
Role playing games put players in the shoes of one or more characters as they face all sorts of larger-than-life challenges. Many of the early RPGs — at least on console — were developed in Japan. Over time though, two dominant “styles” of RPG have emerged and they are roughly based on their region of origin: Japanese RPGs (JRPGs) and Western RPGs (WRPGs).

[R OLE玩游戏把玩家的一个或多个字符的鞋子,因为他们面临着各种各样的比真人还大的挑战。 许多早期的RPG(至少在控制台上)是在日本开发的。 但是,随着时间的流逝,出现了两种主要的RPG“样式”,它们大致基于其起源地:日本RPG(JRPG)和西方RPG(WRPG)。

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Dragon Quest was known as “Dragon Warrior” in western markets.

As a genre, the RPG has been through quite a journey, evolving from rather elaborate tabletop experiences to some of the greatest multimedia productions ever made. In fact, their influence has been so great, that they have gone on to impact the development of other genres. Action-adventure games, for example, tend to “borrow” their character growth systems from RPGs. It is quite common to see “RPG elements” in a wide range of games, even in genres that are traditionally far-removed from RPGs (for example, first-person shooters like Destiny feature significant RPG elements).

作为一种类型,RPG经历了一段漫长的历程,从相当详尽的桌面​​体验演变为有史以来最出色的多媒体产品。 实际上,他们的影响力是如此之大,以至于继续影响着其他类型音乐的发展。 例如,动作冒险游戏往往会从RPG中“借用”他们的角色成长系统。 在各种游戏中看到“ RPG元素”是很常见的,即使是传统上与RPG遥不可及的类型(例如,像Destiny这样的第一人称射击游戏也具有重要的RPG元素)。

Just think about the vast breadth of the RPG genre. It encompasses everything from Dragon Quest in the late 1980s through to The Witcher 3 and The Elder Scrolls. It could be argued that RPGs have left their mark on the gaming industry more than any other genre. The popularity of RPGs makes sense, too: within this one genre you’ll find a wide range of experiences that cater to all kinds of different player tastes.

试想一下RPG游戏类型的广泛性。 它涵盖了从1980年代后期的《勇者斗恶龙 》到《巫师3》《上古卷轴》的所有内容 。 可以说,RPG在游戏行业留下的印记比任何其他类型都多。 角色扮演游戏的受欢迎程度也是有道理的:在这一类型中,您会发现满足各种不同玩家口味的广泛体验。

But let’s dig into that a little further: what makes or breaks a great RPG? What are the core elements that could turn fans away or keep them talking for weeks — or even years — about a certain title?

但是,让我们进一步深入探讨:是什么造就破坏了一个出色的RPG? 有哪些核心要素可以使支持者拒之门外,或让他们谈论某个主题长达数周甚至数年?

故事 (STORY)

I would argue that this is the most important aspect of any self-respecting RPG. If the player is going to be spending upwards of 30–40 hours with a set of characters, they’re going to need to be compelling. Hopefully, they are compelling enough to make players think “I’d really like to meet these people in real life”. Then there’s the plot. If it doesn’t keep players on the edge of their seats throughout the adventure (if it isn’t full of twists and turns), then it isn’t likely to motivate players to get to the next dungeon, or take on the next big battle. The worst thing an RPG can do is fail to hold the player’s interest. It’s a huge challenge for game designers, which is perhaps why the top-tier RPGs are so well-respected. The very best RPGs remain interesting throughout, even as they swing between intense action and quiet reflection. An interesting story, a compelling plot, and a carefully-paced adventure are all critical ingredients.

我认为这是任何自重RPG的最重要方面。 如果玩家要花30到40个小时以上的时间来搭配一组角色,那么他们就必须具有吸引力。 希望他们有足够的吸引力让玩家认为“我真的很想在现实生活中认识这些人”。 然后是情节。 如果在整个冒险过程中都没有让玩家处于席位边缘(如果它没有曲折),那么它就不太可能激励玩家进入下一个地牢,或者选择下一个地牢。大战。 角色扮演游戏最糟糕的事情就是无法保持玩家的兴趣 。 对于游戏设计师来说,这是一个巨大的挑战,这也许就是为什么顶级RPG如此受人尊敬的原因。 最好的RPG仍然贯穿整个过程,即使它们在激烈的动作和安静的反射之间摇摆。 有趣的故事,引人入胜的情节和精心安排的冒险都是至关重要的因素。


Let’s not forget the all-important battle system. In turn-based RPGs especially, battles are a regular occurrence — they are an event that players will encounter many, many times throughout the game. In this context, it’s important to give players the motivation to keep going (add in some fancy new abilities or spells as characters level up, or give them reasons to search the world around them for shiny new equipment that will allow them to gain an edge in combat). Personally, when I play a JRPG, I never leave any corner of the map unexplored, in the hope of finding a well-hidden treasure chest. It’s a habit that has stayed with me over years of playing many of these games.

让我们不要忘记最重要的战斗系统。 特别是在基于回合制的RPG中,战斗是经常发生的-玩家在整个游戏中都会遇到很多次。 在这种情况下,重要的是要赋予玩家继续前进的动力(在角色升级时加入一些新奇的新技能或咒语,或者给予他们在周围的世界中搜寻有光泽的新装备的理由,这将使他们获得优势在战斗中)。 就个人而言,当我玩JRPG时,我从未离开过地图的任何角落,希望找到一个隐藏的宝藏。 多年来,在玩许多这类游戏时,这种习惯一直伴随着我。

These first two elements — story and battle system — can potentially set any RPG apart from its peers. These two are also crucial and sit at the heart of the experience. Once a developer gets these right, there are other things they can do to further enhance the experience; to take it from being a good game to a great game.

前两个要素-故事和战斗系统-可能使任何RPG都与众不同。 这两点也至关重要,它们是体验的核心。 一旦开发人员正确解决了这些问题,他们便可以采取其他措施进一步改善体验。 使它从优秀的游戏变成出色的游戏。

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The Witcher 3 is an exceptional example of outstanding storytelling. Source: GameSpot.
《巫师3》是出色讲故事的杰出典范。 资料来源:GameSpot。


Give players different areas to explore, and incentivise them to want to see the entirety of the in-game world. Some developers take this challenge to heart; they’ll travel the world and take in different surroundings well before turning their attention to the design of their new game. That’s obviously expensive and not feasible for most developers, but it’s often a good idea to use real-world references to inform in-game world designs. Designers can use these as starting points, and then build on them in all sorts of clever ways through their imagination — RPGs have often played host to some of the wildest cities, spaces, and open-world areas we’ve ever seen.

给玩家不同的领域去探索,并激励他们想看到整个游戏世界。 一些开发人员将这一挑战铭记在心; 在将注意力转移到新游戏的设计上之前,他们将环游世界并适应不同的环境。 对于大多数开发人员来说,这显然是昂贵的并且不可行,但是使用真实世界的引用来告知游戏中的世界设计通常是一个好主意。 设计师可以将这些作为起点,然后通过其想象力以各种巧妙的方式构建它们-RPG经常托管我们所见过的一些最荒凉的城市,空间和开放世界区域。


Picture this: the main character has hit a crucial moment in his or her story. Maybe they’re losing someone they care deeply about, or perhaps they are realising the truth about who they really are. Whatever the situation, the emotional impact the scene has with players is going to be many times greater if there’s a wonderful soundtrack to accompany it. Aerith’s death scene in Final Fantasy VII would have felt hollow without Nobuo Uematsu’s legendary score. [Sorry for the spoiler, but I figure FFVII is well beyond the spoiler statute of limitations by now. Ed.] The same can be said of Final Fantasy X’s “To Zanarkand”. This was a moment when all seemed lost — it was so memorable, and utterly irreplaceable. Music is one of the reasons why those games lived on in the hearts of fans for so many years.

想象一下:主角在他或她的故事中处于关键时刻。 也许他们正在失去一个他们深切关心的人,或者他们正在意识到自己真正是谁的真相。 在任何情况下,如果伴随着美妙的配乐,场景对玩家的情感影响将要大很多倍。 没有上松伸夫的传奇得分,艾丽思在《 最终幻想VII》中的死景将是空洞的 [对扰流板表示抱歉,但我认为FFVII远远超出了扰流板的时效规定。 编者 :《 最终幻想X》的 “致赞纳坎德”也是如此。 在那一刻,所有的一切似乎都消失了-那刻骨铭心,而且完全不可替代。 音乐是这些游戏在粉丝心中持续多年的原因之一。

Of course, great video game soundtracks can be valuable products in and of themselves. They can be sold separately after the game’s release, which is something aspiring developers should keep in mind.

当然,出色的视频游戏配乐本身就是有价值的产品。 它们可以在游戏发行后单独出售,这是有抱负的开发人员应该记住的事情。

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Final Fantasy X. Source: YouTube.


So the main scenario is done. The credits have rolled. But none of this means the player experience necessarily needs to end. Increasingly, RPGs are adding more content post-release (such as new dungeons, quests, weapons, new difficulty modes, new challenges, and all sorts of new trophies/achievements). In some cases, post-credits play can go on for many more hours. Some games may have a main story that ends after 30–40 hours, but the total gameplay time might still climb well over the 150 hour mark thanks to additional content and replayability in general.

这样就完成了主要方案。 学分已经减少。 但是,这都不意味着玩家的体验必须结束。 RPG越来越多地在发布后添加更多内容(例如新的地牢,任务,武器,新的难度模式,新的挑战以及各种新的战利品/成就)。 在某些情况下,贷记后的播放可能会持续数小时。 某些游戏的主要故事可能会在30–40小时后结束,但是总体而言,由于具有更多的内容和可重玩性,因此总游戏时间可能仍会超过150小时。

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RPGs possess the advantage of providing an ideal setting for developers to tell their own story. But if that story isn’t compelling enough, other elements (like great graphics) might not be able to save the day. Understanding what makes a good RPG is important not only for the big AAA studios, but also for indie creators; there have been many excellent RPGs created by indie studios, and that trend certainly seems likely to continue. The elements I’ve described above are all the key ingredients to a great RPG; if developers can get them right and balance them effectively, they’re more likely to create an experience that will stay with players for years into the future.

RPG具有为开发人员讲述自己的故事提供理想环境的优势。 但是,如果这个故事不够吸引人,那么其他元素(例如出色的图形)可能无法挽救这一天。 理解什么是好的RPG不仅对大型AAA工作室重要,对于独立创作者也很重要。 独立工作室创造了许多出色的RPG,而且这种趋势肯定还会持续下去。 我上面描述的元素都是出色的RPG的所有关键要素。 如果开发人员能够正确选择它们并有效地平衡它们,则他们更有可能创造一种可以在玩家多年后留下的体验。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/what-makes-a-great-rpg-661632bbc320





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