米其林餐厅 盐之花_在世界范围内探索《米其林指南》

米其林餐厅 盐之花

Among the culinary world, there are few greater accolades for a restaurant than being awarded a Michelin star (or three!), or being listed as one of the best in the world by a reputable guide. Foodies and fine dine lovers like myself, see the experience of dining at one of these award winning restaurants, as just that, an experience, and thus take to looking at guides such as The Michelin Guide and The World’s 50 Best Restaurants — arguably the two most well known guides — to help determine which restaurant is next worth their time and money to visit.

在烹饪界中,一家餐厅的荣誉几乎没有比被授予米其林星(或三!)或被著名指南列为世界上最好的餐厅之一的餐厅。 像我这样的美食家和美食爱好者,不仅会看到在这些屡获殊荣的餐厅之一中用餐的经历,而且还能体验一下《米其林指南》《世界50佳餐厅 指南 ,可以说是两家最有名的指南-帮助确定下一家值得花费时间和金钱的餐厅。

But what makes a restaurant worthy of being on these lists or awarded a Michelin star? How exactly does the spread of Michelin stars and the top 50 restaurants look like not only across the UK, but also the world, and what more can we understand about the types of restaurants that have received these awards? Ultimately, which list should a foodie be looking at?

但是,什么使一家餐厅值得入围这些名单或获得米其林星级呢? 米其林星级和前50名餐厅的分布情况不仅在英国而且在整个世界看起来如何,关于获得这些奖项的餐厅类型,我们还能了解些什么? 最终,美食家应该看哪个列表?

By extensively scraping and compiling data to enable exploration of both The Michelin Guide and The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list, I set out to find answers to the above and determine a pattern of the types of restaurants rated as the most worth visiting around the world — and come to a conclusion about which guide is the most influential, giving the most worthwhile information for those seeking the best culinary experiences.


If you’re hungry for more (pun intended!), my full Jupyter notebook with Python code is here, and full analysis with many more insights and thoughts is here. Let’s get stuck in!

如果你渴望更多的(双关语意!),我完全Jupyter笔记本采用Python代码是在这里 ,并与更多的见解和想法充分的分析是在这里 。 让我们陷入困境!

米其林指南 (The Michelin Guide)

The 2020 Michelin Guide, implemented across 31 countries worldwide at the time of writing, includes 3,299 restaurants — a lot of restaurants to analyse!

《 2020年米其林指南》在撰写本文时已在全球31个国家/地区实施,其中包括3299家餐厅-很多餐厅都需要分析!

The guide explains its award system as:


One star: “a very good restaurant”


Two stars: “excellent cooking that is worth a detour”


Three stars: “exceptional cuisine that is worth a special journey”


Japan leads with the most starred restaurants worldwide (669), expected - given the far greater number of restaurants in the larger Japanese cities comparatively to other large cities across the world. eg. Paris has approx 40,000 restaurants, whereas Tokyo has around 160,000 restaurants. Japan, France and Italy make up 50% of the entire Michelin guide.

预计日本是全球星级饭店最多的餐馆(669)-考虑到日本大城市中饭店的数量远远超过世界其他大城市。 例如。 巴黎大约有40,000家餐厅,而东京大约有160,000家餐厅。 日本,法国和意大利占整个米其林指南的50%。

There are 2657 (81%) one star restaurants, 507 (15%) two star and 135 (4%) three star included in the guides worldwide. It indeed does seem that gaining three stars is a very rare achievement amongst restaurants! Once again, Japan leads with the most 3 star restaurants, followed by France, Italy and Germany- following the pattern of countries with the most starred restaurants.

全球指南中包括2657(81%)一星级餐厅,507(15%)二星级餐厅和135(4%)三星级餐厅。 的确,在餐厅中获得三星级确实是非常难得的成就! 日本再次以星级餐馆最多的国家排名第三,其次是法国,意大利和德国-遵循星级餐馆最多的国家的模式。

Excitingly, for food lovers, the variety of cuisines included in The Michelin Guide is vast, with 103 cuisines included worldwide. However, modern cuisine takes the lead overall by a huge amount, accounting for 708 restaurants on the list (21%). Three starred restaurants are found amongst 20 of these cuisines.

令人兴奋的是,对于美食爱好者来说,《米其林指南》中包含的美食种类繁多,全球包括103种美食。 但是,现代美食在整体上遥遥领先,占榜单上的708家餐厅(21%)。 在其中20种美食中,有3家星级餐厅。

世界50佳餐厅 (The World’s 50 Best Restaurants)

The World’s 50 Best Restaurants Guide is an annual ranking of restaurants across the world, deemed to be the best in the world by a panel of chefs, food writers and culinary experts.


Restaurants in The Word’s 50 Best Restaurant list 2019 are spread across 25 countries, with Spanish restaurants dominating 7 of the 50 spots.

The Word的2019年度50家最佳餐厅排行榜中的餐厅分布在25个国家/地区,其中50家餐厅中有7家是西班牙餐厅。

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英国 (United Kingdom)

The UK sits in 6th place in the hierarchy of countries with the most Michelin starred restaurants, with 169 starred restaurants spread country-wide across 83 cities/towns, broken down as:


144 one star restaurants, 20 two star restaurants, 5 three star restaurants.


As can be expected, London has the lions share of these restaurants (63), however, outside of the capital, many of these restaurants are found in smaller towns or villages which one might not normally visit.


2 restaurants from the UK have also made it onto The World’s 50 Best Restaurant list, both having 1 Michelin star and based in London.


So let’s now compare the two guides.


Of the 25 countries that have made it onto The World’s 50 Best list, there are 17 countries which feature in The Michelin Guide also. The remaining 8 countries included in The World 50 Best, where The Michelin Guide does not yet stretch, account for 11 restaurants on the list. Those countries are:

在《世界50强》榜单的25个国家中,《米其林指南》中也有17个国家。 《米其林指南》尚未扩展到“世界50强”中的其余8个国家/地区,在名单上占11家。 这些国家是:

Peru, Mexico, Russia, Chile, Argentina, Slovenia, South Africa, Colombia.


We can see from the chart below that for some of these countries, their presence in both guides differs greatly. For instance, Japan has the most restaurants featured in The Michelin Guide, however in The World 50 Best, Japan comes joint 4th with 5 other countries, with the percentages extremely different (20.3% vs 4.1%)

从下面的图表中我们可以看到,对于其中一些国家,它们在两个指南中的存在差异很大。 例如,日本的《米其林指南》中餐厅数量最多,但是在“世界50强”中,日本与其他5个国家/地区并列第4位,其百分比差异很大(20.3%比4.1%)

Why might that be? One of the main reasons may well be that The Michelin Guide does not yet cover the entire world, whereas The World 50 Best, according to its website and its name, does indeed cover the world — or more of it. So there may be less scope, for example, for Japanese restaurants to take a bigger chunk of the top 50. Another reason, could be that The World 50 Best may have a more Eurocentric approach and bias towards neglecting the Asian countries, as it has been criticised to have so in the past. The organisers do however claim that their process is fair and unbiased.

为什么会这样呢? 主要原因之一可能是《米其林指南》尚未涵盖整个世界,而根据其网站和名称,《世界50强》确实确实涵盖了整个世界,甚至更多。 因此,例如,日本餐厅在前50名餐厅中所占的份额可能较小。另一个原因可能是,世界50强餐厅可能具有更多以欧洲为中心的方式,并且倾向于忽视亚洲国家,因为它具有过去曾被批评如此。 然而,组织者确实声称他们的过程是公正无私的。

As outlined earlier, three stars are defined by the Michelin Guide as a restaurant worthy of a special trip — the best of the best. We therefore might have assumed that all the restaurants named as the 50 best in the world, would be of three Michelin star calibre. However, this isn’t the case. 34 of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants have one or more Michelin star (18 three star restaurants, 9 two star, and 7 one star restaurant), leaving 16 restaurants classed as being the “best in the world” which do not have the award of one Michelin star or more.

如前所述,《米其林指南》将三星级定义为值得特别旅行的餐厅-最好中的最好。 因此,我们可能假设所有被评为世界前50名的餐厅都是米其林三星级餐厅。 但是,事实并非如此。 世界50家最佳餐厅中,有34家拥有米其林一星或多星(18家三星级餐厅,9家二星级和7家一星级餐厅),而有16家餐厅被评为“世界最佳餐厅”,但没有获得该奖项。米其林一星或以上。

Whilst not all are of three Michelin star quality, it does follow our instinct however that proportionally, to how many three star restaurants there are worldwide, the proportion on this top 50 list (36% three star, 18% two star, 14% one star, 32% no star) is higher than in The Michelin Guide itself — hence reinforcing the three Michelin star accolade as a mark of a truly special restaurant.


It does appear that for the most part, the two guides complement each other, rather than contradict. With 76% of restaurants listed in the World 50 Best list also having been awarded one Michelin star or more, it does seem as though judges from both guides are having the same exceptional dining experiences at these establishments.

的确,在很大程度上,这两个指南是相辅相成的,而不是相互矛盾的。 世界上50强最佳餐厅中有76%的餐厅也被授予米其林一星或以上,这两个指南的评委似乎在这些餐厅享有相同的卓越用餐体验。

For now, foodies and those looking for gastronomic experiences, will probably continue to look at both these guides side by side to plan which restaurant will be next on their bucket list. Countries and restaurants featured on both lists are certainly deemed high on the culinary destination list, many of which will have booked out waiting lists from eager diners!

目前,美食家和正在寻找美食体验的人可能会继续同时查看这两个指南,以计划哪家餐厅将成为他们的下一个清单。 这两个名单上的国家和餐馆肯定被认为是美食目的地名单上的佼佼者,其中许多人已经预订了热情食客的等候名单!

翻译自: https://medium.com/vajiha-hameed/exploring-the-michelin-guide-worldwide-92cf25faf20f

米其林餐厅 盐之花





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