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翻译 python 负数模运算_在Python中使用负数进行模运算

python 负数模运算First and foremost, sorry for the long absence recently. Work and study have been taking most of me in the last months. In fact, what I’m writing down Today is something I learnt recently ...

2020-09-17 03:05:01 1463

翻译 民用飞机着陆阶段着陆方法_着陆区第二部分的解剖

民用飞机着陆阶段着陆方法In the first part of this series, we explored the concept of a cloud landing zone and discussed the most common building blocks that are often involved. This part will focus mostly on the ...

2020-09-17 02:55:13 1085

翻译 selenium基础教程_弹性Selenium基础设施

selenium基础教程HelloFresh values a strong user experience, so proper testing is at the core of how we build great software. With a growing customer base and added code complexity, our Platform team reali...

2020-09-17 02:45:25 229

翻译 aws dynamodb_AWS API Gateway Lambda dynamodb

aws dynamodbIn this tutorial, I will walk you through how to set up endpoints using API Gateway to trigger Lambda functions which interact with your DynamoDB database using the boto3 Python library. I...

2020-09-17 02:35:34 269

翻译 复杂度 编程_数据处理编程2代码复杂度

复杂度 编程 第一部分:概念框架 (Part I: Conceptual Framework)In this part some of the most important concepts of programming and design will be introduced which will lay a foundation and a starting point for the s...

2020-09-17 02:24:59 243

翻译 lte数据优化之调度优化_员工调度优化

lte数据优化之调度优化 工业工程师R (R for Industrial Engineers) 行动调查 (Operations Research)Operations Research is a scientific approach for decision making that seeks for the best design and operation of a system, ...

2020-09-17 02:14:10 384

翻译 Java中的函数组成

One can argue that composing functions is the most important idea in programming and functional programming in particular. The idea of compositionality is of monumental importance in human thinking. C...

2020-09-17 02:03:20 363

翻译 敏捷估算 视频_敏捷估算您回答的所有问题

敏捷估算 视频I’ve had a few people asking questions about estimation when doing agile software development so I decided I would write down some ideas in the hope that others may find it helpful. 我有几个人在进行敏捷软...

2020-09-17 01:54:08 84

翻译 使用python和opencv构建集合求解器

Have you ever played SET? SET is a game in which players race to identify patterns of three cards — or SETs — within twelve unique cards in play at a given time. Each SET card has four properties: sha...

2020-09-17 01:45:04 376

翻译 libgdx 3d_使用Java和libgdx进行3D游戏编程,使用Blender建立模型

libgdx 3dOr… the journey through the x, y, and z axes through the lens of a computer screen. 或 …通过x,y和z轴穿过计算机屏幕镜头的旅程。 TL; DR (TL;DR)Using Blender to get your Model, UV unwrapped, with an image text...

2020-09-17 01:35:02 1410

翻译 证明您履历表经验的防弹五步法

How many times have you gotten the question “Tell me more about your work experience at …” or “Describe an experience when you had to overcome a technical challenge”? Is your answer solid and bullet-p...

2020-09-15 04:16:06 123

翻译 aws lambda使用_如何使用AWS Lambda构建无服务器的Laravel队列

aws lambda使用 先决条件 (Prerequisites)Laravel 6+ Laravel 6+ bref.sh bref.sh serverless 无服务器 快速步骤 (Quick Steps)Install bref 安装bref Deploy to AWS Lambda using serverless 使用无服务器部署到AWS Lambda Configure Lara...

2020-09-15 04:05:49 374

翻译 fabric节点部署_有关部署节点js的所有内容

fabric节点部署 介绍 (Introduction)While I was deploying my new portfolio website on AWS this weekend, I find it quite troublesome for people without too much AWS experience, like me. As I was also preparin...

2020-09-15 03:56:11 101

翻译 com 初探_初探无服务器业务流程编排

com 初探 连接服务方面的挑战 (Challenges in connecting services)When I think about my recent projects, I probably spent half of my time coding new services and the other half in connecting services. Service A ca...

2020-09-15 03:46:18 117

翻译 采用tdd实现计算器_在您的团队中成功采用了tdd

采用tdd实现计算器Test-Driven Development is a game-changing methodology for any software project with a life span more extensive than one year; unfortunately, many developers and companies fail to embrace it...

2020-09-15 03:37:14 253

翻译 base64解码字符串_如何使用Mac OS或Linux编码和解码base64字符串

base64解码字符串One pretty common task that I need to do during with my day-to-day software engineering is to either encode or decode base64 strings; it comes up when I’m working with things like private k...

2020-09-15 03:28:08 1247

翻译 反冲物料_父母有更多的时间休息,然后反冲开始了

反冲物料By Daisuke Wakabayashi and Sheera Frenkel 若林大辅和希拉·弗伦克尔 OAKLAND, Calif. — When the coronavirus closed schools and child care centers and turned American parenthood into a multitasking nightmare, m...

2020-08-11 05:54:37 178



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