

This appeared in The Millennial Source


Apple Inc. has come under increasing fire in the last few months over the policies of its iOS App Store, which some developers claim breaches antitrust rules and stifles competition.

在过去的几个月中,苹果公司因其iOS App Store的政策而受到越来越多的抨击,一些开发商声称这违反了反托拉斯规则并扼杀了竞争。

Criticism is focused on a 30% commission that Apple takes from in-app purchases and subscriptions on apps from the App Store.


Epic Games, the developer of the popular video game Fortnite, recently drew Apple’s ire by attempting to institute its own payment system on the iOS version of the game, cutting out the 30% commission that developers have claimed raises prices for consumers.

受欢迎的视频游戏Fortnite的开发商Epic Games最近通过尝试在iOS版本的游戏上建立自己的支付系统而吸引了苹果的愤怒,从而削减了开发商声称提高消费者价格的30%佣金。

This is no small scrap between rival developers, but a potentially multibillion-dollar dispute that could seal the future of Apple’s lucrative App Store and the company itself.

这在竞争对手的开发人员之间可不是小菜一碟,而是潜在的数十亿美元之争,可能会封杀苹果利润丰厚的App Store和公司本身的未来。

1984年 (1984)

Apple’s App Store policies require apps that it hosts to use Apple’s own payment system in return for being allowed on the store, which permits Apple to take a 30% cut from digital purchases and subscriptions.


Epic Games had already been a notable critic of Apple’s policies. Epic’s chief executive officer, Tim Sweeney, told The Verge in 2018 that Apple and other manufacturers “make vast, vast profits from the sale of their devices and do not in any way justify the 30 percent cut” that is imposed on their App Store.

Epic Games已经成为苹果政策的著名批评者。 Epic的首席执行官蒂姆·斯威尼(Tim Sweeney)在2018年告诉《 The Verge》 ,苹果和其他制造商“通过出售他们的设备获得了可观的利润,并且没有任何理由证明对他们的App Store实行30%的削减”。

Epic’s move appears to have been targeted to draw a response from Apple. Epic announced its new payment system — allowing Fortnite players to bypass Apple’s payment system and pay directly for digital items through Fortnite itself — as a consumer-friendly development that cut prices for players, previously inflated as a result of the “Apple tax.”

Epic的举动似乎旨在引起苹果的回应。 Epic宣布了其新的支付系统-允许Fortnite玩家绕过Apple的支付系统,并通过Fortnite本身直接为数字商品付款-这是一项消费者友好型开发,降低了玩家的价格,该价格先前因“ Apple税”而上涨。

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Soon after Epic’s move, Apple removed Fortnite from the App Store, announcing that Epic had taken the “unfortunate step of violating the App Store guidelines.”

在Epic采取行动后不久,苹果公司将Fortnite从App Store中移除,宣布Epic已采取“不幸的步骤,违反了App Store指南。”

It was also revealed that Apple had threatened to cut off Epic’s access to developer tools for the iOS and Mac platforms, access that is necessary to host anything on Apple’s platforms, if they did not “cure” their breaches of the App Store guidelines.

消息还显示,苹果曾威胁要切断Epic对iOS和Mac平台开发人员工具的访问权限,如果它们无法“治愈”违反App Store准则的行为,则该访问是在Apple平台上托管任何东西所必需的。

In response, Epic released a protest video claiming Apple’s actions were monopolistic and akin to the George Orwell novel “1984.” The video itself mirrors an advert produced by Apple in 1984 when it was then challenging IBM’s dominance over the computer industry.

作为回应,史诗发布了抗议视频,声称苹果的行为是垄断性的,类似于乔治·奥威尔的小说《 1984》。 该视频本身反映了1984年Apple制作的广告 ,当时它正挑战IBM在计算机行业的主导地位。

Epic also launched an antitrust lawsuit — one of several lawsuits and investigations Apple is currently facing — seeking to establish the App Store as a “monopoly” and thus force a change to the controversial App Store policies.

Epic还发起了反托拉斯诉讼,这是苹果目前面临的几项诉讼和调查之一,试图将App Store确立为“垄断”,从而迫使改变有争议的App Store政策。

“苹果税” (The “Apple Tax”)

Epic’s antagonism of Apple and its App Store policies is the most recent development in an escalating dispute between the tech giant and developers that want access to its mobile platform, but feel the 30% cut Apple takes is exorbitant.


Apple had already faced criticism from Spotify, the music streaming company, and Rakuten, the e-commerce platform, for alleged anti-competitive actions linked to the controversial 30% “Apple Tax.” Spotify and Rakuten’s complaints led the European Commission to open two antitrust investigations into the App Store and Apple Pay practices in June of this year.

苹果公司已经受到音乐流媒体公司Spotify和电子商务平台Rakuten的批评,因为它们涉嫌与有争议的30%“苹果税”相关的反竞争行为。 Spotify和Rakuten的投诉导致欧盟委员会于今年6月对App Store和Apple Pay行为进行了两次反托拉斯调查

Around the same time, Apple also fell into dispute with Hey, a subscription-based email app. Apple’s policies supposedly allow users to use preexisting subscriptions on apps hosted on the App Store without purchasing them through Apple’s own system if they had already been purchased elsewhere.

大约在同一时间,苹果还与基于订阅的电子邮件应用程序Hey发生争执。 据称,苹果公司的政策允许用户在App Store上托管的应用程序上使用预先存在的订阅,而无需在苹果公司自己的系统上购买(如果已在其他地方购买的话)。

But when Hey introduced a bug-fixing update to its subscription email app in June, it received word from Apple that it had breached guidelines and would be removed from the App Store if it did not implement Apple’s in-app purchase system allowing Apple a 30% commission.

但是当Hey在6月向其订阅电子邮件应用程序引入错误修复更新时,收到苹果公司的消息称,它违反了准则,如果未实施允许30至30岁的苹果应用程序内购买系统,则将其从App Store中删除。佣金百分比。

The chief technology officer of Basecamp, the company behind Hey, tweeted that “Apple’s ransom” was “profoundly, perversely abusive and unfair” and compared Apple to “gangsters.”

嘿(Hey)背后的公司Basecamp的首席技术官在推特上说 ,“苹果的赎金”是“深刻,不正当的侮辱和不公平”,并将苹果与“黑帮”进行了比较。

It’s not just developers that have criticized Apple’s policies. Rival tech giants have also joined the fray.

批评苹果政策的不仅仅是开发人员。 竞争对手的技术巨头也加入了竞争。

In an interview with Politico last June, Microsoft’s chief legal officer, Brad Smith, said that Apple’s App Store policies — specifically the 30% commission — amount to exceedingly stringent “requirements that increasingly say there’s only one way to get onto our platform, and that is to go through the gate that we ourselves have created.”

微软首席法律官布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)在去年6月接受Politico采访时说,苹果的App Store政策(特别是30%的佣金)构成了极为严格的“要求,越来越多的人说,进入我们的平台只有一种方法,并且是要穿越我们自己创造的大门。”

苹果的未来 (Apple’s future)

Apple’s 30% App Store commission is largely responsible for the vast amounts of revenue the platform generates for the company.

苹果公司30%的App Store佣金主要负责该平台为公司带来的大量收入。

Although Apple’s late CEO Steve Jobs said in 2008, the year of the App Store’s launch, that “we don’t expect this to be a big profit generator,” it is clear that the App Store has grown exponentially in importance for Apple’s revenues and future success.

尽管苹果已故首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在Ap​​p Store推出之年的2008年表示,“我们不希望这会成为一个巨大的利润来源”,但很显然,App Store对于Apple收入和收入的重要性呈指数增长。未来的成功。

In 2019 alone, the percentage Apple received on digital content sold on the App Store amounted to some US$18.3 billion, nearly 40% of its total service revenue, which includes other Apple products such as Apple Music, TV and more. The App Store is also home to a US$519 billion developer ecosystem and is Apple’s second-biggest revenue driver behind sales of the iPhone.

仅在2019年 ,苹果在App Store上出售的数字内容所占的百分比就达到约183亿美元,占其服务总收入的近40%,其中包括苹果音乐,电视等其他苹果产品。 App Store拥有价值5190亿美元的开发者生态系统,是苹果仅次于iPhone的第二大收入来源。

As Chaim Gartenberg writes in The Verge, the escalating criticism leveled at Apple has huge consequences. With “one of the key sources of revenue” for Apple under threat, it’s “a source it could lose permanently” if the recent spate of criticism and the antitrust investigation it’s spawned prevails.

正如Chaim Gartenberg在The Verge中写道,对苹果不断升级的批评产生了巨大的后果。 如果苹果公司的“主要收入来源之一”受到威胁,那么如果最近发生的批评和反托拉斯调查的盛行,它就是“可能永久失去的来源”。

Apple faces attacks from all angles — from regulators, developers and rival tech companies. At stake is not just the 30% App Store commission that Apple receives, but the future of the company as a whole.

苹果面临着来自监管机构,开发商和竞争对手科技公司的全方位攻击。 风险不只是苹果获得的30%的App Store佣金,而且还关系到整个公司的未来。

Originally published at https://themilsource.com on August 19, 2020.

最初于 2020年8月19日 发布在 https://themilsource.com 上。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/epic-games-goes-to-war-with-apple-b2e6de6f39a3






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