

This summer was anything but ordinary. I was all excited to spend another 3 months in the beautiful, nature-ridden state of Washington, but as COVID-19 hit, my plans experienced a dent.

今年夏天平凡。 我很高兴在美丽的大自然缠身的华盛顿州度过另外三个月的时间,但是当COVID-19袭来时,我的计划遭受了挫折。

This summer, I was fortunate enough to experience a Product Design Internship at Microsoft on the Outlook team (again!). Before starting, I frantically browsed the web for stuff like ‘Remote work best habits’ or ‘How to be successful WFH,’ all the like. Since this experience was new to everyone, I knew I had to be prepared to navigate uncharted waters on the job. I wanted to take the time to share some of my biggest challenges and learnings this summer and hopefully be of help to other peers that also feel anxious starting a new role in unfamiliar territory.

今年夏天,我很幸运地在Microsoft的Outlook团队中体验了产品设计实习(再次!)。 开始之前,我疯狂地浏览了网络,寻找诸如“远程工作的最佳习惯”“如何成功实现WFH”之类的东西。 由于这种体验对每个人来说都是陌生的,所以我知道我必须做好在工作中探索未知领域的准备。 我想花时间分享我今年夏天遇到的一些最大的挑战和学习,希望对其他也感到焦虑的同龄人有所帮助,他们在陌生的领域开始新的角色。

挑战与学习 (Challenges & Learnings)

01•好奇地解决歧义。(01 • Navigate ambiguity with curiosity.)

The challenge of working remote was new to everyone, and viewing this as an opportunity to go out of my comfort zone rather than as a barrier to my professional growth fostered humbling and truly rewarding experiences. I’ve learned to embrace ambiguous situations and learn fast by being comfortable with being uncomfortable, and I came out of the internship feeling like I’ve made an impact not only work-wise but also culture-wise.

远程工作对每个人来说都是新挑战,将其视为走出我的舒适区的机会,而不是阻碍我的职业发展的障碍,这会带来谦卑而真正有意义的体验。 我学会了拥抱模棱两可的情况,并通过对不自在感的适应来快速学习,而且我从实习中脱颖而出,感觉到我不仅在工作上而且在文化上都产生了影响。

02•交流过多,并通过寻找接收反馈的新方法来发挥创造力。 (02 • Over-communicate & be creative with finding new means of receiving feedback.)

Working remote, I wasn’t able to simply swivel my chair and scoot over to the senior designer working nearby for feedback anymore. Instead, I’ve learned to be resourceful, find tools like Loom to asynchronously share designs with my team when meetings weren’t possible, and provide updates to my manager and feature crew when possible so we can catch missing gaps quickly and manage time more efficiently.

远程工作时,我无法简单地将椅子转过身,然后踩到附近工作的高级设计师那里获取反馈。 取而代之的是,我学会了多才多艺,找到了Loom之类的工具,在不可能召开会议时与我的团队异步共享设计,并在可能的情况下向我的经理和功能人员提供更新,以便我们可以Swift发现缺失的差距并管理更多时间有效率的。

03•拥有设计信心,以分享不同的意见。 (03 • Own the design confidence to share a different opinion.)

During larger discussions with senior designers and partner stakeholders, it’s easy to simply nod and go along with the suggestions you hear, especially as an intern. However, I’ve learned quickly that as the advocate for our customers and being the one closer to user research, backing up my points with clear user evidence can shed a different light and help others understand why particular design decisions were made. Though important to be respectful of everyone’s points, it’s equally if not more important to acknowledge and share your own side when appropriate.

在与高级设计师和合作伙伴利益相关者进行更大范围的讨论时,很容易点头并接受您所听到的建议,尤其是作为实习生。 但是,我很快就了解到,作为我们客户的拥护者,并且是更接近于用户研究的拥护者,以明确的用户证据支持我的观点可以提供不同的见解,并帮助其他人理解为什么要做出特定的设计决策。 尽管尊重每个人的观点很重要,但在适当的时候承认并分享自己的一面同样重要。

04•尽早让利益相关者参与进来,避免孤岛工作 (04 • Involve stakeholders early & avoid silo-ing work)

With a remote experience, it’s almost too easy to silo yourself and work quietly until the next feature crew sync to provide updates. Looping in my PM and AI partners during my problem and ideation brainstorm sessions in Figma early on was where the most enlightening and transformative ideas emerged. By treating my stakeholders as equal collaborators in the design process, the experience was not only more inspiring but actually a lot more fun.

有了远程体验,孤立自己和安静地工作直到下一个功能组同步提供更新几乎是很容易的。 早在Figma进行问题和构想集思广益时,我的PM和AI合作伙伴就加入其中,这是最富启发性和变革性的想法出现的地方。 通过在设计过程中将我的利益相关者视为平等的合作者,这种体验不仅会更加鼓舞人心,而且实际上会带来更多乐趣。

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Justine Du is a Product Designer @ Microsoft transforming the heart of collaboration and email on the Outlook Team 🖌 Previously, she was an ex-Piano Performance Major with a knack for Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies and jazzy tunes 🎶

Justine Du是@ Microsoft的产品设计师,它改变了Outlook团队的协作和电子邮件的核心🖌以前,她是前钢琴演奏专业的学生,​​对李斯特匈牙利狂想曲和爵士乐曲有一定的了解🎶

👉 Want to find out more? Don’t be a stranger — please say hi on LinkedIn, Instagram, or email!

👉想了解更多? 请勿成为陌生人-请在LinkedIn Instagram电子邮件中打个招呼

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/embracing-wfh-4-biggest-takeaways-from-a-remote-internship-812aa5b85368


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