

Over the last year and a half, I’ve had the opportunity to teach the basics of typography to undergraduate graphic design students. During this time, I’ve noticed some common mistakes that my students make when first learning how to work with type. In this short article, I’m going to go through the 5 most common mistakes and share some tips on how to avoid them.

在过去的一年半中,我有幸向本科平面设计专业的学生教授了排版的基础知识。 在这段时间里,我注意到我的学生在第一次学习如何使用类型时会犯一些常见的错误。 在这篇简短的文章中,我将介绍5个最常见的错误,并分享一些避免错误的技巧。

Let’s dive in!


1.使用过多的字体和样式 (1. Using too many typefaces & styles)

One of the first lessons I teach in my class is limiting the number of typefaces. New designers are passionate about their craft and just like more experienced designers, they like to stand out for their design work. However, since beginners are still in the learning process, their need to stand out sometimes doesn’t translate well. Most beginners use multiple typefaces and styles that only leads to confusion and distraction for their users. It’s important to know that design is for the user and not the designer. So as tempting as it might be for you to add another typeface to your work, you should avoid it.

我在课堂上教的第一课是限制字体的数量。 新设计师对自己的Craft.io充满热情,就像经验丰富的设计师一样,他们喜欢在设计工作中脱颖而出。 但是,由于初学者仍处于学习过程中,所以有时他们脱颖而出的需求并不能很好地体现出来。 大多数初学者使用多种字体和样式,只会给用户带来困惑和干扰。 重要的是要知道设计是针对用户而非设计者的。 因此,尽管很想在您的作品中添加另一个字体,却应该避免使用它。

Tip #1: Limit yourself to using 2 typefaces. Usually, one typeface for body text and one display typeface is enough. Can you ever use more than 2 typefaces? YES! There are exceptions to any rule, but that wouldn’t be the best practice for a beginner.

提示1 :仅限于使用2种字样。 通常,一个正文字体和一个显示字体就足够了。 您可以使用两种以上的字体吗? 是! 任何规则都有例外,但是对于初学者而言,这不是最佳实践。

Tip #2: Pick Superfamilies if you’re looking for a variety of styles. But remember, using too many styles can break your design too.What the heck are superfamilies? These are typefaces that have many weights and styles.

提示2 :如果您要寻找各种款式,请选择超家族。 但是请记住,使用过多的样式也会破坏您的设计。超家族到底是什么? 这些是具有许多粗细和样式的字体。

2.不主动选择类型 (2. Not making active choices about the type)

New designers tend to leave some decision-making to the design software they are using. A designer is not only to choose the typeface and font size but also to actively decide and adjust the value for leading, kerning, tracking, etc. Every single detail matters.

新的设计师倾向于将决策权留给他们使用的设计软件。 设计人员不仅要选择字体和字体大小,还要积极地决定和调整前导,字距调整,跟踪等值。每个细节都很重要。

Tip #3: Don’t trust your design software with every detail. Be proactive and think about what suits your work best and make changes.

提示#3 :不要完全相信您的设计软件。 积极主动,考虑最适合您的工作并进行更改。

3.不对大型字体进行字距调整 (3. Not kerning large type)

Kerning is one of the most important concepts in typography. Most of the time, I can tell a good design by just checking whether the large types have been kerned or not. When introduced to kerning for the first time, some beginners think of it as a time-consuming task that doesn’t have much of an impact on their final work. Well, that’s not true. Design is about the details, even if that detail is as small as the space between two letters. So kern that heading! It gets easier as you practice.

字距调整是版式中最重要的概念之一。 大多数时候,我可以通过检查大型类型是否已调整字号来判断一个好的设计。 当初次引入字距调整时,一些初学者将其视为一项耗时的任务,对最终工作没有太大影响。 好吧,那不是真的。 设计是关于细节的,即使那个细节与两个字母之间的间距一样小。 所以要保持标题! 练习时会变得更容易。

Tip #4: Next time, try kerning 3 letters at a time.

提示4 :下次,请尝试一次调整3个字母的字距。

4.填补负面空间的冲动 (4. The urge to fill up negative space)

I had a student who thought negative is bad, unwanted and one should fill up the workspace to avoid having negative space. Now, that was an extreme case. Most of the time, my students do know what negative space is. However, knowing and putting knowledge into practice are two different things. Most beginners tend to fill up their workspace with design elements, let that be type, graphics, or pictures. It’s always important to leave some room for your design elements to breathe.

我有一个学生认为负数不好,不需要,所以应该填满工作区以避免负数空间。 现在,这是一个极端的情况。 大多数时候,我的学生确实知道什么是负空间。 但是,了解知识并付诸实践是两回事。 大多数初学者倾向于用设计元素填充他们的工作空间,让它们成为类型,图形或图片。 为设计元素留出一些空间,这始终很重要。

Tip #5: Negative space goes hand in hand with the principle of proximity in visual design. Refresh your memory about proximity.

提示#5 :负空间与视觉设计中的接近原理紧密相关。 刷新您对附近的记忆。

Tip #6: After finishing your next design project, duplicate your artboard, and think about how you can increase the negative space. Move elements around, change font sizes, and leadings if needed. After you finish, compare the two artboards. Which one turned out better?

提示6 :完成下一个设计项目后,请复制画板,并考虑如何增加负空间。 移动元素,更改字体大小和行距(如果需要)。 完成后,比较两个画板。 哪一个更好?

“Good design is clear thinking made visible.”- Edward Tufte

“好的设计是清晰可见的思想。”-Edward Tufte

5.不了解类型层次 (5. Not understanding type hierarchy)

Like Edward Tufte once said: “Good design is clear thinking made visible”. One way that a designer’s ability to think clearly shows in her work is type hierarchy. Type hierarchy is not randomly making some parts of the text larger but it is to understand the importance and relevance of information and making visual decisions that show that hierarchy.

就像爱德华·塔夫特(Edward Tufte)曾经说过的那样:“好的设计是清晰的思想变得可见”。 设计师在其工作中清晰思考的能力之一就是类型层次。 类型层次结构不是随机地使文本的某些部分变大,而是要了解信息的重要性和相关性,并做出显示该层次结构的视觉决策。

Tip #7: In your next design project, before choosing typefaces, colors, or thinking about the layout, take a moment, and organize the text in the level of importance. Put yourself in the readers’ position. Which part of the text is the most important? What comes after? What after that? And so on. You can use MS word or do this task somewhere on your artboard; both works. What’s important is that you take the time to think about the priorities and hierarchy of information before designing.

提示7 :在您的下一个设计项目中,选择字体,颜色或布局之前,请花一点时间并按重要性级别组织文本。 让自己处于读者的位置。 文字的哪一部分最重要? 会发生什么? 那之后呢? 等等。 您可以使用MS word或在画板上的某处执行此任务; 两者都可以。 重要的是您在设计之前花时间考虑信息的优先级和层次结构。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/5-typography-mistakes-new-designers-make-how-to-avoid-them-f75abe7da937






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