

Scrum does not fit your organization.


How could I know that Scrum does not fit you? I have not seen you practice Scrum. I have not witnessed your successes or struggles.

我怎么知道Scrum不适合您? 我还没有看到您练习Scrum。 我没有目睹你的成功或挣扎。

I know this because Scrum was not designed to fit your organization. It does not have everything you need. Scrum requires you to add complemetary practices so that it will thrive within your organization.

我知道这一点是因为Scrum并非旨在适合您的组织。 它没有您需要的一切。 Scrum要求您添加补充做法,以便在组织中蓬勃发展。

Scrum is:


- Lightweight


- Simple to understand


- Difficult to master


The Scrum Guide


Let’s take that last aspect of Scrum: it is difficult to master. The main cause of this difficulty is the hardened norms of your organization. Your current status quo is in the way. Scrum appears not to fit when your ingrained behaviors run contrary to the Scrum Values.

让我们来看一下Scrum的最后一个方面: 很难掌握 。 造成此困难的主要原因是您组织的规范变硬。 您目前的状态已经过去。 当您根深蒂固的行为违背Scrum值时,Scrum似乎不合适。

Scrum is difficult to master because you refuse to let go of your existing, limiting beliefs and behaviors. Your resistance to change is the culprit behind the difficulty.

Scrum很难掌握,因为您拒绝放开现有的,限制信念和行为的东西。 您对变革的抵制是困难背后的元凶。

As a result, many decide to adapt Scrum to fit their organization or give up on it altogether. You know this is true when someone describes their use of Scrum to you like this:

结果,许多人决定改编Scrum以适应他们的组织或完全放弃它。 您知道当有人像这样向您描述他们对Scrum的使用时,这是正确的:

“We use Scrum, but…”


”We have a hybrid Scrum model.”


“Scrum did not work for us, so now we use Kanban.”

“ Scrum对我们不起作用,所以现在我们使用看板。”

“We are not purists.”


At its core, Scrum is all about empiricism. It is built on the three pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation.

Scrum的核心是经验主义。 它建立在透明,检查和适应的三个Struts上。

This means that Scrum will shine a light on existing patterns that must change. Then, it is up to you. You must first investigate the root cause. And then, you are responsible to modify your behavior to a better, different pattern.

这意味着Scrum可以照亮必须改变的现有模式。 然后,由您决定。 您必须首先调查根本原因。 然后,您有责任将自己的行为修改为更好的,不同的模式。

In other words, Scrum does not need to change. Your organization must change. You need to alter your behaviors to produce a better result. And this will change your belief over time.

换句话说,Scrum不需要更改。 您的组织必须改变。 您需要改变自己的行为以产生更好的结果。 随着时间的流逝,这将改变您的信念。

But this is hard. It makes Scrum difficult to master.

但这很难。 这使得Scrum 难以掌握。

The difficulty of adopting Scrum stems from the stickiness of our existing behavior. Our patterns are a routine and run on autopilot. We know what to expect, and reliable results reinforce our belief system.

采用Scrum的困难源于我们现有行为的粘性。 我们的模式是例行程序,可在自动驾驶仪上运行。 我们知道会发生什么,可靠的结果巩固了我们的信念体系。

And our organization relies on our typical behavior and results. As such, we become experts in our status quo. But there is an unfortunate consequence of expertise. Our expertise makes it difficult to learn something new; it blinds us.

我们的组织依赖于我们的典型行为和结果。 因此,我们成为了现状专家。 但是,不幸的是,专业知识的后果。 我们的专业知识使学习新知识变得困难。 它使我们蒙蔽。

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”


— Albert Einstein

- 艾尔伯特爱因斯坦

I know from experience that most adoptions of Scrum go south due to a resistance to change. And most times, we don’t know we are resisting. Our minds kick into autopilot to eject the foreign element called Scrum.

我从经验中知道,大多数Scrum的采用都是由于对变革抵制而南下。 大多数时候,我们不知道我们在抵抗。 我们的思想进入自动驾驶仪,以弹出名为Scrum的异物。

So, what are we to do?


There is a Zen concept that can help. Let’s discuss the concept. Then, we will dive into how to use it to help us adopt Scrum.

有一个禅宗概念可以提供帮助。 让我们讨论一下这个概念。 然后,我们将深入研究如何使用它来帮助我们采用Scrum。

初学者的思想 (The Beginner’s Mind)

The Zen Concept of Shoshin¹ — a beginner’s mind — can help us deal with change. It can help us overcome the pull of our existing status quo. And it can help us pursue continuous learning no matter how advanced we have become.

初学者的Shoshin¹禅意概念可以帮助我们应对变化。 它可以帮助我们克服现有现状的影响。 无论我们有多先进,它都可以帮助我们继续学习。

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few”


— Shunyru Suzuki, “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind”


The concept of a beginner’s mind is best explained by comparing it to an expert’s mind. Take the opposing descriptions of each below.

最好将初学者的思想与专家的思想进行比较来说明。 请在下面分别进行相反的描述。

Figure A — Comparing the Beginner’s Mind and the Expert’s Mind
Figure A — Comparing the Beginner’s Mind and the Expert’s Mind
图A —比较初学者的思维和专家的思维

A beginner’s mind allows us to be open to new possibilities. By approaching a change with true curiosity, we can begin to open our minds to trying new behaviors. This requires putting our assumptions and current beliefs aside. Then, we can make room and let learning in.

初学者的思想使我们能够接受新的可能性。 通过真正的好奇心寻求改变,我们可以开始尝试新的行为。 这需要抛开我们的假设和当前的信念。 然后,我们可以腾出空间让我们学习。

Shoshin provides the path for lifelong learning.


Shoshin和Scrum (Shoshin and Scrum)

So Scrum is difficult to master. It is difficult because we resist change. The Zen concept of Shoshin helps us harness a beginner’s mind to counteract our resistance.

因此,Scrum 很难掌握。 这是困难的,因为我们拒绝改变Shoshin的禅宗概念有助于我们利用初学者的思想来抵消我们的抵抗。

Let’s discuss five ways the beginner’s mind can help you adapt your behavior to embrace Scrum.


№1–重获奇观 (№1–Regain Your Sense of Wonder)

When we try to predict without using learning as our guide, we lose our chance for playful curiosity. We predict upfront our customer’s needs and the best technology to use. We prescribe the best way of working as a team. And we set in stone the exact date we will deliver before we begin work. Predictive behavior limits our options and ignores the empirical process.

当我们尝试在不以学习为指导的情况下进行预测时,就会失去玩味好奇心的机会。 我们预测客户的需求和最佳技术。 我们规定了最佳的团队合作方式。 在开始工作之前,我们确定了确切的交货日期。 预测性行为限制了我们的选择,并忽略了经验过程。

Product development is complex and uncertain. As such, we need to open our minds to multiple possibilities to find the “right” solution. We need to “play” with different options instead of locking into our first instinct.

产品开发是复杂且不确定的。 因此,我们需要开阔思路,寻找多种“正确”解决方案。 我们需要使用不同的选项来“玩”,而不是锁定我们的第一个本能。

Our instincts originate from our existing patterns and habits. We should try something different and break away from our instinct. Here are some ways to promote curiosity in Scrum:

我们的直觉源于我们现有的模式和习惯。 我们应该尝试一些不同的东西,并摆脱本能。 以下是一些促进Scrum好奇心的方法:

  • Think of the Product Backlog items as “options” rather than a recipe to follow.

  • Set Sprint Goals combined with a flexible Sprint Backlog. Avoid forming a rigid Sprint contract or commitment of what you must deliver and how you will deliver it.

    结合灵活的Sprint Backlog设置Sprint目标。 避免就您必须交付的内容以及交付方式达成严格的Sprint合同或承诺。
  • When solving a problem, generate at least three alternatives. Instead of picking one, try any two of these options at once and compare the results.

    解决问题时,请至少生成三个替代方案。 与其选择一个,不如立即尝试这些选项中的任何两个并比较结果。
  • Don’t assume every team has to behave the same. Expect context-specific variation. It produces better results.

    不要假设每个团队都必须表现相同。 期望特定于上下文的变化 。 它产生更好的结果。

Exploring options through experimentation allows empiricism to take root. It helps form new behavior patterns.

通过实验探索各种选择可以使经验主义扎根。 它有助于形成新的行为模式。

№2–不要害怕失败 (№2–Do Not Fear Failure)

We don’t like to talk about failure in the business world. Many of the companies I coach avoid the word altogether. They use the word “opportunity” or “learning” instead. This avoidance highlights our primal desire to avoid any sign of failure at work.

我们不喜欢谈论商业世界中的失败。 我指导的许多公司完全避免使用这个词。 他们改用“机会”或“学习”一词。 这种回避突显了我们的主要愿望,即避免工作中出现任何失败的迹象。

But the beginner’s mind sees failure as an important part of the process.


Our journey to the “right” product built “right” requires experimentation. And experiments will not always succeed. This is necessary for learning to occur; the only failure is if we do not learn.

我们向“正确”构建“正确”产品的过程需要进行实验。 实验不会总是成功。 这是学习发生所必需的; 唯一的失败是如果我们不学习。

To conquer a fear of failure, three things must occur. First, we have to have the courage to “try.” Second, we must have an environment where we feel safe to experiment. Third, we need Agile Leaders to support a learning environment, celebrating all results.

为了克服对失败的恐惧,必须发生三件事。 首先,我们必须有勇气去尝试。 其次,我们必须有一个可以安全进行实验的环境。 第三,我们需要敏捷领导者支持学习环境,庆祝所有成果。

An experiment is a way to explore the unknown and assess the results. Fortunately, Scrum has many opportunities to exploit experiment feedback and learn. Here are a few:

实验是探索未知事物并评估结果的一种方法。 幸运的是,Scrum有很多机会可以利用实验反馈和学习。 这里有一些:

  • Sprint Review: Discuss both good and bad outcomes of experiments. Highlight organizational impediments the team needs help solving.

    Sprint审查:讨论实验的好坏。 突出显示团队需要帮助解决的组织障碍。

  • Sprint Retrospective: Dive deep into the root cause holding you back. Move past the surface and find what needs to change to make things better. And if you need help to make the change, don’t be afraid to ask for it.

    回顾Sprint:深入探究阻碍您前进的根本原因。 越过表面,找出需要做哪些改变以使事情变得更好。 而且,如果您需要帮助进行更改,请不要害怕要求它。

  • Daily Scrum: Highlight obstacles and impediments and address them without any further delay. And if the Sprint Backlog is not going to meet the Sprint Goal, you can pivot your Sprint Backlog to meet it.

    每日讨论:突出障碍和障碍,并立即解决。 而且,如果Sprint待办事项无法实现Sprint目标,则可以调整Sprint待办事项以实现它。

  • Sprint Planning: Use a Sprint Goal and keep your Sprint Backlog flexible for meeting it. Incorporate your retrospective improvement experiment into your Sprint Backlog.

    Sprint计划:使用Sprint目标,并灵活地满足您的Sprint Backlog。 将回顾性改进实验纳入Sprint待办事项列表。

№3–放空思想 (№3–Empty Your Mind)

Even when you believe you know exactly what you need to do, it helps to clear your mind and be open to new possibilities.


One of the best ways to do this is to listen actively and ask probing questions. Let others talk. Constructive debate produces better results. By being open to alternate views, you open the door to team innovation and creativity.

做到这一点的最佳方法之一是积极倾听并提出探索性问题 。 让其他人说话。 建设性辩论产生更好的结果 。 通过开放其他观点,您为团队创新和创造力打开了大门。

Here are some ideas on clearing your mind in Scrum:


  • Embrace the different perspectives inside a cross-functional team. Encourage every voice to be heard.

    拥抱跨职能团队的不同观点。 鼓励听到每一个声音。
  • Have full-team conversations around Product Backlog items during Backlog Refinement. Don’t rely on documentation in a backlog management tool.

    在“待办事项细化”过程中围绕产品待办事项项进行全团队对话。 不要依赖积压管理工具中的文档。
  • Talk to your customer often, to understand their needs.

  • Embrace vulnerability and try an experiment suggested by other team members.


№4–走小步并进行迭代 (№4–Take Small Steps and Iterate)

A beginner’s mind is eager to learn. Small steps are necessary to feed information to the learning process. When embarking on a new, uncertain experience, choose a small experiment. This will promote rapid feedback and allow for frequent adjustment.

初学者渴望学习。 必须采取一些小步骤将信息提供给学习过程。 在进行新的,不确定的体验时,请选择一个小型实验。 这将促进快速反馈并允许频繁调整

Scrum has many ways to embrace small steps and promote iteration. Here are a few:

Scrum有许多方法可以拥抱小步骤并促进迭代。 这里有一些:

  • Choose a shorter Sprint length. This reduces the complexity of your Sprint increment and increases feedback.

    选择较短的Sprint长度 。 这减少了Sprint增量的复杂性并增加了反馈。

  • Check your progress toward your Sprint Goal during each Daily Scrum. Adjust course as needed to meet it.

    在每个每日Scrum期间检查实现Sprint目标的进度。 根据需要调整路线。
  • Use the Sprint Review to reflect on your progress toward your product vision. Adjust the course as necessary.

    使用Sprint评论来反映您在实现产品愿景方面的进展。 根据需要调整路线。
  • Use the Sprint Retrospective to reflect on how you are working as a team. Select one thing to improve. Then, experiment daily to realize the improvement in the next Sprint.

    使用Sprint回顾来反思您的团队合作方式。 选择一件事来改进。 然后,每天进行实验以实现下一个Sprint的改进。
  • Use Backlog Refinement to assess and adjust options for meeting your Product Goals. As your product emerges, the options in your Product Backlog should evolve.

    使用“待办事项优化”来评估和调整实现产品目标的选项。 随着产品的出现,产品待办事项列表中的选项应随之发展。

№5–打破现有规则 (№5–Break Existing Rules)

When we use Scrum, areas for improvement stand out. When our old behavior stands in the way of delivering value, our instinct is to hide or protect the old behavior. We fear highlighting our own existing behavior habits as a problem.

当我们使用Scrum时,需要改进的地方很突出。 当我们的旧行为阻碍了价值创造时,我们的本能就是隐藏或保护旧行为。 我们担心将自己现有的行为习惯作为问题突出。

Instead of masking the existing behavior, we must be transparent about it. And then we must have the courage to change the existing rules. Rather than changing Scrum’s rules, we should change the status quo of our organization.

不要掩盖现有行为,我们必须对此保持透明。 然后,我们必须有勇气更改现有规则。 我们应该更改组织的现状,而不是更改Scrum的规则。

This takes courage from the Scrum Team. And it requires support from Agile Leadership.

这需要Scrum团队的勇气。 而且它需要敏捷领导力的支持

Here are some common examples of rules that often need changing:


  • A Scrum Team’s work has dependencies on other teams.

  • A centralized review committee has to review and approve the work.

  • Team leads manage the work of the Scrum Team.

  • The Scrum Team must create comprehensive documentation that is rarely or never used.

  • Only the data team can modify the datastore.

  • An outdated checklist must be filled out because it always has been.

  • Only the experienced team members can estimate.

  • Only the testing team can test.

  • Another team or person prioritizes and plans the Scrum Team’s work.


这是否意味着现在就可以很容易地采用Scrum? (Does This Mean Adopting Scrum Will Now Be Easy?)

I wish this was a silver bullet; it is not. A beginner’s mind can provide the proper mindset for letting change take flight. But it requires grit on your part to practice a beginner’s mind and to make the change happen.

我希望这是银子弹。 它不是。 初学者的思维可以提供适当的思维方式,以使变革顺其自然。 但这需要您坚毅起来,以练习初学者的思想并进行改变。

With Shoshin, you will be able to better acclimate to change when you are pursuing Scrum. And you will find it easier to try new things. Being mindful during your change journey will reap great returns.

使用Shoshin ,您在追求Scrum时将能够更好地适应变化。 您会发现尝试新事物更容易。 在您的变更旅程中保持正念将会收获丰厚的回报。

Scrum is simple. Leave it alone. But do the hard work to make a place for Scrum. Change your status quo with Zen — have a beginner’s mind.

Scrum很简单。 不要管它。 但是要努力为Scrum争取一席之地。 与Zen一起改变您的现状-有初学者的想法。

翻译自: https://medium.com/serious-scrum/can-an-empty-mind-help-you-adopt-scrum-24fd7e1b2cd6


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