深度学习 预测 数据规范化_实现业务运营卓越的预测性和规范性培训

深度学习 预测 数据规范化

实现业务运营卓越的预测性和规范性培训 (Predictive and Prescriptive training in achieving business operational excellence)

前言 (Preface)

This paper discusses the training industry's current state, gaps, and suggests a high-level solution to address the business need. Outlining the actual implementation is not the scope of this paper, the intent is to design an architecture on which a solution and/or service could be developed to help businesses achieve greater levels of success with their training initiative.

本文讨论了培训行业的现状,差距,并提出了一种解决业务需求的高级解决方案。 概述实际的实现不是本文的范围,其目的是设计一种体系结构,在该体系结构上可以开发解决方案和/或服务,以帮助企业通过培训计划获得更大的成功。

总览 (Overview)

Training is the key to any business success — a better-trained workforce produces better results and has a greater impact on a business’s bottom line. In the service industry, continuous training is required to maintain service quality, whereas, in the production industry, it is pivotal to maintain the quality of the product and reduce the wastage.

培训是任何企业成功的关键-训练有素的员工队伍会产生更好的结果,并对企业的利润产生更大的影响。 在服务行业中,需要持续培训以保持服务质量,而在生产行业中,保持产品质量并减少浪费至关重要。

Businesses view training as an investment and are keen in maximizing the ROI. They want highly effective training which is optimized to prepare a new member in the shortest possible time to be effective.

企业将培训视为一项投资,并渴望最大程度地提高ROI。 他们需要高效的培训,该培训经过优化,可以在最短的时间内为新成员做好准备,使其有效。

Training typically comprises of;


  • Mandatory Courses/subjects for compliance;

  • Operation courses to prepare team member to perform and execute the everyday tasks to achieve business objectives;

  • Business orientation and policies


Standard industry practice is to develop a library of courseware and deliver using offline and online platforms as part of a new team member onboarding process.


差距与挑战 (Gaps and challenges)

Although the training is targeted meaning, a certain set of training modules are predefined for specific operational roles in the organization. For example, a team member hired to work as a cashier doesn’t need to know how the logistics work and vice versa. In this system, there is no flexibility of adjusting the learning path in real-time, every learner has to go over the same material regardless of their existing knowledge of the subject.

尽管培训是有针对性的,但为组织中的特定操作角色预定义了一组培训模块。 例如,受雇担任出纳员的团队成员不需要知道物流的工作原理,反之亦然。 在此系统中,没有实时调整学习路径的灵活性,每个学习者都必须阅读相同的材料,而无论他们对主题的现有知识如何。

The other problem with this training model is that the system treats all learners as if they have the same level of knowledge and baseline education. Let’s take an example where a business has a course library which is 3 hours in length and the courses comprise daily operation, personal hygiene, and customer interactions. Every team member in a similar role has to go through the same 3 hours of training; regardless of their skill level in each area of knowledge. Out of three hours of training, one hour that talks about how to interact with customers are considered wasted time by the member who has an amazing customer relationship background.

这种培训模型的另一个问题是,系统会将所有学习者视为拥有相同水平的知识和基础教育。 让我们举一个例子,一家企业的课程库长度为3个小时,课程包括日常运营,个人卫生和客户互动。 每个具有相似角色的团队成员都必须接受相同的3个小时的培训; 无论他们在每个知识领域的技能水平如何。 在三个小时的培训中,有一个令人称奇的客户关系背景的成员认为谈论一个小时如何与客户互动的时间被浪费了。

The other challenge that business faces every day is how to implement a continuous improvement process! The traditional training platforms track team member training progress but once they are in the field there is no mechanism to trigger remedial training to fix the knowledge gaps that are identified by the team member progress.

企业每天面临的另一个挑战是如何实施持续改进流程! 传统的培训平台会跟踪团队成员的培训进度,但是一旦进入现场,便没有机制可以触发补救性培训来弥补团队成员进度所确定的知识差距。

分析机会以及预测分析如何填补这一空白 (Analytics opportunity and how predictive analytics can fill that gap)

With the digital revolution in the past decade or so the Traditional Learning has evolved from classroom to online eLearning to blended medium where instructors teach students in both one-to-one and digital settings.


Modern e-Learning systems provide descriptive metrics which is a snapshot of what has already happened and fell short in understanding how descriptive and predictive metrics differ. Training administrators are responsible for setting goals and assigning training to each goal, they are not able to access the needs of each individual’s learning needs at depth. Here analytical models can help prescribe training based on learner’s attributes which are not possible with the traditional administrative system.

现代的电子学习系统提供描述性指标,它是已经发生的事情的快照,并且在理解描述性指标和预测性指标之间的差异时还不够。 培训管理员负责设定目标并为每个目标分配培训,他们无法深入了解每个人的学习需求。 在这里,分析模型可以帮助您根据学习者的属性来规定培训,这是传统管理系统所无法实现的。

Organizations continuously collecting team member’s data and the data team members are generating as their digital footprint through social media is exponential. There are contents that are developed by the organization and there is content that is freely available and could be used to better train employees.

组织不断收集团队成员的数据,而数据团队成员通过社交媒体进行的数字足迹呈指数级增长时,这些组织正在生成。 有些内容是由组织开发的,有些内容是免费提供的,可以用来更好地培训员工。

The great example is YouTube that is free and massively available — that does bring a challenge to professional content producers and we can also argue about the quality but still, there are tonnes of free resources available. According to some stats 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute! YouTube may not have the right governance that one could have in a traditional learning environment but the amount of content that is available is incredible.

YouTube就是一个很好的例子,它是免费且可大量使用的,这确实给专业内容制作者带来了挑战,我们也可以争论质量,但仍然有大量可用的免费资源。 根据一些统计数据,每分钟有300个小时的视频上传到YouTube! YouTube可能没有在传统学习环境中可能拥有的正确的管理方式,但是可用的内容数量却令人难以置信。

The velocity in which the data is being generated online is there for organizations to use and to better understand their workforce and to use it to their advantage to stay competitive. For some businesses, they have seconds to respond to stay competitive and need to make real-time decisions (up-sale, customer interaction, etc).

组织可以使用在线生成数据的速度,以更好地了解其劳动力,并利用它们来保持优势。 对于某些企业来说,他们有几秒钟的时间做出响应以保持竞争力,并需要做出实时决策(销售,客户互动等)。

Of course, it is not easy to process data that is available in many forms — structured, unstructured, text, media, video, etc.


With predictive analytics methodologies, businesses can implement:


  • Recommended training — training module A has benefited a group and could also benefit other groups of learners with similar characteristics.

  • Predict effective time of training — not two individuals are the same. Some learners are more receptive to new knowledge in the morning and some later in the evening. A model that tracks the time when a learner was trained on a specific subject and compares the performance.

    预测培训的有效时间-不是两个人都一样。 一些学习者在早上和晚上晚些时候更容易接受新知识。 一种模型,用于跟踪学习者针对特定主题进行培训的时间并比较效果。
  • Suggest learners what it takes to win — how to sell the business/personal objective to the learner and what it takes to be successful — historical data with analytics could predict how high the chance of retaining the piece of information. Suggest correlation- if you do this there is a high chance of achieving that!

    建议学习者获胜所需的条件-如何向学习者出售业务/个人目标以及获得成功所需的条件-具有分析数据的历史数据可以预测保留信息的机率。 建议相关性-如果您执行此操作,则很有可能实现该目标!

The primary goal of predictive analytics in training for a business is to achieve better performance, smarter decisions, and actionable insights that help drive business value.



总览 (Overview)

Businesses’ objective is to have a well-trained work-force, who can deliver optimal operational excellence with the shortest possible onboarding process. An intelligent continuous performance improvement mechanism in-place that can react to issues that may arise due to the team member’s lack of knowledge. An adaptive workflow that is not only capable of identifying the root cause of the issue but also able to recommend remedial actions by providing targeted (predictive/prescriptive) training without impacting the on-going operation of the business.

企业的目标是拥有一支训练有素的员工队伍,他们可以在最短的入职过程中实现最佳的运营卓越。 就位的智能持续绩效改进机制可以对由于团队成员缺乏知识而引起的问题做出React。 自适应工作流不仅能够确定问题的根本原因,而且能够通过提供有针对性的(预测性/说明性)培训来建议补救措施,而不会影响业务的持续运营。

Business Expectations from team members


  • Quality of the product/service

  • Delivery schedules (meeting deadlines)

  • Team Interactions (people issues)


How to achieve that — Predictive Training Curriculum using Team member’s dynamic profile and business objectives he/she is responsible for! (Fig.1)

如何实现这一目标— 使用团队成员的动态个人资料和他/她负责的业务目标进行预测性培训课程! (图。1)

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Fig.1 — Workflow describing how a predictive training curriculum would be developed.

分析模型 (Analytic model)

Predictive analytics data model builds on these attributes


  • Dynamic profile — that evolves with the learner

  • Past knowledge

  • Present activity in a current relationship with the organization

  • On-going social media activities

  • Business goals -

  • Assigned goals and KPIs

  • Training attributes

  • Subject relevance in the training material

  • Performance issues and their relationship with training material

  • Learner’s behavioral pattern

  • How a learner is interacting with the training — too quick to respond without reading the instructions (trying to guess) too slow to respond taking way too long to understand the problem.

  • Time of training — to better suggest dayparts when training is better retained by the learner.


模型输出 (Model Output)

  • Generate knowledge gaps and predict completely dynamic curriculum

  • On-gong real-time Prescriptive training to rectify knowledge gap issues


好处和高级实施方案 (Benefits and high-level implementation scenarios)

Data collected during the hiring process comes from different sources — personality surveys, resume, data recorded during the interview process, and gathered from team member’s online presence.


A comprehensive training library has already been developed that comprises of custom training modules owned by the business; together with other online resources that supplement the training of the team members

已经开发了一个全面的培训库,其中包括企业拥有的定制培训模块; 以及其他补充团队成员培训的在线资源

Build an initial profile for training to be included for the onboarding process. Following profile, the machine will generate a training curriculum and a personalized learning path based on the objectives and learners’ current capabilities.

为入职过程建立一个初步的培训档案。 根据配置文件,机器将根据目标和学习者的当前能力生成培训课程和个性化的学习路径。

Update the learner’s knowledge profile for prescriptive training for the continuous improvement process (Fig.2). To achieve that objective a system has to be in a place that can provide real-time feedback to trigger continuous improvement. A system that tracks each individual performance in real-time and feeds data into the system. The model that is reading the data is continuously monitoring for any red-flags — the moment the system receives an issue identified as team member error, system updates the team members profile, model picks up the change, and immediately prescribes remedial training and finally, notify the learner and his supervisor.

更新学习者的知识档案以进行持续改进过程的规定性培训(图2)。 为了实现该目标,必须将系统放置在可以提供实时反馈以触发持续改进的位置。 一个实时跟踪每个单独性能并将数据馈入系统的系统。 正在读取数据的模型将持续监视所有危险信号-系统收到确定为团队成员错误的问题,系统更新团队成员资料,模型获取更改并立即规定补救培训以及最后,通知学习者及其主管。

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Fig.2 — Workflow describing how the feedback helps predict remedial training to fill the knowledge gap.

An additional service can be developed that can actively monitor business’s other social platforms such as twitter/YouTube/Facebook etc. for team members updates and continuously run text/sentiment analysis. The results of that analysis will then feed into this workflow and then model predict the impact and corrective actions.

可以开发一项附加服务,该服务可以主动监视业务的其他社交平台,例如twitter / YouTube / Facebook等,以更新团队成员并持续运行文本/情感分析。 然后,该分析的结果将输入到此工作流程中,然后通过模型预测影响和纠正措施。

Learners A, B & C → trained using predicted curriculum -> Learner A perform well / Learner B performance average / Learner C performance not acceptable


Analyze data why Learner A performs better than the other two learners — the issue could be related to the content itself! (fig.2)

分析数据,为什么学习者A的表现优于其他两个学习者-问题可能与内容本身有关! (图2)

  • Quality of the content

  • Training format (visual versus text)

  • Training content (language) — Is this due to the fact that the training content was presented in the language which the learner is not too comfortable with.

  • Delivery of the content

  • What is learner’s prior/current understanding of the subject being trained

  • Are there certain times of the day where the learner is more receptive to new knowledge? Analyze the relationship between the time of training retained better than the other. Schedule training at predicted times.

    在一天中的某些时候,学习者更容易接受新知识吗? 分析培训时间与保留时间之间的关系要好于其他。 安排在预计的时间进行培训。

摘要 (Summary)

Analytics are only valuable if they facilitate meaningful change and improvement. Corporates see training as an investment and with any investment, they are keen on maximizing the ROI.

分析只有在促进有意义的变更和改进时才有价值。 企业将培训视为一项投资,并且无论投入多少,他们都渴望最大化ROI。

Applying a predictive training model reduces the training duration by providing a targeted curriculum. Collecting feedback as learners go through training their reactions. Assessing what knowledge was gained and retained — behavioral changes and the impact on business results.

应用预测性训练模型通过提供目标课程来减少训练时间。 在学习者训练他们的React时收集反馈。 评估获取和保留的知识-行为变化及其对业务结果的影响。

A real-time monitoring system that provides remedial solutions would enable businesses to react to the problem and help solve it quickly.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@meemain/predictive-and-prescriptive-training-in-achieving-business-operational-excellence-963badd50477

深度学习 预测 数据规范化





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