

Is Google’s search engine a matrix of the AI Universe?


The quest to answer 4 billion Questions every day!


It has taken me half a century but, finally; I had a prophetic dream last week.

我花了半个世纪,但最后; 上周我做了一个预言的梦。

I saw John Wayne in “The Searchers”. The dream reassembled one of the most famous of all John Ford shots, one of the search party galloping away in a valley, as Indians ominously ride parallel to them, silhouetted against the sky.

我在“搜索者”中看到了约翰·韦恩。 这个梦想重新组合了约翰·福特(John Ford)中最著名的镜头之一,其中一个搜寻队伍在山谷中疾驰而去,印第安人不祥地平行于它们骑行,映衬在天空中。

The film is about an obsessive quest. The niece of Ethan Edwards (Wayne) is kidnapped by Comanches who murder her family and burn their ranch house. Ethan spends five years on a lonely quest to hunt down the tribe that holds the girl Debbie, not to rescue her, but to shoot her dead, because she has become one of the Comanches.

这部电影是关于追求的追求 。 伊桑·爱德华兹(韦恩)的侄女被科曼奇绑架,科曼奇谋杀了她的家人并烧毁了他们的牧场。 伊桑(Ethan)花了五年的时间进行孤独的追捕,以追捕拥有女孩黛比(Debbie)的部落,而不是解救她,而是射击她的死者,因为她已成为Comanches之一。

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Then, as I woke up, a spark came into my mind. And what if we are all obsessed? We are all searchers similar to John Wayne in the movie?

然后,当我醒来时,我的脑海里闪现出火花 。 如果我们都被迷住了怎么办? 我们都是电影中类似于约翰·韦恩的搜索者吗?

Why then do we ask every day 4 billion questions? To an engine, to a machine?

为什么我们每天要问40亿个问题? 对发动机,对机器?

Google now processes over 40.000 search queries every second on average, which translates to over 4 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.


What they are searching for?



Nothing shapes our lives so much as the questions we ask.


As Kevin Kelly analyses it «even though our knowledge is expanding exponentially, our questions are expanding exponentially faster. The widening gap between the two exponential curves is itself an exponential curve. The gap between questions and answers is our ignorance, and it is growing exponentially. In other words, Science is a method that chiefly expands our ignorance rather than our knowledge.”

正如凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)所分析的,“即使我们的知识呈指数级增长,我们的问题也呈指数级增长。 两条指数曲线之间的变宽间隙本身就是一条指数曲线。 问题和答案之间的差距是我们的无知,并且正呈指数增长。 换句话说,科学是一种主要扩大我们的无知而不是知识的方法。”

“We have no reason to expect this to reverse. The more disruptive a technology or tool is, the more disruptive the questions it will breed. We can expect that technology such as artificial intelligence, genetic manipulation, and quantum computing to unleash a barrage of new enormous questions — questions we could have never thought to ask before. It’s a safe bet that we have not asked our biggest questions yet.»

“我们没有理由期望这种情况会逆转。 技术或工具的破坏性越强,其滋生的问题就越具有破坏性。 我们可以预期,人工智能,基因操纵和量子计算等技术将释放出一系列新的巨大问题,这些问题我们以前从未想过要问。 可以肯定的是,我们还没有问过最大的问题。»

The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size.


We ask every year the “Engine” 2 trillion questions, and every year it gives back 2 trillion answers. Most of them are accurate. Many times the answers are intriguing. Some times are strange.

每年我们都会向“引擎”提出2万亿个问题,并且每年会提供2万亿个答案。 其中大多数是准确的。 很多时候,答案都很有趣。 有时候很奇怪。

We’ve always had questions. The answering business has gone far away from the phone directory assistance.

我们总是有疑问。 应答业务已经远离电话簿帮助了。

The technologies of generating answers will continue to be essential, but we will value the technologies that help generate questions more that the past believe a lot of scientists. Question makers will be seen, properly, as the engines that generate the new fields, new industries, new brands, alternative possibilities, new continents that our restless species can explore.

产生答案的技术将继续是必不可少的,但是我们将比过去相信很多科学家更重视能够帮助产生问题的技术。 正确地将问题制定者看作是产生新领域,新产业,新品牌,替代可能性,新大陆的引擎,我们的躁动物种可以探索这些新领域。

Questioning is more powerful than answers.


The name Google comes from “googol,” the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. A googol is so large that there is not a googol of any known thing in the universe — not dust particles, stars, or atoms. The word has been around since 1938 when it was introduced into mathematics by Columbia University’s Edward Kasner (1878–1955) — invented, he said, by his nine-year-old nephew Milton Sirotta — but the new kid on the block, Google has transcended the etymology. It is more than a trend. It is a cultural wave.

Google的名称来自“ googol” ,数字1后跟100个零。 一个googol非常大,以至于在宇宙中没有任何已知事物的googol-尘埃粒子,恒星或原子。 自从1938年这个词问世以来,哥伦比亚大学的爱德华·卡斯纳(Edward Kasner,1878年至1955年)将该词引入数学领域,他说,这个词是由他九岁的侄子米尔顿·西罗塔(Milton Sirotta)发明的,但是这个新事物在谷歌上已经有了超越词源。 这不仅仅是趋势。 这是文化浪潮。

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Photo by Franki Chamaki on Unsplash
照片由 Franki ChamakiUnsplash拍摄

It is purely AI.


Is it our memory, or a consensual agreement? Are we searching for it, or is it searching for us? ask in his beautiful book “Inevitable” Kevin Kelly.

是我们的记忆,还是双方同意的协议? 我们是在寻找它,还是在寻找我们? 在他美丽的书“不可避免的”凯文·凯利中问。

In a super connected world, thinking differently is a source of innovation and success. The more content expands, the more focused that attention needs to become.

在超级连接的世界中, 不同的思维是创新和成功的源泉 。 内容扩展的越多,注意力就需要变得越集中。

Humans think in stories rather than in facts, numbers or equations, and the simpler the story, the better. Every person, group, and nation has its tales and myths.

人类思考的是故事,而不是事实,数字或方程式,故事越简单,就越好。 每个人,每个团体和国家都有其故事和神话。

So only stories will give back the right answers.


It is the Leibniz’s dream. The philosopher’s plan three centuries ago was to design a formal language and technique and then express questions in the language and apply the rules of the calculus mechanically. He fantasised that savants would sit together and calculate the outcome of their debate with no disagreement or confusion.

这是莱布尼兹的梦想 。 三个世纪前,哲学家的计划是设计一种正式的语言和技术,然后用该语言表达问题并机械地应用微积分规则。 他幻想着,专家将坐在一起,并在没有分歧或混乱的情况下计算辩论的结果。

Leibniz’s dream was hopelessly utopian.


The web is the largest collection of information ever known. It contains progressively the answer to every conceivable question — if not today, perhaps tomorrow, or next year — and revive the dream of a universal Engine that can answer everything.

网络是有史以来最大的信息收集。 它逐步包含了对每个可能出现的问题的答案(如果不是今天,也许明天或明年),并重振了可以解决所有问题的通用引擎的梦想。

But if the web is our sole information source and we interact using a particular tool, we have no way of evaluating the results obtained, comparing them with others, or knowing whether what we have found even scratches the surface of what is available.


Most users blindly trust their search engine, a single information source, when at their feet lies a subtle, collective, multiply linked structure. Why?

大多数用户盲目地相信自己的搜索引擎(一个单一的信息源),因为它们位于一个微妙的,集体的,多重链接的结构中。 为什么?

Like Leibniz, we are all seduced by the dream of reason. We feel or hope, that it is possible to get a unique, definitive solution. We yearn to avoid ambiguity, the obligation to select results, the need to investigate the fallibility, and test the performance of search tools, to judge the quality of resources.

就像莱布尼兹一样, 我们都被理性的梦想所吸引 。 我们感到或希望,有可能获得独特的最终解决方案。 我们渴望避免模棱两可,避免选择结果的义务,调查易失性以及测试搜索工具的性能,判断资源质量的必要性。

But the dream of the reason is a dangerous nightmare. We must continually invent creative new procedures for searching. We must use critical thinking to test search tools. We must spend time and use clarity.

但是梦想的原因是一场噩梦。 我们必须不断发明创新的搜索程序。 我们必须使用批判性思维来测试搜索工具。 我们必须花时间并保持清晰。

Searchers trust their ability as web explorers. Over 90 percent of all who use search engines say they are confident in the answers; half are very confident. Judge their research activities as successful in most cases.

搜索者相信他们作为网络浏览器的能力。 超过90%的使用搜索引擎的人说他们对答案充满信心 ; 一半人非常有信心。 在大多数情况下,判断他们的研究活动是否成功。

The less experience they have, the more successful they regard their searches. This is a dangerous vicious circle: users believe they are capable searchers precisely because they are uncritical toward the results that their search engine returns.

他们的经验越少,他们对搜索的追求就越成功。 这是一个危险的恶性循环:用户认为自己是有能力的搜索者,恰恰是因为他们对搜索引擎返回的结果并不严格。

As the inventor of WWW Berners Lee said “There was no central computer “controlling” the web, no single network on which these protocols worked, not even an organisation anywhere that “ran” the web. The web was not a physical thing that existed in a certain “place”. It was a “space” in which information could exist .”

正如WWW的发明者伯纳斯·李(Berners Lee)所说:“没有中央计算机“控制”网络,没有单个网络可以运行这些协议,甚至没有组织可以“运行”网络。 网络不是存在于某个“地方”的物理事物。 这是一个可以存在信息的“空间” 。”

We call serendipity the art of finding something when searching for something else. The word comes from a tale called The Three Princes of Serendip (an old name for Sri Lanka). These princes journeyed widely, and as they traveled they continually made discoveries, by accident and sagacity, of things they were not seeking.

我们将偶然性称为在寻找其他事物时发现某些事物的艺术。 这个词来自一个叫做塞伦迪普三王子(斯里兰卡的旧名称)的故事。 这些王子旅行广泛,旅行时不断地偶然和机智地发现了他们没有寻找的东西。

Seeking answers to questions is not a static activity, but involves a quest, a journey. Exploration of new territory requires the right instruments. We need luck and reasonable thinking to make new discoveries.

寻求问题的答案不是一成不变的活动,而是一项探索,一段旅程。 探索新领域需要正确的手段。 我们需要运气和理性的思考才能发现新发现。

We are navigating in dark waters. It is not possible to plan all research steps; we must be flexible enough to integrate and adapt our strategy as required. We often find something that we are not seeking, but it behooves us to understand and interpret the discovery.

我们在黑暗的水域中航行。 无法计划所有研究步骤; 我们必须足够灵活,以根据需要整合和调整我们的策略。 我们经常发现一些我们不想要的东西,但是它应该使我们理解和解释这一发现。

Innovation is about creating new connections and new relations.


Serendipity implies that the trails of our exploration and discovery can never guarantee certainty. Every result is ambiguous and temporary, subject to revision as new perspectives unfold.

机缘巧合意味着我们的探索和发现之路永远无法保证确定性。 每个结果都是模棱两可和暂时的,会随着新观点的发展而修订。

Just as nature is continuously changing, so is our search. It’s a dynamic exploration: a collective transmission is in constant flux, not a static database that yields the same answer to the same question.

就像大自然在不断变化一样,我们的探索也在不断变化。 这是一个动态的探索:集体传递的流量是恒定的,而不是静态的数据库,它对相同的问题给出相同的答案。

The process is fascinating, but there is no fixed point, no guiding star, and no guarantee. We travel with innocent hearts and a good spirit, eager to face the continual challenges that a dynamic archive poses. We must be resourceful and embrace a diverse set of tools. To make sense of the universe (which others call the Engine), we must recognise its dynamic character, accept that discovery is never-ending, and exercise our decisions at all times. We must succeed where the librarians and collectors of Alexandria and Babel failed.

这个过程令人着迷,但是没有固定的点,没有指导性的指导,也没有保证。 我们以真诚的心和良好的精神旅行,渴望面对充满活力的档案馆带来的持续挑战。 我们必须足智多谋,并使用各种工具。 为了理解宇宙(其他人称为引擎),我们必须认识到它的动态特性,接受发现是永无止境的,并始终执行我们的决定。 如果亚历山大和巴别塔尔的图书馆员和藏家失败了,我们必须成功。

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The film of John ford inspired a lot of creators and Explorers.


There is this eternal storyteller in our mind that explains who I am, where I am coming from, where I am heading to, and what is happening right now. The Engine gives the data to this storyteller, this inner narrator.

我们脑海中有一个永恒的讲故事的人,可以解释我是谁,我来自哪里,我要去哪里,以及现在正在发生什么。 引擎将数据提供给这个讲故事的人,这个内部叙述者。

Ethan’s quest inspired a plot line in George Lucas’s “Star Wars.” It’s at the centre of Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver written by Paul Schrader, who used it again in his own “Hard Core.” Hero, in each of the Schrader screenplays, is a loner, driven to violence and madness by his mission to rescue a young white woman who has become the sexual prey of those seen as subhuman. Harry Dean Stanton’s search for Nastassja Kinski in Wim Wenders’ “Paris, Texas” is a reworking of the Ford story. Even Ethan’s famous line “That’ll be the day” inspired a song by Buddy Holly.

伊桑(Ethan)的追求启发了乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)的《星球大战》中的情节。 它是由保罗·施拉德(Paul Schrader)撰写的马丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)的出租车司机的中心,他在自己的“硬核”中再次使用了它。 在Schrader的每部剧本中,英雄都是独来独往的人,他的使命是拯救一个年轻的白人妇女,该妇女已沦为那些被视为超人类的人的性猎物,因而陷入暴力和疯狂。 哈里·迪恩·斯坦顿(Harry Dean Stanton)在威姆·温德斯(Wim Wenders)的“得克萨斯州巴黎”(Paris,Texas)中寻找纳斯塔斯贾·金斯基(Nastassja Kinski),这是对福特故事的重制。 甚至伊森(Ethan)著名的台词“那将是一天”也启发了Buddy Holly的一首歌。

I wonder, however, if John Wayne in Searchers had the means to find Debbie using the Search Engine if he would do it and save five adventurous years against the Comanches.

但是,我想知道, “搜寻者”中的约翰·韦恩是否有能力使用搜索引擎找到黛比,并且可以挽救与Comanches一起冒险的五年。

World Cinema would lose also one of his Masterpieces.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-searchers-of-an-obsessed-quest-b442fadbb6eb






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