

Second of a three-part series based on the talk: Cognitive Implications of VR, at Vision Summit February 2016. The first article can be found here.


以前+当前有趣的研究 (Previous + current interesting studies)

These are interesting apps and studies we came across during our own research and work. We want to share them with the community in order to expose you to these interesting aspects of perception and cognition in VR.

这些是我们在自己的研究和工作中遇到的有趣的应用程序和研究。 我们希望与社区分享这些知识,以使您了解VR中感知和认知的这些有趣方面。

健康 (Health)

网络疾病 (Cyber sickness)

Also called simulator sickness or virtual reality sickness.  Most of you are familiar with it. Cyber sickness is “distinct from motion sickness in that the subject is stationary, but has a compelling sense of motion induced through exposure to changing visual imagery. Symptoms of simulator sickness are similar to those commonly experienced by subjects reporting motion sickness” (Arns and Cerney, 2005).  Interestingly, while motion sickness is worse in young people, some studies have found that may not hold true for cybersickness.  It looks like the younger you are, the less prone you will be to simulator sickness (Arns and Cerney, 2005Sheridan, 1992).

也称为模拟器疾病或虚拟现实疾病。 你们大多数人都熟悉它。 网络疾病“不同于晕动病,因为受试者静止不动,但由于暴露于变化的视觉图像而具有令人信服的运动感。 模拟器疾病的症状类似于报告运动病的受试者通常经历的症状”( Arns和Cerney,2005年 )。 有趣的是,虽然年轻人的晕车病更为严重,但一些研究发现,晕车不适用于晕车。 看起来您越年轻,模拟器疾病的机率就越低( Arns和Cerney,2005Sheridan,1992 )。

As you probably know, cyber sickness is very common.  For example, a 2001 NASA technical reportcompared the symptom profiles and total sickness scores of eight virtual environments with a large database from military flight simulators. In a scale of 0-20, where scores >20 indicate severe sickness symptoms (“a problem simulator”), the report found the average score for VR experiences was about 30 (however the range was 19-55).  Another study from University of Queensland researchers in 2015 found the incidence of motion sickness during immersion in a VR environment for neck rehabilitation was 28%.

您可能知道,网络病很常见。 例如, 2001年NASA的一份技术报告将八个虚拟环境的症状特征和总疾病评分与来自军事飞行模拟器的大型数据库进行了比较。 在0到20的等级中,得分> 20表示严重的疾病症状(“问题模拟器”),该报告发现VR体验的平均得分约为30(但范围为19-55)。 昆士兰大学研究人员在2015年进行的一项研究发现,浸泡在VR环境中进行颈部康复的晕车发生率为28%。

Ways to reduce simulator sickness have been researched for decades and are still being studied.  Hardware manufacturers are going with OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) displays with low frame persistence, which means less motion blur and ghosting.  On the software side, there are a couple of approaches that developers take: one is implementing smooth locomotion that avoids unrealistic movement like camera rolling which humans don’t naturally do, and also avoids aggressive changes of velocity or acceleration.  The other approach, especially in applications where you must have aggressive movements like a roller coaster, is to provide fixed objects as visual references, like a big cockpit for flight simulators.  The image below shows an example of the latter.

减少模拟器疾病的方法已经研究了数十年,并且仍在研究中。 硬件制造商正在使用具有低帧持久性的OLED(有机发光二极管)显示器 ,这意味着更少的运动模糊和重影。 在软件方面,开发人员可以采取两种方法:一种是实现平稳的运动,避免人类不自然地进行像照相机滚动这样的不切实际的运动,并且还避免了速度或加速度的剧烈变化。 另一种方法,尤其是在必须有剧烈运动的应用程序(如过山车)中,尤其是提供固定的对象作为视觉参考,例如用于飞行模拟器的大驾驶舱。 下图显示了后者的示例。

‘Virtual nose’ may reduce simulator sickness in video games. March, 2015 “虚拟鼻子”可以减少电子游戏中模拟器的不适 。 2015年3月

Dr. David Whitinghill, professor at Purdue University and Dio’s former classmate, had interesting results when rendering a nose in the virtual world.  The team found people immersed in a simulation of a villa in Tuscany stayed an average of 94.2 seconds longer without feeling sick, while those in a roller coaster game played an average of 2.2 seconds longer.

普渡大学教授和Dio的前同学David Whitinghill博士在虚拟世界中展现鼻子时产生了有趣的结果。 研究小组发现,沉浸在托斯卡纳模拟别墅中的人们平均停留了94.2秒,而不会感到不适,而过山车游戏中的人们平均停留了2.2秒。

Very interestingly, Oculus has researchers on staff that have re-run some of the experiments from decades ago, and found that simulator sickness today is not as big of an issue as in the past due to considerable improvements in aspects like tracking, fidelity and latency.

非常有趣的是,Oculus的研究人员正在重新进行几十年前的一些实验,他们发现,由于跟踪,保真度和延迟等方面的显着改进, 如今的模拟器疾病已不再像过去那样重要了。

存在 (Presence)

Perhaps one of the most overused words in VR, “presence,” has been widely accepted as a key aspect since it entered into the scientific debate in 1992. The term was used in the title of a newly created journal: Presence, Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. (Coehlo et al, 2006)

自从1992年进入科学辩论以来,也许VR中最被过度使用的单词之一“存在”已被广泛接受为关键方面。该术语在新创建的杂志的标题中使用:“ 存在”,“远程操作员”和“虚拟”环境。 ( Coehlo et al,2006 )

A 2012 study on smoking craving during virtual reality exposure showcases the importance of presence. Forty six smokers were exposed to seven complex virtual environments that reproduce typical situations in which people smoke: during breakfast, in a restaurant, a bus station and a pub. Researchers tracked three types of variables for predicting smoke craving: related to nicotine dependence, related to anxiety and impulsivity, and related to the sense of presence in the virtual environments. Sense of presence was the only (!) predictor of self-reported craving in all the experimental virtual environments.  This finding is significant for cue exposure treatment (CET) which consists of controlled and repeated exposure to drug- related stimuli in order to reduce cue-reactivity.

2012年有关虚拟现实暴露期间吸烟渴望的研究证明了存在的重要性。 46名吸烟者暴露于七个复杂的虚拟环境中,这些环境重现了人们吸烟的典型情况:早餐,餐厅,汽车站和酒吧。 研究人员追踪了三种预测烟瘾的变量:与尼古丁依赖,与焦虑和冲动有关,与在虚拟环境中的存在感有关。 存在感是所有实验虚拟环境中自我报告的渴望的唯一(!)预测因子。 这一发现对于提示暴露治疗(CET)具有重要意义,该治疗包括受控和反复暴露于药物相关刺激以降低提示React性。

Realistic rendering and stereoscopy are not the only factors that increase sense of presence.  VR researchers and developers leverage those principles we mentioned in our previous article about how the brain perceives time, space and the sense of self.  Experiments similar to the classical rubber hand illusion (RHI) have been done in VR to see how we are able to feel the same sensations towards a virtual body as the biological body: Petkova & Ehrsson, 2008, have users swapping bodies; Normand et al, 2011, create the illusion of users’ belly increasing; Slater et al, 2010, use first person perspective to generate a full body transfer illusion.  These and more studies are discussed  by researchers from Universitat de Barcelona in a paper on the Sense of Embodiment in Virtual Reality.  As discussed in a 2015 article in Frontiers in Psychology, studies indicate that presence seems correlated to emotions; experiences in virtual environments that include strong emotions result in higher sense of presence.  Another interesting finding is that high immersion (i.e. high technical quality) only results in high presence when no emotions are involved. These results have already been used for utilizing VR to treat mental disorders such as phobia and anxiety.

逼真的渲染和立体视觉并不是增加存在感的唯一因素。 VR研究人员和开发人员利用了我们在上一篇文章中提到的有关大脑如何感知时间,空间和自我感觉的原理。 在虚拟现实中已经进行了类似于经典橡胶手幻觉(RHI)的实验,以了解我们如何对虚拟身体产生与生物身体相同的感觉: Petkova&Ehrsson,2008 ,让用户交换身体; Normand等人,2011年 ,制造了用户腹部增大的幻觉; Slater等人,2010年 ,使用第一人称视角生成了一个全身转移的幻觉。 巴塞罗那大学的研究人员在关于虚拟现实中的体现感的论文中讨论了这些以及更多的研究。 正如2015年《心理学前沿》中的一篇文章所讨论的那样,研究表明,存在似乎与情绪相关。 包含强烈情绪的虚拟环境中的体验会带来更高的临场感。 另一个有趣的发现是,高沉浸感(即高技术质量)仅在不涉及任何情感的情况下才导致高存在感。 这些结果已经用于利用VR来治疗精神疾病,例如恐惧症和焦虑症。

The Vision Summit 2016 in Los Angeles, California  included an interesting talk about emotion and presence in VR: the making of Sisters and Café Ame, two apps for Gear VR by Otherworld Interactive.

在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶举行的2016年视觉峰会上,围绕VR中的情感和存在进行了有趣的演讲: Sisters和CaféAme的制作 ,这是Otherworld Interactive的Gear VR的两个应用程序。

虚拟疗法 (Virtual Therapy)

Also at Vision Summit 2016, a talk from scientists at the Institute for Creative Technologies discussed Immersive Clinical Care with VR. They have done amazing work on treating PTSD and other disorders.  Another place doing virtual reality exposure therapy is The Virtual Reality Medical Center where treatment and training programs have been going on for over 10 years.

同样在2016年视觉峰会上,创意技术研究院的科学家在一次演讲中讨论了VR的沉浸式临床护理 。 他们在治疗PTSD和其他疾病方面做得非常出色。 进行虚拟现实暴露疗法的另一个地方是虚拟现实医学中心 ,那里的治疗和培训计划已经进行了10多年。

For a study at  the University of Texas at San Antonio, researchers implemented a virtual reality soccer game for training young adults with autism on hand-eye coordination. They found participants actually did better when they were able to customize the virtual humans in the game, which again goes back to the point that sense of presence and immersion is affected by many aspects other than realistic graphics.  This interesting project was featured on the Voices of VR podcast.

在德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校的一项研究中 ,研究人员实施了虚拟现实足球游戏,以训练自闭症的年轻成年人进行手眼协调。 他们发现,当参与者能够自定义游戏中的虚拟人物时,他们实际上会做得更好,这又回到了现实和沉浸感受现实图形以外的许多方面影响的地步。 这个有趣的项目在VR之声播客中得到了体现

Alzheimer’s disease is another condition where virtual reality shows great potential for trainingassessing and treating.  A 2015 article in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience summarizes significant examples of virtual environments for diagnostic assessment and cognitive training in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease, concluding high levels of immersion and interaction are yet to be seen in these apps.

阿尔茨海默氏病是虚拟现实在训练评估治疗方面显示出巨大潜力的另一种状况。 2015年《衰老神经科学前沿》中的一篇文章总结了用于轻度认知障碍和阿尔茨海默氏病的诊断评估和认知训练的虚拟环境的重要示例,结论是在这些应用程序中还没有看到高水平的沉浸和互动。

学习 (Learning)

“Tell me and I forget; teach me and I may remember; involve me and I will learn.”

“告诉我,我忘记了; 教我,我可能还记得; 让我参与进来,我将学习。”

Curiously, this quote and some variations has been attributed to Benjamin Franklin, Confucius and Xunzi.  It apparently evolved around the ‘60s and is related to learning by doing.  Whomever the author is, the idea emerges again with virtual reality because of its power is to put students into the environment and perform active learning as opposed to typical lecture scenarios.

奇怪的是,这句话和一些变化被归因于本杰明·富兰克林,Kong子和X子。 它显然是在六十年代左右演变的,与边做边学有关 。 无论作者是谁,这种想法都随着虚拟现实而再次出现,因为它的强大功能是将学生置于环境中并进行主动学习,而不是典型的演讲场景。

Vision Summit had a great talk on VR in the Classroom.  Another example is Immersive VR education, a company that creates educational experiences in VR.  Their Apollo 11 experience is quite beautiful and has won several awards. They are also working on medical training, where medical students could go into a virtual emergency room and practice their skills.

Vision Summit 在教室里VR进行了精彩的演讲。 另一个例子是沉浸式VR教育 ,这是一家在VR中创造教育经验的公司。 他们的Apollo 11体验非常漂亮,并获得了多个奖项。 他们还从事医学培训,使医学生可以进入虚拟急诊室练习技能。

One thing that is exciting about companies and projects like these is how VR technology is becoming more widespread and affordable.  Over 10 years ago when I (Dio) was a graduate student, I saw many research centers and universities across the country implementing VR training apps for hospitals, factories for learning how to operate machinery, and even the interactive reproduction of Radharaman, a Hindu temple dedicated to the worship of the god Krishna by VR pioneer Dr. Carolina Cruz-Neira when she was at University of Iowa.  But until recent years, VR technology was quite expensive, the hardware was cumbersome, and limited to academic centers with big budgets.  Now, the hardware is increasingly affordable, so we see the emergence of companies such as Immersive VR.  It will be great when even high school teachers will assign VR homework to kids.

对于像这样的公司和项目而言,令人兴奋的一件事就是VR技术如何变得越来越普及和负担得起。 十多年前,当我(Dio)还是一名研究生时,我看到全国各地的许多研究中心和大学都在为医院,工厂学习如何操作机械的VR培训应用程序,甚至是印度教寺庙Radharaman的交互式复制品。 VR先驱Carolina Cruz-Neira博士在爱荷华大学时致力于崇拜克里希纳神 。 但是直到最近几年,VR技术还是很昂贵,硬件也很繁琐,并且仅限于预算较大的学术中心。 现在,硬件的价格越来越便宜,因此我们可以看到Immersive VR等公司的出现。 哪怕是高中老师也将VR作业分配给孩子们,这将是很棒的。

Another quite interesting recent example is a joint work by scientists from Yale University and University of Dallas that uses virtual reality technologies for teaching cognitive skills to young adults with autism.  The objective is to enhance social skills, social cognition and social functioning.  “One or more virtual characters join in as the therapist presents the day’s situation. It may be a job interview, a new neighbor or a blind date. The counselor also describes the social skills they’ll be practicing. The task may involve recognizing the unspoken intentions behind a behavior or sharing an opinion in a socially acceptable way.”  Their results are fascinating.  Brain scans from before and after treatment show that after the VR experience, young adults with autism had increased activation in brain regions associated with social understanding.  A second set of brain scanscomparing pre and post treatment shows increased connectivity between brain regions that exchange information during effective social interactions.  Parts of the brain became active after virtual reality sessions!  These young adults are actually learning new cognitive skills.

最近的另一个非常有趣的例子是耶鲁大学和达拉斯大学的科学家联合开展的一项工作,该项目使用虚拟现实技术为患有自闭症的年轻成年人传授认知技能。 目的是提高社交技能,社交认知和社交功能。 “当治疗师介绍当天的情况时,一个或多个虚拟角色会加入。 可能是工作面试,新邻居或相亲。 辅导员还描述了他们将要练习的社交技能。 该任务可能涉及识别行为背后的潜心意图或以社会上可接受的方式分享意见。” 他们的结果令人着迷。 治疗前后的脑部扫描显示,在体验VR之后,患有自闭症的年轻成年人与社交理解相关的大脑区域的激活增加。 第二组比较治疗前后的脑部扫描结果显示,在有效的社交互动过程中交换信息的大脑区域之间的连接性增强。 虚拟现实会议后,大脑的一部分变得活跃了! 这些年轻人实际上正在学习新的认知技能。

We have to mention Cerevrum, a game for Samsung Gear VR aimed at improving the whole spectrum of cognitive abilities: “memory, perceptual speed, multitasking, executive function, and attention.”  They use machine learning to track and adapt to the user’s specific strengths and weaknesses.  It will be interesting to see how they do, and to see them expand to using VR systems with tracking. Cerevrum looks gorgeous. It is exciting to see VR technology in the hands of artists to make beautifully looking experiences.

我们不得不提到Cerevrum ,这是Samsung Gear VR的一款旨在改善整个认知能力范围的游戏:“记忆,感知速度,多任务处理,执行功能和注意力”。 他们使用机器学习来跟踪和适应用户的特定优势和劣势。 看到它们的工作方式,以及将它们扩展到使用具有跟踪功能的VR系统将很有趣。 Cerevrum看起来很漂亮。 看到艺术家手握VR技术来做出精美的体验,真是令人兴奋。

虚拟的世界 (Virtual Worlds)

Back in 2007, I (Dio) was a games programming professor.  Second Life and 3D worlds in general were at their peak popularity.  I used Second Life in a class whose main purpose was to study the relationship between digital entertainment systems and cultural aspects of societies in which they exist.

早在2007年,我(Dio)担任游戏编程教授。 一般而言,《第二人生》和3D世界都处于鼎盛时期。 我在课堂上使用“第二人生”,其主要目的是研究数字娱乐系统与它们所存在的社会的文化方面之间的关系。

This image shows my class attending a machinima festival that was going on in New York, where they had sessions with filmmakers speaking about their creations, and screenings of movies.  We were all in Singapore, and it was great how we actually attended the event and interacted with other attendees without getting on a plane.

此图显示了我的班级正在参加一个正在纽约举行的机械舞节,在那里他们与电影制片人进行了会谈,讨论了他们的创作和电影放映。 我们都在新加坡,这真是太好了,我们如何真正参加此次活动并与其他参与者互动,而无需上飞机。

This is from a lecture I gave inside the virtual world.  The lecture focused on ethical issues in games development.  Part of the lecture included traveling to different locations, from a first-person shooter game to play and discuss violence in games, to a location labeled “safe” for children where they had games and weapons were disabled by script.  It provided more of a practical experience.

这是我在虚拟世界中进行的一次演讲。 讲座的重点是游戏开发中的道德问题。 讲座的一部分包括到不同的地方旅行,从第一人称射击游戏到玩耍和讨论游戏中的暴力行为,再到标记为“安全”的儿童玩游戏和武器被剧本禁用的位置。 它提供了更多的实践经验。

And this is one of my students’ projects.  One of their assignments was to design and implement a game, but not only the mechanics but also the actual business model so they could learn brainstorming and economic analysis tools like SCAMPERR and SWOT.  They implemented games using Second Life’s scripting tools and even ran trials using the in-world currency.

这是我学生的项目之一。 他们的任务之一是设计和实现游戏,不仅要设计和实施游戏,而且还要设计和实现实际的商业模型,以便他们可以学习头脑风暴和经济分析工具,例如SCAMPERRSWOT 。 他们使用Second Life的脚本工具实施了游戏,甚至使用了世界上的货币进行了试用。

Project Sansar Project Sansar

In April 2016, the makers of Second Life announced applications are open for a Creator Preview of their new VR-creation platform, Project Sansar.  It is developed with integration with Oculus Rift and slated to launch this year.

2016年4月,Second Life的制造商宣布了其新VR创建平台Project Sansar的创建者预览版的应用程序开放。 它是与Oculus Rift集成开发的,计划于今年推出。

High Fidelity 高保真

On the other hand, High Fidelity was created by Philip Rosedale, founder of Second Life.  High Fidelity integrates with HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and other VR systems.  It looks gorgeous, too.  Interesting fact: I went to visit them in their SF office and learned that the company has their weekly all hands meeting inside the world.  Very cool.

另一方面, High Fidelity由Second Life的创始人Philip Rosedale创建。 高保真与HTC Vive,Oculus Rift和其他VR系统集成。 它看起来也很棒。 有趣的事实:我去了他们的SF办公室拜访他们,并了解到该公司每周在世界各地开会。 很酷。

These and all other examples of world recreations are the community’s realization of the dream of a Metaverse.  There are many other virtual worlds that are specific for musicians, and there is even a recreation of Hogwarts for you Harry Potter fans. We’re seeing the intersection of immersive technologies with high speed broadband for collaborative and multi-user virtual reality.

世界娱乐的这些和所有其他示例是社区对“元宇宙”梦想的实现。 还有许多其他专门针对音乐家的虚拟世界,甚至还有哈利波特娱乐场为您提供哈利波特迷。 我们看到了沉浸式技术与高速宽带的结合,以实现协作和多用户虚拟现实。

Imagine using virtual worlds like Sansar and High Fidelity in classroom settings and taking advantage of location based memory:   reading a book in a place that looks like the book, meeting your instructor in a virtual world, or doing any other work activity in a different setting. Or the world can be one you build yourself using Unity *wink, wink*. This is why we are focused on creating tools for everyone to build VR experiences.

想象一下在教室环境中使用Sansar和High Fidelity这样的虚拟世界并利用基于位置的内存:在看起来像书的地方读书,在虚拟世界中与您的老师会面,或者在不同的环境中进行任何其他工作活动。 或者世界可以是您使用Unity * wink,wink *构建自己的世界。 这就是为什么我们专注于为每个人创建工具来构建VR体验的原因。

结论 (Conclusion)

There are many interesting aspects of perception and cognition in VR that relate to health, learning, and experiences in virtual worlds. In this article we presented some studies and experiences we came to know as part of our research.  In the next one we will present some of our own early findings and anecdotes.  Thanks for reading!

虚拟现实中有许多有趣的感知和认知方面,它们与虚拟世界中的健康,学习和体验有关。 在本文中,我们介绍了一些研究和经验,这些研究和经验是我们研究的一部分。 在下一篇文章中,我们将介绍一些我们自己的早期发现和轶事。 谢谢阅读!

Timoni West & Dio Gonzalez work at Unity Labs; Dio is a VR principal engineer, and Timoni is a principal designer. As part of their work in VR, they’ve done some research into how the brain processes types of information, and how this can affect how the brain processes environments in VR.

Timoni West和Dio Gonzalez在Unity Labs工作; Dio是VR的首席工程师,而Timoni是首席设计师。 作为他们在VR中工作的一部分,他们已经对大脑如何处理信息类型以及如何影响大脑在VR中处理环境的方式进行了一些研究。



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