

As new coronavirus cases spread in many countries since the end of lockdown in mid-June, it’s clear we don’t understand this pandemic. The rush to restart the economy is leading, earlier than expected, to a sharp increase in the spread of the virus and in the number of deaths, portending an even more serious crisis than before.

自6月中旬封锁结束以来, 新的冠状病毒病例在许多国家蔓延 ,显然我们不了解这种大流行病。 匆忙重启经济,导致病毒传播和死亡人数 急剧增加比预期的早,预示着比以往更加严重的危机。

The mismanagement that led us, last February and March, to overlook the ruthless spread of the disease and to fail to understand the exponential nature of its transmission is being played out again: the irresponsible calls by many governments for a return to normality, combined with the inability of people to understand the importance of preventive measures, are sparking new outbreaks associated with, for example, pockets of immigrant workers in the Persian Gulf or seasonal workers in Spain, restaurants, family gatherings or nightlife. Habits that were part of our previous normality, situations in which it is very difficult or almost impossible to maintain the necessary precautions to avoid an infection, and which reflect the real problem: we still think that the pandemic is just passing through. We’re not facing a second wave: we’re still in the first, and the way we do most things remains unchanged.

去年2月和3月,管理不善导致我们忽视了这种疾病的无情传播 并且不了解其传播的指数性质正在被重新发挥 :许多国家政府不负责任的呼吁恢复正常状态,再加上人们无法理解预防措施的重要性,引发了与之相关的新的爆发,例如,波斯湾的成千上万的移民工人或西班牙的季节性工人饭店家庭聚会夜生活 。 习惯是我们以前的正常现象的一部分,在这种情况下,很难或几乎不可能采取必要的预防措施来避免感染,并且这种现象反映出了真正的问题:我们仍然认为这种大流行刚刚过去。 我们并没有面临第二波浪: 我们仍处于第一波浪 ,我们做大多数事情的方式保持不变。

The appearance of a highly infectious virus that previously did not affect human beings and now does is not some temporary setback. It’s not “magically going away” and is now part of our environment, is among us, and will remain so for a long time. Ignoring the advice of scientists or blaming them for holding back the return to normal is simply creating the conditions for a more serious and sustained crisis. There is no point in restarting vital economic sectors, if after fourteen days — when the cycle of infection is completed — we will simply all have to go back into lockdown.

以前不影响人类,现在不影响人类的高度传染性病毒的出现并不是暂时的挫折。 它并没有“神奇地消失”,它已经成为我们环境的一部分,已经存在于我们之中,并将持续很长时间。 忽略科学家的建议或指责他们阻碍恢复正常 ,只是为更严重和持续的危机创造了条件。 如果在十四天后即感染周期结束后,重新启动重要的经济部门没有任何意义,那么我们所有人都将不得不重新陷入封锁。

What should we do when faced with a virus that incompatible with our economic model? Given that the virus won’t change its habits, and that any vaccine we are able to come up with won’t be a magic bullet, the only alternative is to change our economic model. Change our way of life. Start thinking that many of the things we did before March of this year are gone for the foreseeable. Nightclubs, bars? We won’t be going out late for some time. Important sectors of the economy? Sure, but not worth sacrificing lives for. We’re talking about scales of values, not convenience or profit and loss accounts.

面对与我们的经济模式不兼容的病毒,我们该怎么办? 鉴于该病毒不会改变其习性,并且我们能够提供的任何疫苗都不会成为魔弹,唯一的选择就是改变我们的经济模式。 改变我们的生活方式。 开始认为在可预见的情况下,我们在今年三月之前所做的许多事情已经消失了。 夜总会,酒吧? 我们不会迟到一段时间。 经济的重要部门? 当然,但不值得牺牲生命。 我们在谈论的是价值规模,而不是便利性或损益表。

What is the point of taking a test if, in the four days it takes to get the results, you’ve gone shopping, to a party, a family reunion and had a few drinks with friends? Either we continue to evolve our methodologies to obtain cheap, immediate and simple diagnostic tests we can take on a regular basis, or we continue chasing shadows.

什么是参加考试点 ,如果在四天才能得到结果,你已经走了购物,参加聚会,家人团聚,并与朋友喝了几杯? 我们要么继续发展我们的方法以获取可以定期进行的廉价,即时和简单的诊断测试,要么继续追逐阴影。

But beyond diagnostic testing or coming up with a vaccine, there are more radical issues, changes dismissed by many as impossible. A new ecosystem implies a redesign, often radical, of many of our activities. Cities, restaurants, public spaces, travel, prisons, supply chains, health care, trade, education, work, communication… an enormous change that, obviously, the vast majority of the population has yet to imagine.

但是,除了进行诊断测试或提出疫苗以外,还有其他更为根本的问题,许多人认为这是不可能的。 一个新的生态系统意味着我们许多活动的重新设计,通常是激进的 。 城市,饭店,公共场所,旅行,监狱,供应链,医疗保健,贸易,教育,工作,通讯……这是巨大的变化,显然,绝大多数人口尚未想象到。

Most of us thought that once lockdown ended, we’d return to normal, albeit wearing masks, which for many people are an inconvenient, but temporary measure they can’t be bothered to wear properly. We’re seeing the results of this obduracy now.

我们大多数人都认为,一旦锁定结束,尽管戴着口罩,我们仍会恢复正常,这对许多人来说是不方便的,但临时措施是他们不会为正确佩戴而烦恼。 我们现在正在看到这种笨拙的结果。

There will be no return to normality. The pandemic requires us to redesign the economy, rethink our obsession with growth, find ways to protect the most vulnerable, use apps we can trust to trace our contacts, share research and learning, and redesign everything to put people, not profits first.

将不会恢复正常。 大流行需要我们重新设计经济 ,重新思考对增长的迷恋 ,找到保护最弱势群体的方法 ,使用我们可以信赖的应用程序来跟踪我们的联系 ,共享研究和学习知识,并重新设计一切以人为本,而不是让利润优先。

The only alternative we have — and I’m talking about the only alternative, not some kind of dilemma, is to redesign our lives based on a new reality that will be with us for many years. Until we understand that, we will continue to alternate phases of containment with phases of expansion, all the while waiting for a recovery that in all likelihood will be a mirage, and in the meantime, we’ll continue dying like bed bugs. Either we change our mentality and redefine the economy we know it, or we continue to give the virus opportunities to multiply.

我们拥有的唯一选择–我正在谈论的唯一选择而不是某种困境,是根据将与我们在一起的新现实重新设计我们的生活。 除非我们了解这一点,否则我们将继续将遏制阶段与扩张阶段交替进行,同时等待复苏,这极有可能是海市rage楼,与此同时,我们将继续像臭虫一样死去。 我们要么改变心态,重新定义我们所了解的经济,要么继续给病毒提供繁殖的机会。

This pandemic goes far beyond masks, hydro-alcoholic gels or lockdowns. The change we need won’t come overnight. But the sooner we understand it, the sooner we can demand that politicians design and implement it, the sooner we can start dealing with it, and the sooner we may realize that, though we don’t yet believe it, the world has changed, before our eyes, in a few months. And when your world changes, if you insist on continuing to do things as before, it’s not going to end well.

这种大流行远远超出了口罩,酒精凝胶或封闭装置。 我们需要的改变不会一overnight而就。 但是,我们越早了解它,我们就越早要求政客设计和实施它,我们就越早开始处理它,并且我们就越早意识到,尽管我们还不相信它,但是世界已经改变了,在我们眼前几个月。 当您的世界变化时,如果您坚持继续做以前的事情,那就不会顺利结束。

This article was previously published on Forbes.


(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/the-pandemic-really-has-changed-the-world-forever-8078fb96837d


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