

Time and time again, it has been proven that there exist certain behavioural patterns that lead to high performance. These qualities are further required when individuals are expected to perform as part of a team. Regardless of which stage of your career you are at, overperformance will unequivocally be of interest.

一次又一次地,已经证明存在某些导致高性能的行为模式。 当期望个人作为团队的一员参加比赛时,还需要这些素质。 无论您处于职业生涯的哪个阶段,绩效都会毫无疑问地受到关注。

You can undoubtedly think of overperformance at the individual level (i.e. how you personally exceed performance expectations). At the same time, you can also think of it at a collective level (i.e. how a team, department, or organisation can exceed performance expectations). As a member of a team, you can think of the personal aspect, whereas a leader — or an aspiring leader — will certainly need to think about the collective.

毫无疑问,您可以在个人层面上考虑绩效(即您个人如何超出绩效预期)。 同时,您也可以在集体层面上考虑它(即团队,部门或组织如何超出绩效期望)。 作为团队成员,您可以考虑个人方面,而领导者(或有抱负的领导者)当然需要考虑集体。

In this article, we are going to explore some of the qualities that, when adopted, can make a big difference in driving overperformance. In striving to achieve these qualities, a person will inch towards what is known as a growth mindset.

在本文中,我们将探讨一些品质,这些品质一旦被采用,就会在推动性能超标方面产生很大的变化。 在努力实现这些品质的过程中,一个人将朝着所谓的成长心态迈进

极端所有权 (Extreme Ownership)

Extreme Ownership is a very powerful concept. It can transform its practitioners’ lives and drive excellence in all walks of life.

极端所有权是一个非常强大的概念。 它可以改变其从业者的生活,并推动各行各业的卓越发展。

Extreme Ownership requires its users to take responsibility for the circumstances of their lives and completely annihilates blame culture. The answer to who’s at fault is always all of us. This is best illustrated with an example.

极端所有权要求其用户对自己的生活环境负责,并彻底消灭怪圈文化。 谁有过错的答案永远都是我们所有人。 最好用一个例子说明。

Imagine you are trying to understand why you have had a critical bug in production. The process, the product analyst, the developer, the dev peer reviewer, the QA tester, the business tester, the team lead, and anyone else who may have been remotely involved are at fault. There is something that each and every actor could have done differently, which could have led to the avoidance of the incident.

想象一下,您试图了解为什么生产中存在严重的错误。 流程,产品分析师,开发人员,开发人员同级审阅者,质量检查测试人员,业务测试人员,团队负责人以及其他可能参与其中的人都存在错误。 每个演员都有可能做不同的事情,这可能导致事件的避免。

By taking ownership at that level, everyone has a vested interest in avoiding and resolving issues. It is within personal grasp to change your and your team’s fate.

通过获得该级别的所有权,每个人都有避免和解决问题的既得利益。 改变您和您团队的命运完全在个人掌握之中。

寻求了解而不是被理解 (Seek to Understand Rather Than to Be Understood)

In the quest for obtaining a growth mindset, it is imperative to look for and facilitate continuous learning and betterment — both on a personal and team level. To achieve that, one must be open to actively listening to others and focus on what is truly being said.

为了获得成长型的心态,必须在个人和团队层面上寻找并促进持续的学习和改善。 为实现这一目标,必须开放积极倾听他人的意见,并专注于真正所说的话。

If one acts defensively instead, they are automatically shutting themselves down to any feedback and are looking to explain by responding rather than genuinely understanding what is being said.


To truly know one’s self, one must experience their self through the eyes of others. There can be a vast difference with what you intend on putting out there and what others perceive. Listen to what you’re being told without being defensive, and you’ll be able to communicate better.

要真正了解一个人的自我,就必须通过他人的眼睛来体验自己的自我。 您打算在那里发布的内容与其他人所看到的内容可能会有巨大差异。 聆听自己被告知的内容而不必感到防御,您将能够更好地沟通。

寻求和欢迎反馈 (Seek and Welcome Feedback)

Once you are actively listening without a defensive attitude, the next step is to seek out feedback. Do not depend on someone else’s goodwill and initiative to provide you with feedback. Actively look for it.

一旦您以防御态度积极聆听,下一步就是寻求反馈。 不要依靠别人的善意和主动为您提供反馈。 积极寻找。

Listen to how your actions or inactions were perceived and attempt to understand why. Not all feedback will be good, but always try to understand it. Take the time to thank the person who gave you the feedback, and if the situation and tone of the conversation permit, explain what your intentions were and have an honest discussion as to why your actions were not perceived in the correct light.

倾听您对自己的作为或不作为的看法,并尝试理解原因。 并非所有反馈都是好的,但请始终尝试理解它。 请花时间感谢向您提供反馈的人,如果谈话的情况和语气允许,请解释您的意图,并诚实地讨论为何未正确理解您的行为。

As a parting thought on this topic, I would encourage you to introduce feedback loops within your working processes so that feedback becomes something you do as a team.


务实和开放的态度 (Be Pragmatic and Open to Change)

Unquestionably, overzealously searching for perfection can often lead to extreme binary viewpoints. One should be empowered to take a stance and drive change, but one should never operate in a black-or-white setting. There are always different shades of grey, and one should remain open to feedback and competing points of view.

毫无疑问,过度追求完美常常会导致极端的二元观点。 应该授权一个人采取立场并推动变革,但永远不要在黑白环境下工作。 总是有不同的灰色阴影,应该保持开放状态以接受反馈和相互竞争的观点。

Do not let the perceived notion of perfection hold you back from having tangible progress in the right direction. Sometimes, you need to strategically regress so that you can take a leap forward in the right direction.

不要让感知的完美概念阻碍您在正确的方向上取得切实的进展。 有时,您需要策略性地退步,以便朝正确的方向前进。

To achieve the above, one needs to remain open to change as well as the fact that there are alternative viewpoints that could provide better solutions.


确定解决方案-不要怪 (Identify a Solution — Not Blame)

Anyone who has ever been involved in project delivery will tell you that there is always something that can go or has gone wrong. Your very first instinct in such a situation should be to identify a viable solution to resolve the problem.

曾经参与项目交付的任何人都会告诉您,总有可能发生或出错的事情。 在这种情况下,您的本能首先应该是找到解决问题的可行解决方案。

In cultures where blame runs rampant, the first question will be “Who did that?” It is, however, highly unlikely that high performance can be fostered in such environments. For innovation and trust to emerge, the team needs to feel safe and appreciated. After all, extreme ownership would suggest many things have gone wrong to be in this situation.

在怪罪猖ramp的文化中,第一个问题将是“谁做了?” 但是,在这种环境下极不可能实现高性能。 为了产生创新和信任,团队需要感到安全和赞赏。 毕竟,极端所有权会暗示在这种情况下发生了很多事情。

Focus on the solution. Understand the current state, then the target state, and explore your options about getting there.

着重在解决方案。 了解当前状态,然后了解目标状态,并探索实现此目标的选择。

结论 (Conclusion)

You may have noticed a theme throughout this article. We contrast what you should do versus what you should not.

您可能已经在本文中注意到一个主题。 我们将您应该做与不应该做的做对比。

Within the Agile cosmos, there is a framework called Red-Green zones. The fundamental idea is that you and your team should try to spend as much time as possible within the Green zone. It is only then that collaboration, motivation, and overperformance can thrive.

在敏捷的宇宙中,有一个称为“红绿区”的框架。 基本思想是,您和您的团队应尝试在“绿色”区域中花费尽可能多的时间。 只有这样,协作,动力和绩效才能蓬勃发展。

We covered some crucial ideas earlier, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. As you master these qualities, you will be able to identify more yourself and, step by step, move closer and closer to a growth mindset.

我们之前已经介绍了一些关键的想法,但这绝不是详尽的清单。 当您掌握了这些特质后,您将能够发现更多自己,并逐步地接近成长心态。

Thank you for reading.


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-behavioural-patterns-that-lead-to-high-performing-teams-e9aa20d780c9


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