinations
2. Hosts should look at M and O flags and then start to autoconfigure
3. M is about IPv6 address, O is about other parameters (DNS, etc.)
4. We have two “tools” SLAAC (0) and DHCPv6 (1)

IPv6 difference IPv4:

Default gateway is learnt from the RA(s), not provide default gateway
In IPv6 no private IP + NAT

The advent of connected toys that can record and talk back to children is likely to deepen this debate over the Internet of Things because of the potential for these intelligent toys to powerfully affect children’s imagination, learning and social development.

The electric power distribution market is today the most mature Smart Metering solution
Most sensor analytics systems analyze data at the source as well as in the cloud. Intermediate data analysis may also be carried out at a sensor hub that accepts inputs from multiple sensors, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers and pressure sensors. The purpose of intermediate data analysis is to filter data locally and reduce the amount of data that needs to be transported to the cloud. This is often done for efficiency reasons, but it may also be carried out for security and compliance reasons.
看好Cellular connectivity just this week announced a 40 USD connectivity module for cellular access. Getting cellular access into a product has traditionally been very painful. With their approach, and two other approaches that I know of in the marketplace, they are helping system integrators get cellular connectivity into their product. We think, as much as there is an incremental cost involved with it, that most of the first wave of truly valuable applications on almost any side, could be better served with cellular connectivity versus wifi connectivity.

Cellular is pretty pervasive now. It’s also declining in cost, which is driving its revolution and its evolution. It is also so much easier to connect up an asset over a cellular network rather than a wifi network or almost any other means. Trying to explain to your grandmother or your non-technical cousin how to put a wireless network ID and a password into a small device that doesn’t have a screen is a difficult proposition.  车联网
Google Play services

Google also used the report to highlight the new Android security features and capabilities in Android 5.0 Lollipop. These updates include improved full-disk encryption (FDE) and stronger SELinux enforcement.

SELinux is described by Arsene as a kernel module that enforces access control security policies, making sure that the security of your data won't be compromised by malware or vulnerabilities. This feature ensures secure app isolation by limiting the app privileges, while migrating the entire system security to the kernel level.


A lack of interoperability is creating disastrous effects to the IoT industry.
1.Increasing time to market for new applications – cutting edge developments are held back by an ecosystem that doesn’t allow for revolutionary applications

2.Preventing innovative products – companies can’t produce collaborative innovations if the market operates in silos

3.Market stagnation –currently the industry is sitting and waiting for the “right “solution to emerge.   ABC广播  英语      wallace  99147130zmc    保存youtube视频的网站  iot视频  智能农业    彻底弄懂最短路径问题     构造最优二叉树-赫夫曼(Huffman)树算法

The second one that caught my attention was the Wink Relay, a touch-enabled controller that fits into the space of a light switch and allows easy control of lots of other smart devices around the house.

The device runs a variant of Google’s Android mobile operating system. Veracode found it was able to take advantage ofAndroid Debug Bridge, a tool used by programmers to troubleshoot software code, usually known by its initials, ADB. Veracode was able to use ADB to turn on the unit’s microphone and record nearby conversations, and then download those recordings to a computer. Veracode notes in the study that Wink responded by disabling the ADB in a subsequent software update.   智能自行车,energy generator  Zwave资料

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