2guys1hole_Fall Guys:终极淘汰赛是2020年我们需要的混乱


I am not sure if you’re fully aware of this, but 2020 is the worst, especially here in the US. We’re very big on winning, and if pandemics were a game, we’d be the world champions of death. So it’s no wonder that we’ve been looking for a nice, wholesome distraction that we can also win at. Enter Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, the most ridiculous battle royale to hit the PS4 in a long time. Up to 60 players compete in a five-round elimination tournament game show with their own customizable jelly bean shaped Guy. Think up to five rounds of Ninja Warrior meets Wipeout, but less grace, more slime, and 59 other competitors trying to knock you off at once.

不确定您是否完全意识到这一点,但2020年是最糟糕的,尤其是在美国。 我们在获胜方面举足轻重,如果流行病是一场比赛,我们将成为死亡的世界冠军。 因此,难怪我们一直在寻找一种不错的,有益于健康的分心,我们也可以赢得比赛。 进入Fall Guys:Ultimate Knockout,这是很长一段时间以来最荒谬的大逃杀大逃杀PS4。 多达60位玩家与他们自己可定制的软心豆形盖伊在五轮淘汰锦标赛中进行比赛。 想想多达五轮的《忍者战士》遇见Wipeout,但是少了一些优雅,更多的黏液,还有59个其他竞争对手试图一次将您击倒。

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The game released on PS4 at the beginning of August, and as a free download for PS+ members, it gained immediate attention. It spread by word of mouth and in just under a week became so popular that the servers couldn’t handle the sheer volume of players trying to get in on the action.

该游戏于8月初在PS4上发布,并且PS +成员免费下载,引起了立即关注。 它以口口相传的方式传播,在不到一周的时间里变得如此流行,以至于服务器无法应付试图参与该动作的庞大玩家数量。

Luckily, I got to be one of those first server crashers. I’m not going to lie to you, I’ve gotten absolutely nothing done this week. I have 3 partially written stories in my drafts and at least two that need to be revised before they’re submitted, and that’s not even counting the stories that are just titles, subtitles, and a dream. I dropped all of the other games I’ve been playing, namely Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Mark of the Ninja, and I have laundry and dishes piling up, just waiting for me to wash them. All of my free time has been spent on Fall Guys. If I’m not at my day job or sleeping, I’m either playing Fall Guys or watching my boyfriend play Fall Guys. The only reason this is getting written at all is because our favorite controller is on the charging dock so I have an hour or so before I can start playing again.

幸运的是,我必须成为那些最早的服务器崩溃者之一。 我不会对你说谎,这周我什么都没做。 我的草稿中有3个部分写作的故事,至少有两个故事需要在提交前进行修改,这还不包括仅包含标题,字幕和梦想的故事。 我丢下了我玩过的所有其他游戏,即《 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate》《忍者的印记》 ,我洗衣服和碗碟都堆满了,只等我洗碗。 我所有的空闲时间都花在了Fall Guys上 。 如果我不从事日常工作或睡眠,那么我要么在玩“ 秋季男生” ,要么在看我的男朋友在玩“ 秋季男生” 。 完全被写入的唯一原因是因为我们最喜​​欢的控制器在充电座上,所以我有一个小时左右的时间才能再次开始演奏。

This game is a delight. In fact, I’m just going to let my Twitter speak for itself:

这个游戏很有趣。 实际上,我只是要让我的Twitter说话:

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Courtesy of me, my PS4, and Mediatonic

There are a few DLC options for this game. All of them are well priced, and none of them are pushed as items needed to progress in the game. I spent $10 and got three costumes, a Robot dance emote, and 10,000 kudos, one of the in-game currency options. There are a few other paid options, some cheaper, and all well worth the money. My rainbow unicorn costume is absolutely staying with me for the rest of the season, and I have no issues giving an extra $10 to an indie studio that put out such a spectacular free game with such perfect timing.

此游戏有一些DLC选项。 所有这些都定价合理,并且都不会将它们作为游戏中需要的物品进行推送。 我花了10美元,买了三套服装,一个机器人舞蹈表情和10,000个荣誉,这是游戏中的一种货币选择。 还有其他一些付费选择,一些更便宜,而且都物有所值。 我的彩虹独角兽服装在这个季节的剩余时间里绝对会和我在一起,而且我没有问题,可以给独立工作室额外支付10美元,让他们以如此完美的时机推出如此精彩的免费游戏。

Would Fall Guys have been so immediately successful at any other point in time? Maybe. But 2020 has altered our reality so radically that certain things just hit differently. Would hoards of grown men be playing a candy colored bean-man obstacle racing game for hours on end this time last year? For some reason, I highly doubt it, but they sure are showing up for this one. As a society, we have been in desperate need of something light, fun, and worry-free. It’s part of the reason why Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been so wildly successful. When you add in that Fall Guys was free for much of the player base, many of whom are possibly still unemployed due to the pandemic, you have a perfect storm of popularity.

Fall Guys在其他任何时间都会如此成功吗? 也许。 但是2020年彻底改变了我们的现实,以至于某些事情发生了不同的变化。 去年这个时候,成年男子的ho积会玩几个小时的糖果色豆豆人障碍赛车吗? 出于某种原因,我对此表示高度怀疑,但他们肯定会出现在这一方面。 作为一个社会,我们迫切需要轻松,有趣和无忧的事物。 这是《 动物穿越:新视野》如此成功的部分原因。 当您补充说,《 Fall Guys》在许多玩家群体中都是免费的,其中许多人可能由于大流行而失业,那么,您将获得完美的人气风暴。

The random courses and minigames are just difficult enough to make the game worth playing, but not so difficult that you rage quit after being eliminated in the first round for seventeen straight attempts. The learning curve isn’t steep, so once you get the hang of it, it’s doable. But, because there’s always a chance that another player can knock you off course, your assigned player group doesn’t perform well in the team rounds, or you miss a jump at the exact wrong time, qualifying is still as satisfying the fiftieth time as it is the first. Getting that coveted golden crown is just rare enough that it’s a true accomplishment when, or if, it’s ever won.

随机的课程和迷你游戏足以使游戏值得玩,但并不是那么困难,以至于在第一个回合中连续17次被淘汰后,你就愤怒地放弃了。 学习曲线并不陡峭,所以一旦掌握了它,就可行了。 但是,由于总是有其他球员可以将您踢出路线,您分配的球员组在小组赛中的表现不佳,或者您错过了在正确的错误时间跳入的机会,因此排位赛仍然可以满足第五十次比赛的要求。这是第一个。 获得那枚令人垂涎的金顶冠冕已经非常罕见了,以至于它在获得或最终获得胜利时都是真正的成就。

While there were server issues in the first few days of the game’s release, the developers were very upfront about it, and many of the issues have been either resolved or, at least, patched well enough to make the game playable. The player support has been pretty great, especially considering it’s a relatively obscure UK-based indie studio supporting a game that’s leagues more popular than anyone had been prepared for. There are big name developers and distributers that have failed at this for games across the popularity spectrum, making Mediatonic’s team even more impressive in my eyes.

尽管游戏发行的前几天存在服务器问题,但开发人员对此非常了解,许多问题已得到解决,或者至少打补丁得足以使游戏可玩。 玩家的支持非常出色,尤其是考虑到这是一家总部位于英国的相对独立的独立工作室,支持一款比任何人准备的联赛都受欢迎的游戏。 在大范围的游戏中,有一些大牌开发商和发行商在此方面都失败了,这让Mediatonic的团队在我眼中更加令人印象深刻。

Fall Guys is silly, chaotic, wholesome fun, and it’s exactly what a very stressed out gaming community didn’t realize they’ve been needing for the past few months. With future seasons on the horizon, daily specials in the shop, reasonable DLC and no required microtransactions, I suspect this game is going to be a favorite for quite some time.

Fall Guys愚蠢,混乱,有益健康,而这恰恰是一个压力很大的游戏社区在过去几个月中没有意识到他们一直在需要的东西。 随着未来季节的到来,商店的日常特价,合理的DLC以及不需要的微交易,我怀疑这款游戏将在相当长的一段时间内成为最受欢迎的游戏。

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Bre is a part-time writer with a day job in the fitness industry. She is based in Orlando, FL along with her handsome fella and two cats. She enjoys writing about social issues, politics, spirituality, mental health, gaming, and, every so often, fiction. She’s still working on her personal website, but you can find her anytime on Twitter or Instagram.

布雷是兼职作家,在健身行业从事日常工作。 她与英俊的家伙和两只猫一起居住在佛罗里达州的奥兰多市。 她喜欢撰写有关社会问题,政治,灵性,心理健康,游戏以及小说的文章。 她仍在自己的个人网站上工作,但您可以随时在 Twitter Instagram 上找到她

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/fall-guys-ultimate-knockout-is-the-chaos-we-need-in-2020-97d8644c9604


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