bibtex 共生_游戏与音乐的共生

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Whenever we discuss video games and their ratings, players and critics argue over what is the most crucial aspect of the experience. Some will argue that gameplay and gaming mechanics are the essential aspects of a video game; others will say that graphics and plot are more important.

w ^ henever我们讨论电子游戏和他们的收视率,玩家和评论家争论什么是经验最关键的方面。 有些人会认为游戏玩法和游戏机制是视频游戏的基本方面。 其他人会说图形和情节更为重要。

There is no single magical ingredient, of course; all of the components listed here are important for a great gaming experience. A delicate balance between these elements will give players the ultimate experience.

当然,没有单一的神奇成分。 此处列出的所有组件对于出色的游戏体验都很重要。 这些元素之间的微妙平衡将为玩家带来终极体验。

But what about music? What role does a game’s soundtrack play in your enjoyment of the experience? It’s not just a question of catchy music; it’s about being drawn further into the world thanks to a well-executed soundtrack.

但是音乐呢? 游戏的配乐在您享受体验中扮演什么角色? 这不仅是上口音乐的问题; 得益于执行良好的配乐,它将被进一步吸引到世界各地。

Video game soundtracks come in many varieties, but fundamentally, they can be either original or licensed. In many big-budget games, a team of composers, supervisors, and directors will work closely with developers and publishers to develop the right soundtrack for the game. There have been many cases where soundtracks themselves became iconic gaming memories — nobody could forget Koji Kondo’s classic Super Mario Bros. theme, for example.

电子游戏的音轨有很多种,但是从根本上讲,它们可以是原始的也可以是许可的。 在许多大型预算游戏中,由作曲家,主管和导演组成的团队将与开发人员和发行商紧密合作,以开发适合游戏的配乐。 在许多情况下,配乐本身已成为标志性的游戏记忆-例如,没有人会忘记近藤晃司(Koji Kondo)的经典超级马里奥兄弟(Super Mario Bros.)主题。

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Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash.
Adi GoldsteinUnsplash上的 照片

Over time, music has become more than a mere accompaniment to the on-screen action in video games. Developers have increasingly begun to incorporate music directly into the gameplay in such a way as to encourage players to spend hours playing the game just for the music. A great example of this is Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, where Ubisoft inserted chanties that can be collected by performing parkour manoeuvres over the rooftops. Each collected chanty can be sung by the sailors on your ship. These chanties added to the richness of the seafaring experience — the combined effect of the music, the visual design, mechanics, and the open ocean greatly enhanced the pirate’s life sensation the game was going for.

随着时间的流逝,音乐已不仅仅是视频游戏中屏幕上动作的伴奏。 开发者已经越来越多地开始直接将音乐融入这样的游戏,以鼓励玩家花时间玩游戏只是为了音乐。 一个很好的例子是《 刺客信条4:黑旗》 ,育碧在其中插入了可通过在屋顶上进行跑酷动作来收集的小玩意。 您船上的水手可以演唱每一个收集到的钱币。 这些奇特的技巧增加了航海体验的丰富性–音乐,视觉设计,力学和开阔海洋的综合​​效果极大地增强了海盗所追求的生活感。

There are many other examples, too.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time gave players the ability to use the music played on their trusty ocarina to influence the world around them. Games like SSX Tricky leveraged the iconic RUN DMC song “It’s Tricky” by playing a snippet of it whenever the player performed certain moves in the game — it was a kind of reward, an incentive to perform even better tricks and gain high score multipliers. Numerous games (like Grand Theft Auto, Need for Speed: Underground, Forza Horizon, and many others) have incorporated an incredible soundtrack via an in-game radio station

《塞尔达传说:时之笛》使玩家能够使用他们在可信赖的陶笛上演奏的音乐来影响周围的世界。 诸如SSX Tricky之类的游戏通过在玩家在游戏中进行某些特定动作时播放其片段来利用RUN DMC歌曲“ It's Tricky”(摘录),这是一种奖励,是一种激励,奖励他们执行更好的技巧并获得高分。 许多游戏(例如《侠盗猎车手》 ,《 极品飞车:地下》 ,《 极限竞速:地平线》等)都通过游戏中的广播电台录制了令人难以置信的配乐

Earlier disc-based consoles even allowed players to rip music from their favorite CDs in some cases so that they could create their own playlists to use as background music in games. Numerous PC games do this too. I’ve personally never been able to play games with my own music going in the background, but it’s a nice feature to have, and it speaks to the important connection between video games and music.

早期的基于光盘的控制台甚至在某些情况下甚至允许播放器从喜爱的CD中提取音乐,以便他们可以创建自己的播放列表以用作游戏中的背景音乐。 许多PC游戏也可以这样做。 我个人从未能够在背景音乐播放的情况下玩游戏,但这是一个不错的功能,它说明了视频游戏与音乐之间的重要联系。

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Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater (remastered). Source: My Nintendo News.
托尼·霍克(Tony Hawk)的专业溜冰者(已修复)。 资料来源:我的任天堂新闻。

Sure, video games and music naturally go together. But the video games have influenced music even more broadly than you might first imagine. The rise of modern punk music (and to some extent, modern hip-hop) can be credited in part to a single video game series: Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.

当然,视频游戏和音乐自然会融合在一起。 但是视频游戏对音乐的影响甚至超出了您最初的想象。 现代朋克音乐(在某种程度上说是现代嘻哈音乐)的兴起可以部分归功于一个视频游戏系列: Tony Hawk的Pro Skater

This was a game that invaded teens’ bedrooms all across the world in 1999. It was a trojan horse than snuck numerous artists right into the waiting arms of millions of players, introducing them to bands like Goldfinger, The Dead Kennedys, Primus, Suicidal Tendencies, and The Vandals.

这是一款在1999年入侵全球青少年卧室的游戏。这是一种特洛伊木马,而不是把无数艺术家挤进了数百万玩家的等待武器中,向他们介绍了像Goldfinger,The Dead Kennedys,Primus和Suicidal Tendencies等乐队和The Vandals。

Here was a franchise that curated rock, ska, and hip-hop for a generation; it arguably skyrocketed the careers of certain bands, too. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater had an outsized influence on music culture, and I’d argue that was unprecedented, at least in terms of the influence of a video game. As well, licensed music in video games became more popular across the board thanks to the success of this one franchise.

这是一个代代相传的摇滚,斯卡和嘻哈音乐专营权。 可以说,它也使某些乐队的事业飞涨。 托尼·霍克(Tony Hawk)的职业溜冰者(Pro Skater)对音乐文化产生了巨大的影响,我认为这是前所未有的,至少就电子游戏的影响而言。 同样,得益于这一特许经营的成功,视频游戏中的许可音乐也变得更加流行。

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Music in video games has come a very long way. The earliest games only included monophonic and looped samples, a symptom of the hardware limitations present in early consoles (the Atari 2600 was only able to play two tones simultaneously).

电子游戏中的音乐已经走了很长一段路。 最早的游戏仅包含单音和循环采样,这是早期游戏机中存在硬件限制的征兆(Atari 2600只能同时播放两种音调)。

Modern technology grants developers the freedom to use music to tug at our heartstrings: Max Payne, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, Uncharted, and The Last of Us are all great examples of how the right musical tone can draw us into the world. There’s also the potential for music to become even more dynamic in future — this may perhaps include developers streaming music directly into games (maybe we’ll see this in the next iteration of GTA, for example).

现代技术使开发人员可以自由地使用音乐来拉动我们的心弦: 麦克斯·佩恩 ( Max Payne)大雨(Rain雨) ,《 超越:两个灵魂》 ,《 神秘海域 ( Uncharted )和《我们的最后时刻》(Last of Us)都是正确的音调如何吸引我们进入世界的绝佳例子。 音乐将来也有可能变得更加动态化-这可能包括开发人员将音乐直接流到游戏中(例如,也许我们会在GTA的下一次迭代中看到这一点)。

“Video game music” has now grown well beyond the games themselves. Soundtracks are now being commercially sold on their own, and they’re featuring in major concert performances. Let’s take a moment to consider just how far video game music has come, and the many ways in which it has influenced broader pop culture.

现在,“视频游戏音乐”已经远远超出了游戏本身。 现在,音轨已经单独出售,并在大型音乐会演出中扮演重要角色。 让我们花点时间考虑一下视频游戏音乐的发展趋势以及影响更广泛的流行文化的多种方式。

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Walid Al Otaibi -WAO- is a top writer in Gaming. He works at an engineering company in Germany as a Project Manager. He comes from a multicultural background and is located in Germany since 2003. He is writing about Arab Culture, Multiculturalism, Finance, and Trending topics.

Walid Al Otaibi -WAO-是游戏领域的顶尖作家。 他在德国的一家工程公司担任项目经理。 他来自多元文化背景,自2003年以来一直在德国居住。他撰写有关阿拉伯文化,多元文化,金融和趋势主题的文章。

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Manuel Nägeli on 曼努埃尔NägeliUnsplash. Unsplash


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