【模电读书笔记】CHAPTER 3 Bipolar Junction Transistors

Transistor Construction 晶体管结构

三端:emitter E 发射极 ;collectro C 集电极 ;base B 基极
bipolar reflects that holes and electrons participate in the injection process into the oppositely polartized material. "双极"说明正电荷载流子(孔洞)和负电荷载流子(电子)在工作中都会被发射到极性相反的材料中

transistor operation 晶体管的工作原理


  1. depletion region has been reduced in width due to the applied bias 耗尽层因偏置电压 V B E V_{BE} VBE变薄
  2. heavy flow of majority carriers from the p- to n-type material 大量majority carriers从p-型材料移动到n-型材料
  3. one p-n junction of a transistor is reverse biased 另外一个p-n结在 V B C V_{BC} VBC的作用下反偏
  4. 仅有minortiy carrier由n型材料流向另一端(集电极端)的p型材料 (majority carrier in p-type material is minority carrier in n-type material 第四步中由n流向p的minortiy carrier实际上就是第二步中从p移向n的majority carriers)

I E = I C + I B I_E=I_C+I_B IE=IC+IB

common-base configuration 共基

the base is common to both the input and output sides of the confuguration, in addition, the base is usually the terminal closest to, or at, ground potential. 输出端CB和输入端BE共用基极,且基极一般最靠近(或连接到)地端。

Output or collector characteristics for a common-base transistor amplifier (output current I C I_C IC, output voltage V C B V_{CB} VCB , and input current I E I_E IE)

Active region is linear(undistorted) amplifiers, in the active region the collector -base junction is reverse-biased, while the base-emitter junction is forward-biased. BJT工作在有源区/放大区,发射结正偏,集电结反偏。

Two conclusions to be followed when BJT works in active region BJT工作在放大区/有源区时可得出的两个性质:

  1. I C ≈ I E I_C\approx I_E ICIE 集电极电流约等于发射极电流
  2. V B E = 0.7 V V_{BE}=0.7V VBE=0.7V 基极与发射极之间的电压差为0.7V

when I E I_E IE=0, I C B O = I C O I_{CBO}=I_{CO} ICBO=ICO ( I C O I_{CO} ICO - reverse saturation current, I C B O I_{CBO} ICBO - emitter open collector to base current, reverse leakage currents). At higher temperature the effect of I C B O I_{CBO} ICBO may become an important factor since it increases so rapidly with temperatur. 反向饱和电流随着温度升高影响变大。

cutoff region: the collector -base and base emitter juctions of a transistor are both reverse -biased. BJT工作在截止区时,发射结和集电结都反偏

In the saturation region, the collector-base and base-emitter juctions are forward-biased. BJT工作在饱和区时,发射结和集电结都正偏

Transistor amplifiying action

consider AC response, 考虑交流电压的响应

I i = V i R i = I L V L = I L R R > > R i V L > > V i I_i=\frac {V_i}{R_i}=I_L\\ V_L=I_LR\\ R>>R_i\\ V_L>>V_i Ii=RiVi=ILVL=ILRR>>RiVL>>Vi

The forward-biased junction at the input(base to emitter) lead to small input resistance and the reverse-biased junction at the output(base to collector) lead to high output resistance.The basic amplifying action was produced by transferring a current from a low- to a high-resistance circuit. 发射结正偏,输入电阻小,集电结反偏,输出电阻大(可以接大负载)。 共基电路的电压放大效应是基于将电流从低电阻电路转换到高电阻电路。

Common-Emitter Configuration 共射

The emitter is common or reference to both the input and output terminals. 输入端和输出端共用射极。
Input characteristics are a plot of the iinput current I B I_B IB versus the input voltage V B E V_{BE} VBE for a range of values of output voltage V C E V_{CE} VCE
In the active region of a common-emitter amplifier the collector-base junction is reverse-biased, while the base-emitter junction is forward-biased. 共射接法的放大区/有源区,集电结(集电极-基极)反偏,发射结(基极-发射极)正偏。

In the active region the base-to-emitter voltage is 0.7V, in this case the voltage is fixed for any level of base current. 共射接法的放大区同样有 V B E = 0.7 V_{BE}=0.7 VBE=0.7,其大小不随基极电流变化而变化。

For linear(least distortion) amplification purposes, cutoff for the common-emitter configuration will be defined by I C = I C E O I_C=I_{CEO} IC=ICEO 出于线性放大(最小失真)的目的,共射结构的截止区由 I C = I C E O I_C=I_{CEO} IC=ICEO定义
I C E O I_{CEO} ICEO, current from collector to emitter when base open, 基极开路时集电极和发射极之间的电流)

Alpha and Beta

α \alpha α β \beta β 参数实际共有四类:对直流模型有 α d c \alpha_{dc} αdc β d c \beta_{dc} βdc,对交流模型有 α a c \alpha_{ac} αac β a c \beta_{ac} βac
α a c \alpha_{ac} αac is formally called common-base, short-circuit, amplification factor
β a c \beta_{ac} βac is formally called common-emitter, forward-current, amplification factor.
sometimes α a c = α d c \alpha_{ac}=\alpha_{dc} αac=αdc, β a c = β d c \beta_{ac}=\beta_{dc} βac=βdc
α = I C / I E β = I C / I B I C E O ≈ β I C B O I E = ( β + 1 ) I B α = β β + 1 β = α 1 − α \alpha=I_C/I_E\\ \beta=I_C/I_B\\ I_{CEO}\approx \beta I_{CBO}\\ I_E=(\beta+1)I_B\\ \alpha=\frac{\beta}{\beta+1}\\ \beta=\frac{\alpha}{1-\alpha} α=IC/IEβ=IC/IBICEOβICBOIE=(β+1)IBα=β+1ββ=1αα

Common-Collector Configuration 共集

The commoon-collector configuration is used primarily for impedance-matching purposes since it has a high input impedance and low output impedance. 共集结构主要用于阻抗匹配,因其有高输入阻抗和低输出阻抗。

limits of operation

Each transistor has a region of operation on the characteristics which will ensure that
the maximum rating are not being exceeded. 每个晶体管都有一个工作特性区域(又叫线性工作区,可保证最小失真),以确保不超过最大额定值。
maximum collector current (Collector Current - continuous) I C m a x I_{C_{max}} ICmax
maximum collector-to-emitter voltage(Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage) V C E O V_{CEO} VCEO or V B R ( C E O ) V_{BR(CEO)} VBR(CEO)
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage V C E s a t V_{CE_{sat}} VCEsat: specifies the minimum V C E V_{CE} VCE that can be applied without falling into the nonlinear region (saturation region)
maximum dissipation level(Total Device Dissipation, P D P_D PD): P C m a x = V C E I C P_{C_{max}}=V_{CE}I_C PCmax=VCEIC

Boylestad, R.L. (1999) Boylestad and Nashelsky’s electronic devices and circuit theory. 7th edn. Toronto: Prentice Hall.







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