


Software engineering is one of the most suitable professions for working from home (WFH). But even though software engineers seem to enjoy working from home, there are signs that it may decrease productivity.

软件工程是最适合在家工作(WFH)的职业之​​一。 但是,即使软件工程师似乎喜欢在家工作,也有迹象表明它可能会降低生产率。

For example, a case study reports that WFH might hurt developer productivity on large projects. Another analysis performed by Microsoft on its employees working from home found a new “night shift” forming up — often to catch up with work, leading to burnouts.

例如,一个案例研究报告WFH可能会损害大型项目的开发人员生产力。 微软对其在家工作的员工进行的另一项分析发现,形成了一个新的“夜班”,通常是赶上工作,导致倦怠。

There are many aspects of WFH that can decrease your productivity and cause burnouts, but I want to focus on two of them.


The first is avoiding distractions and keeping yourself focused on the task. Focusing and being in the zone is the ultimate recipe for productivity. But focusing on the work in your room is not trivial when large tech companies are racing to get your attention with every notification popping up on your phone or your kids demanding your attention.

首先是避免分心,让自己专注于任务。 专注并进入开发区是提高生产力的最终秘诀。 但是,当大型科技公司竞相吸引您的注意时,在手机上弹出的每个通知或您的孩子要求您注意的时候,专注于房间内的工作并不是一件容易的事。

The second problem is communication. Many companies met with remote work for the first time in the COVID-19 pandemic and didn’t have a remote-first work culture. Most of them are still operating WFH with the “office” mindset, which depends on synchronous communication. But the companies with a remote-first culture, such as GitLab and Basecamp, embrace asynchronous communication instead. Unfortunately, most software engineers now need to adapt to WFH with “office” culture until their companies embrace asynchronous communication.

第二个问题是沟通。 许多公司在COVID-19大流行中首次遇到了远程工作,并且没有远程优先的工作文化。 他们中的大多数人仍然以“办公室”的心态来操作WFH,这取决于同步通信。 但是,具有远程优先文化的公司(如GitLabBasecamp)改为使用异步通信。 不幸的是,大多数软件工程师现在需要以“办公室”文化适应WFH,直到他们的公司接受异步通信为止。

As a software engineer, those issues can decrease your productivity. Here is a list of suggestions to tackle them.

作为软件工程师,这些问题可能会降低您的生产率。 以下是解决这些问题的建议。

参加户外变焦会议 (Take Zoom Meetings Outside)

Virtual meetings decrease your productivity for two reasons: Keeping yourself focused during virtual meetings is tough, and many things can distract you.


Do you “zoom out” while having meetings on Zoom? You’re not alone. Focusing on a virtual meeting requires more effort than a regular meeting. Staring at the screen and camera simultaneously for hours to show that you’re paying attention is exhausting. It even has a name: Zoom fatigue.

在Zoom上开会时,您是否“缩小”? 你不是一个人。 与常规会议相比,专注于虚拟会议需要更多的精力。 同时盯着屏幕和相机看几个小时,这表明您正在集中精力。 它甚至有一个名称:缩放疲劳

Did you ever notice the person who works secretly during Zoom meetings? You can easily see that from their face, which often looks dull and steady. No, don’t blame the victim here. It’s easy to fall into the trap of multitasking — many people do it while checking out the notifications on their phones as they speak to friends.

你有没有注意到秘密工作的人 在Zoom会议期间? 您可以轻松地从他们的脸上看到它,通常看起来很沉闷而沉稳。 不,不要在这里责怪受害者。 很容易陷入多任务处理的陷阱-许多人在与朋友交谈时在手机上查看通知时这样做。

Did you have a “no laptop during meetings” rule back at the office? Some companies have it to ensure that people aren’t distracted with their work during meetings. But that’s what we do during virtual calls. We join meetings with laptops. Unfortunately, we join them without even leaving the table. Walking over to a meeting room in the office helped us switch context from whatever we were working on to the meeting’s agenda. That’s no longer the case with virtual meetings, and we have a hard time switching context without standing up from the chair.

您是否在办公室没有“开会时没有笔记本电脑”规则? 一些公司有这样做的目的是确保会议期间人们不会分散他们的工作注意力。 但这就是我们在虚拟通话中所做的。 我们使用笔记本电脑参加会议。 不幸的是,我们甚至没有离开桌子就加入他们。 走进办公室的会议室有助于我们将工作环境从会议工作切换到会议议程。 虚拟会议已不再是这种情况,而且我们很难在不坐椅子的情况下切换上下文。

Have you ever tried having a physical conversation with a person looking at your belly instead of your eyes? Go ahead and try it. That’s what we do every day on Zoom.

您是否曾经尝试过与看着您的腹部而不是您的眼睛的人进行身体对话? 继续尝试。 这就是我们每天在Zoom上所做的工作。

All the difficulties above have two common parts: video and distractions. And here is a controversial solution: Join a Zoom meeting from your phone with video disabled, and go outside.

以上所有困难都有两个共同的部分:视频和分心。 这是一个有争议的解决方案:在禁用了视频功能的情况下,通过手机加入Zoom会议,然后出去。

When you join a Zoom meeting without video, your meeting turns into a phone call. Phone calls feel more natural than video conferencing to us because we’ve practiced them since we were kids. Now you can focus on the meeting without looking at the same region of your screen for an hour.

当您加入不带视频的Zoom会议时,您的会议将变成一个电话。 对于我们来说,电话比视频会议更自然,因为我们从小就开始练习电话。 现在,您可以专注于会议,而不必在一个小时的时间里看着屏幕的同一区域。

Taking a stroll outside the house with Zoom meetings has many benefits.


First, you get rid of all distractions that your workstation can cause. You don’t have to look at a screen. There are no unread emails or Slack messages. Your phone is in your pocket (hopefully). It is you and your headphones. You can focus on what you hear in the meeting.

首先,您要摆脱工作站可能引起的所有干扰。 您不必看屏幕。 没有未读的电子邮件或备用消息。 您的手机放在口袋里(希望如此)。 是你和你的耳机。 您可以专注于会议中听到的内容。

Second, walking is a real life hack. That’s not because it’s healthy but because it helps you think better, increase your working memory, and boost your creativity. You increase your productivity and cognitive abilities by walking because your heart pumps more blood than sitting. Your brain takes advantage of the extra blood flow. You become smarter by walking. Why not take advantage of this with meetings that need mental power?

其次,步行是现实生活中的hack。 那不是因为它很健康,而是因为它可以帮助您更好地思考增加工作记忆增强创造力。 步行可以提高生产力和认知能力,因为心脏抽出的血液比坐着更多。 您的大脑会利用多余的血液。 通过走路,您变得更聪明。 为什么不利用需要智力的会议来利用它呢?

And lastly, you feel better when you take a walk outside, helping you cope with the WFH burnout.


与您的队友在后台举行一次缩放会议 (Have a Zoom Meeting Running in the Background With Your Teammates)

Focusing on work is easier when you work with others. That’s why pair programming works — it helps both the driver and the navigator stay in the zone, and makes them less vulnerable to distractions.

与他人一起工作时,专注于工作更加容易。 这就是配对编程起作用的原因-它可以帮助驾驶员和导航员停留在区域内,并使他们不易分心。

You can apply a similar technique by having an always-on Zoom meeting with your teammates, but with everyone muted. This helps to simulate an “office” environment. Everyone can focus on their tasks, like in the office. Anyone with a question can unmute and start a conversation at any time.

您可以通过与队友进行不间断的Zoom会议来应用类似的技术,但每个人都处于静音状态。 这有助于模拟“办公室”环境。 每个人都可以专注于自己的任务,例如在办公室。 任何有疑问的人都可以随时取消静音并开始对话。

会议花费的限制时间 (Limit Hours Spent in Meetings)

A benefit of remote work is that we don’t need meeting rooms anymore, but that’s also a curse. Previously, meetings were limited by the physical availability of meeting rooms. We used to postpone meetings when there were no available rooms.

远程工作的好处是我们不再需要会议室,但这也是一个诅咒。 以前,会议受限于会议室的实际可用性。 当没有空房间时,我们曾经推迟会议。

When a resource is scarce, you care more about how you use it. There wouldn’t be useless or optional meetings, just because finding a room was hard.

当资源稀缺时,您会更在乎如何使用它。 不会有无用的或可选的会议,只是因为很难找到一个房间。

With WFH, you are always working from the “meeting room” because the physical constraints no longer apply. Teams can have meetings at any time, anywhere. A study performed by Microsoft reports that “too many meetings” is the number one challenge software engineers encounter during WFH.

使用WFH,您总是在“会议室”工作,因为物理限制不再适用。 团队可以随时随地开会。 微软进行的一项研究报告称,“太多的会议”是软件工程师在WFH期间遇到的第一大挑战。

Limit the time you spend on meetings daily. Schedule the available time slots left in your calendar once you’ve reached your meeting limit for the day. This way, meeting organizers will have an incentive to choose another day where you’re available for meetings.

限制您每天在会议上花费的时间。 达到当天的会议限制后,安排日历中剩余的可用时隙。 这样,会议组织者将有动力选择另一天可以参加会议。

Another approach is to declare meeting-free days. Microsoft reports that 73% of participants said “No-meeting Friday” improved their wellbeing and 77% reported it gave them more focus time. Of course, this is not something you can decide for yourself, but you can start a conversation in your company.

另一种方法是宣布无会议日。 微软报告称,有73%的参与者说“星期五不开会”改善了他们的健康,而77%的参与者说这给了他们更多的关注时间。 当然,这不是您可以自己决定的事情,但是您可以在公司中开始对话。

首先处理最重要的任务,并确保您不被打扰 (Work on the Most Important Task First, and Make Sure You’re Not Interrupted)

Back in the days when I was working in the office, I used to start my day by “catching up,” checking my inbox and pending Slack messages first. I could easily spend an hour with it. Now I realize that it was a total mistake.

在办公室里工作的时候,我常常通过“追赶”来开始新的一天,首先检查我的收件箱和待处理的Slack消息。 我可以轻松地花一个小时。 现在我意识到这是一个完全错误。

According to research, we are self-distracters: We check our email and IM every six minutes, thus hijacking our focus. It is more hazardous when you check pending notifications at the beginning of your workday because you lose control of your day from the beginning. You often respond to the pending messages immediately and may spend hours on tasks that you did not plan for your most productive time slot.

根据研究,我们很容易分散注意力:我们每六分钟检查一次电子邮件和IM,从而劫持了我们的注意力。 当您在工作日开始时检查待处理的通知时,这样做会更加危险,因为您会从一开始就失去对工作日的控制。 您通常会立即响应未决的消息,并且可能会花费数小时来执行您未计划的最有生产力的时间段的任务。

Instead, treat the first two hours of your working day as focus hours. Dedicate this time slot to work on the most important and challenging task that requires focus and cognitive power. This is a sacred time slot: no notifications or distractions are allowed.

而是将工作日的前两个小时视为重点时间。 将此时间段用于需要重点和认知能力的最重要和最具挑战性的工作。 这是一个神圣的时间段:不允许任何通知或干扰。

Things you can do during the focus hours:


  • Silence all IM and email notifications

  • Write code for challenging stories

  • Perform non-trivial code reviews

  • Write technical decision documents, such as ADRs


  • Debug a rather complicated bug

  • Brainstorm about a problem you want to solve


Avoid doing these below during focus hours:


  • Arrange or attend meetings

  • Read unread messages on Slack, JIRA, or Zendesk

  • Work on trivial stories

  • Any repetitive or monotonous work/task

  • Check social media/news


You will feel productive by working on the most crucial task first, even if you’re not productive during the rest of the day.


You may ask, “shouldn’t I respond to a Slack message when one of my team members sends a direct message asking for help?” Indeed you should. But it is best if you make sure that you don’t get that message by starting your workday earlier than your teammates. For example, I dedicate the time between 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. to focused work. If everyone in your team is an early bird, then the team can decide to limit communication on the first two hours of the workday and have “focus time” instead.

您可能会问:“当我的一个团队成员发送直接消息寻求帮助时,我是否应该回复Slack消息?” 确实,您应该。 但是最好的方法是确保在工作日开始之前不早于队友得到消息。 例如,我将上午7:30到9:30之间的时间专用于重点工作。 如果团队中的每个人都是早起的鸟儿,那么团队可以决定在工作日的前两个小时限制交流,而要有“专注时间”。

提前计划一天,并在日历上安排时间段 (Plan Your Day Ahead, and Schedule Time Slots on Your Calendar)

Take a short break after the focus time and plan the rest of your working day. Briefly check emails and Slack messages from the previous day to create a plan. Prioritize your work backlog and focus on what matters the most. Schedule a time slot for each activity on your calendar, which will help you manage time and prevent last-minute meetings. Don’t forget to plan for breaks during the day; otherwise, you may fall into the trap of working the whole day without a break.

在聚焦时间后短暂休息一下,并计划剩下的工作时间。 简要检查前一天的电子邮件和Slack消息以创建计划。 优先处理您的积压工作,并专注于最重要的事情。 为日历上的每个活动安排一个时隙,这将帮助您管理时间并避免最后一刻的会议。 不要忘记计划白天的休息时间; 否则,您可能会陷入一整天的工作陷阱中。

A plan of your day could look like this:


11:00–12:00: Code for story #113:00–13:30: Triage ticket #213:30–14:00: Break14:00–15:30: Pair with a teammate on a story15:30–16:00: Review pull request #3

11:00–12:00:故事代码#113:00–13:30:分流票#213:30–14:00:休息14:00–15:30:与队友配对故事15:30–16 :00:查看拉取请求#3

Don’t worry if your day doesn’t go as planned. Just take note of what happened instead. Deviations from your original plan are excellent opportunities to learn retroactively what your actual workday looks like. They often indicate the things holding you back from being more productive. Maybe it’s time to fix that CI pipeline, which fails intermittently and causes you to lose time.

如果您的一天不按计划进行,请不要担心。 只需注意发生的事情即可。 与原始计划的差异是很好的机会来追溯学习您的实际工作日。 它们通常表明阻碍您提高生产力的事情。 也许是时候修复该CI管道了,该管道间歇性地失败并导致您浪费时间。

计划简短的故事 (Plan Short and Well-Defined Stories)

Coding alone is very natural to software engineers, until they don’t know the requirements or encounter a problem.


Imagine that you are working on a task and have a question about the scope or feature. Walking by a teammate is quite natural and comfortable, thanks to open floor plans when working at the office. But that changes with WFH because collaboration and communication are more challenging when working from home. The communication is asynchronous, meaning you might get blocked until you get a response.

想象您正在执行一项任务,并且对范围或功能有疑问。 多亏了在办公室工作时开放的平面图,与队友一起散步很自然且舒适。 但是,随着WFH的改变,因为在家工作时进行协作和沟通更具挑战性。 通信是异步的,这意味着您可能会阻塞,直到得到响应。

Ensure that each story you’re going to pick up has a clear definition of “done” and of scope. It should also include the technical implementation approach and details, leaving less room for unclarity. Writing small ADRs whenever applicable is a great way to achieve this. Otherwise, include it in the description. This way, a software developer can complete a story without getting blocked and requiring less external help. The impact of having explicit stories is more observable, especially with junior engineers.

确保您要挑选的每个故事都有“完成”和范围的明确定义。 它还应包括技术实施方法和细节,以减少不确定性。 只要适用,编写小型ADR就是实现此目标的一种好方法。 否则,将其包括在描述中。 这样,软件开发人员就可以完成故事,而不会受到阻碍,并且需要的外部帮助更少。 拥有明确的故事的影响更明显,特别是对于初级工程师而言。

分享知识 (Share the Knowledge)

WFH productivity changes depending on the size and the age of the project. While small or newer projects benefit from increased WFH productivity, the benefits shrink with large or old projects.

WFH生产率根据项目的规模和年龄而变化。 小型或较新的项目受益于WFH生产率的提高,而大型或旧项目的收益却在减少。

The reason is that large and old projects contain more information to be processed by everyone in a team, therefore requiring more communication. The scope is enormous, and there is often no single person who holds all of the information in their head. We rely on multiple people’s knowledge about specific parts of the project to complete our work. We ask questions to the people who are most likely to know the answer. Limited communication caused by WFH might be causing the productivity decrease for large projects.

原因是大型项目和旧项目包含更多信息,团队中的每个人都需要处理这些信息,因此需要更多的沟通。 范围是巨大的,通常没有一个人将所有信息都掌握在自己的脑海中。 我们依靠多个人对项目特定部分的知识来完成我们的工作。 我们向最有可能知道答案的人们问问题。 WFH引起的通信受限可能会导致大型项目的生产率下降。

To cope with this problem, share the information regularly. Schedule knowledge-sharing meetings to inform team members about the project. Record your meetings so that people can watch them on-demand later on.

为解决此问题,请定期共享信息。 安排知识共享会议,以通知团队成员有关该项目的信息。 记录您的会议,以便人们以后可以按需观看。

Another way of sharing knowledge lies in your commit messages. Software developers often browse the repo history to figure out how the code evolved and why a particular code exists. More explanatory and informative commit messages can help any future developer understand your perspective and reasons for a specific commit.

共享知识的另一种方式在于提交消息。 软件开发人员经常浏览回购历史记录,以了解代码如何演变以及为什么存在特定代码。 更具解释性和信息性的提交消息可以帮助任何未来的开发人员理解您对特定提交的看法和原因。

I hope these strategies can help you to become more productive at home and resilient to WFH burnout. Thanks for reading!

我希望这些策略可以帮助您在家中提高工作效率并抵御WFH倦怠。 谢谢阅读!

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-software-engineers-guide-to-avoid-work-from-home-burnout-b5d887601641






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