用户体验数据分析 书单_如何使用数据改善用户体验设计

用户体验数据分析 书单

In the current age of technology, if an entrepreneur comes up with a grand idea, chances are they’ll need a pretty sweet website to go along with it. And if they want their idea to really sell, they will also need a website that really catches the eyes of the audience. This is where the wonderful world of UI/UX design comes into play.

在当今的技术时代,如果企业家提出了一个伟大的想法,那么他们很可能需要一个漂亮的网站来配合它。 而且,如果他们希望自己的想法能真正卖出,他们还需要一个真正吸引观众眼球的网站。 这是UI / UX设计的奇妙世界发挥作用的地方。

UI vs UX Design


First, we should probably establish a rough understanding of what UI design means compared to UX design. UI stands for “User Interface”, and UI designers are usually concerned with things like which fonts and colors to use, what kind of padding to put on widgets, etc. Basically, UI is for the most part all aesthetics. UX, on the other hand, stands for “User Experience”. UX designers are charged with deciding how users actually interact with a website, determining things like: where on the page should this widget go? Should we open a new window when “button” is clicked, or open up a modal pop? Is a scroll better for this list of products, or should we introduce pagination?

首先,我们应该大概了解UI设计与UX设计相比的含义。 UI代表“用户界面”,UI设计人员通常关心诸如使用哪种字体和颜色,在小部件上放置哪种填充物之类的问题。基本上,UI主要是所有美学。 另一方面,UX代表“用户体验”。 UX设计人员负责确定用户与网站的实际交互方式,并确定诸如以下内容:该小部件应放在页面的哪个位置? 单击“按钮”时我们应该打开一个新窗口还是打开一个模式弹出窗口? 滚动条是否更适合此产品列表,还是应该引入分页?

While data can certainly play a role in both, for this blog, we will be exploring the ways in which UX design can be drastically improved with the help of a data scientist. The below sections will outline a few of the many, many applications data science can play in the UX design process.

尽管数据肯定会在这两者中发挥作用,但对于本博客,我们将探索在数据科学家的帮助下可以大大改善UX设计的方法。 以下各节将概述数据科学在UX设计过程中可以发挥的众多应用。

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Figuring out which Webpages Should get the Most Attention


This question is very applicable to any e-commerce company. Imagine you are selling a plethora of goods, stored on a large amount of different webpages. As any savvy business owner would wonder, you might be asking yourself “Which products are selling the most?”, “Are people viewing a certain product, but falling off somewhere in the buying process?”, or “Which products are not even being viewed”. These are all questions that can be addressed by proper UX design.

这个问题非常适用于任何电子商务公司。 假设您正在出售大量商品,这些商品存储在大量不同的网页上。 就像任何精明的企业主都会想知道的那样,您可能会问自己:“哪种产品卖得最多?”,“人们在看某一种产品,但在购买过程中跌落了吗?”或“哪一种产品甚至没有被卖出?已查看”。 这些都是可以通过适当的UX设计解决的问题。

A UX designer working for an e-commerce company, for one, needs to make sure the user experience for an end-to-end purchase is seamless. If the different webpages are Product > Cart > Shipping > Billing > Checkout, and we notice a loss of users, or high “bounce rate”, on the Shipping page, then the UX designer knows where to focus their work. Something about the Shipping page might be confusing, or intimidating, to a user.

一位为电子商务公司工作的UX设计人员需要确保端到端购买的用户体验是无缝的。 如果不同的页面是“产品”>“购物车”>“运输”>“开票”>“结帐”,并且在“运输”页面上我们注意到用户流失或“跳出率”很高,则UX设计人员知道将工作重点放在哪里。 关于“运送”页面的某些信息可能会使用户感到困惑或恐吓。

Similarly, if the company wants to upsell a certain product, then it falls to the UX designer to focus their efforts on the webpage that showcases that specific product. They need to make sure that when a user interacts with the page that contains Product X, that Product X is displayed clearly and beautifully. Using data analytics, we can gather information regarding the percentage of times this specific product is clicked for each webpage view, and then work iteratively with a UX designer to increase this percentage.

类似地,如果公司想加价销售某种产品​​,那么UX设计者将精力集中在展示该特定产品的网页上。 他们需要确保当用户与包含产品X的页面进行交互时,该产品X的显示清晰美观。 使用数据分析,我们可以收集有关每个网页视图单击该特定产品的次数的信息,然后与UX设计人员反复协作以增加该百分比。

A Website Help Center Utilizing a Recommendation System


Many websites out there are not easy to use, and thus, website owners decide to have a “help” section of sorts, often times with a means to chat with a representative or view an archive of helpful articles.


For a UX designer, one question might be “How should I most appropriately show the list of articles?” Maybe some kind of folder metaphor, or maybe simply just alphabetize them. While not terrible approaches, they are a little bit archaic.

对于UX设计人员,一个问题可能是“我应该如何最适当地显示文章列表?” 也许是某种文件夹隐喻,或者只是将它们按字母顺序排列。 虽然不是很糟糕的方法,但它们有些陈旧。

With technology today, companies are able to keep track of user data. Using this data, we can use machine learning algorithms to tailor a list of appropriate articles to display to an end user, and present those within a “popular” or “most relevant” articles section. Instead of searching through hundreds of articles to find the one most relevant, wouldn’t it be sweet if the system guessed what you were looking for before you even knew it? And if the guesses are not helpful, there is always a fallback option of scanning the entire list!

借助当今的技术,公司可以跟踪用户数据。 使用这些数据,我们可以使用机器学习算法来定制适当的文章列表以显示给最终用户,并在“受欢迎”或“最相关”的文章部分中显示这些文章。 如果没有系统搜索数百篇文章以找到最相关的文章,那么如果系统在您不知道之前就猜出了您要寻找的内容,那会不会很甜蜜? 而且,如果这些猜测没有帮助,那么总是有一个备用选项,可以扫描整个列表!

A Powerful Homepage using Natural Language Processing


A website homepage should more or less accomplish the following: be an aesthetically pleasing webpage with some kinds of links to other places in the website where actual processing can occur. Now imagine an insurance company’s member portal. As an individual paying for insurance, there are a multitude of things you can do on such a website: file a claim, enroll in some coverage, cancel some coverage, add a dependent, add a beneficiary, pay some bills, etc etc etc. The list is huge.

网站首页应或多或少地完成以下工作:是一个美观的网页,带有指向网站其他可能进行实际处理的其他地方的链接。 现在想象一下保险公司的会员门户。 作为个人支付保险金,您可以在这样的网站上做很多事情:提出索赔,加入某些保险,取消某些保险,添加受抚养人,添加受益人,支付一些账单等,等等。列表很大。

A homepage for this website should, to some degree, have a way for the user to navigate quickly to any subpage of the website to accomplish any of these tasks. However, if a UX designer tried to cram all these links and descriptions along with whatever else belongs on a homepage, clutter would be an understatement. Additionally, a non-tech-savvy user may be intimidated by such a page, panic, and shut their laptop.

该网站的首页应在某种程度上为用户提供一种快速导航至该网站的任何子页面以完成任何这些任务的方法。 但是,如果UX设计人员试图将所有这些链接和描述以及主页上的其他内容塞满,那么混乱将是轻描淡写。 此外,这样的页面可能会吓到不懂技术的用户,恐慌并关闭他们的笔记本电脑。

Instead of all these links, widgets, and descriptions, a data science powered Natural Language Processing widget with one heading titled “How can we help you today” would both remove clutter and put the user at ease. If a user came in due to a broken leg and wanted to see if he qualified for an accident insurance claim, he could simply type “Broke my leg” in the widget and be brought to the appropriate webpage to file a claim, thanks to natural language processing, an extremely powerful sector of data science.

代替所有这些链接,小部件和描述,标题为“今天我们如何能为您提供帮助”的数据科学支持的自然语言处理小部件既可以消除混乱,又可以使用户放心。 如果用户因腿部骨折而进来,并想查看他是否有资格获得事故保险索赔,那么他可以简单地在窗口小部件中键入“ Broke my leg”,然后转到相应的网页以提出索赔。语言处理,一个非常强大的数据科学领域。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@brianmccabe96/how-data-can-be-used-to-improve-ux-design-a0a39916961e

用户体验数据分析 书单





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