nginx mozilla_Mozilla:最伟大的科技公司

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When the news broke that Mozilla was launching a new round of layoffs — its second in 2020 so far — reaction was swift. Developers noticed that Mozilla’s cuts ran straight through the corporate fat to the meat of the company. They were “reducing their investment” in the popular developer tools division. Disbanding their entire threat management team. Cutting the Servo team that was working on a next-generation Rust-powered browser engine. Vaporizing the MDN team. In total, the combined two rounds of layoffs added up to nearly a third of the company.

w ^母鸡的消息传出,Mozilla的是推出了裁员的新一轮 -其在2020年秒钟 ,这样远-React是Swift的。 开发人员注意到,Mozilla的削减直接贯穿了公司的脂肪和公司的肉食。 他们在受欢迎的开发人员工具部门“减少了投资”。 解散他们的整个威胁管理团队。 削减正在开发下一代Rust驱动的浏览器引擎的Servo团队。 使MDN团队蒸发 。 总共,两轮裁员合计占公司总数的近三分之一。

Considering that a significant portion of Firefox’s modest user base is programmers, shrinking its developer tools seems like a particularly short-sighted way to disappoint your most loyal users. But to people who are less familiar with the company, the Mozilla cuts seem like just another case of a competitor failing to succeed with a niche alternative. After all, it’s been years since Mozilla’s marquee product — the Firefox browser — had seriously challenged for market dominance. Surely this was just another dinosaur slowly going extinct?

考虑到Firefox适度的用户群中有很大一部分是程序员,因此缩小其开发人员的工具似乎是让您最忠实的用户失望的一种特别短视的方法。 但是对于不熟悉该公司的人来说,Mozilla的裁员似乎只是竞争对手无法通过利基替代而成功的另一例。 毕竟,距Mozilla的大型产品Firefox浏览器已经对市场支配地位提出了严峻挑战。 当然这只是另一只恐龙正在逐渐灭绝吗?

But Mozilla isn’t just a Firefox company. It isn’t just another boutique tech company outflanked by trillion-dollar competitors like Microsoft, Apple, and Google. Instead, Mozilla is a company with a long history of moving the world of web standards forward. And its crisis should concern us all.

但是Mozilla不仅是Firefox公司。 它不仅仅是另一家精品科技公司,其市值超过了微软,苹果和谷歌等数万亿美元的竞争对手。 取而代之的是,Mozilla是一家将Web标准世界向前发展的悠久历史的公司。 其危机应引起我们所有人的关注。

Mozilla的简要历史 (A brief history of Mozilla)

Mozilla was created out of the ashes of one of the world’s most spectacular software failures. Netscape Navigator, the pioneering web browser company of the late 1990s, had gone from internet king to also-ran in a matter of months. The cause — Microsoft’s aggressive bundling of Internet Explorer — hardly seemed fair. But most industry watchers were resigned to a future where browsers would be free and ubiquitous. They were hardly a product you could build a company around.

Mozilla是由世界上最壮观的软件故障之一带来的。 Netscape Navigator是1990年代后期的先驱Web浏览器公司,它在短短几个月内就从互联网之王发展到了也要经营的公司。 原因-微软积极捆绑Internet Explorer-似乎不公平。 但是,大多数行业观察者都对浏览器将是免费且无处不在的未来寄予厚望。 他们几乎不是您可以建立公司的产品。

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Netscape Navigator — King for a day
Netscape Navigator –一日之王

Then, in a small stroke of genius, Netscape created the nonprofit Mozilla Organization (later renamed Mozilla Foundation) to develop Netscape’s integrated browser, mail, and chat application suite. That software initiative slowly crumbled in the face of competitors with more money and greater reach. But in the following years, the Mozilla Foundation morphed itself into a different kind of organization — one dedicated to promoting open web standards and web literacy. (Not to mention a handful of Utopian-tinged principles laid out in the famous Mozilla manifesto.)

然后,仅凭天才,Netscape创立了非营利性Mozilla组织(后来更名为Mozilla Foundation)来开发Netscape的集成浏览器,邮件和聊天应用程序套件 。 面对更多资金和更大影响力的竞争对手,该软件计划逐渐崩溃。 但是在接下来的几年中,Mozilla基金会将自身转变为另一种组织,即致力于促进开放Web标准和Web素养的组织。 (更不用说著名的Mozilla宣言中列出的一些乌托邦式原则了。)

Years later, a group of Mozilla developers rebooted their browser efforts with Firefox, and spun it off into a separate, wholly owned corporation that still funds the Mozilla Foundation to this day. Had these technologies stayed locked up with AOL (the company that bought Netscape), they would have died years ago, worn away by the changing winds of internet fashion. In fact, even AOL gave up on the software it acquired with Netscape, switching to Internet Explorer shortly before it slipped into irrelevance.

多年后,一群Mozilla开发人员使用Firefox 重新启动了他们的浏览器工作,并将其拆分为一个单独的全资公司,该公司至今仍为Mozilla基金会提供资金。 如果这些技术与AOL(收购Netscape的公司)保持联系,那么它们将在多年前就死掉,并因互联网时尚的风潮而破灭。 实际上,即使是AOL也放弃了使用Netscape购买的软件,在不相关之前不久就切换到了Internet Explorer。

Mozilla的热门歌曲 (Mozilla’s greatest hits)

Firefox is Mozilla’s best-known creation. And though today it’s easy to dismiss it as just an alternative browser, the early Firefox was a pioneer in ad blocking, data privacy, and developer tools. (Before there was Chrome DevTools, there was Firebug.)

Firefox是Mozilla最著名的产品。 尽管今天可​​以很容易地将其视为替代浏览器,但早期的Firefox在广告屏蔽,数据隐私和开发人员工具方面是先驱。 (在出现Chrome DevTools之前,已经有了Firebug。)

If that was all there was to Mozilla, the company would just have been another speed bump on the way to Chromium and WebKit world domination. Instead, Mozilla advanced some of today’s most important web technologies. Here are four of their best initiatives.

如果这就是Mozilla的全部,那么该公司将成为Chromium和WebKit统治世界的又一个速度障碍。 相反,Mozilla改进了当今一些最重要的Web技术。 这是他们的四个最佳举措。

1.Rust (1. Rust)

When Netscape collapsed, few realized that its most important contribution was the small, underpowered scripting language it left behind. That language was JavaScript.

当Netscape崩溃时,很少有人意识到它最重要的贡献就是它留下的小型,功能不足的脚本语言。 该语言是JavaScript。

JavaScript was created in the brief period that Netscape dominated the web. But in the two decades since Netscape failed, JavaScript has only grown more widespread and more dominant. So it’s not hard to imagine that the most important innovation that Firefox leaves behind could be the blazingly efficient, typesafe Rust language.

在Netscape主导网络的短暂时期内创建了JavaScript。 但是自Netscape失败以来的二十年中,JavaScript才变得更加广泛和占主导地位。 因此,不难想象Firefox留下的最重要的创新可能是高效,类型安全的Rust语言。

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Rust’s appeal stretches across the aisle. Developers who believe that C++ is too permissive and error-prone love Rust. But developers who think that traditional OOP languages are to heavy and inefficient also love Rust. And despite its relatively low adoption, Rust has been ranked as the most loved programming language in Stack Overflow’s developer survey every year since 2016.

Rust的魅力遍布整个过道。 那些认为C ++太宽松且容易出错的开发人员喜欢Rust。 但是,那些认为传统的OOP语言过于繁琐和低效的开发人员喜欢Rust。 尽管使用率相对较低,但自2016年以来,Rust在Stack Overflow的开发人员调查中一直被评为最喜欢的编程语言

Sadly, contributing to the Rust language is no longer a priority for the new Mozilla. In the latest round of layoffs, they cut dedicated Rust developers and the Servo team that sought to build a new, Rust-powered browser engine. But the current consensus is that Rust won’t go down with the ship. Planning for a standalone Rust Foundation is already underway.

令人遗憾的是,为Rust语言做贡献不再是新Mozilla的工作重点。 在最新一轮的裁员中,他们削减了Rust专门的开发人员和Servo团队 ,他们试图构建一个新的,由Rust驱动的浏览器引擎。 但是目前的共识是,Rust不会随船沉没。 建立独立的Rust Foundation的计划已经在进行中。

2. HTML5 (2. HTML5)

It’s hard to remember, but there was a time when the world was locked in an ugly battle between HTML and XHTML, a non-backwards-compatible version of HTML reimagined using the stricter syntax of XML. And HTML was losing. In 2004, the standards body in charge of HTML (the W3C) officially halted all work on HTML.

很难记住,但是曾经有一段时间,世界陷入了HTML和XHTML的一场恶战,这是使用更严格的XML语法重新构想HTML的非向后兼容版本。 而HTML则输了。 2004年,负责HTML的标准机构(W3C)正式停止了所有有关HTML的工作。

The story would have ended there, were it not for the WHATWG, an ad hoc group quickly cobbled together by Apple, Opera, and Mozilla. The rest is history — the WHATWG won, forced the W3C to change course, and launched a pile of new standards under the umbrella of HTML5, including Flash-free video, web workers, web sockets, and plenty more. Those standards are still with us today.

如果不是WHATWG (苹果,Opera和MozillaSwift成立的特设小组)的话,故事就此结束了。 剩下的就是历史了-WHATWG赢得了胜利,迫使W3C改变了方向,并在HTML5的保护下推出了一系列新标准,包括无Flash视频, Web Worker ,Web socket等。 这些标准今天仍然存在。

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Mozilla definitely wasn’t the only player in this drama. But they were instrumental in launching the movement that helped define the following decade of web technologies.

Mozilla绝对不是这部戏中唯一的演员。 但是它们在发起运动中起了重要作用,该运动帮助定义了接下来的十年的网络技术。

3. Asm.js (3. Asm.js)

One of the greatest parlor tricks to come out of Mozilla was asm.js. Technically, asm.js is just a streamlined subset of JavaScript, with tricks like bitwise arithmetic to force strong typing. But developers at Mozilla demonstrated that they could compile other languages down to this performance-enhanced micro-language. With little more than an informal spec and a transpiler called Emscripten, they took real-time 3D games built on the Unreal engine in C++ and put them inside a web browser.

来自Mozilla的最大客厅技巧之一是asm.js。 从技术上讲,asm.js只是JavaScript的简化子集,它具有诸如按位算术之类的技巧来强制强类型化。 但是Mozilla的开发人员证明,他们可以将其他语言编译为性能增强型微语言。 除了非正式的规范和名为Emscripten的编译器之外,他们还使用C ++中基于Unreal引擎构建的实时3D游戏,并将其放入Web浏览器中。

Asm.js was the springboard for the most important innovation in recent web history: WebAssembly. WebAssembly follows in the path of asm.js as a sort of machine language for the web that runs in the JavaScript execution environment. It adds further enhancements, like a compact binary format for code that needs no parsing or compiler tricks. Today, some of the world’s most interesting innovations are being built on WebAssembly, including Microsoft’s Blazor framework.

Asm.js是最近Web历史上最重要的创新的跳板: WebAssembly 。 WebAssembly遵循asm.js的路径,是一种在JavaScript执行环境中运行的Web机器语言。 它增加了进一步的增强功能,例如无需解析或编译器技巧的紧凑二进制格式的代码。 如今,一些世界上最有趣的创新都基于WebAssembly构建,其中包括Microsoft的Blazor框架。

WebAssembly is a joint project between Mozilla and other browser makers, but it wouldn’t have sprung to life so quickly without the example of asm.js. Even today, asm.js is a polyfill for WebAssembly — a backward compatibility fallback for a few old browsers that don’t support WebAssembly.

WebAssembly是Mozilla与其他浏览器制造商之间的一个联合项目,但是如果没有asm.js的示例,WebAssembly不会如雨后春笋般涌现。 即使到了今天,asm.js仍然是WebAssembly的宝装-对于一些不支持WebAssembly的旧浏览器而言,它是向后兼容性的后备。

4. MDN(Mozilla开发人员网络) (4. MDN (the Mozilla Developer Network))

MDN is a massive resource of high-quality developer documentation. You can think of it as a Wikipedia for modern web development, or a vastly better version of W3Schools.

MDN是大量高质量开发人员文档的资源。 您可以将其视为现代网络开发的维基百科,或者是W3Schools的更好版本。

If you’ve hunted for an answer on the web, you’ve probably encountered one of MDN’s gems before. Perhaps you’ve used its exhaustive CSS property reference, or its well organized HTML DOM reference. Maybe you’ve done a deep dive with a particular emerging API, like IndexedDB or WebRTC. (No stale information here!) Or perhaps you’ve read MDN’s ambitious HTML introduction, which starts by describing markup for beginners and continues all the way to JavaScript frameworks like React, Ember, and Vue.

如果您在网上寻找答案,那么您以前可能曾经遇到过MDN的瑰宝之一。 也许您已经使用了详尽的CSS属性参考或组织良好的HTML DOM参考 。 也许您已经对特定新兴API(例如IndexedDBWebRTC)进行了深入研究。 (这里没有陈旧的信息!)或者您可能已经阅读了MDN雄心勃勃的HTML简介 ,该简介从为初学者描述标记开始,一直延续到JavaScript框架(如React,Ember和Vue)。

The MDN documentation goes even deeper than what’s exposed on the website. For example, the browser compatibility data that Mozilla compiles is so thorough that it’s used for services like

MDN文档的内容比网站上显示的内容还要深。 例如,Mozilla编译的浏览器兼容性数据非常详尽,以至于用于http://caniuse.com之类的服务

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Now Mozilla has gutted the MDN team. They’re promising to keep the popular site alive, possibly with other partners and more community support. But without the infusion of cash and talent from a motivated organization, it’s an open question whether MDN can maintain its high standards. After all, Mozilla already has a full graveyard of abandoned initiatives for early web education, like Webmaker, Mozilla Backpack, and — my favorite — X-Ray Goggles (an incredibly simple way to introduce HTML that’s more effective than 90% of the world’s video tutorials). If these are the signs of the future, they aren’t encouraging.

现在,Mozilla破坏了MDN团队。 他们承诺可能会与其他合作伙伴和更多社区支持一起保持流行网站的生命。 但是,如果没有来自积极进取的组织的现金和人才的注入,那么MDN是否能够维持其高标准是一个悬而未决的问题。 毕竟,Mozilla的已经有一个完整的墓地为早期的网络教育,像Webmaker,Mozilla的背包,和被遗弃的计划-我的最爱- X射线护目镜 (一个非常简单的方法来介绍HTML,这比世界上视频的90%,更有效教程)。 如果这些是未来的迹象,那就不令人鼓舞。

是什么杀死了Mozilla (What killed Mozilla)

Mozilla isn’t dead (yet), but it’s clearly hit an inflection point. Mozilla’s layoff letter to its employees lays the blame on COVID-19, which seems dubious. After all, the Mozilla Foundation was created to help Mozilla look past short-term shocks and adopt a long-term perspective. It was designed to insulate Mozilla’s software development work from temperamental CEOs, faddish trends, and Silicon Valley investors looking to double their money. And while COVID-19 will eventually pass, there’s no easy way to recreate a gutted development team or rebuild developer trust.

Mozilla尚未死(尚未),但显然已达到拐点。 Mozilla致员工的裁员信归咎于 COVID-19,这似乎令人怀疑。 毕竟,Mozilla基金会的创建是为了帮助Mozilla克服短期冲击并采取长期眼光。 它旨在将Mozilla的软件开发工作与脾气暴躁的首席执行官,时髦的潮流以及希望将其资金翻倍的硅谷投资者隔离开来。 尽管COVID-19最终会通过,但没有简单的方法来重新组建一个精打细算的开发团队或重建开发人员的信任。

The reality — unspoken by Mozilla but often reported in the tech press — is that Mozilla operates on an extremely fragile revenue model: the advertising largesse of a browser-building competitor. More than 90% of Mozilla’s funds come from a deal with Google that makes it the default search engine for Firefox. In return, Mozilla earns a yearly payout that exceeds $400 million. Google has renewed this deal several times, even as Firefox’s market penetration has plummeted.

Mozilla并未提及但在技术媒体上经常报道的事实是,Mozilla的营收模式极为脆弱:浏览器制造商的广告投入很大。 Mozilla超过90%的资金来自与Google的交易,这使其成为Firefox的默认搜索引擎。 作为回报,Mozilla的年度支出超过4亿美元 。 即使Firefox的市场渗透率下降了,Google还是多次续签了这笔交易。

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A decade of decline

Over the years, Google’s renewals have become slower and less enthusiastic. Perhaps they only continue to finance Firefox because they don’t want the struggling browser to die off completely and focus antitrust attention their way. (This is much the same reason that Microsoft once invested in Apple.) But no matter what Google’s intentions are, Mozilla’s practice of relying almost completely on a single donation from a tech megacorp seems like a serious strategic mistake.

多年来,Google的续订变得越来越慢,热情也越来越低。 也许他们只是继续为Firefox提供资金,因为他们不希望陷入困境的浏览器完全消失,并以他们的方式集中反托拉斯的注意力。 (这与微软曾经向苹果投资的原因大致相同。)但是,不管谷歌的意图是什么,Mozilla几乎完全依靠一家技术巨头的单笔捐款的做法似乎是一个严重的战略错误。

Over the years, Mozilla has attempted to develop longshot commercial products, like the Firefox OS, a pricey VPN network, and a premium bookmark service. These have mostly failed. Now Mozilla (the corporation, not the foundation) has set its sights on a new and disappointing goal: “core browser growth through differentiated user experiences.” You can read that in more than one way, but at least one interpretation is that they hope to succeed by fiddling with their browser UI and repackaging current products with new marketing. If so, the heartbreaking story of Mozilla’s decline is also the beginning of its end.

多年来,Mozilla一直尝试开发长远的商业产品,例如Firefox OS,昂贵的VPN网络和高级书签服务。 这些大多失败了。 现在,Mozilla(公司而不是基金会)将目光投向了一个令人失望的新目标:“ 通过差异化的用户体验实现核心浏览器的增长 。” 您可以通过不止一种方式来阅读它,但是至少有一种解释是,他们希望通过摆弄他们的浏览器UI并以新的营销方式重新包装当前的产品来获得成功。 如果是这样,那么Mozilla衰落的令人心碎的故事也是终结的开始。

Wishing you could offer your support? You can donate to the Mozilla Foundation, but due to the way the corporation is set up, none of this money is invested in Firefox or developer tools. If you have the skills and time, the best possible support is to join the Mozilla community and contribute to their code base.

希望您可以提供支持吗? 您可以 Mozilla基金会 捐款 ,但是由于公司的设立方式,这笔钱中的任何钱都没有投资到Firefox或开发人员工具上。 如果您有技能和时间,最好的支持就是加入Mozilla社区并 为他们的代码库做贡献

For more about the history of JavaScript, read How JavaScript Grew Up and Became a Real Language. And to get notified about new articles, sign up for the once-a-month Young Coder newsletter.

有关JavaScript历史的更多信息,请阅读 JavaScript如何成长并成为一种真正的语言 并收到通知新的文章, 注册 了一次,一个月的年轻编码器的通讯。


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