


Disclaimer: I don’t intend for these games to compete with top-tier AAA videogames, but I do believe that some of them hold their ground against said top-tier games. Some are mediocre, elevated only by fond memories. Nostalgia is the engine that powers these games; not necessarily innovative mechanics or groundbreaking visuals, but those features are on offer too.

免责声明:我不打算让这些游戏与顶级AAA电子游戏竞争,但我确实相信其中一些可以与上述顶级游戏抗衡。 有些是平庸的,只有在美好的回忆中才能升华。 怀旧是推动这些游戏发展的引擎。 不一定是创新的机制或突破性的视觉效果,但这些功能也都提供了。

While most of 1982’s Atari E.T. cartridges ended up in a landfill, not every film tie-in was a shoddy five-week rush to cash in on a brand name. Some even outdid expectations to become games that minds would recollect fondly. They have one strength in common that few games have: a reputation without having to build one.

W¯¯ 往往微不足道大部分1982年的雅达利ET盒结束了在垃圾填埋场,不是每部电影搭配是粗制滥造的五周急于套现的品牌名称。 有些人甚至超出了人们对游戏的期望,人们会怀念它。 它们有一个共同点,就是很少有游戏能拥有一个共同点:无需树立一个声誉就可以。

But while it might be enough to pique the interest of fans of a particular fandom or franchise, keeping them hooked is another thing entirely. And a failure would impact the franchise as much as it would the game studio, which meant Hollywood giants thought twice (sometimes) before giving their IP away.

但是,虽然激起特定狂热者或专营权的粉丝的兴趣可能就足够了,但让他们着迷是完全另一回事。 失败对特许经营的影响与对游戏工作室的影响一样大,这意味着好莱坞巨人在放弃知识产权之前三思而后行(有时)。

Not every game on this list is a masterpiece, but they did right by their fans. And in the end, that’s all that was expected of them. Some games went beyond expectations, bringing in game mechanics that popular games would implement years later. Platformers, beat-'em-ups, and even first-person shooters were born from game studios who captured the spirit of the films they pay homage to. I’m sticking to animated films because I’ve had my fair share of experience with their tie-ins and because this list would be huge if I included the likes of GoldenEye and Wolverine.

并不是这个榜单上的所有游戏都是杰作,但是他们的粉丝们做得恰到好处。 最后,这就是他们所期望的。 有些游戏超出了预期,带来了流行游戏将在数年后实现的游戏机制。 平台游戏,节拍游戏甚至第一人称射击游戏都来自游戏工作室,这些工作室捕捉了他们向往的电影的精神。 我坚持使用动画电影,是因为我在与他们的搭档方面有很丰富的经验,因为如果包括GoldenEyeWolverine这样的名单,那么这个清单将会很大。

And with that, let’s dig in. Nostalgia is a powerful form of love.


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Disney’s Aladdin. Source: gamefabrique.
迪士尼的阿拉丁。 资料来源:gamefabrique。

迪士尼阿拉丁(1993) (Disney’s Aladdin (1993))

Back when I ran across the pixelated streets of Agrabah and the haunting Cave of Wonders, I had no idea that the game was older than I was. Aladdin’s fluid animations coupled with its quirky level design make it a game worth replaying. The platformer also strikes a fine balance between challenging and punishing. A balance that most games of its time failed to achieve.

当我穿越阿格拉巴(Agrabah)像素化的街道和令人难以忘怀的奇妙洞穴(Cave of Wonders)时,我不知道这款游戏的年龄比我大。 阿拉丁流畅的动画加上怪异的关卡设计使其成为值得重玩的游戏。 平台游戏还可以在挑战和惩罚之间达到良好的平衡。 当时大多数游戏都无法达到的平衡。

A solid 16-bit 2D platformer, Aladdin jumps effortlessly from ledge to ledge, vanquishing foes with a well-placed apple toss or a trusty sword slash. Mini-games based on the movie are set between these stages to provide a change in pace, keeping things from going stale.

阿拉丁(Aladdin)是一个坚实的16位2D平台游戏者,毫不费力地从壁架跳到壁架,用适当放置的苹果抛掷或可信赖的剑道斜杠征服敌人。 在这两个阶段之间设置了基于电影的迷你游戏,以改变步伐,以免陈旧。

Virgin Interactive worked with Disney to ensure that the characters looked exactly like the ones in the film. Licensing issues aside, it’s something I hope Disney’s subsidiary team at Marvel takes a page from. Its upcoming Avengers game has failed to garner the attention it deserves because of this very reason. The charm exuded by Aladdin is one that will capture the hearts of its fans for years to come. It’s not perfect, but it’s almost there.

维珍互动 与迪士尼合作,以确保角色看起来与电影中的角色完全一样。 抛开许可问题,我希望这是迪士尼在漫威子团队 从中取出一页。 由于这个原因,即将推出的复仇者联盟游戏未能引起应有的关注。 阿拉丁所散发出的魅力,将在未来数年吸引其粉丝的心。 它不是完美的,但几乎已经存在。

And yes, you can ride a carpet.


狮子王(1994) (The Lion King (1994))

You’ll be seeing a lot of Disney titles on this list, I’m afraid. Remember that balance I spoke about, the one between challenging and punishing? Well, The Lion King is downright sadistic. I barely got past a couple of stages before losing all my lives. There’s good reason why Digital Eclipse’s remaster includes a rewind button. If Dark Souls had a precursor, it would probably be this little cub right here. The devourer of dreams, the sealer of fate.

恐怕您会在此列表中看到很多迪士尼标题。 还记得我所说的那种在挑战与惩罚之间的平衡吗? 好吧, 狮子王是彻头彻尾的虐待狂。 在失去一生之前,我几乎没有走过两个阶段。 有充分理由说明Digital Eclipse的 remaster包括一个快退按钮。 如果黑暗之魂有先驱者,那么这里可能就是这个小幼崽。 梦想的吞噬者,命运的密封者。

The punishing difficulty gets better after you transition from young Simba who bounces on enemies and growls to adult Simba, a lethal lion who can swipe with his paws, pounce on lunch, and toss it away for snacks. While the character arc is driven home by this gradual development, I still wished for a young protagonist who wasn’t at the mercy of bugs and lizards.

从年轻的Simba (向敌人反弹并咆哮)过渡到成年的Simba (成年狮子,可以用爪子轻扫,吃午餐,扔掉零食)后,惩罚难度会变得更大。 虽然角色的弧度是由这种逐渐发展驱使回家的,但我仍然希望有一位年轻的主角,他不会受到虫子和蜥蜴的摆布。

The Lion King offers a solid soundtrack and the visuals bear resemblance to their film counterparts, holding up pretty well against the ravages of time. The platforming segments are brutal, requiring you to time your jumps better than an Olympic athlete. This is why jumping off the heads of giraffes or riding ostriches don’t happen at the Olympics. If you’re up for a game that treats you like prey, dive right in.

狮子王提供了扎实的配乐,其视觉效果与电影中的同类电影相似,可以很好地抵御时间的侵蚀。 跳台比赛是残酷的,要求您比奥林匹克运动员更好地安排跳跃时间。 这就是为什么在奥运会上不会发生跳长颈鹿的头部或骑鸵鸟的原因。 如果您打算玩一款像猎物一样的游戏,那就直接潜入。

Adorable nightmares await.


迪士尼大力士(1997) (Disney’s Hercules (1997))

32-bit graphics. Pseudo-3D with z-axis movement. A handsome dude dropping punches like rain on a glass pane.

32位图形。 带有Z轴移动的Pseudo-3D。 一个英俊的花花公子滴下来的拳头像玻璃板上的雨。

There’s a lot to like in Disney’s Hercules. While its past may have influenced its appearance, thank the Gods it didn’t mess with the difficulty. I actually managed to finish this game. Thank you, Virgin Interactive.

迪士尼的《大力神》有很多值得一看的地方 。 尽管它的过去可能影响了它的外观,但感谢众神,它没有遇到困难。 我实际上设法完成了这场比赛。 谢谢您,维珍互动。

Its set-pieces are straight out of the film, but the love that has gone into each pixel is evident. From a running sequence that makes Temple Run look tame to boss battles that are unique (gods, the number of games that don’t get this right), Hercules is a masterpiece.

它的固定装置直接出现在电影中,但是每个像素所体现的爱是显而易见的。 从使Temple Run看起来驯服的运行顺序到独特的老板战斗(神,没有正确选择的游戏数量), Hercules就是杰作。

The animation work that must have gone into this is insane. The idle animations were so good that my eyes were glued to the screen even during snack breaks. Dialogue from Danny DeVito and James Woods among others means that this is far more than a half-hearted effort to mint some cash. Its cartoony eye candy, glorious soundtrack, and hidden items are more than reason enough to try the game out.

必须加入其中的动画作品是疯狂的。 空闲的动画效果非常好,即使在休息时间,我的眼睛也粘在了屏幕上。 丹尼·德维托(Danny DeVito)和詹姆斯·伍兹(James Woods)等人进行的对话意味着,这不仅仅花费了三心二意。 它具有卡通般的视觉效果,光彩的配乐和隐藏的物品,足以让您尝试这款游戏。

Truth be told, the only downside was that it was shorter than I’d have liked it to be. Nonetheless, this 2D platformer seamlessly plays with 2D and 3D objects to create a masterpiece that looks and plays like a Greek God.

实话实说,唯一的缺点是它比我希望的要短。 尽管如此,此2D平台游戏程序可无缝地与2D和3D对象一起玩,以创造出外观和风格都像希腊神一样的杰作。

Hydra? Check.Medusa? Check.Raining death on Titans while riding Pegasus? You’re in luck.

九头蛇? Check.Medusa? 检查。骑飞马座时在泰坦上死亡吗? 你真幸运。

迪士尼泰山(1999) (Disney’s Tarzan (1999))

It’s almost a routine at this point.


Once a Disney film hits the box office, a game releases that subverts the age-old emotion of witnessing another terrible tie-in. It came right at the heels of the poorly received A Bug’s Life, an unoptimized and sluggish cash-grab of a game from Activision that failed to ape Banjo-Kazooie or Super Mario 64. My experience with it wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t riveting either. Back to Far Cry Primal, err, Tarzan.

曾经是迪士尼 电影到达票房,发行了一部游戏,颠覆了见证另一个可怕搭档的古老情感。 它紧接在糟糕的A Bug's Life之后,这是Activision一款游戏的未优化且缓慢的现金流,未能模仿Banjo-KazooieSuper Mario 64 。 我的经历并不可怕,但也没有吸引人。 回到《 孤岛惊魂》 ,Err, Tarzan

Lush environments that differ from stage to stage, replete with hidden items and tokens. Action set-pieces that mirror the film’s own. A simplistic yet intricate charm reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot, one of the best platformers out there, period. Slide across trees, swing from vines, and keep leopards away with your spear as you navigate uncharted forests.

各个阶段的郁郁葱葱的环境不同,充满了隐藏的物品和令牌。 反映电影本身的动作片。 简单而复杂的魅力让人想起Crash Bandicoot ,这是当时最好的平台游戏之一。 在未知的森林中穿行时,可以滑过树木,从藤蔓上摆动,并让豹子与长矛保持距离。

Just like The Lion King, you control a child who slowly grows into the film’s protagonist, gaining abilities along the way. Tarzan is an experience that begs to be played. Responsive controls and fluid animations help this game stand out from a sea of platformers and exceeds movie tie-in expectations. It’s one of those gems that know how to give you a good time while keeping things challenging.

就像狮子王一样,您控制着一个慢慢成长为电影主角的孩子,并在此过程中不断提高自己的能力。 Tarzan是一种值得玩的体验。 响应式控件和流畅的动画帮助该游戏在众多平台游戏中脱颖而出,超出了电影的预期。 它是知道如何在保持挑战的同时给您美好时光的宝石之一。

Pro tip: Eat bananas to restore health.


鲨鱼故事(2004) (Shark Tale (2004))

This game is complex enough to warrant long loading screens. Or is it?

该游戏足够复杂,需要长时间加载屏幕。 还是?

Focused primarily on arcade experiences rather than innovative mechanics or a compelling story, I’d recommend Activision’s Shark Tale only for fans of the movie or a younger audience. It’s a good game, but not a great one. Decent graphics alongside fluid animations give this denizen of the deep a solid coral reef to build on.

我主要针对拱廊体验,而不是创新机制或引人入胜的故事,我只推荐Activision的《鲨鱼故事》,仅面向电影迷或年轻观众。 这是一个很好的游戏,但不是一个很好的游戏。 体面的图形以及流畅的动画为这个深海居民提供了坚实的珊瑚礁。

Its polished sandbox regions can be revisited to unlock secrets, giving it an open-world vibe while it is often no more than an arcade game packed with mini-games that work as set-pieces to fuel the story. I’d have liked the difficulty to be less forgiving but it was aimed at kids so I can’t really fault the devs. The mini-games aren’t innovative per se, but they’re fun. And charming enough to get you through them.

可以重新访问其优美的沙盒区域以解开秘密,使其具有开放世界的氛围,而它通常不过是一个街机游戏,里面装有微型游戏,这些微型游戏可以作为故事的补充。 我本来希望困难程度可以减少一些,但是它是针对孩子的,所以我不能真正责怪开发人员。 迷你游戏本身并不是创新的,但是很有趣。 魅力十足,足以帮助您度过难关。

Be it dancing to solid beats with your arrow keys (cough, Dance Dance Revolution), tossing urchins at finned folk racing in the sewers or other object-collecting shenanigans, there are many ways to gain fame points to advance to the next stage in Shark Tale. It’s even got some stealth and action sequences, my favorite segments of the game. Sharks get visibility cones that you have to avoid and seaweed acts as cover, akin to stealth games.

无论是用箭头键跳动稳定的节奏( 咳嗽,“跳舞革命” ),在下水道的有鳍民俗比赛中扔顽童,还是其他收集对象的恶作剧,都有许多方法可以赢得名声,从而进入鲨鱼的下一阶段故事 它甚至有一些隐身和动作序列,这是我最喜欢的游戏部分。 鲨鱼具有必须避开的视线锥,并且海藻充当隐身,类似于隐形游戏。

And this was way before Assassin’s Creed was a thing.


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Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie. Source: pcgamewallpapers.
彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)的《金刚:电影的官方游戏》。 资料来源:pcgamewallpapers。

彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)的《金刚:电影的正式比赛》(2005年) (Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (2005))

One of the best games of the generation. A videogame that critics absolutely loved. A game forever etched in the annals of gaming history.

这一代最好的游戏之一。 评论家绝对喜欢的视频游戏。 永远铭刻在游戏史上的一款游戏。

Being one of the above warrants any game incredible success, but Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie was all three. The name’s a mouthful, so I’ll stick with just King Kong. It isn’t an animated tie-in, but it is too good a game to keep from this list. Few games offer satisfying moment-to-moment gameplay, a challenge handily bested by King Kong and the screenwriter Jake Driscoll, the characters you’ll be controlling during King Kong’s romp through Skull Island.

作为以上条件之一,任何游戏都取得了令人难以置信的成功,但彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)的《金刚:电影的官方游戏》是这三者的全部。 这个名字实在令人难以置信,所以我会坚持下去 它不是动画的搭档,但它是一款出色的游戏,无法将其排除在外。 很少有游戏能提供令人满意的即时游戏性,这是金刚和编剧杰克·德里斯科尔(Jake Driscoll)轻松应对的挑战,在金刚穿越骷髅岛时 ,您将控制角色。

I still can’t believe I found this gem in a bargain bin.


The haunting atmosphere in tandem with the minimal AI and hazy yet crisp visuals all add up to an immersive experience, the likes of which I had yet to experience in a videogame. The chilling soundtrack and top-notch dialogue reel you in, until the patter of rain distracts you back into the endless loop of despair. Jake can only hold on to a single gun at a time and has to make do with bones and spears that you find scattered in the desolate ruins of Skull Island. Ammo is scarce, which means that you’re often outgunned by devious dinosaurs, giant scorpions, and 10-foot-long millipedes.

令人难以忘怀的氛围与最小的AI和朦胧而清晰的视觉效果共同构成了身临其境的体验,就像我还没有在视频游戏中体验过的那样。 令人毛骨悚然的配乐和一流的对话吸引您,直到阵阵雨水将您分散到无尽的绝望循环中。 杰克 一次只能握住一支枪,并且必须与散落在骷髅岛荒凉废墟中的骨头和长矛保持一致 弹药稀缺,这意味着您经常被弯弯曲曲的恐龙,巨型蝎子和10英尺长的千足虫所吸引。

Jake announces the number of magazines he’s got on him until he’s dry, elevating the cat-and-mouse ordeal you take part in with powerful enemies. Sequences are gripping and tense, making today’s action games look like a walk in the park. Its puzzles share the desperation that much of the game permeates. This is a game where you’ll learn that fire is man’s best friend. King Kong is one experience you won’t forget.

杰克(Jake)宣布了他干的杂志的数量,直到他干了为止,这加剧了您与强大的敌人一起参与的猫捉老鼠的磨难。 序列令人紧张,紧张,使今天的动作游戏看起来像在公园散步。 它的困惑使许多游戏充满了绝望。 在这个游戏中,您会学到火是人类最好的朋友。 金刚是您不会忘记的一种体验。

The King Kong segments flip these, making you the predator. An experience that I won’t spoil here.

金刚线段将其翻转,使您成为掠食者。 我不会在这里宠坏的经历。

功夫熊猫(2008) (Kung Fu Panda (2008))

Ah, Kung Fu Panda.


The first game I played on an Xbox 360 (I was 9 at the time), Kung Fu Panda stands out from the tie-ins of its time for all the right reasons. It’s got an in-depth combo system that can keep more than just young fans engaged, majestic set-pieces set within the film’s own, and just the right blend of exploration, combat, and platforming. An upgrade system rewards you with more powerful moves and outlandish costumes. Characters run and fight about like a dream, even those you control for brief periods of time like Master Shifu.

我在Xbox 360上玩过的第一款游戏(当时我只有9 ), 功夫熊猫出于各种正确的理由在当时的比赛中脱颖而出。 它有一个深入的组合系统,不仅可以让年轻的粉丝参与其中,还可以在影片本身中设定雄伟的布景,同时还可以完美地进行探索,战斗和平台融合。 升级系统会以更强大的动作和古怪的服装来奖励您。 角色像梦一样奔跑和奋斗,即使是像Shifu大师那样在短时间内控制的角色。

The dialogue is on point and so is the soundtrack as Po weaves through exotic locales, facing warriors of all forms of fauna. It retains the style that made the film a blockbuster, a romp through cartoony China that is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish. Once you’re done with Tai Lung, the game also has a set of multiplayer mini-games that I grew fond of. From survival modes to games with defensive objectives, a squad of four players can take control of a variety of characters, ready to fight with unique combos and attacks. A worthy addition to this list.

对话就在这一点上,宝的声音穿过异国风情,面对各种形式的动物的战士们,配乐也是如此。 它保留了使这部电影轰动一时的风格,贯穿卡通中国,这一定会让您自始至终保持愉悦。 当您完成《大龙》游戏后该游戏还将提供一组我很喜欢的多人迷你游戏。 从生存模式到具有防御性目标的游戏,四人小队可以控制各种角色,随时准备与独特的连击和攻击进行战斗。 此列表中值得添加的内容。

I’ve lost track of the time my brother and I spent cleaning foes up.


马达加斯加:Escape 2 Africa(2008) (Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008))

A journey through Africa with Alex and co. is one of silly fun and merriment. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa is often a platformer masquerading as an open-world game, offering a variety of sandboxes with plenty in terms of exploration and mini-games, be it across the African Plains or the underwater tunnels. Each character has a distinct feel to them with unique abilities but the combat itself is woefully simple. And the non-linear mini-games aren’t the most challenging, save the ones where bugs mar the experience.

与亚历克斯(Alex)和合伙人一起穿越非洲的旅程。 是愚蠢的乐趣和快乐之一。 马达加斯加:Escape 2 Africa通常是伪装成开放世界游戏的平台游戏,它提供各种沙盒,具有丰富的探索性和迷你游戏性,无论是穿越非洲平原还是水下隧道。 每个角色都具有独特的能力,给他们独特的感觉,但是战斗本身却非常简单。 非线性迷你游戏并不是最具挑战性的游戏,除了那些会破坏bug的游戏。

Fortunately, the pacing is chaotic, pushing you from one set-piece to another in quick bursts. This keeps things fresh while dropping in new elements from time to time. Every character has their own little arc to complete, keeping things coherent with the film. There isn’t much motivation to run through the game unless you’re a Madagascar fan. An upgrade system would have been nice. But its cartoony mini-games retain the charisma of the film, with sequences that range from penguins driving wranglers to Alex running across obstacle courses.

幸运的是,起搏很混乱,将您从一个固定装置快速推向另一个固定装置。 这可以使事物保持新鲜,同时不时添加新元素。 每个角色都有自己的小圆弧来完成,使事物与电影保持连贯。 除非您是马达加斯加的粉丝,否则没有太多动力去玩游戏。 升级系统本来不错。 但是它的卡通迷你游戏保留了电影的魅力,其顺序从企鹅驾驶牧马人到跨障碍赛道的亚历克斯不等。

Again, a good game. But an uninspired one.

再次,一个很好的游戏。 但是一个没有灵感的人。

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Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Source:
纳尼亚传奇:里海王子。 资料来源。

纳尼亚传奇:里海王子(2008) (Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008))

Few fantasy universes can compete with Narnia.


Filled to the brim in terms of iconic characters and environments, Traveller’s Tales does a fair job of bringing this franchise to life in a videogame. While it has belted out hit license games in the past (the LEGO games and one of the Crash Bandicoot titles come to mind), it hasn’t followed its principles through to the end in this one. Prince Caspian’s levels often boil down to barebones combat mixed with basic puzzles, redeemed only by exquisite set pieces. But what makes this game shine is that you can bring a friend along for the ride.

Traveller's Tales充满了标志性人物和环境的风范 ,在将这种特许权充实到电子游戏中方面做得很出色。 尽管过去曾淘汰热门的授权游戏(想到LEGO游戏和Crash Bandicoot的其中一款游戏),但在这一游戏中一直没有遵循其原则。 里海亲王的等级通常归结为准系统的战斗,加上基本的谜题,只有精美的布景才能兑现。 但是让这款游戏大放异彩的是,您可以带朋友一起兜风。

Be it a speedy centaur or a meaty minotaur, each character weaves through foes a little differently, despite mashing the same buttons. While the game doesn't reinvent the action-adventure genre, its pacing keeps things interesting, albeit with repetitive sequences. Thank goodness this game has a mini-map on the HUD, else I’d have barely survived Narnia’s rich expanses. The ruins of Caer Paravel, the battlefield of Beruna, and Miraz’s castle are all here, gorgeous stages for you to explore. The audio experience is splendid as well. It’s an enjoyable experience, just not an innovative one.

无论是快速的半人马还是多肉的牛头怪,尽管捣碎了相同的按钮,每个角色在敌人中的编织方式还是有些不同。 尽管游戏并没有重塑动作冒险类型,但它的步调使事情变得有趣,尽管具有重复的序列。 谢天谢地,这款游戏在HUD上有一个微型地图,否则我将无法幸存纳尼亚的丰富发展。 Paravel的Caer,柏卢纳的战场弥若兹城堡的废墟都在这里,华丽的阶段,你去探索。 音频体验也很棒。 这是一种愉快的体验,而不是创新的体验。

While the game won’t make C. S. Lewis roll in his grave, it won’t make him proud either.

虽然这场比赛不会让CS Lewis滚入他的坟墓,但也不会令他感到骄傲。

Wall-E(2008) (Wall-E (2008))

Wall-E. Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class robots.

Wall-E。 废物分配负载提升机地球级机器人。

The game follows the beats of the animated film to a fault. You get to take the little robot through an abandoned Earth and eventually the Axiom spaceship, filled with puzzles to solve. You can go into a box form to get past obstacles and charge yourself up with built-in solar panels. Later, you even get to use a laser. Once he gains access into the ship, he can play “Hello Dolly” to charm robots to his side. A touch that fans will appreciate.

游戏将动画电影的节拍跟踪到故障。 您将带上这个小机器人穿越一个废弃的地球,最后是充满解决难题的Axiom飞船。 您可以进入盒子的形式来越过障碍,并为内置的太阳能电池板充电。 后来,您甚至可以使用激光。 一旦进入该船,他就可以玩“ Hello Dolly”游戏来吸引机器人到他身边。 粉丝们会感动的。

The puzzles are the reason you ought to take Wall-E’s blocky self and Eve’s blasters for a spin. In fact, I’m pretty sure they’re tougher than what kids are normally exposed to. Some sections involve carrying a block from one area to another, evading powerful sentinels who can shoot or toss cubes at you with eerie accuracy. While some sections are challenging, the sheer diversity of the puzzles will keep you coming back for more. It’s a game I recommend without hesitation.

困惑是您应该带Wall-E的块状自我和Eve的冲击波旋转的原因。 实际上,我敢肯定,他们比孩子通常所面对的要强。 有些部分涉及将块从一个区域搬到另一个区域,以逃避强大的哨兵,这些哨兵可以精确地向您射击或扔立方体。 尽管某些部分具有挑战性,但谜题的多样性将使您回头再见。 我毫不犹豫地推荐这款游戏。

Give me the plant.


冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明(2009) (Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009))

Think of Dawn of the Dinosaurs as an arcade portal of sorts, one that connects stages with the film’s charming plot.


You take control of most of the cast as you tread from one genre to another, from forgotten melting peaks to the realm of the dinosaurs. The saber-toothed tiger Diego hunts gazelles in a racing game of sorts, Manny the mammoth can mow tree trunks down, while Sid and Buck take center stage in the more action-oriented sequences. So does Scrat to an extent, and his love interest Scratte, a flying squirrel whose quest for nuts takes them across fun 2D side-scrolling platforming challenges. While Sid’s combat system and platforming ability aren’t all that inspiring, Buck flips things over.

当您从一种类型过渡到另一种类型时,就可以控制大部分演员,从被遗忘的融化峰到恐龙的境界。 剑齿虎在各种赛车游戏中猎食瞪羚,猛ma象曼尼(Manny)可以割下树干,而席德(Sid)和巴克(Buck)在面向动作的序列中占据中心地位。 Scrat在某种程度上也是如此,他的爱人Scratte是一只飞鼠,他对坚果的追求使它们克服了有趣的2D侧滚动平台挑战。 尽管Sid的战斗系统和平台能力并不令人鼓舞,但Buck却将事情推倒了。

It’s almost as if this stuff would have been DLC had the game launched at a different time. The lush jungles are stunning. So are the dinosaurs that inhabit them. Buck’s vine whip and fruit-based projectiles make him a blast to play. Said whip also grants him enhanced maneuverability. And he can wall-run. It’s breathtaking, especially as a kid.

就像是DLC在不同时间启动游戏一样,这些东西就差不多了。 茂密的丛林令人惊叹。 栖息于它们的恐龙也是如此。 巴克的藤鞭和水果弹丸使他倍受鼓舞。 所说的鞭子还使他具有更高的机动性。 而且他可以壁垒。 令人叹为观止,尤其是小时候。

Some of the set-pieces are downright mesmerizing, like Buck riding a pterodactyl across the skies in a shooter-esque segment, Sid running from the T-Rex (cough, Temple Run) or the battle with Rudy the Spinosaur. While this is a solid showing from Activision, I’m still not sure whether it’s sheer nostalgia or the systems underneath the game that make me endorse it. None of it is original, but all of it is charming.

有些装置令人垂涎欲滴,例如Buck 骑着翼龙在射手般的部分穿越天空,Sid从T-Rex跑来 (咳嗽, 庙跑 ) 或与鲁迪(Rudy)的战斗。 虽然这是Activision的可靠表现,但我仍不确定是纯粹的怀旧还是游戏背后的系统让我认可它。 它们都不是原始的,但是全部都是迷人的。

“I woke up and I was married to a pineapple! An ugly pineapple… but I loved her!” — Buck

“我醒了,我嫁给了一个菠萝! 一个丑陋的菠萝……但我爱她!” —巴克

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Source: Gamespot

每个乐高电影的搭档 (Every LEGO Movie Tie-In)

No tie-in list would be complete without mentioning LEGO’s excellent set of videogames. Your favorite characters, now made of toy bricks, retell crisp narratives and go on adventures seasoned with slapstick humor, that of the LEGO variety. Breaking everything you see in a bid to earn some studs (LEGO’s in-game currency) often takes precedence over the overarching plots themselves.

如果不提及乐高出色的视频游戏,那么搭配名单是不完整的。 您最喜欢的角色,现在是用积木砌成的,讲述了清晰的故事,并继续进行了以闹剧幽默为特征的冒险,这是乐高系列的幽默。 力图打破你看到的一切以赚取一些螺栓(LEGO 在游戏中的货币)常常优先于总体地块本身。

Almost every LucasArts, Marvel and DC franchise has a LEGO experience of its own, and they’re almost always worth checking out. Indiana Jones, Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter have their own LEGO stories as well.

几乎每个LucasArts, Marvel和DC特许经营店都拥有自己的LEGO体验,并且几乎总是值得一试。 印第安纳·琼斯 ( Indiana Jones)《指环王》哈利·波特 ( Harry Potter)也都有自己的乐高故事。

Pick a game and dive in. Their platforming escapades and puzzle variety are second to none. And that’s before the fact that you can share your adventure with a friend. Until it turns into a fight for studs.

选择一个游戏然后潜入。他们的平台游戏和拼图游戏首屈一指。 您可以与朋友分享您的冒险之前。 直到变成争夺钉子。

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While this is by no means a comprehensive list, these are among the more memorable and successful forays into animated film territory.


Let me know if there’s a game that ought to be mentioned here. This list was a rollercoaster of memories to pen down.

让我知道这里是否有游戏值得一提。 这份清单简直让人记忆犹新。

Most of them were flagbearers of their genres, while others were unoriginal retreads, saved only by charming characters and delightful plots furnished by the films they wished to replicate.


Some of these games no longer have price tags, so give them a shot today and relive the golden era of gaming!








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