

The future impact of immersive, augmented, virtual, and mixed reality technologies — collectively called Digital Reality — will be as monumental to our society as personal computers, the internet, and smartphones. Moreover, these digital experiences will transform the way we interact with technology through the use of sensors, gestures, voice, context, and digital content.

沉浸式,增强,虚拟和混合现实技术(统称为“数字现实”)对未来的影响将与个人计算机,互联网和智能手机一样对我们的社会具有里程碑意义。 此外,这些数字体验将通过使用传感器,手势,语音,上下文和数字内容来改变我们与技术交互的方式。

Digital Reality can not only facilitate more effective data usage, improve productivity and engagement, such technologies can also transform products and services or increase the breadth and depth of your value proposition for customers as well as employees– regardless of industry.

Digital Reality不仅可以促进更有效的数据使用,提高生产力和参与度,而且这些技术还可以改变产品和服务,或者增加针对客户和员工的价值主张的广度和深度,而与行业无关。

为什么现在 (Why Now)

Historically, Digital reality applications have been disappointing and frustrating, often limited by the clunky hardware needed to serve experiences with limited tangible business value. Ofen solutions were mostly fit for physical installations at events or smaller “one-off” marketing events. However, the evolution in augmented reality and virtual reality has reached a tipping point, with enterprise adoption outpacing consumer demand. Market leaders are now shifting their focus from proofs of concept solutions and niche offerings to fully implemented solutions and strategies that make a tangible difference for their businesses.

从历史上看,数字现实应用程序令人失望和沮丧,通常受限于笨拙的硬件,这些硬件需要以有限的有形业务价值提供服务。 通常,解决方案最适合活动或较小型“一次性”营销活动中的物理安装。 但是,增强现实和虚拟现实的发展已经达到了一个临界点,企业采用率超过了消费者需求。 市场领导者现在正在将重点从概念验证解决方案和细分产品转移到全面实施的解决方案和策略,从而为其业务带来切实的变化。

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Why is it different now compared to 5 or 10 years ago? First, many of the initial things envisioned by so many early adopters are now possible beginning to be possible. Several things will dramatically change the opportunities and potential for AR and VR over the near future:

为什么现在与5或10年前相比有所不同? 首先,如此多的早期采用者所设想的许多初始事物现在已经开始成为可能。 在不久的将来,几件事将极大地改变AR和VR的机会和潜力:

· Covid-19 — Enterprises across the globe are currently realizing the benefits and feasibility of remote work and the indisputable role virtual reality can play in connecting the office of tomorrow with the ‘new normal way‘ we do business today.


· 5G — the benefits of faster and bigger data transfer will greatly increase the possibilities of AR and VR content “on the go” due to a potential 50x improvement of latency


· AI –Artificial and enhanced intelligence changes the way technology interfaces with us. Intuitive applications, solutions that can learn and that are re-designing themself every second.

·AI –人工和增强型智能改变了技术与我们之间的接口方式。 直观的应用程序,解决方案可以学习,并且每秒都在重新设计自己。

· Content Creation — Creating content is becoming easier than ever before as access to large numbers of digital assets become more available. With cloud-based SasS content management solutions and libraries provided by emerging VR/AR CMS platforms, users can create content quickly without technical experience.

·内容创建 -随着对大量数字资产的访问变得越来越容易,创建内容变得比以往任何时候都容易。 借助新兴的VR / AR CMS平台提供的基于云的SasS内容管理解决方案和库,用户无需技术经验即可快速创建内容。

· Contact Time — The use of digital devices will continue to explode as more and more people use them for more of life’s experiences. Creative and effective learning strategies will benefit from this connectivity through collaborative learning and co-creation development of content.

·接触时间 -随着越来越多的人将其用于生活中的更多体验,数字设备的使用将继续激增。 通过协作学习和内容的共创开发,创造性和有效的学习策略将从这种连接中受益。

Because of all of these improvements coming in the near future, virtual reality and augmented reality will become more accessible as new headsets emerge to provide an immersive experience on a new scale and with less expense. Wireless headsets will free the user to explore the world (both the virtual and the physical) in new and different ways.

由于所有这些改进都将在不久的将来出现,因此随着新耳机的出现,虚拟现实和增强现实将变得更加易于使用,从而以更低的成本提供新的身临其境的体验。 无线头戴式耳机将使用户能够以新的和不同的方式来探索世界(虚拟的和物理的)。

什么是最热门的机会领域? (What is the Hottest opportunity Areas?)

连接人们 (Connecting people)

  • Collaborate without colocation — connect people remotely, communicate, and enable individuals to view/interact with the same data/viewpoint across geography and the physical and virtual world.

  • Combine the convenience of online meetings with the interactivity of face-to-face meetings: meet with your colleagues in virtual workspaces where you can read body language, collaborate, create, and feel connected.

  • Facilitating meetings in VR enables you to have powerful interactive experiences. It enables activities that are impossible or very hard to do remotely such as to experience and review products and 3D models, brainstorm, sketch, mind-maps, prototypes and have team-building activities. All of these while interacting naturally and easily.

    通过VR促进会议,您可以拥有强大的交互体验。 它使无法进行或很难进行的远程活动成为可能,例如体验和查看产品和3D模型,集思广益,素描,思维导图,原型以及进行团队建设活动。 所有这些都可以自然而轻松地进行交互。

As we will be able to conduct important business meetings in virtual and augmented reality, security protocols for retinal and eye-tracking to unlock your headset could be something we will see in the future to ensure that someone is not impersonating you virtually.


增强人类技能 (Enhancing humans skills)

  • Augment data and resources to give professionals, engineers, field service ops. a new way to do their jobs and to be connected to each other and the HQ knowledge bank.

    增强数据和资源,为专业人员,工程师和现场服务人员提供服务。 一种新的工作方式,可以与总部和知识库银行建立联系。
  • With digital reality technology, it is possible to create experiences and enable capabilities that allow greater insight, recognition, and understanding. Imagine looking at your car with augmented reality x-ray visions, enabling you to see easily learn how to maintain it with oil, etc. Or you could see IoT data from around the world streamed into a conference room. Digital reality combined with IoT offers a great opportunity for humans to interface with physical machines in a much more natural way.

    借助数字现实技术,可以创建体验并启用能够提供更大洞察力,认知度和理解度的功能。 想象一下,使用增强现实X射线视线查看您的汽车,使您能够轻松地了解如何用油等进行维护。或者您可以看到来自世界各地的IoT数据流到会议室中。 数字现实与物联网的结合为人类提供了一个以自然得多的方式与物理机器进行交互的绝佳机会。

    A study conducted by Boeing showed that AR improved productivity in wiring harness assembly by


    25%. And at GE Healthcare a warehouse worker receiving a new picklist order through AR completed the task 46% faster than when using the standard process, which relies on a paper list and item searches on a work station. Additional cases from GE and several other firms show an average productivity improvement of 32%.

    25%。 在GE Healthcare,一名仓库工人通过AR收到新的拣货清单订单,比使用标准流程(使用纸质清单和在工作站上进行项目搜索)时,完成任务的速度快了46% 。 GE和其他几家公司的其他案例显示,平均生产率提高了32%。

用新的方式训练和学习 (Train and learn in new ways)

  • Digital reality gives us the ability to train and learn in whole new ways. Tasks that are too difficult, dangerous, or expensive to train in the real world, can now be trained over and over again with an infinite amount of variations to be more realistic. Imagine being able to virtually train in unwanted incidents (e.g. Fire, breakdown of critical machinery, terror, etc.) all impossible, dangerous, or too expensive to train in real life.

    数字现实使我们能够以全新的方式进行培训和学习。 现在,可以在无限的变化范围内反复地训练过于艰巨,危险或昂贵的任务,以使其更加逼真。 想象一下,能够在不需要的事件(例如火灾,关键机械故障,恐怖等)中进行虚拟培训,而这在现实生活中都是不可能,危险或过于昂贵的。

Immersive learning offers a practical hands-on training experience that supports not only cognitive memory but also muscle memory which makes it much more effective than classical classroom training. Research conducted by HTC put VR learning to the test against traditional methods. In a classroom of 40 students, half were taught course material through VR technology while the other half were given traditional methods. They tested comprehension and retention immediately following the course, and again 2 weeks later. Learners using VR scored an average of 27.4% better on the initial test and 32.4% better on the second test.

沉浸式学习提供了一种实用的动手训练体验,不仅支持认知记忆,而且还支持肌肉记忆,这使其比传统的课堂训练更为有效。 HTC进行的研究将VR学习与传统方法进行了测试。 在一个有40名学生的教室中,一半的学生通过VR技术学习了课程资料,另一半则采用了传统方法。 他们在课程结束后立即进行理解和保留测试,并在2周后再次进行测试。 使用VR的学习者在初始测试中平均得分高出27.4%,在第二项测试中平均得分高出32.4%。

chart showing learning retention rates

体验不可能 (Experience the impossible)

Bring consumers on a journey of exploration across time and geography. Making it possible for users to experience and feel a product in a tangible and immersive way that truly represents and convinces. With VR it is now possible to experience products or services that are either very hard to experiences for the masses or maybe do not even exist yet. Imagine a VR tour of a production facility that hasn’t even been built yet. Have future workers train in VR to enable them to be productive from day one.

带动消费者跨时空和地域的探索之旅。 使用户有可能以一种真正代表和说服的有形和身临其境的方式体验和感受产品。 借助VR,现在可以体验对于大众来说很难体验甚至根本不存在的产品或服务。 想象一下尚未建造的生产设施的VR之旅。 让未来的工人接受VR培训,以使他们从第一天开始就能够高效工作。

企业在哪里可以抢先? (Where can enterprises have a head start?)

Until now few companies have fully commercialized and professionalized their digital reality initiatives. Most companies are still focused on learning more about these solutions and surveying the growing AR/VR market.

到目前为止,几乎没有公司将其数字现实计划完全商业化和专业化。 大多数公司仍专注于了解有关这些解决方案的更多信息,并调查不断增长的AR / VR市场。

We do see enterprises taking preliminary steps to lay the foundation for larger Digital Reality projects:


  • Get acquainted with the technology: Traditional IT skillsets offer very little practical value to those working with AR, VR, 360°, and immersive technologies. Organizations may use this opportunity to upskill and increase the focus on new and developing technologies. Formal and informal training and a few hours spent with one of the many development kits can help in developing the necessary skills and vocabulary.

    熟悉该技术:传统的IT技能对使用AR,VR,360°和沉浸式技术的人员几乎没有实用价值。 组织可以利用这个机会来提高技能,并增加对新兴技术的关注。 正式和非正式的培训以及使用许多开发套件之一花费的几个小时可以帮助开发必要的技能和词汇。

  • Centralize the knowledge or create a COE on Immersive technologies: We often see that different departments across the same company have individually developed pilots and prototypes within DR, with no hardware, software, security alignment.


  • Look for relevant use(Business) cases: Industries, companies, and government agencies have started identifying use cases and piloting Digital Reality technologies, and in certain cases, they are moving towards production deployments. But to succeed long term with these initiatives, Enterprise should emphasize the Business case involved.

    寻找相关的用例(业务):行业,公司和政府机构已开始确定用例并试用数字现实技术,在某些情况下,它们正在向生产部署转移。 但是,为了通过这些计划获得长期成功,企业应强调所涉及的业务案例。

    Yes, you can find a use case that is cool and impressive for a few days.


    But for Digital Reality to live up to the promise of being a transformative technology we need to push to identify use cases that are closer to the core business and not just “pet projects” or marketing gimmicks.

    但是,要使Digital Reality兑现成为变革性技术的承诺,我们需要努力确定与核心业务更近的用例,而不仅仅是“宠物项目”或营销手段。

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结论 (Conclusions)

Digital reality can change the way humans connect with data, and the world around them. Today, Digital Reality technologies show potential beyond the consumer market, with the potential to spans across the enterprise world. Businesses should consider investing in infrastructure and in developing new operating models to improve integration, professionalize, and support the adoption of Digital Reality technologies.

数字现实可以改变人类与数据以及周围世界的联系方式。 如今,数字现实技术在消费者市场之外显示出潜力,并且潜力跨越整个企业界。 企业应考虑对基础设施和开发新的运营模型进行投资,以改善集成度,使其专业化并支持数字现实技术的采用。

The time seems ready for a broad range of business professionals — from product designers to strategists to IT and beyond — to recognize the transformative potential of digital reality and put technology to use where it truly matters.


Such game-changing capabilities can not be established overnight. Like with every development initiative, there are real issues relating to technology choice, security, core integration, cloud delivery, availability, maintenance, and access to solve. Digital reality technology continues to evolve day by day, but are enterprises ready to jump on the train without falling off after the first sharp corner.

这种改变游戏规则的能力不可能一overnight而就。 像每个开发计划一样,存在与技术选择,安全性,核心集成,云交付,可用性,维护和解决方案访问权相关的实际问题。 数字现实技术每天都在不断发展,但是企业已经准备好在第一个急转弯之后跳下来而不会掉队。

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/how-virtual-and-augmented-reality-can-transform-enterprises-today-e10aefbe7f66






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