

What do you think: How many online accounts do you have? Well, there is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, of course, Medium, MyFitnessPal, GitHub, Slack for work, oh and a couple of apps on your phone, maybe some accounts with some online shops…? But that‘s no more than 50, right?

如何看: 您有多少个在线帐户? 好吧,当然有Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,Google,Medium,MyFitnessPal,GitHub,Slack for work,哦,手机上还有几个应用程序,也许有一些在线商店的帐户……? 但这不超过50,对吗?

Actually, that number is more likely in the hundreds. According to Dashlane, the average American had 150 online accounts in 2017, and they predicted that this number could reach 300 by 2022. It’s 2020 now, and each of us probably has more than 200 accounts—because of the ones we don’t even remember. Most of the online services and apps you use require an account setup. Even if you just want to quickly try something or look something up, you will create that account. And then forget about it. This forgetting-about-it part combined with weak and recycled passwords and companies selling your data creates significant security risks. So it is important to be aware of the accounts you have, to delete the ones you don’t need or want anymore, to implement strong passwords and to think about what information you want to share. But how can you find those forgotten accounts? Below, I will share 8 steps so you can take back control of your data, find those lost accounts and consciously decide who you share your data with.

实际上,这个数字很有可能是数百个。 根据Dashlane的调查 ,2017年美国人平均拥有150个在线帐户,他们预测到2022年这个数字可能会达到300。现在是2020年,并且 我们每个人可能拥有200多个帐户-因为我们甚至都不记得了。 您使用的大多数在线服务和应用程序都需要设置帐户。 即使您只是想快速尝试或查找内容,也要创建该帐户。 然后忘记它。 遗忘的部分加上薄弱且可循环使用的密码,以及销售您的数据的公司会带来重大的安全风险 。 因此,重要的是要知道您拥有的帐户,删除不再需要或不需要的帐户,实施强密码并考虑要共享的信息。 但是,如何找到那些忘记的帐户? 下面,我将分享8个步骤,以便您可以控制数据,找到丢失的帐户并有意识地决定与谁共享数据。

1.列出所有帐户 (1. Start a list of all of your accounts)

Finding all your accounts will take some time. Start a list to track all of the checked accounts, what action you took, and the outcome: Did you change the password, delete them, request deletion via e-mail, reset your password, never received an answer on the password reset or the deletion? But don’t add any passwords or any sensitive information to that list. Tracking the progress of your “security spring cleaning” will avoid checking the same site twice or missing an account entirely. You can also use this list to do a repeat clean-up in the future, so keeping continuous track is key. However, tracking currently active accounts is easier using a password manager.

查找所有帐户将需要一些时间。 启动一个列表以跟踪所有已检查的帐户,您采取的措施以及结果:您是否更改过密码,删除了它们,通过电子邮件请求删除,重置了密码,从未收到有关重置密码或删除? 但不要在该列表中添加任何密码或任何敏感信息。 跟踪“安全Spring大扫除”的进度将避免两次检查同一站点或完全丢失一个帐户。 您还可以使用此列表在将来进行重复清理,因此保持连续跟踪是关键。 但是,使用密码管理器更容易跟踪当前活动的帐户。

2.使用密码管理器 (2. Use a password manager)

I know you already know this, but I will say it again: You should not be using recycled passwords, i.e. using the same or slight variations of those passwords for 10 or so different accounts, and you should have strong passwords, which are long, include upper and lower case letters, numbers, symbols but don’t include memorable substitutions or keyboard paths. A password manager can help you keep track of hundreds of strong passwords:

我知道您已经知道这一点,但是我会再说一遍:您不应该使用回收密码,即对10个左右的不同帐户使用相同或稍许不同的密码,并且应该使用长密码 ,包括大写和小写字母,数字,符号,但不包括难忘的替换或键盘路径。 密码管理器可以帮助您跟踪数百个强密码:

  • it helps you to generate strong passwords,


  • you only need to remember one super strong master password,


  • and it keeps track of all your accounts


I will not recommend a specific manager, but there are numerous options available, including subscription, lifetime or free accounts. It is worthwhile to do your research and choose a good option that reliably and securely generates and stores your passwords and account information. If you don’t trust password managers, this might be an interesting read for you.

我不会推荐特定的经理,但是有很多可用的选项,包括订阅,终身或免费帐户。 进行研究并选择一个可靠且安全地生成并存储您的密码和帐户信息的好的选择是值得的。 如果您不信任密码管理器,那么对您可能是一个有趣的阅读。

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200 Degrees from 200 DegreesPixabay. Pics中

3.浏览现有的密码管理器并更新密码 (3. Look through existing password managers and update passwords)

Now that you have your tracking list and a new and secure password manager, it’s time to look through your existing accounts. Some of them you will remember right away because you use them daily (nobody needs to remind you of your Instagram account, probably). But when was the last time you changed the passwords of those accounts? Go ahead and change them for all sites you immediately remember (with your new manager). Your e-mail accounts are especially important because this is where all your reset password e-mails go— allowing anyone to gain access to your other accounts if they make it into your e-mail account. For everything else look through old password managers: Did you save passwords in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, on your iPhone, your Android phone or with another free password manager? Did you use Google, Facebook, Apple accounts to sign into other services? In this case you can look up the accounts with access to those logins through those providers. Next, look through your apps on your phone. A significant number of those probably asked you to sign up for an account as well. Go through all of the accounts you find and decide: Keep it and update the password — or delete it.

现在您有了跟踪列表和一个新的安全密码管理器,是时候查看现有帐户了。 其中一些您会立即记住,因为您每天都在使用它们(可能没有人需要使您想起自己的Instagram帐户)。 但是,您最后一次更改这些帐户的密码是什么时候? 继续并针对您立即记住的所有站点(与新经理)更改它们。 您的电子邮件帐户尤为重要,因为这是所有重设密码电子邮件的去向-允许任何人访问您的其他帐户(如果它们进入您的电子邮件帐户)。 对于其他所有内容,请查看旧的密码管理器: 您是否在Safari,Chrome,Firefox ,iPhone,Android手机或其他免费密码管理器中保存了密码? 您是否使用Google,Facebook,Apple帐户登录其他服务? 在这种情况下,您可以通过这些提供程序查找有权访问这些登录名的帐户。 接下来, 在手机上浏览您的应用程序 。 其中许多人可能还会要求您注册一个帐户。 遍历您发现并决定的所有帐户: 保留并更新密码-或将其删除。

When deleting accounts, there are essentially two options: either you need to log in and close, deactivate or delete your account with a click on a button in the settings part that gives you this option (which is the fast and easy solution), or you need to contact customer service of the website/app and request that they close your account. If you don’t remember the password of an old account (it’s a good sign if you don’t because then you didn’t recycle it), simply reset your password. You only need to remember your e-mail address or username and log into your e-mail account. The specific instructions for the account you want to delete can likely be found with a Google search or on justdelete.me, which provides an overview for popular websites. Good news for citizens of the European Union: the GDPR regulation implemented the “right to be forgotten” (Article 17), so citizens can contact website providers and ask for deletion. The providers don’t always have to do so, but most likely your account falls into the can-do category.

删除帐户时,基本上有两种选择 :您需要登录并单击设置部分中的按钮(单击此按钮即可快速关闭该帐户),以停用或停用您的帐户(这是快速简便的解决方案),或者您需要联系网站/应用程序的客户服务,并要求他们关闭您的帐户。 如果您不记得旧帐户的密码(如果您不记得那是个好兆头,因为那您就没有回收它),只需重置密码即可。 您只需要记住您的电子邮件地址或用户名并登录到您的电子邮件帐户即可。 您可以通过Google搜索或justdelete.me上找到要删除的帐户的特定说明,其中提供了热门网站的概述。 对于欧盟公民来说是个好消息: GDPR法规实施了“被遗忘的权利”(第17条),因此公民可以联系网站提供商并要求删除。 提供者不一定必须这样做 ,但是您的帐户很可能属于“可以执行”类别。

Changing the passwords for your current accounts is crucial because you might not be able to delete some of your old accounts (no deletion option and the website provider does not respond to your request). Therefore, you need to protect your active accounts from hackers that have your old passwords. For accounts you cannot delete, try changing the data contained in those accounts (also the password) to decrease the risk that occurs for you if the website is hacked.

更改当前帐户的密码至关重要,因为您可能无法删除某些旧帐户 (没有删除选项,并且网站提供商未响应您的请求)。 因此,您需要保护活动帐户免受拥有旧密码的黑客的攻击。 对于无法删除的帐户,请尝试更改这些帐户中包含的数据(也包括密码),以减少如果网站被黑客入侵对您造成的风险。

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talha khalil from talha khalilPixabay. Pixabay上发布

4.筛选您的旧电子邮件 (4. Sift through your old e-mails)

Now we are getting closer to those forgotten accounts. Look through all your e-mail accounts (that you use and can remember) and try to identify sign-up emails. Usually when you create a new account somewhere, the website or app will send you a confirmation e-mail. So search your inbox for phrases such as “new account”, “confirm e-mail”, “verify e-mail”, “activate account”, “password”, “welcome”, “sign-up”, “registered”. You can also search for old usernames you remember. If you have accounts for services in languages other than English, use the equivalent phrases as well. You can also check whether you received e-mails on your birthday from websites. Newsletters can also reveal companies that slipped through on the above filters. For Google/Gmail accounts, there is also the option to check out myactivity.google.com, which shows your search history grouped into categories and time of day, so it is easier for you to track what you searched for and what you logged into.

现在,我们正在接近那些被遗忘的帐户。 查看所有(您使用并会记住的)电子邮件帐户,并尝试识别注册电子邮件。 通常,当您在某个地方创建新帐户时,网站或应用程序会向您发送一封确认电子邮件。 因此, 在收件箱中搜索诸如“新帐户”,“确认电子邮件”,“验证电子邮件”,“激活帐户”,“密码”,“欢迎”,“注册”,“注册”等短语 。 您还可以搜索您记得的旧用户名。 如果您拥有除英语以外的其他语言的服务帐户,也请使用等效的短语。 您还可以检查生日当天是否从网站收到电子邮件时事通讯还可以揭示跳过上述筛选条件的公司。 对于Google / Gmail帐户,还可以选择检出myactivity.google.com ,它按类别和一天中的时间显示了您的搜索历史记录,因此您可以更轻松地跟踪搜索内容和登录内容。

There are providers out there that will do this for you and request access to your e-mail account and then sift through your account confirmation e-mails and even send out cancellation requests. However, I (similar to others) would not recommend this approach given that your e-mail account is your most sensitive account — as previously mentioned — and giving access to it bears significant risks.

那里有提供商将为您执行此操作,并请求访问您的电子邮件帐户,然后筛选您的帐户确认电子邮件,甚至发出取消请求。 但是,鉴于您的电子邮件帐户是您最敏感的帐户(如前所述) ,因此我( 与其他人类似 )不建议使用此方法 ,并且对其进行访问会带来重大风险。

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mohamed Hassan from mohamed HassanPixabay. Pixabay上发布

5.检查数据泄漏跟踪站点 (5. Check data leakage tracking sites)

Hacks happen and thankfully, there are sites that track which services have been hacked and which data has been compromised. Go to Have I Been Pawned or Avast’s Hack Check to see whether your e-mail addresses were part of stolen and leaked data. If so, change your passwords right away and maybe even close the accounts with the websites that were hacked.

发生黑客攻击,幸运的是,有些站点可以跟踪哪些服务被黑客入侵以及哪些数据已被泄露。 转到“我被当兵了”或“ Avast的黑客检查”中 ,查看您的电子邮件地址是否属于被盗和泄漏的数据的一部分。 如果是这样,请立即更改密码,甚至可能关闭被黑客入侵的网站的帐户。

6.利用用户名检查站点 (6. Leverage username checking sites)

Use username check sites — such as Namechk or Knowem — that are usually intended for you to identify the online potential of your own brand. But for this case, you can enter usernames you frequently used to see whether the sites that display this username as unavailable ring a bell. This might jog your memory and help you identify additional accounts.

使用用户名检查网站,例如NamechkKnowem ,通常用于确定您自己品牌的在线潜力。 但是在这种情况下, 您可以输入经常使用的用户名,以查看显示该用户名不可用的网站是否响了起来。 这可能会拖慢您的记忆,并帮助您识别其他帐户。

7.在不同的搜索引擎中搜索您的姓名,电子邮件地址和其他有关您的详细信息 (7. Search for your name, e-mail address and other details about you in different search engines)

Check Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Ecosia and other search engines for your name (don’t forget the quotation marks), e-mail address and usernames. This might bring up some websites that you didn’t catch in your search before. There are also some recommendations out there to use people search engines. However, these are pretty dodgy and the risk-reward trade-off seems to be tilted toward the risk side. You are likely not going to find many additional unknown accounts. So I would recommend staying off those sites.

检查Google,Bing,Duckduckgo,Ecosia和其他搜索引擎的名称 (不要忘记引号),电子邮件地址和用户名。 这可能会带来一些您以前没有在搜索中发现的网站。 还有一些建议可以使用人员搜索引擎。 但是,这些都是狡猾的 ,风险回报权衡似乎倾向于风险方面。 您可能不会找到许多其他未知帐户。 因此,我建议您不要使用这些网站。

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200 Degrees from 200 DegreesPixabay. Pixabay上发布

8.如何管理前进 (8. How to manage going forward)

You made it!! You cleaned up most of your old accounts. It is probably impossible to identify and delete all accounts you ever had and don’t want anymore — companies/websites go out of business, URLs change, you cannot get in touch with the owners of the site or your search left out a few accounts. This happens. What’s important is how you deal with your data going forward. Consider the following points:

你做到了!! 您清理了大部分旧帐户。 可能无法识别和删除您曾经拥有且不再想要的所有帐户-公司/网站停业,URL更改,您无法与网站所有者联系或您的搜索遗漏了一些帐户。 有时候是这样的。 重要的是如何处理将来的数据。 请考虑以下几点:

  • Next time you want to use a service/website/app which asks you to sign up and provide personal data, think about whether the risks outweigh the reward. Do you really want to share this data with this provider?

    下次您想使用要求您签名并提供个人数据的服务/网站/应用程序时,请考虑一下风险是否大于回报 。 您是否真的要与该提供者共享此数据?

  • Always use a different and strong password for each site. No more recycling, no more weak passwords, no more password evolution from password123 to p@assw0rd123.

    始终对每个站点使用不同的强密码 。 不再回收,不再使用弱密码,不再将密码password123 演变p @ assw0rd123。

  • Get a reliable and secure password manager. This helps you to manage all those strong passwords and allows you to keep track of all the accounts you created (if you save those accounts in the manager).

    获取可靠且安全的密码管理器。 这可以帮助您管理所有这些强密码,并可以跟踪创建的所有帐户(如果您将这些帐户保存在管理器中)。

  • If you do sign up for an account, but realize soon after that you don’t want or need it anymore, delete your account right away and don’t forget about it later. Also, don’t just delete apps, but actually delete your account in those unwanted apps.

    如果您确实注册了一个帐户,但很快就意识到自己不再需要它,请立即删除您的帐户,以后再也不会忘记它 。 另外,不仅要删除应用程序,还要实际上删除那些不需要的应用程序中的帐户。

  • If you receive newsletters or marketing e-mails from companies, don’t just delete them but use them as a reminder that this company has your data and act on it — before removing this reminder and forgetting about it.

    如果您收到公司的新闻通讯或市场营销电子邮件 ,请不要删除它们,而是将其用作提醒该公司拥有您的数据并对其进行处理-在删除此提醒并将其遗忘之前。

  • Repeat your security spring cleaning once a year. Note down the date of your last digital clean-up and set a reminder in your phone. If done regularly, it will be a much easier and faster exercise.

    每年重复一次安全性Spring大扫除。 记下上次数字清理的日期,并在手机中设置提醒。 如果定期进行,这将是一个容易得多且更快的运动。

  • Some services send you your password in plain text via e-mail after you signed up. I can only comment on this with Why?! Steer clear of those accounts. If this happened with one of your accounts, consider closing the account right away and don’t use this password for any other website or account.

    注册后,某些服务会通过电子邮件以纯文本形式向您发送密码 。 我只能用“ 为什么?”对此发表评论 避开这些帐户。 如果您的其中一个帐户发生了这种情况,请考虑立即关闭该帐户,不要将此密码用于任何其他网站或帐户。

I hope these steps make it easier for you to find those old accounts and become a bit more security-aware in the future when you sign up to new ones.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@julia.nikulski/how-to-find-those-old-online-accounts-you-dont-remember-404009f174e1


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