facetime 来电提醒_FaceTime应该比这更好

facetime 来电提醒

FaceTime was announced back in June of 2010 with the introduction of the iPhone 4. Initially, it was only supported over WiFi but support for use over cellular data was ultimately added in 2011. And it took Apple even longer to add support for group calls, which it finally did in 2018.

FaceTime于2010年6月推出iPhone 4时宣布推出。最初,它仅在WiFi上受支持,但最终在2011年增加了对蜂窝数据使用的支持。苹果花了更长的时间才能添加对群组通话的支持,它终于在2018年做到了。

We’ve lived in a world with FaceTime for 10 years now. You wouldn’t be considered silly if you thought a lot has to have changed since it was introduced in 2010. That’s unfortunately not the case. I’ll go over the things Apple can do better to make FaceTime the ultimate video conference app we know it can be. First, let’s start with some of the things they’re already doing right.

我们与FaceTime共同生活了10年。 如果您认为自2010年推出以来必须进行许多更改,您将不会被认为很愚蠢。不幸的是,事实并非如此。 我将介绍Apple可以做得更好的事情,以使FaceTime成为我们所知道的最终视频会议应用程序。 首先,让我们从他们已经做的正确的事情开始。

他们在做正确的事 (What They’re Doing Right)

Video calls, especially group video calls, are becoming more and more popular right now. We’re using them to keep in touch with friends and loved ones. We’re using them to conduct important work we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do right now. Even though there is always room for improvement, these are the things Apple is doing right.

视讯通话,尤其是群组视讯通话,目前正变得越来越受欢迎。 我们正在使用它们与亲朋好友保持联系。 我们正在使用它们来进行重要的工作,否则我们将无法完成这些工作。 即使总有改进的余地,但这些都是苹果做的正确的事情。

1.隐私和安全 (1. Privacy and Security)

Privacy and security have been a part of Apple’s narrative for several years now. They mention it at each keynote for each new product they announce. It’s something they are taking seriously and it is helping differentiate them from their competitors. With so many security concerns being brought to light with other apps like Zoom, the app that skyrocketed in popularity during our current pandemic, Apple is perfectly positioned as the trusted alternative to its competitors.

多年来,隐私和安全性一直是Apple叙述的一部分。 他们在宣布的每个新产品的每个主题演讲中都提到了它。 他们正在认真对待这件事,这有助于他们与竞争对手区分开来。 有了这么多的安全问题揭发与其他应用程序,如缩放 ,该应用程序Swift风靡我们目前的流感大流行期间,苹果是完全定位为值得信赖的替代它的竞争对手。

Privacy and security have become more than just an ethos, they are now sellable “features.” Apple has been pushing this hard lately and they could certainly do that here with FaceTime. FaceTime, however, doesn’t have a spotless track record itself when it comes to this. Maybe Apple is waiting just a little bit longer, hoping we’ve all forgotten this, before it starts to push privacy and security as key advantages to FaceTime.

隐私和安全已不仅仅是一种精神,它们现在已成为可出售的“功能”。 苹果最近一直在努力地做到这一点,他们当然可以在FaceTime中做到这一点。 但是,FaceTime本身并没有一尘不染的记录 。 也许苹果等了一段时间,希望我们都忘记了这一点,然后才开始将隐私和安全性作为FaceTime的主要优势。

2.简单性 (2. Simplicity)

FaceTime is dead simple. The name itself has become so intertwined with the act of video chatting, like how we use the brands Kleenex and Q-Tip to describe whole categories. We all FaceTime with our grandmas and Aunt Karen who don’t know the difference between an email and a text message. The simplicity of FaceTime just clicks for them, unlike other apps.

FaceTime非常简单。 这个名称本身已经与视频聊天行为交织在一起,例如我们如何使用品牌Kleenex和Q-Tip来描述整个类别。 我们都与不知道电子邮件和短信之间的区别的祖母和Karen姨妈一起使用FaceTime。 与其他应用程序不同,FaceTime的简单性只需点击即可。

Do you want to FaceTime with someone? There are so many quick ways to do it, they’re bound to find it. Go to their contact card, the text message you have with them, or the FaceTime app itself. They can’t figure out how to do it? You initiate the call for them and it takes up their whole screen, just like a regular phone call would, and all she has to do is click that green answer button.

您想和某人面对面吗? 有很多快速的方法可以做到,他们一定会找到它的。 转到他们的联系卡,与他们在一起的短信或FaceTime应用程序本身。 他们不知道该怎么做? 您可以为他们发起呼叫,并且像常规电话一样占据整个屏幕,而她所要做的就是单击绿色的应答按钮。

The simplicity of starting a call can’t be understated. In a world with a million distractions and increasingly complex technology, getting in touch with friends and loved ones should be exciting, not frustrating.

拨打电话的简单性不可低估。 在这个分散注意力,技术日趋复杂的世界中,与朋友和亲人保持联系应该令人兴奋而不是沮丧。

3.预装 (3. Pre-Installed)

FaceTime is pre-installed on all supporting iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices. There’s no extra apps to install, no new accounts to create, and barely any setup to speak of. It may not seem like it but that’s a huge barrier for any third-party option. It takes a lot to prove to the user your product is better than the built-in product. It takes even more if your product is a paid product and the built-in one is free. Not impossible but not guaranteed.

FaceTime已预安装在所有支持的iOS,iPadOS和macOS设备上。 无需安装额外的应用程序,无需创建新帐户,几乎没有任何设置可说。 看起来可能不是这样,但这对于任何第三方选项都是一个巨大的障碍 。 向用户证明您的产品比内置产品要好很多。 如果您的产品是付费产品而内置产品是免费的,则花费甚至更多 。 不是不可能,但不能保证。

Even if you can prove you’re the better option, that doesn’t guarantee continued success. At any point in time, Apple could decide it wants to provide a better, default, and first-party solution to the problem you are addressing. They’ve done it before and they’re sure to do it again.

即使您可以证明自己是更好的选择,也不能保证持续成功。 Apple可以随时决定要为您要解决的问题提供更好,默认的第一方解决方案 。 他们以前做过,而且一定会再做一次。

他们可以做得更好 (What They Can Do Better)

Even with the huge advantage they have on Apple hardware there are still things they could improve to make FaceTime an even better experience. We’re all using video calls to communicate more than ever before. With an increase in usage, there are more eyeballs on FaceTime and more opportunities for its shortcomings to become obvious. They’re clearly in a position of power when it comes to personal video communication on their hardware but these are the things they could do better to make FaceTime, not just the default option on their hardware but the best option.

即使他们在Apple硬件上拥有巨大的优势,仍然可以改进一些东西,使FaceTime成为更好的体验。 我们都在使用视频通话来进行比以往更多的交流。 随着使用量的增加,FaceTime引起了更多关注,其缺点也越来越明显。 当在其硬件上进行个人视频通信时,他们显然处于优势地位,但这是他们可以更好地制作FaceTime的事情,不仅是其硬件上的默认选项,而且是最佳选择。

1.可靠性 (1. Reliability)

This is a tough one. It’s also one of the most important. If people can’t rely on your service when they need it, they’re going to look for another option.

这是困难的一个。 这也是最重要的之一。 如果人们在需要时不能依靠您的服务,他们会寻找另一种选择。

Poor Connection


The video will resume automatically when the connection improves.


We’ve all seen this message, usually at the most important moment in that story you were telling Mom about your annoying co-worker Jeff. The quality of the connection varies quite a bit and relies on a bunch of things working right. Are you on WiFi, cellular data, or wired internet? What type of connection is the person you’re calling on? If either of you is on cellular data, how good is the level of service there, or how many other people are utilizing the service in that area?

我们都已经看到了此消息,通常是在该故事中最重要的时刻,您是在告诉妈妈您讨厌的同事Jeff。 连接的质量变化很大,并且取决于一堆正确的事情。 您正在使用WiFi,蜂窝数据还是有线互联网? 您正在呼叫的人是哪种类型的连接? 如果你们中的任何一个正在使用蜂窝数据,那里的服务水平如何,或者该地区有多少其他人正在使用该服务?

It’s hard for Apple to prepare for all the possible issues that could arise when streaming live high-quality audio and video between two people. We all want to be able to reach the person we are contacting immediately and in infinite different locations. Apple has done well in this area but far too frequently FaceTime users are hit with frozen video or no video. Apple needs to invest in improving connection reliability otherwise people will stop trying to use it.

苹果公司很难为在两个人之间流传输实时高质量音频和视频时可能出现的所有可能的问题做好准备。 我们所有人都希望能够在无限的不同位置立即联系到我们正在联系的人。 苹果在这方面做得很好,但是FaceTime用户经常遇到视频冻结或没有视频的问题。 苹果需要投资以提高连接可靠性,否则人们将停止尝试使用它。

2.带来乐趣 (2. Bring the Fun)

FaceTime started as a simple concept, a simple, easy way to have video chats with another person. For a long time, that’s all it was. Apple eventually added the ability to have Group FaceTime calls which allowed us to talk to all of our friends at once.

FaceTime最初是一个简单的概念,是与他人进行视频聊天的简单方法。 很长一段时间,仅此而已。 苹果最终增加了可进行Group FaceTime通话的功能,使我们可以立即与所有朋友交谈。

In 2018, Apple added stickers, filters, and Memoji to individual and group calls. Since then… nothing. At the time, there was talk that Apple was encroaching on the territory of their competitors like Snapchat and Houseparty by offering fun ways to interact during your FaceTime calls. This has proven not to be as big as industry insiders initially thought it would be but what it has done is tease us.

在2018年,Apple向个人和群组通话添加了贴纸,过滤器和Memoji 。 从那以后……什么都没有。 当时有传言称,苹果通过在FaceTime通话期间提供有趣的交互方式,正在蚕食Snapchat和Houseparty等竞争对手的领域。 事实证明,这并没有行业内部人士最初想象的那么大,但是这样做确实是在逗我们。

It showed Apple was willing to have fun with FaceTime, something it had previously done with iMessage. But it didn’t go far enough. Apps like Houseparty offer not only group video chats but also give the ability to play games with the people you are chatting with.

这表明苹果愿意与FaceTime一起玩,这是以前使用iMessage完成的。 但这还远远不够。 诸如Houseparty之类的应用程序不仅可以提供群组视频聊天,还可以与您正在聊天的人一起玩游戏

How often do you use the filters in FaceTime? Yea, me either. I have been known to use Memoji and Animoji but that’s about as far as I go. Apple showed it was willing to add new ways to interact but other apps took it a step further and made it fun.

您多久使用一次FaceTime中的过滤器? 是的,我也是。 我曾经使用过Memoji和Animoji,但据我所知。 苹果公司表示愿意添加新的交互方式,但其他应用程序则更进一步,使其变得有趣

3.更好的小组体验 (3. Better Group Experience)

When group calls were first added to FaceTime, it only supported 12 people. Now it supports 32. That’s a lot of people to manage. Apple decided the best way to do that was to have floating images for everyone on the call. When someone would speak, their image would get a bit larger and everyone else’s a bit smaller.

首次将群组通话添加到FaceTime时,仅支持12个人。 现在它支持32。这需要很多人来管理。 苹果公司认为,最好的方法是为通话中的每个人提供浮动图像。 当有人讲话时,他们的形象会变大,而其他人的形象会变小。

As group calls became more popular and therefore more common, people started to notice something. They weren’t exactly big fans of the resizing squares. Most other apps present a grid of all the people involved in the call. Not as dynamic but definitely more usable. If you want to see a specific person, tap their square and there they are. Or, if you’d prefer, you can let the app figure out who is talking and it makes that person take up the screen.

随着群组电话变得越来越流行,因此越来越普遍,人们开始注意到一些事情。 他们并不是调整方块大小的忠实拥护者。 大多数其他应用程序会显示呼叫中涉及的所有人员的网格。 不那么动态,但肯定更有用。 如果您想看到一个特定的人,请轻按他们的正方形。 或者,如果您愿意,您可以让该应用确定谁在讲话,并让该人占用屏幕。

Apple’s approach makes sense in that it’s clear they were trying to provide a quick visual way to see who was talking without removing everyone else from the conversation. They wanted group calls to remain just that, a group experience.

Apple的方法之所以有意义,是因为很明显,他们试图提供一种快速的视觉方式来查看谁在讲话,而不会从对话中删除其他所有人。 他们希望小组通话能够保持这种小组体验。

In iOS 13.5, Apple provided a setting to turn off the resizing squares, and the internet rejoiced. This doesn’t fix all the problems people have with group FaceTime calls but it’s a step in the right direction.

在iOS 13.5中,Apple提供了关闭大小调整方块的设置,并且互联网非常 高兴 。 这不能解决人们在使用FaceTime通话时遇到的所有问题,但这是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

4.跨平台支持 (4. Cross-Platform Support)

This might be the biggest thing Apple could do right now. When FaceTime was announced, Apple said they would make FaceTime an open industry standard. 10 years later and that is yet to happen.

这可能是苹果目前能做的最大的事情。 当FaceTime宣布时,苹果表示将使FaceTime成为开放的行业标准 。 10年后,这还没有发生。

As Oprah said, Apple is in a billion pockets y’all. There is already a huge potential user-base for FaceTime based solely on the number of iOS devices currently floating around out there. However, as the current world situation has proven, the ability to connect with someone with the fewest possible obstacles is most important.

正如奥普拉(Oprah)所说,苹果公司目前身价十亿美元。 仅根据当前存在的iOS设备的数量,FaceTime的潜在用户基础已经很大。 然而,正如当前世界局势所证明的那样,与障碍最少的人建立联系的能力至关重要。

Imagine a FaceTime that combines improvements to their group chats as well as the ability to connect with anyone. You could have your weekly team meeting over FaceTime for work. You could FaceTime your wife during lunch. Then you could come home and FaceTime your parents. All using the same software, same feature set, and same fluid interface.

想象一下FaceTime结合了对他们的群聊的改进以及与任何人的联系的能力。 您可以每周在FaceTime上开会,进行工作。 您可以在午餐时间与妻子面对面。 然后,您可以回家和FaceTime父母。 全部使用相同的软件,相同的功能集和相同的流体接口。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Apple has done with FaceTime what they do in most categories they are in. They offer a clean, easy-to-use product that may not be as feature-rich as their competitors but is still a standard to be measured by. FaceTime has come a long way from what it was when it was announced but there is still more work to do. With video calls becoming increasingly more common and the field becoming more packed with competition, Apple will need to make some upgrades to FaceTime if it wants to continue to be the go-to choice for their users.

苹果已经用FaceTime完成了他们所处的大多数类别中的工作。它们提供了一种干净,易于使用的产品,虽然它的功能可能不如竞争对手,但仍然是可以衡量的标准。 FaceTime与宣布时相比已经有了很大的进步,但是还有更多工作要做。 随着视频通话变得越来越普遍,并且该领域变得越来越拥挤,如果苹果希望继续成为其用户的首选,则将需要对FaceTime进行一些升级。

翻译自: https://medium.com/macoclock/facetime-should-be-better-than-this-90935746a6eb

facetime 来电提醒

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