

Undoubtedly software is the king of this century. Wherever we see around us, we see some software applications ready to make our daily lives easy. With the increase in software uses around the globe, jobs in programming or coding is increasing rapidly.

ündoubtedly软件是本世纪的国王。 无论在我们周围的任何地方,我们都能看到一些准备就绪的软件应用程序,使我们的日常生活变得轻松。 随着全球软件使用量的增加,编程或编码工作正在Swift增加。

While some people learn coding at an early age, others are not so fortunate. They become familiar with programming in college. Even some also start to learn to program in their 40s.

虽然有些人在很小的时候就学习编码,但其他人却没有那么幸运。 他们开始熟悉大学编程。 甚至有些人也开始学习40多岁的程序设计。

Throughout the entire school life, a kid is taught what to learn but never taught how to learn. In most cases, students memorize their lessons and pass each grade one by one.

在整个学校生活中,一个孩子被教导要学习什么,但从未教过如何学习。 在大多数情况下,学生会记住自己的课程并逐年通过每个年级。

So, at college, they work hard and try to apply the same formula. They spend a lot of time learning by tutorials, watching so many videos. But they don’t do anything more than that. They hope that putting blood, sweat, and tear in that will help them get a good job.

因此,在大学里,他们努力工作并尝试应用相同的公式。 他们花大量时间通过教程学习,观看了很多视频。 但是,他们所做的不过是更多。 他们希望为此投入血液,汗水和眼泪将有助于他们获得良好的工作。

But hope and reality are two completely different things. Hoping is not a good strategy. So, if you are just going to sit down for eight hours and blow through textbooks or watch YouTube tutorials for five hours, no matter how good the tutorial is, no matter how good the book is, unless you have a specific strategy, you are not going to be as efficient as someone who understands basic principles.

但是希望和现实是完全不同的两件事。 希望不是一个好的策略。 因此,如果您只想坐8个小时,浏览教科书或观看YouTube教程5个小时,则无论教程的质量如何,书的质量如何,除非您有特定的策略,否则,不会像理解基本原理的人那样高效。

So let’s dive into five learning strategies


主动VS被动学习的正确比例: (Proper Ratio of Active VS Passive Learning:)

So what’s active learning & what’s passive learning?


Suppose you are reading a book or watching a tutorial to gain some ideas about a new topic or subject. It’s called Active Learning.

假设您正在读书或观看教程,以获得有关新主题或主题的一些想法。 这称为主动学习

On the contrary, you are practicing whatever you learned or solving some coding problems or making some applications. This type of learning is Passive Learning.

相反,您正在练习所学的内容,或者解决一些编码问题,或者进行一些应用程序。 这种学习是被动学习

So, in short, Active learning is theoretical learning & Passive Learning is practical learning.


If you continue watching tutorials only or keep reading a book on a particular subject, there are chances that you are going to forget whatever you learned, very soon.


On the contrary, if you dive into passive learning without knowing the concepts, if you open code editor and try to write codes without knowing basic syntax, your growth is going to slow down.


So if you are starting your new self-taught coding journey, it’s advisable to maintain 2:1 ration of passive learning and active learning. At first, you need to learn basic concepts more and more. Later on, the ratio may turn to 1:1 or 2:1 or whatever. As days pass on, the ratio of passive learning should increase.

因此,如果您要开始新的自学式编码之旅,建议保持被动学习和主动学习的比例为2:1。 首先,您需要越来越多地学习基本概念。 稍后,该比率可能变为1:1或2:1或其他任何比率。 随着时间的流逝,被动学习的比例应增加。

Many students, including me, make these mistakes and make their coding journey terrible. So, it’s high time to make a proper balance between active learning & passive learning.

包括我在内的许多学生都犯了这些错误,并使他们的编码之旅变得可怕。 因此,现在是时候在主动学习和被动学习之间取得适当的平衡了。

差距学习: (Learning in Gaps:)

One of the major mistakes that I made at the beginning was to finish a complete course as soon as possible. Suppose you want to learn Spring Framework in Java in a 10-hour long tutorial. So, in the morning, you are all set to start your learning. Time passes on & you complete each video one by one. At the end of the day, you have finished almost 70–80% of the tutorial.

的重大失误,我在一开始制造的O NE是完成一个完整的课程尽快。 假设您想在长达10小时的教程中学习Java中的Spring Framework 。 因此,早晨,您都可以开始学习了。 时间流逝,您可以逐一完成每个视频。 最终,您已经完成了本教程的近70–80%。

The very next day, when you want to remember what you learned the previous day, you see most of the things have gone out of your mind.


Instead of following the above strategy, follow a specific strategy named Spacing. In this technique, you watch videos on one or two subtopics and then experiment with it.

代替遵循上述策略,而是遵循名为S pacing的特定策略 使用这种技术,您可以在一个或两个子主题上观看视频,然后进行实验。

教学理念: (Teaching Concepts:)

There is a famous technique of learning anything named after famous physicist Richard Feynmann.


  1. Choose a concept you want to learn about.


  2. Pretend you are teaching it to a student in grade 6.


  3. Identify gaps in your explanation; Go back to the source material, to better understand it.

    找出您的解释中的空白; 回到原始资料,以更好地理解它。

  4. Review and simplify (optional).


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https://www.atomicarchive.com/ https ://www.atomicarchive.com/

In fact, you can apply the same technique to learning coding also. The best way to test your knowledge is to write a blog post about it and explain that. One of the best ways to learn is to join Facebook groups. There are lots of Facebook groups on various frameworks, languages, programming concepts, or coding contests where people of the same level or higher level come and discuss a particular topic.

实际上,您也可以将相同的技术应用于学习编码。 检验您的知识的最好方法是撰写有关此知识的博客文章并对此进行解释。 学习的最好方法之一是加入Facebook小组。 有许多Facebook小组讨论各种框架,语言,编程概念或编码竞赛,同级别或更高级别的人们来讨论特定主题。

It may seem that you have grabbed all the core concepts of a particular subject. But when you discuss with others of the same level they may question something which may make you think about your learnings.

似乎您已经掌握了特定主题的所有核心概念。 但是,当您与同级别的其他人讨论时,他们可能会提出一些疑问,这可能会让您考虑自己的学习。

跟踪问题(学习时遇到的问题): (Keep Track of Questions (you have when learning):)

When you are watching a tutorial or reading books, you are really making a good momentum and you really don’t want to stop at the exact moment to search for the queries on Google. It happens all the time. The problem that a lot of people have when they are done with the tutorial or the book, is that they get frustrated after completing the course and still have so many doubts about that particular topic.

w ^母鸡你正在看的教程或看书,你真的做了良好的势头,你真的不想停止的准确时间来搜索查询谷歌。 它一直在发生。 很多人在完成教程或书籍时遇到的问题是,他们在完成课程后会感到沮丧,并对该特定主题仍然有很多疑问。

An effective way to solve this problem is to keep a notebook and write down the queries. It may be on papers or some text editor — that doesn’t matter. After the completion, if you don’t understand a particular topic on the book or the instructor doesn’t clarify all the concepts clearly, you simply go to Google and search the keywords. Sites like StackOverflow or official documentation are always there to help you.

解决此问题的有效方法是保留笔记本并写下查询。 它可能在纸上或某些文本编辑器上-没关系。 完成后,如果您不了解书中的特定主题,或者讲师没有明确阐明所有概念,则只需访问Google并搜索关键字。 诸如StackOverflow或官方文档之类的网站总是可以为您提供帮助。

休息和恢复: (Rest and Recover:)

I see a lot of people who are working or studying for a long time, let’s say 10–15 hours and sleep for 4–5 hours to be the biggest achiever. I really appreciate them, their hustle culture a lot. But taking time off to sleep, hang out with friends, and do other normal things are so important.

我看到很多人长时间工作或学习,比如说10到15个小时,睡4到5个小时是最大的成就。 我非常感谢他们,他们的忙碌文化非常多。 但是,请抽出时间睡觉,和朋友一起出去玩,做其他正常的事情是如此重要。

Studies show that when you get sleep deprivation, your IQ drops about 10–15 points. This also happens with stress by the way. Also, scientists have seen that people who have gone into a long sleep deprivation have also felt the same feeling of being drunk.

研究表明,当您失去睡眠时,您的智商下降约10–15点。 顺便说一句,这也会在压力下发生。 此外,科学家还发现,长期睡眠不足的人也有喝醉的感觉。

Besides if you always indulge yourself in work, work, and work, your family life may get hampered. Socially you may be regarded as an awkward guy who hardly has social skills.

此外,如果您总是沉迷于工作,工作和工作中,家庭生活可能会受到阻碍。 在社交上,您可能被认为是几乎没有社交技能的笨拙家伙。

That’s why it’s famously said,


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


结论: (Conclusion:)

In a field like programming, it’s very necessary to keep yourself updated regularly. Languages or framework that is useful today will soon become obsolete. That’s why it’s very necessary to learn the process of learning. And in fact, knowing how to learn is one of the greatest skills that you will acquire in life.

在编程这样的领域,定期更新自己是非常必要的。 今天有用的语言或框架将很快过时。 这就是为什么学习过程非常必要的原因。 实际上,知道如何学习是您一生中将获得的最重要技能之一。

翻译自: https://medium.com/illumination/how-to-learn-programming-faster-than-your-peers-236bb14ea5cf






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