

When people view shapes, a multitude of psychological occur. Each attributing different emotions, thoughts, and perceptions that resonate with our brain–the viewers’ brains. Shapes are the main part of graphic design by choosing the shapes which provoke the desire response, designers are able to influence the way in which people feel about the design and ultimately, how they perceive the shapes stand for. It means, we can use these shapes to transmit different feelings to the viewer as people may not notice these shapes directly but they will get an important impact on their feelings and behavior after they saw it and we as graphic designers can use these elements to reinforce a message through our design. In this case, intelligent and successful designers are perfectly aware of the reaction their designs have and how these can change according to variables such as age, gender, culture, and social preferences.

当人们查看形状时,会发生许多心理上的变化。 每个人都赋予不同的情感,思想和观念,从而引起我们的大脑-观众的大脑。 形状是图形设计的主要部分,通过选择引起欲望响应的形状,设计师能够影响人们对设计的感觉,并最终影响他们对形状的理解。 这意味着,我们可以使用这些形状向观众传递不同的感觉,因为人们可能不会直接注意到这些形状,但是一旦看到它们,它们将对他们的感觉和行为产生重要影响,而作为图形设计师,我们可以使用这些元素来强化通过我们的设计传达信息。 在这种情况下,聪明而成功的设计师会完全意识到他们的设计所产生的React,以及它们如何根据年龄,性别,文化和社会偏好等变量而发生变化。

Since many years ago, experts have studied how different shapes can affect people’s behavior and identify persona of each viewer as every shape has its own meaning and influence differently to the viewer’s mind. This doesn’t happen by coincidence, this is called the psychology of shapes. To discover more about how you can use the psychology of shape in design to create more meaningful design, first, we need to understand what the hidden messages in shapes are and in this article we will show you the different types of shapes and how to use it in graphic design.

多年以来,专家们一直在研究不同的形状如何影响人们的行为,并识别每个观看者的角色,因为每种形状都有其自身的含义,并且对观看者的思维产生不同的影响。 这不是偶然发生的,这被称为形状心理学。 若要了解更多有关如何在设计中使用形状心理学来创建更有意义的设计的信息,首先,我们需要了解形状中隐藏的信息是什么,在本文中,我们将向您展示不同类型的形状以及如何使用在图形设计中。

正方形和矩形 (Squares and Rectangles)

The most common shapes on graphic design are squares and rectangles. We always see them easily in our daily life because these shapes are the most common in design layouts. Square shapes are formed by straight lines and right angles that give viewers a sense of reliability and security and these attributes make people feel safe and contained.

图形设计中最常见的形状是正方形和矩形。 我们在日常生活中总是很容易看到它们,因为这些形状是设计布局中最常见的形状。 正方形由直线和直角形成,使观看者感到可靠和安全,这些属性使人们感到安全和受到约束。

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Something to carefully consider when using squares though is not be considered too boring. Without the correct use of color, shading, and effects then a square or rectangle can portray dull and a lack of imagination for many viewers.

使用正方形时要仔细考虑的事情虽然不算太无聊。 如果没有正确使用颜色,阴影和效果,则正方形或矩形可能会使许多观看者感到沉闷和缺乏想象力。

三角形 (Triangles)

If you want to represent stability, balance, and movement in your design, triangles are the right shape to use. Triangles commonly defined as energetic and dynamic shape attributes that makes triangles used to represent motion and direction.

如果要在设计中表示稳定性,平衡性和运动性,则三角形是使用的正确形状。 三角形通常定义为能量和动态形状属性,使三角形用于表示运动和方向。

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Usually, viewers will see to the top of the triangle shape automatically, If triangles are facing left or right, it represents progression: either forwards in the sense of moving onward, or backwards in the sense of backtracking or dwelling in the past. Consider the iconic “play” button for videos. It’s worth noting that which side represents which depends on the direction that culture reads; in Western cultures that read left-to-right, a right-facing arrow represents forward progression.

通常,观看者会自动看到三角形的顶部,如果三角形向左或向右,则表示进度:从向前移动的角度来看是向前的,或者从过去的回溯或驻留的角度来看是向后的。 考虑视频的标志性“播放”按钮。 值得注意的是,哪一边代表哪个取决于文化的阅读方向。 在从左到右阅读的西方文化中,向右的箭头代表向前发展。

圆,椭圆和椭圆 (Circles, Ovals and Ellipses)

Circles–and other circular shapes like ovals and ellipses–are one of the most classic shape in design. Circles unlike other geometric shapes, don’t have angles, and it makes circles feel softer and milder than others shapes. Commonly they represent both unity and protection. Circular shapes are much friendlier shape than the others for encompassing other images within. Because they tend to “invite” the viewers into their “completeness”.

圆形以及其他椭圆形和椭圆形等圆形形状是设计中最经典的形状之一。 圆与其他几何形状不同,没有角度,它使圆比其他形状更柔和柔和。 通常,它们既代表团结又代表保护。 圆形比其他形状更友好,因为其中包含其他图像。 因为他们倾向于“邀请”观众进入他们的“完整性”。

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In web design, circle shapes are commonly used for small icons. They are one of the most popular shapes for designers because they are very noticeable and simple but very powerful graphic elements and it will put viewers at ease to see them. Circles never stop, and so neither does the eye when viewing them, giving them a childlike whimsy.

在网页设计中,圆形通常用于小图标。 它们是设计师最受欢迎的形状之一,因为它们非常引人注目,简单但非常强大的图形元素,并且会让观众轻松看到它们。 圆圈永不停止,因此观看它们时眼睛也不会停下来,使它们充满童趣。

五边形,六边形和八边形 (Pentagons, Hexagons and Octagons)

When you think of pentagons, hexagons, and octagons shapes all around us, the most relatable objects that use these polygons shapes are nuts and bolt heads. They are the predominantly used polygons shape for nuts and bolts because of their unique features. That polygons are not very often used in design projects due to their complexity, but we can see polygon shapes to represent real elements from our daily lives in form of icons or logos.

当您想到我们周围的五边形,六边形和八边形形状时,使用这些多边形形状最相关的对象是螺母和螺栓头。 它们是螺母和螺栓的主要使用多边形形状,因为它们具有独特的功能。 多边形由于其复杂性而很少在设计项目中使用,但是我们可以看到多边形以图标或徽标的形式代表了日常生活中的真实元素。

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These polygons due their geometric nature are also used as puzzle pieces to create larger compositions and organize the information in your design, and are very common especially in infographic design.


抽象形状 (Abstract Shapes)

When using abstract shapes, however, keep in mind that the individual aspects you use retain their symbolism from their original shapes. It will be a visual symbol that can be abstract ideas or simplified versions of an organic shape, in some cases abstract shape can be difficult to associate with some ideas due to their abstract anatomy, and in some cases, the idea is behind a small detail of the shape. What that means is, if you use the top-half of a circle and the bottom half of a square, you will create an abstract shape that exhibits both the playful features of a circle and the serious features of a square.

但是,在使用抽象形状时,请记住,您使用的各个方面都保留了其原始形状的象征意义。 这将是一个视觉符号,可以是抽象概念或有机形状的简化版本,在某些情况下,由于抽象的解剖结构,抽象形状可能难以与某些概念相关联,并且在某些情况下,该概念位于很小的细节后面的形状。 这意味着,如果使用圆形的上半部分和正方形的下半部分,则将创建一个抽象的形状,该形状既显示圆形的嬉戏特征又显示正方形的严肃特征。

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You can craft an abstract shape to meet whatever needs you may have. Maybe you want to create something the world has never seen before in order to stand out from the crowd. Using abstract shapes can have infinite meanings as they literally can represent anything in any way.

您可以制作抽象形状以满足您的任何需求。 也许您想创造一些世界从未见过的东西,以便在人群中脱颖而出。 使用抽象形状可以具有无限的含义,因为它们从字面上可以以任何方式表示任何事物。

Shapes play a crucial role in all graphic design projects, they will transmit your goals, what they do and their philosophy by using the right shape in design. Shapes will influence how viewers perceive and react to it. Making informed decisions about the use of shapes, color, fonts, and overall composition will lead to a design that resonates with your target audience while inspiring trust and confidence in your projects or brand.

形状在所有图形设计项目中都扮演着至关重要的角色,它们将通过在设计中使用正确的形状来传达您的目标,他们的工作和理念。 形状会影响观看者对其的感知和React。 就形状,颜色,字体和整体构图的使用做出明智的决定,将使设计与目标受众产生共鸣,同时激发对项目或品牌的信任和信心。

Contributor: Deta Ayudhia S

贡献者: Deta Ayudhia S



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