
It’s definitely not a simple situation; people are nervously stocking their homes with food and home supplies, as if we are living in a time of war. And actually this is a time of war we are living in. A war with the invisible. The danger can be so close to you, and you wouldn’t even notice. YOU could be the danger.

绝对不是一个简单的情况。 人们紧张地在他们的房屋中储存食物和家庭用品,就好像我们生活在战争时期。 实际上,这是我们生活的战争时期。一场与无形的战争。 危险可能离您很近,您甚至不会注意到。 你可能是危险。

Everyone started to think in a different way, lifestyles have changed, some people lost their jobs, others have been pressured to deliver more. Out of the blue, this unexpected situation has drastically changed peoples’ lives. The constant fear of contagion not only for ourselves but also for our beloved ones has stressed everyone and pushed them to the edge.

每个人都开始以不同的方式思考,生活方式已经改变,一些人失去了工作,另一些人被迫提供更多工作。 出乎意料的是,这种意外情况极大地改变了人们的生活。 人们对传染病的持续恐惧不仅使我们自己,而且也使我们心爱的人受到感染,这使每个人都感到压力,并将他们推向了边缘。

All of us wanted to work from home at some point of time, but being forced to work from home during pandemics is something different. The whole process of cooperating with coworkers has experienced a 180 degrees change. Most of the people who work in businesses that offer services have faced a lot of challenges; especially those who are parents, to be able to balance between your job and house-keeping is something challenging.

我们所有人都想在某个时间在家工作,但在大流行期间被迫在家工作是不同的。 与同事合作的整个过程经历了180度的变化。 在提供服务的企业中工作的大多数人都面临着许多挑战。 尤其是那些父母,要在工作和家政之间取得平衡是一项挑战。

开始故事 (Starting the Story)

Let us start by introducing myself, I am a seasoned Development Manager at one of the leading outsourcing companies in my country, Exalt Technologies. In the middle of March, I was asked to go through an interview with one of our clients — Nokia — that is willing to start a new project with us. At that time, I was leading three teams of sizes 2–6 engineers that are working with HP Indigo, Cisco, and Twist Bioscience in addition to a local startup owned by the company.

让我们从自我介绍开始,我是我国领先的外包公司之一Exalt Technologies的经验丰富的开发经理。 3月中旬,我被要求接受我们愿意与我们开始一个新项目的客户之一诺基亚的访谈。 当时,我领导着三个由2至6名规模的工程师组成的团队,与HP IndigoCiscoTwist Bioscience一起工作 ,此外该公司还拥有一家本地创业公司。

I did the interview, and everything passed as intended. We kick-started the project we were requested to form a team of 7 software engineers. This took place during the period in which COVID-19 was declared as a pandemic. No one knew how things would evolve, so we decided to form a team with engineers whom their projects are about to end instead of doing internal shuffling.

我进行了采访,一切都按预期通过。 我们启动了一个项目,我们被要求组成一个由7名软件工程师组成的团队。 这发生在宣布COVID-19大流行期间。 没有人知道事情会如何发展,因此我们决定与将要结束其项目的工程师组成一个团队,而不是进行内部改组。

The project that we have started was one of the most complex projects I have ever worked on. Briefly, it’s a distributed 4G/5G charging and policy distributed system that the minimal installation of it at a single Geo site for a Telecommunication operator contains 32 Virtual machines with huge computation power.

我们已经开始的项目是我从事过的最复杂的项目之一。 简而言之,这是一个分布式4G / 5G计费和策略分布式系统,对于电信运营商而言,它在一个地理站点上的最小安装量包含32台具有强大计算能力的虚拟机。

一个挑战 (A Challenge)

When I learned about the project and realized my team competencies, I found that there were some gaps that should be filled; so it was not an easy task, nor a usual one. It was a real challenge and risk given the negative impact of COVID-19 on my team members, alongside starting the team remotely. Long story short, here are the measures I have taken to reduce and mitigate risks during starting this project.

当我了解了该项目并意识到我的团队能力时,我发现应该填补一些空白。 因此,这不是一件容易的事,也不是平常的事。 鉴于COVID-19对我的团队成员的负面影响以及远程启动团队,这是一个真正的挑战和风险。 长话短说,这是我在开始此项目时为减少和减轻风险而采取的措施。

缩小差距 (Abridge the Gaps)

Start by studying about the project architecture and the used technologies. As a manager and leader, you need to be a step ahead of your team. Learn more about your team members and check their technical background.

首先研究项目架构和使用的技术。 作为经理和领导者,您需要领先于团队。 了解有关您的团队成员的更多信息,并检查他们的技术背景。

Personally, I have invested effort in learning more about each and every one of my team capabilities. I started by giving them a list of technologies to read about and learn if needed. Next, I have invented a toy project that mimics the project and asked every team member to deliver that project within a week using the technologies needed. Thus, I have made sure that everyone will study and practice the use of technologies.

就个人而言,我投入了很多精力来学习有关团队能力的每一项知识。 我首先给他们提供了一系列技术,供他们阅读和学习(如果需要)。 接下来,我发明了一个模仿该项目的玩具项目,并要求每个团队成员使用所需的技术在一周内交付该项目。 因此,我确保每个人都会学习和实践技术的使用。

设置每天的早和中午赶上 (Setting an early daily and mid-day catch up)

Since everyone was working from home. I have scheduled an early stand-up daily meeting in which everyone will just list his achievements and what homework he/she has to do during the day. Moreover, I have set a midday checkpoint with every one of them, understanding the complications they are facing, trying to help and support them and advise them on how to proceed effectively.

因为每个人都在家工作。 我已经安排了一个早期的每日站立会议,每个人都将列出他的成就以及他/她白天要做的家庭作业。 此外,我已经为每个人设置了一个中午检查站,了解他们所面临的复杂性,试图帮助和支持他们,并就如何有效开展工作提供建议。

It’s very important and crucial for your team members to feel that you are close to them and available when support is needed.


装备工程师 (Equip the Engineer)

I requested powerful laptops for everyone. The internet speed was checked and even was improved on the company expense. We urged everyone to set up an office at home, desks and comfortable chairs were afforded. Add to the list, wireless routers, repeaters, screens, and even headsets. Also, we asked them to be dressed for the code and conduct the daily while opening the webcams. Everyone should be set, happily motivated, and excited to work; that was my daily goal. All obstacles should be overcome by my engineers to excel.

我要求为所有人提供功能强大的笔记本电脑。 互联网速度得到了检查,甚至在公司费用上得到了提高。 我们敦促每个人在家中建立办公室 ,并提供书桌和舒适的椅子。 添加到列表中,包括无线路由器,中继器,屏幕甚至耳机。 另外,我们要求他们穿上代码,并在打开网络摄像头的同时进行日常操作。 每个人都应该设置,愉快地工作,并为工作感到兴奋; 那是我的日常目标。 我的工程师应该克服所有障碍,以取得卓越的成就。

知识转移 (Transfer of Knowledge)

A plan should be set, as a leader, you have to deep dive into the new system and do your analysis and searching. Sessions should be given to transfer the information needed for the new team to kick start. You must identify the system components and how it modules interoperate. You have to ask for new sessions, ask for code-walk through and set up meetings with developers trying to understand the tips and tricks that they have learned.

作为领导者,应该制定一个计划,您必须深入研究新系统并进行分析和搜索。 应该举行会议,以传递新团队启动所需的信息。 您必须确定系统组件及其模块如何互操作。 您必须要求召开新的会议,要求进行代码遍历,并与开发人员建立会议,以试图了解他们所学的技巧。

You should recap those sessions, everyone should re-watch them, ask the team to do a recap, and tell them to come back with questions. You yourself as a leader should be well prepared to answer any question.

您应该对这些会话进行总结,每个人都应该重新观看它们,要求团队进行总结,并告诉他们提出问题。 作为领导者,您自己应该准备好回答任何问题。

风险持有人 (Risk holder)

You should convey to your team that you hold accountable for any risk. Nevertheless, your team should be rewarded and be given the whole credit when they meet the goals. Stress should be moved off the team shoulder to yours, make sure that your team is enjoying doing the task and having fun.

您应向您的团队传达您承担任何风险的责任。 尽管如此,当您实现目标时,您的团队应该得到奖励并获得全部荣誉。 应将压力从团队转移到您的肩上,确保您的团队乐于完成任务并享受乐趣。

动机 (Motivation)

During working from home period, I had to keep my teams motivated and delivering, as well as keep myself motivated under all the stresses we are facing. I managed to do so by keeping myself focused on the goals we are aiming to achieve, and at the same time supporting my team as needed.

在上班期间,我必须保持团队的积极性和交付能力,并在面对所有压力的情况下保持积极性。 为此,我一直专注于我们要实现的目标,并同时根据需要为我的团队提供支持。

Naturally, you will find that some people are self-motivated, while others need a push. I had to get to know each and every member of my team, and accordingly, I was able to recognize the self-motivated members from others. I was always available to support them and to push them to do their tasks. I was there for them at any time they faced an issue. I used to motivate them by thanking them for all the efforts they provided, and for the good job they are doing, and they were also motivated when they saw the positive feedback that we always get.

自然,您会发现有些人会自我激励,而另一些则需要推动。 我必须了解团队中的每个成员,因此,我能够从他人中认识到自我激励的成员。 我始终可以支持他们并推动他们完成任务。 每当他们遇到问题时,我都会在那里。 我曾经通过感谢他们的所有努力以及他们所做的出色工作来激励他们,并且当他们看到我们始终获得的积极反馈时,他们也受到了激励。

设置工作时间和扩展窗口 (Setting up working hours and an extension window)

I believe that every project's success is highly dependent on the team’s cooperation, and teamwork relies on availability and dedication. Although everyone is working from home and their responsibilities differ, I tried to set working hours in which all individuals should be available.

我相信每个项目的成功都高度依赖于团队的合作,团队合作取决于可用性和奉献精神。 尽管每个人都在家工作,并且职责各不相同,但我尝试设置所有个人都可以使用的工作时间。

I also do believe that every new start has its own complexities, thus extra efforts should be invested. Hence, I have asked the team to spend more time — based on their choice — during the day, trying to learn something new or doing a recap for the transfer of knowledge sessions that were conducted

我也确实相信,每个新起点都有其自身的复杂性,因此应投入更多的精力。 因此,我已要求团队根据他们的选择在白天花费更多时间,尝试学习新知识或对进行的知识会议进行回顾

制定清晰的计划 (Set a Clear Plan)

It’s all about the teams when it came to Agile methodology. Right? Nevertheless, you need to drive them. Set a clear objective for your team. Split your main optimal goal into daily objectives, and make sure to convey the daily goals to the team in your scrum meeting.

涉及敏捷方法论时,一切都与团队有关。 对? 但是,您需要驱动它们。 为您的团队设定一个明确的目标。 将您的主要最佳目标分解为每日目标,并确保在Scrum会议中将每日目标传达给团队。

As a Development Manager, you need to pull in the User Stories (US) in a logical order according to your team capacity and experience. You must be able to break the US into simple doable tasks. Mix your team, make them work in pairs, pair the experienced ones with the less experienced, and give the needed support.

作为开发经理,您需要根据您的团队能力和经验按逻辑顺序输入用户故事(US)。 您必须能够将美国分解为简单的可行任务。 混合团队,使他们成对工作,将经验丰富的团队与经验不足的团队配对,并提供所需的支持。

欢迎任务 (Welcome task)

Make sure that your team’s first task is not a complex one. Moreover, not a trivial one. On one hand, you need to make sure that the very first iteration of your team is a successful one. On the other hand, you need a way to evaluate your team’s performance and be able to identify the strength and weaknesses points of your team.

确保您团队的首要任务不是复杂的任务。 而且,这不是一件小事。 一方面,您需要确保团队的第一个迭代是成功的。 另一方面,您需要一种评估团队绩效并能够确定团队优势和劣势点的方法。

简化-使它看起来像一个简单的任务 (Simplify — Make it to look like an easy task)

If you are an experienced software engineer, then you must be able to realize how complex is that project. Identify the tricky aspects, look into complex areas; if there is a missing competency in your time, then work on filling gaps. Master the needed technology, learn the new architecture, hold accountable, and make it like a simple thing.

如果您是一位经验丰富的软件工程师,那么您必须能够意识到该项目有多复杂。 找出棘手的方面,研究复杂的领域; 如果您的时间缺少能力,那么请填补空白。 掌握所需的技术,学习新的体系结构,追究责任,并使之变得简单。

Everyone knows that the initial stages of any project would be challenging, even if the project is a trivial one. For example, meeting and working with new people and getting to know them is not easy. Make sure that your team is happy, make them think about it as a new challenge, as if it is a puzzle game. How happy would they be when they complete the puzzle? Keep in mind, it’s all about the team mindset and attitude.

每个人都知道,即​​使该项目是一个琐碎的项目,任何项目的初始阶段都将具有挑战性。 例如,与新朋友见面和一起工作并结识新朋友并不容易。 确保您的团队感到高兴,让他们将其视为一项新挑战,就好像这是一款益智游戏一样。 当他们完成拼图时,他们会有多高兴? 请记住,这完全与团队的心态和态度有关。

运动和饮食健康 (Exercise and eat healthy)

I personally love to exercise, indeed I dedicate my time to CrossFit. Thus, I encouraged them to have a run or workout during the day. Moreover, I urged the team to have fun while doing their work. I asked them to have a handy healthy snack over the desks; and I insisted that everyone should have a small break during the day.

我个人很喜欢运动,确实我将自己的时间投入了CrossFit。 因此,我鼓励他们白天进行跑步或锻炼。 此外,我敦促团队在工作中玩得开心。 我请他们在桌子上吃些方便的健康零食。 我坚持每个人白天都要休息一下。

This is how we kicked off our first project, since then, Exalt has started three more teams that work with Nokia who is contributing to the same product.


I would like to thank every and each one of my team members, they were the real front line soldiers. Thanks to Exalt CEO and all the management departments for the unlimited support. Thanks Exalt for this great opportunity.

我要感谢我团队中的每一位成员,他们是真正的前线士兵。 感谢Exalt CEO和所有管理部门的无限支持。 感谢Exalt给予的宝贵机会。

Our prayers go to all the private businesses who are struggling now, to our soldiers: doctors and nurses and to the infected people.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@awadhadi/how-i-built-a-team-remotely-during-covid-19-6f39832c4bd5

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