

It’s no surprise that coding is a valuable skill for any job-seeker to have. According to a 2016 report from Oracle & Burning Glass, programming and coding jobs are growing 50% faster than the job market overall. Additionally, according to the 2019 StackOverflow survey, JavaScript is the most popular language among developers.

毫无疑问,编码对于任何求职者都具有宝贵的技能。 根据Oracle&Burning Glass 2016年的一份报告 ,编程和编码工作的增长速度比总体就业市场快50%。 此外,根据2019年StackOverflow调查 ,JavaScript是开发人员中最受欢迎的语言。

But picking a coding language to start with can be overwhelming for those first learning to code. Should you start with Ruby? Python? Or maybe SQL? With so many coding languages to choose from, it’s important for beginners to pick a language that is fun, interactive and dynamic.

但是,对于那些最初学习编码的人来说,选择一种编码语言开始可能会令人不知所措。 您应该从Ruby开始吗? Python? 还是SQL? 有许多种编码语言可供选择,对于初学者来说,选择一种有趣,交互式和动态的语言非常重要。

Here are our 6 reasons why JavaScript is the best coding language to learn:


1. JavaScript is the most popular language

1. JavaScript是最流行的语言

JavaScript is the most popular language, and is still increasing in popularity. According to this report from Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language, for the sixth year in a row. The popularity of JavaScript rose from 57% in 2013 to 70% in 2017. JavaScript is the most popular language above Java, Python, Ruby, and more.

JavaScript是最流行的语言,并且仍在不断普及。 根据Stack Overflow的这份报告 ,JavaScript已连续第六年成为最常用的编程语言。 JavaScript的流行度从2013年的57%上升到2017年的70%。JavaScript是Java,Python,Ruby等之上最受欢迎的语言。

2. There’s a low threshold to get started


JavaScript is the language that browsers use. It’s easy to get started with and to understand. You can get going right away — unlike other languages, you don’t have install a bunch of programs before you can even begin.

JavaScript是浏览器使用的语言。 很容易上手和理解。 您可以马上开始-与其他语言不同,您甚至无需安装大量程序就可以开始。

3. JavaScript is a fun, interactive language

3. JavaScript是一种有趣的交互式语言

You have a full user interface to play with right away — JavaScript has a graphical UI that’s fun and easy to manipulate. You can write code that will run in your browser, so you can build interactive projects earlier on in the learning process.

您可以立即使用完整的用户界面-JavaScript具有有趣且易于操作的图形UI。 您可以编写将在浏览器中运行的代码,因此可以在学习过程的早期构建交互式项目。

4. Strong support for learning


Every browser comes with source code viewing features that lets you learn from other people’s live code. Plus, JavaScript has the largest and most active repository of library code in the world. People in the JavaScript community are very active and supportive in sharing and making use of each other’s code — JavaScript has a large community on StackOverflow and over 3,600 JavaScript Meetup groups worldwide. Beginners, don’t be shy — you can share your code too!

每个浏览器都带有源代码查看功能,可让您从其他人的实时代码中学习。 另外,JavaScript具有世界上最大,最活跃的库代码存储库。 JavaScript社区中的人们在共享和使用彼此的代码方面非常积极和支持— JavaScript在StackOverflow上拥有一个庞大的社区,在全球拥有3,600多个JavaScript Meetup组。 初学者,不要害羞-您也可以共享代码!

5. Great debugging tools for learning


An interactive JavaScript interpreter is built right into the browser, allowing you to experiment and get instantaneous feedback, which helps you learn faster.


6. It’s a great foundational language for learning more powerful programming styles


JavaScript comes out of the box with support for the event-driven programming style, where the flow of your code is controlled by user events or system events. This style of programming is absolutely necessary for building user interfaces and is also a very helpful paradigm for designing scalable server-side systems.

JavaScript开箱即用,支持事件驱动的编程风格,其中代码流由用户事件或系统事件控制。 这种编程风格对于构建用户界面是绝对必要的,并且对于设计可伸缩服务器端系统也是非常有用的范例。

JavaScript is intuitive for a beginner just learning to code and a great vehicle to teach students the principles of Computer Science. Once you really understand at a deep level how JavaScript works, you become quite capable of picking up other languages.

对于刚开始学习编码的初学者来说,JavaScript是直观的,并且可以很好地指导学生学习计算机科学原理。 一旦真正深入地了解了JavaScript的工作原理,您就可以使用其他语言。

Whether you’re planning on eventually being a front-end or back-end developer, there’s no doubt that JavaScript is the best coding language to learn for beginners.








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