twitch 无法载入抽搐_抽搐数据科学家访谈

twitch 无法载入抽搐


Twitch is a live video streaming platform that allows users to watch and broadcast live streamed or pre-recorded videos of the broadcaster’s video game gameplay. The platform is owned and operated by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of Amazon. Founded in 2011 as an offspring of the “stream anything platform”,, its prime focus is on streaming live video games, including broadcasting Twitch’s own hosted eSports competitions. Besides these functions, Twitch also broadcasts music and creative content, among others, which can be viewed live on the site or from “Video on Demand”.

Twitch是一个实时视频流平台,允许用户观看和广播广播公司视频游戏玩法的实时流或预录制视频。 该平台由亚马逊的子公司Twitch Interactive拥有和运营。 Justin.tv成立于2011年,是“任何流媒体平台”的后代,其主要重点是直播视频游戏,包括直播Twitch自己举办的电子竞技比赛。 除了这些功能之外,Twitch还广播音乐和创意内容等,可以在网站上或从“视频点播”中实时观看。

As of Q4 of 2019, Twitch has over 3.6 million average monthly broadcasters, just shy of figures above 3.8 million from March of 2020. With over 56 thousand concurrent Twitch broadcasters and 1.44 million concurrent viewers on average, Twitch’s web APIs handle over 50 thousand requests a second, which translates to over 2.3 billion hours watched in 2019.

截至2019年第4季度,Twitch的每月平均广播电台数量超过360万,与2020年3月的380万以上的数字相比略逊一筹。Twitch的Web API平均拥有超过5.6万个并发Twitch广播者和144万并发观众,其Web API可以处理超过5万个请求秒,这意味着在2019年观看了超过23亿小时。

With the amount of data generated from different daily streams, Twitch’s data science team performs a wide range of analysis to help shape product decisions. This feat is achieved through enhanced data pipelines “that collects data, cleans data, and loads over a billion events per day into their data warehouse.”

Twitch的数据科学团队利用每天从不同的日常数据流中产生的大量数据,进行广泛的分析,以帮助制定产品决策。 这一壮举通过增强的数据管道实现,“数据管道每天收集,清理数据并将超过十亿个事件加载到其数据仓库中。”

Twitch的数据科学角色 (The Data Science Role at Twitch)

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Twitch has a “science team”, consisting of titles and roles related to data science. It is supported by three pillars, namely “ data science research, user experience research, and data governance”. Data science sits right in the middle of these three science organizations, and on many occasions, collaborates with the other teams.

Twitch拥有一支“科学团队” ,由与数据科学相关的头衔和角色组成。 它由三个Struts支持,即“数据科学研究,用户体验研究和数据治理”。 数据科学位于这三个科学组织的中间,并在许多情况下与其他团队合作。

Data scientists roles at Twitch are greatly influenced by the teams they are working with, and, as such, the roles and functions may range from product-focused analytics to machine learning and deep learning algorithms. Currently, there are two main types of data scientists: the “product strategy-oriented data scientists”, who provide business-impact insights from data analysis, and the “data product data scientists”, who build specific algorithms and techniques that yield new products informed by data.

Twitch的数据科学家角色受与其合作的团队的影响很大,因此,角色和功能可能从以产品为中心的分析到机器学习和深度学习算法不等。 当前,数据科学家主要有两种类型: “面向产品战略的数据科学家” ,通过数据分析提供对业务有影响的见解;以及“数据产品数据科学家” ,其构建产生新产品的特定算法和技术。由数据告知。

We recommend checking out “The Product Data Science Interview Guide to help prepare for your Twitch data scientist interview!


必备技能 (Required Skills)

Twitch only hires qualified data scientists with a minimum of 3 years (5 years plus for senior data scientist roles) industry experience in data science-related projects.


Looking for a job in data science but don’t have enough “experience”? Read “The New Grad Guide on Landing a Data Science Job” on Interview Query!

寻找数据科学领域的工作,但没有足够的“经验”? 阅读面试查询》中的“有关数据科学工作的新毕业生指南”

Note: applications are processed and evaluated based on specific industry experience related to the job roles on the teams.


Other relevant qualifications include:


  • Advanced degree (MS or PhD) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or related fields.

  • Experience in applying supervised and unsupervised algorithms to large-scale data.

  • Sound background in data-science fundamentals: data manipulation in R or Python, SQL, and statistics (Hypothesis testing, Regression, etc.).

  • Advanced knowledge of machine-learning techniques applied to large-scale data.

  • Experience with building data pipelines, data warehouses, dimensional modelling, building aggregates and optimizing data workstreams from data preparation to analysis to deployment.

  • Sound background in AWS.

  • Experience with database management system software e.g MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.

  • Experience designing and assessing the impact of A/B experiments in a product development cycle.

    具有设计和评估A / B实验在产品开发周期中的影响的经验。
  • High level of comfort with creating dashboards in Tableau or comparable software.

  • Experience in data analysis and communication around data, including experimentation, data visualization, and defining KPI strategy for business.

  • Experience with programming languages like R, Python, C/C++, Go, or Java.

    具有R,Python,C / C ++,Go或Java等编程语言的经验。
  • Product analytics experience with signup funnels, engagement metrics, and retention analysis.

  • Proficiency in SQL and ETL/ELT in a business environment with complex data sets.

    在具有复杂数据集的业务环境中精通SQL和ETL / ELT。

Brush up on your Python by reviewing this article about “Python Data Science Interview Questions”!

阅读有关“ Python数据科学面试问题”的文章重温您的Python

Twitch有哪些数据科学团队? (What are the data science teams at Twitch?)

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Although Twitch has a dedicated “Science Team” consisting of data scientists, data analysts, and data engineers, data scientists are often embedded within other teams and sometimes collaborate with other departments. As a large company with data scientists working in over 20 teams, on the individual level, roles at Twitch are inherently tied to specific teams.

尽管Twitch拥有由数据科学家,数据分析师和数据工程师组成的专门的“科学团队”,但数据科学家通常被嵌入其他团队中,有时还与其他部门合作。 作为一家拥有20多名数据科学家的大型公司,在个人层面上,Twitch的角色固有地与特定团队联系在一起。

Based on the team’s needs, data scientist roles at Twitch may include:


  • Advertising Product: leveraging a long list of advanced data analytics tools and methodology to work on a wide range of challenging problems including econometric modelling and auction dynamics, pricing and segmentation, and maximizing value for viewers and advertisers.


  • Core Product: setting up and tracking KPIs, designing experiments, evaluating A/B tests and implementing data instrumentation for developing strategy and evaluating/improving product plans.

    核心产品:设置和跟踪KPI,设计实验,评估A / B测试以及实施数据工具以制定策略和评估/改进产品计划。

  • Alliances: defining and tracking KPIs, supporting strategic initiatives, evaluating new lines of business and helping shape the way performance is measured with Twitch’s deals.


  • Financial Planning and Analysis: overseeing data instrumentation, design dashboard/report building, and metrics reviewing to guide financial decisions and provide business-impact insights.


  • Marketing: leading analysis and optimization of event marketing programs. Working cross-functionally with go-to-market roles, including growth, product, content events, and brand marketing teams.

    市场营销:事件营销计划的领先分析和优化。 与进入市场的角色进行跨职能合作,包括增长,产品,内容活动和品牌营销团队。

  • Mobile: developing strategy and evaluating product initiatives within the Mobile team through defining KPIs, designing experiments, evaluating A/B testings, and supporting strategic initiatives.

    移动:通过定义KPI,设计实验,评估A / B测试以及支持战略计划,在移动团队中制定策略并评估产品计划。

  • Core Science: driving evidence-based decision-making throughout Twitch with data analytics and machine learning models. Collaborating with specialists in data science, analytics, engineering, and economics disciplines to effectively develop reliable and reproducible analyses at scale.

    核心科学:借助数据分析和机器学习模型,在整个Twitch中推动基于证据的决策。 与数据科学,分析,工程和经济学学科的专家合作,以有效地大规模开发可靠且可重复的分析。

面试过程 (The Interview Process)

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The data scientist interview process at Twitch starts with a phone interview with a recruiter, followed by a 45 minute long technical screen, and then the onsite interview.


初始画面 (Initial Screen)

Twitch’s initial data scientist screen interview is a 30 to 60 minute phone chat with a hiring manager, discussing the team, Twitch as a community, your ideas on data, your technical background, and how your past relevant projects and experiences align with the job roles on the team.


Sample Questions:


  • If you had all possible data and unlimited leeway, what’s the first change you would make to Twitch’s site?

  • What’s one non-academic thing you’ve done that you’re proud of?

  • What is your biggest weakness?


技术画面 (Technical Screen)

Twitch’s data scientist technical screen is very similar to most tech companies. This interview involves a one-hour live screening on a coderpad with a data scientist, and the questions asked are usually SQL-based. There is also an element of behavioural and background experience in this interview.

Twitch的数据科学家技术屏幕与大多数科技公司非常相似。 这次采访涉及与数据科学家在编码板上进行一小时的实时筛选,所提出的问题通常基于SQL。 在这次采访中,还有行为和背景经验的元素。

Practice your SQL on Interview Query now!


现场采访 (Onsite Interview)

The onsite interview is the last interview stage in Twitch’s data scientist interview process. This interview comprises six one-on-one (or conference) split around behavioral, experimental, SQL, and coding interviews with a product manager, data scientists, technical product manager, and analyst.

现场采访是Twitch数据科学家采访过程中的最后一个采访阶段。 这次访谈包括六次一对一(或会议)会议,围绕产品经理,数据科学家,技术产品经理和分析师进行了行为,实验,SQL和编码方面的访谈。

Each interview is approximately 45 minutes long, and the questions on these interviews tend toward experimentation, A/B testing, business intelligence and heavy analytics. There are also product-focused and behavioural rounds, with questions around business analytics experience, past working experience, and your knowledge on Twitch’s culture.

每次采访大约需要45分钟,这些采访中的问题往往涉及实验,A / B测试,商业智能和大量分析。 还有针对产品和行为的回合,涉及业务分析经验,过往工作经验以及您对Twitch文化的了解。

注意事项 (Notes and Tips)

Twitch’s Data Scientist interview is a combination of data science concepts, standardized to assess an applicant’s ability to apply statistical and analytics concepts to understanding and predicting user behaviour, and answering business questions based on the analysis. It helps to brush up on your knowledge of statistics and probability, time series analysis, experimental designs, A/B testing, and predictive modelling concepts. It also helps to know metrics used at Twitch, especially those related to products and features.

Twitch的数据科学家访谈是数据科学概念的组合,已标准化以评估申请人应用统计和分析概念来理解和预测用户行为的能力,并根据分析回答业务问题。 它有助于提高您对统计和概率,时间序列分析,实验设计,A / B测试和预测建模概念的了解。 它还有助于了解Twitch使用的指标,尤其是与产品和功能相关的指标。

Twitch offers an ecosystem that allows employees to thrive and be the best version of themselves by encouraging them to get their hands dirty and find something they love. A lot of emphasis is placed on building high performing teams through mentorship programs, and in fact, the ability and desire to mentor is something Twitch looks for in applicants.

Twitch提供了一个生态系统,它可以鼓励员工弄脏自己的手并找到自己喜欢的东西,从而使他们蓬勃发展并成为自己的最佳版本。 Twitch十分希望通过指导计划来建立高绩效的团队,实际上,Twitch希望获得指导的能力和愿望。

Twitch数据科学面试问题: (Twitch Data Science Interview Questions:)

  • Create a histogram/bin this data using SQL.

  • What metrics would you track in a particular A/B test?

    您将在特定的A / B测试中跟踪哪些指标?
  • What metric/s would you optimize for? How would you pick the “winner” of the A/B test?

    您将针对什么指标进行优化? 您如何选择A / B测试的“优胜者”?
  • How would you create bins?


谢谢阅读 (Thanks for Reading)

Originally published at on August 5, 2020.



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