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翻译 p值 t值 统计_非统计师的P值

p值 t值 统计Here is a summary of how I was taught to assess the p-value in hopes of helping some other non-statistician out there. 这是关于如何教会我评估p值的摘要,希望可以帮助其他一些非统计学家。 P-value in Context 上下文中的P值 Let’s star...

2020-09-13 01:13:50 261

翻译 python记录日志_5分钟内解释日志记录—使用Python演练

python记录日志Making your code production-ready is not an easy task. There are so many things to consider, one of them being able to monitor the application’s flow. That’s where logging comes in — a simpl...

2020-09-13 01:04:30 250

翻译 熊猫分发_流利的熊猫

熊猫分发Let’s uncover the practical details of Pandas’ Series, DataFrame, and Panel 让我们揭露Pandas系列,DataFrame和Panel的实用细节 Note to the Readers: Paying attention to comments in examples would be more helpful ...

2020-09-13 00:54:45 380

翻译 数据科学还是计算机科学_您应该拥有数据科学博客的3个原因

模拟科学与数据科学“Start a Blog to cement the things you learn. When you teach what you’ve learned in the form of a blog you can see the gaps in your knowledge and fill them in” — My Manager (2019) “创建一个博客以巩固您...

2020-09-13 00:45:10 136

翻译 废水处理计算书 excel_废水监测数据是匿名的吗?

废水处理计算书 excelOur collective flushes help track and respond to Covid-19 and so much more. Your body waste contains harvestable compounds that can reveal your illnesses and diseases, consumption habits,...

2020-09-13 00:35:53 236

翻译 正确的词典访问方式

unity3d 词典访问 Python字典指南 (Python Dictionary Guide)The dictionary is one of the data structures that are ready to use when programming in Python. 字典是使用Python进行编程时可以使用的数据结构之一。 在我们开始之前,什么是字典? (Before W...

2020-09-13 00:25:49 362

翻译 Python气流介绍

This is a memo to share what I have learnt in Apache Airflow, capturing the learning objectives as well as my personal notes. The course is taught by Mike Metzger from DataCamp. 这是一份备忘录,分享了我在Apache Ai...

2020-09-13 00:16:04 155

翻译 数据清理最终实现了自动化

自动化测试清理app缓存 苹果 | GOOGLE | 现货 | 其他 (APPLE | GOOGLE | SPOTIFY | OTHERS)Editor’s note: The Towards Data Science podcast’s “Climbing the Data Science Ladder” series is hosted by Jeremie Harris. Jeremie ...

2020-09-13 00:05:50 591

翻译 为什么在Python代码中需要装饰器

Python is praised for its clarity and syntactic sugariness. In this article, I will teach you to use decorators in Python to make your code readable and clean. Python的清晰性和语法含糖度受到赞誉。 在本文中,我将教您在Python中使...

2020-09-12 23:56:42 232

翻译 软件测试框架课程考试_那考试准备课程值得吗?

软件测试框架课程考试By Levi Petty 李维·佩蒂(Levi Petty) This project uses a public, synthesized exam scores dataset from Kaggle to analyze average scores in Math, Reading, and Writing subject areas, relative to th...

2020-09-12 23:47:02 131

翻译 提交研究论文后处理审稿人的拒绝

You spend months if not years carefully crafting your research into a paper for submission to a peer reviewed journal. You wait on tenterhooks for anywhere between two months to 18 months (my min and ...

2020-09-12 23:36:13 756

翻译 定位匹配 模板匹配 地图_什么是地图匹配?

定位匹配 模板匹配 地图By Marie Douriez, James Murphy, Kerrick Staley 玛丽·杜里兹(Marie Douriez),詹姆斯·墨菲(James Murphy),凯里克·史塔利(Kerrick Staley) When you request a ride, Lyft tries to match you with the driver most sui...

2020-09-12 23:16:32 2181

翻译 数字图像处理 python_5使用Python处理数字的高级操作

数字图像处理 pythonNumbers are everywhere in our daily life — there are phone numbers, dates of birth, ages, and other various identifiers (driver’s license and social security numbers, for example). 电话号码在我...

2020-09-12 23:06:18 367

翻译 python对象引用计数器_在Python中借助计数器对象对项目进行计数

python对象引用计数器 前提 (The Premise)When we deal with data containers, such as tuples and lists, in Python we often need to count particular elements. One common way to do this is to use the count() functi...

2020-09-12 22:57:13 822

翻译 在Amazon Web Services上使用Docker从零变到Jupyter

AWS is the dominant cloud-based service provider. We don’t endorse the idea that their dominance is a reason to use their services. Instead, we present an AWS solution that will be the easiest to adop...

2020-09-12 22:47:47 353

翻译 医疗大数据处理流程_我们需要数据来大规模改善医疗流程

医疗大数据处理流程Note: the fictitious examples and diagrams are for illustrative purposes ONLY. They are mainly simplifications of real phenomena. Please consult with your physician if you have any questions....

2020-09-12 22:37:15 1055

翻译 高级Python:定义类时要应用的9种最佳做法

At its core, Python is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. Being an OOP language, Python handles data and functionalities by supporting various features centered around objects. For instanc...

2020-09-12 22:27:45 463

翻译 snowflake 数据库_Snowflake数据分析教程

snowflake数据仓库 目录 (Table of Contents)Introduction 介绍 Creating a Snowflake Datasource 创建雪花数据源 Querying Your Datasource 查询数据源 Analyzing Your Data and Adding Visualizations 分析数据并添加可视化 Using Drilldowns on...

2020-09-12 22:17:52 4178

翻译 如何使用Plotly在Python中为任何DataFrame绘制地图的卫星视图

Chart-Studio和Mapbox简介 (Introduction to Chart-Studio and Mapbox)Folium and Geemap are arguably the best GIS libraries/tools to plot satellite-view maps or any other kinds out there, but at times they...

2020-09-12 22:07:01 814

翻译 python初学者_初学者使用Python的完整介绍

python初学者A magical art of teaching a computer to perform a task is called computer programming. Programming is one of the most valuable skills to have in this competitive world of computers. We, as mo...

2020-09-12 21:57:05 1815

翻译 flink 检查点_Flink检查点和恢复

flink 检查点Apache Flink is a popular real-time data processing framework. It’s gaining more and more popularity thanks to its low-latency processing at extremely high throughput in a fault-tolerant mann...

2020-09-12 21:46:15 861

翻译 iris数据集 测试集_IRIS数据集的探索性数据分析

iris数据集 测试集Let’s explore one of the simplest datasets, The IRIS Dataset which basically is a data about three species of a Flower type in form of its sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal...

2020-09-12 21:36:27 2200

翻译 pytorch回归_PyTorch:用岭回归检查泰坦尼克号下沉

pytorch回归In this notebook, we shall use this dataset containing data about passengers from the Titanic. Based on this data, we will use a Ridge Regression model which just means a Logistic Regression ...

2020-09-12 21:27:05 1058

翻译 错误录入 算法_如何使用验证错误率确定算法输出之间的关系

错误录入 算法Monument (www.monument.ai) enables you to quickly apply algorithms to data in a no-code interface. But, after you drag the algorithms onto data to generate predictions, you need to decide which...

2020-09-12 21:17:52 314

翻译 自助分析_为什么自助服务分析真的不是一回事

自助分析That title probably got your attention and now you think I have some explaining to do! The key word in the title is the word “A”. Self-service analytics isn’t a thing if “a thing” means a single, ...

2020-09-12 21:07:37 325

翻译 开源软件 安全风险_3开源安全风险及其解决方法

开源软件 安全风险Open source software is very popular and makes up a significant portion of business applications. According to Synopsys, 99% of commercial databases contain at least one open source component...

2020-09-12 20:57:34 3059

翻译 网络传播动力学_通过简单的规则传播动力

网络传播动力学When a single drop of paint is dropped on a surface the amount of space that the drop will cover depends both on time and space. A short amount of time will no be enough for the drop to cover a...

2020-09-12 20:46:48 449

翻译 敏捷 橄榄球运动_澳大利亚橄榄球迷的研究声称南非裁判的偏见被证明是错误的

敏捷 橄榄球运动In February 2020, an Australian rugby fan produced a study, claiming to show how South African rugby referees were exhibiting favorable bias towards South African home teams. The study did not...

2020-09-12 20:26:32 632

翻译 存款惊人_如何使您的图快速美丽惊人

So, you just finished retrieving, processing, and analyzing your data. You grab your data and you decide to graph it so you can show others your findings. You click ‘graph’ and…… 因此,您刚刚完成了数据的检索,处理和分析。...

2020-09-12 20:17:30 234

翻译 异常检测时间序列_时间序列的无监督异常检测

To understand the normal behaviour of any flow on time axis and detect anomaly situations is one of the prominent fields in data driven studies. These studies are mostly conducted in unsupervised mann...

2020-09-12 20:06:42 3651

翻译 seaborn 子图_Seaborn FacetGrid:进一步完善子图

seaborn子图Data visualizations are essential in data analysis. The famous saying “one picture is worth a thousand words” holds true in the scope of data visualizations as well. In this post, I will expl...

2020-09-03 20:28:58 1836

翻译 梯度下降法优化目标函数_如何通过3个简单的步骤区分梯度下降目标函数

梯度下降法优化目标函数Nowadays we can learn about domains that were usually reserved for academic communities. From Artificial Intelligence to Quantum Physics, we can browse an enormous amount of information ava...

2020-09-03 20:19:50 1427

翻译 COCO-WholeBody —第一个评估全身姿势的数据集

COCO-WholeBody is the first dataset for evaluating whole body posture. COCO-WholeBody is an extension of the COCO 2017 dataset with the same training and validation breakdowns as COCO. There are 4 typ...

2020-09-03 20:10:13 3268

翻译 Power BI:M与DAX以及度量与计算列

When I embarked on my Power BI journey I was almost immediately slapped with an onslaught of foreign and perplexing terms that all seemed to do similar, but somehow different, things. 当我开始Power BI之旅时,...

2020-09-03 20:00:58 547

翻译 python 开发api_使用FastAPI和Python快速开发高性能API

python 开发apiIf you have read some of my previous Python articles, you know I’m a Flask fan. It is my go-to for building APIs in Python. However, recently I started to hear a lot about a new API framew...

2020-09-03 19:50:48 1436

翻译 大数据业务学习笔记_学习业务成为一名出色的数据科学家

大数据业务学习笔记 意见 (Opinion)A lot of aspiring Data Scientists think what they need to become a Data Scientist is : 许多有抱负的数据科学家认为,成为一名数据科学家需要具备以下条件: Coding 编码 Statistic 统计 Math 数学 Machine Learning 机器学习 Dee...

2020-09-03 19:40:27 144

翻译 hive 导入hdfs数据_将数据加载或导入运行在基于HDFS的数据湖之上的Hive表中的另一种方法。

hive 导入hdfs数据Preceding pen down the article, might want to stretch out appreciation to all the wellbeing teams beginning from cleaning/sterile group to Nurses, Doctors and other who are consistently b...

2020-09-03 19:09:56 1036

翻译 selenium 解析网页_用Selenium进行网页搜刮

selenium 解析网页 网页抓取系列 (WEB SCRAPING SERIES) 总览 (Overview)Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. It is open-source software released under the Apache License 2.0 that runs on W...

2020-09-03 19:00:06 1478

翻译 vs azure web_在Azure中迁移和自动化Chrome Web爬网程序的指南。

vs azure webWebscraping as a required skill for many data-science related jobs is becoming increasingly desirable as more companies slowly migrate their processes to the cloud. 随着越来越多的公司将其流程缓慢迁移到云中,将W...

2020-09-03 18:51:05 152

翻译 科学价值 社交关系 大数据_服务的价值:数据科学和用户体验研究美好生活

科学价值 社交关系 大数据A crucial part of building a product is understanding exactly how it provides your customers with value. Understanding this is understanding how you fit into the lives of your customers, ...

2020-09-03 18:41:51 197



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