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翻译 时间序列预测的仲裁动态合奏

“None of us is as strong as all of us”“我们当中没有一个人像我们所有人一样强大”Ensemble Techniques have become quite popular among the machine learning fraternity because of the simple fact that ‘one-size-fits-all’ can’...

2020-10-15 11:03:14 936

翻译 当前工作簿宏 被自动删除_会自动删除我的工作是什么

当前工作簿宏 被自动删除什么是AutoML?(What is AutoML?)The development of a model involves a lot of repetitive and tedious tasks inside the Model Development Life Cycle(MDLC), such as tuning the hyper-parameters, ge...

2020-10-15 10:53:02 370

翻译 使用tensorflow 2第i部分使计算机视觉英雄零

免责声明!(Disclaimer!)This series doesn’t explain the underlying mathematics of the algorithms but only focuses on the logical implementation and reasoning for using specific algorithms with a certain se...

2020-10-15 10:42:57 689

翻译 不使用机器学习的机器视觉_以客户为中心的营销人员如何使用机器学习

不使用机器学习的机器视觉Marketing is an important aspect of any successful company. In simple words, marketing refers to the business’s activities related to buying and selling a product or service.营销是任何成功公司的重要方面...

2020-10-15 10:33:43 379

翻译 端到端机器学习_您解决结构化工作流的机器学习问题的端到端指南

端到端机器学习When working on any Machine learning type problem, it is important that the ML engineer and, even the entire data science team are conscious of the structure of their workflow and the sequence ...

2020-10-15 10:23:21 327

翻译 opencv 阈值求roi_使用opencv进行roi分割轮廓检测和图像阈值化

opencv 阈值求roiOpenCV is a huge open-source library widely used in computer vision, artificial intelligence and image processing domains. The quintessential applications of it in real world are face rec...

2020-10-15 10:14:14 1699

翻译 分步指南,从边缘的深度学习中进行推理

深度学习(Deep Learning)In this article, you will learn to create a deep learning model in Tensorflow, create a tflite model with post-training quantization, and then compile it for an Edge TPU device.在本文...

2020-10-15 10:03:28 847

翻译 文本预处理方法_生产中的自然语言处理27种快速文本预处理方法

文本预处理方法大纲(Outline)Estimates state that 70%–85% of the world’s data is text (unstructured data) [1]. New deep learning language models (transformers) have caused explosive growth in industry applicati...

2020-10-15 09:53:24 4481

翻译 语义视觉_基于立体视觉的语义3d对象

语义视觉Localizing dynamic objects and estimating the camera ego-motion in 3D space are crucial tasks for autonomous driving. Currently, these objectives are separately explored by end-to-end 3D object de...

2020-10-15 09:43:46 277

翻译 偏差方差及其与欠拟合过度拟合的关系

Assume you have a classification model, training data and testing data假设您有一个分类模型,训练数据和测试数据x_train , y_train // This is the training datax_test , y_test // This is the testing datay_predicted // the v...

2020-10-11 20:24:56 387

翻译 talib 买卖信号_如何产生股票交易的买卖信号

talib 买卖信号回归和分类生成买/卖信号(Regression & Classification to generate buy/sell signals)Moving average rule says that, buy and sell signals are generated by two moving averages of the level of the index-...

2020-10-11 20:15:11 339

翻译 嵌套交叉验证 输出超参数_嵌套交叉验证超参数优化和模型选择

嵌套交叉验证 输出超参数Cross-Validation also referred to as out of sampling technique is an essential element of a data science project. It is a resampling procedure used to evaluate machine learning models and ...

2020-10-11 20:05:57 2030

翻译 机器学习多变量线性回归代码_机器学习单变量线性回归

机器学习多变量线性回归代码Linear Regression (LR) is one of the main algorithms in Supervised Machine Learning. It solves many regression problems and it is easy to implement. This paper is about Univariate Linear ...

2020-10-11 19:56:36 481

翻译 跌倒检测_使用姿势估计的跌倒检测

跌倒检测Fall detection has become an important stepping stone in the research of action recognition — which is to train an AI to classify general actions such as walking and sitting down. What humans inte...

2020-10-11 19:46:58 4521

翻译 机器学习管理平台_机器学习平台

机器学习管理平台This story will answer most of the questions that come to your mind while thinking of how to build a platform that can help you deploy your AI model overproduction or what all we need to look ...

2020-10-11 19:36:36 958

翻译 深度操作系统 机器学习_深度学习如何构建情感聊天机器人,第2部分对话系统...

深度操作系统 机器学习情感聊天机器人(emotional chatbot)From part 1, we have built the BERT sentiment predictor, we now start combining it and building the emotional dialogue system. Before jumping into the details, le...

2020-10-11 19:26:15 761

翻译 强化学习汤普森抽样解决多武装匪徒问题

介绍(Introduction)Reinforcement learning is really cool. For instance, its used to train the Robot Dogs to walk. Let me give you an quick example, once you have created a Robot Dog, we can implement an...

2020-10-11 19:15:40 1262

翻译 q学习基于价值的强化学习算法

Please follow this link to understand the basics of Reinforcement Learning.请点击此链接以了解强化学习的基础知识。Let’s explain various components before Q-learning. 让我们在Q学习之前解释各种组件。 基于策略的基于价值的RL(Policy-based vs value...

2020-10-11 19:04:49 1475

翻译 深度学习 噪声抑制_使用深度学习抑制噪声

深度学习 噪声抑制Credits: Zoom学分:缩放At the time of boom of online video conferencing and virtual communication, the ability of a platform to suppress background noise plays a crucial roll to give it a leading ...

2020-10-11 18:54:47 3041

翻译 wolfram语言入门_如何用Wolfram语言绘制猫和其他愚蠢的东西

wolfram语言入门You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but maybe you can teach a neural network to draw a picture of a cat? The other day, when I was perusing the always interesting Wolfram Neural Network ...

2020-10-11 18:45:30 446

翻译 损失函数作用_损失函数

损失函数作用Loss function describes how efficient the model performs with respect to the expected outcome. Here, the main objective is to minimize the number of misclassifications. The choice of the loss fu...

2020-10-11 18:35:00 1548

翻译 机器学习项目清单

机器学习项目指南(Guide for Machine Learning projects)Checklist for Data Science and Machine Learning Engineer数据科学和机器学习工程师的清单This checklist can guide you through your Machine Learning projects. There are eig...

2020-10-11 18:24:07 167

翻译 t sne_vc sne和t sne是我的邻居

t sneMany dimensionality reduction techniques attempt to preserve distances of the original data. However, it can be beneficial to focus on preserving the nearest neighbours for visualization. t-SNE[v...

2020-10-11 18:14:05 172

翻译 预处理criteo数据集以预测广告的点击率

Amany Abdelhalim阿曼尼·阿卜杜勒哈林Follow跟随Sep 18 九月18Preprocessing Criteo Dataset for Prediction of Click Through Rate on Ads 预处理Criteo数据集以预测广告的点击率In this post, I will be taking you through the steps that I ...

2020-10-11 18:03:45 5087

翻译 神经网络初始化权重_神经网络的权重初始化重要吗

神经网络初始化权重Machine learning and deep learning techniques have encroached in every possible domain you can think of. With the increasing availability of digitized data and the advancement of computation ...

2020-10-11 17:54:31 325

翻译 使用Labellerr轻松进行6个步骤的图像分类标签

Have you ever wondered how Instagram takes care of the abusive and inappropriate images shared by some of its users? How Google Photos image tagging works? Or how companies like Twitter, Facebook, Pin...

2020-10-11 17:44:54 715

翻译 pytorch自动编码_用pytorch第2部分从头开始编码ppo 4

pytorch自动编码Welcome to Part 2 of our series, where we shall start coding Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) from scratch with PyTorch. If you haven’t read Part 1, please do so first.欢迎来到本系列的第2部分,我们将开始使...

2020-10-11 17:35:31 396

翻译 nlp gpt论文_gpt 3变形金刚和nlp的狂野世界

nlp gpt论文介绍(Introduction)The tech world is so full of fascinating demons. Every now and then, we get to be awed, not without a hint of horror, by a new development. The natural language processing (N...

2020-10-11 17:24:45 545

翻译 机器学习模型 非线性模型_pycaret在几分钟内准备好您的机器学习模型

机器学习模型 非线性模型While working on a machine learning problem wouldn’t it be better if we can make a quick comparison of a few models which would in turn help us in deciding to which model do we dedicate ou...

2020-09-03 05:57:41 300

翻译 深度学习中的激活函数大全_激活功能在深度学习中的可用性

深度学习中的激活函数大全Explanation of 3 common activation functions on Deep learning by usability.通过可用性说明有关深度学习的3种常见激活功能。 为什么激活功能如此重要?(Why Activation Function so Important?)We can imagine activation Function ...

2020-09-03 05:36:19 408

翻译 nlp,语义_nlp词汇语义

nlp,语义Finding out the computational meaning of word is an exciting process. However, I thought I would closer into one concept relating to how we can think about words. I write this article to learn m...

2020-09-03 05:26:46 189

翻译 cnc程序加工中心_cnc加工自动可制造性评估的可制造性设计

cnc程序加工中心An article by Yacine Mahdid and Ying Zhang.Yacine Mahdid和Zhang Ying的文章。The definition of design for manufacturability (DFM) goes as follow: “The general engineering practice of designing pro...

2020-09-03 05:17:12 2100

翻译 kaggle 比赛分类_黑色素瘤分类在kaggle比赛中获得奖牌

kaggle 比赛分类Using deep learning to identify melanomas from skin images and patient meta-data使用深度学习从皮肤图像和患者元数据中识别黑色素瘤Kaggle, SIIM, and ISIC hosted the SIIM-ISIC Melanoma Classification competition on M...

2020-09-03 05:06:33 2089

翻译 python中带有multioutputclassifier和xgboost的多标签分类示例

Scikit-learn API provides a MulitOutputClassifier class that helps to classify multi-output data. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to classify multi-output (multi-label) data with this method in Pyth...

2020-09-03 04:56:26 2829

翻译 机器学习数学_三个月计划学习机器学习背后的数学

机器学习数学重点(Top highlight)In this article, I have shared a 3-month plan to learn mathematics for machine learning. As we know, almost all machine learning algorithms make use of concepts of Linear Algebr...

2020-09-03 04:47:22 330

翻译 finetune_用于多标签文本分类任务的finetune distilbert

finetuneIn one of my last blog post, How to fine-tune bert on text classification task, I had explained fine-tuning BERT for a multi-class text classification task. In this post, I will be explaining ...

2020-09-03 04:37:26 716

翻译 通过tensorflow进行物体检测1 x

The computer vision is one of the top fast growing domain and the deep learning based approach is now widely applied to solve real-world problems such as face recognition, cancer detection, etc.计算机视觉是...

2020-09-03 04:27:55 244

翻译 参考框架 系统 基准_大约一百万个数据集和一个用于自然语言的基准框架

参考框架 系统 基准In this article, I will show how to retrieve close to one million public text or PDF documents. Some of these documents are raw text, some are clean text, and some include categorical labell...

2020-09-03 04:17:38 143

翻译 每个机器学习爱好者应该知道的16个面试问题

招聘,机器学习(Careers, Machine Learning)A Machine Learning Engineer has to cover the breadth concepts in ML, DL , Probability , Stats, and coding with a good depth of understanding . Machine Learning Engin...

2020-09-03 04:07:45 290

翻译 nlu训练_nlu chatbot训练数据第2部分嵌入的质量指标

nlu训练What are Embeddings? What is similarity, cohesion and separation?什么是嵌入? 什么是相似性,内聚性和分离性?This article series provides an introduction to important quality metrics for your NLU engine and your chat...

2020-09-03 03:57:33 281



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