c 语言编程学习 编程环境_通过此学习计划学习任何编程语言

c 语言编程学习 编程环境

All it takes to master any programming language is the right learning plan.


If you know anything about programming you should be aware that often you can’t tell whether what you are doing is wrong until it’s too late. That’s what makes programming a frustrating skill to master — long hours doing the wrong things.

如果您对编程有所了解,则应该意识到,经常为时已晚,您无法分辨自己在做什么。 这就是使编程变得难以掌握的技能-长时间做错事。

But hey, whether you want to make programming your full-time job or just a hobby, you can always make the learning curve less steep. The secret to getting it right with coding is this: have a learning plan! While the plan will not do the hard lifting for you, it will definitely provide the much-needed elbow grease to keep you grounded and focused as you learn programming.

但是,无论您是想编写全职工作还是只是业余爱好,都可以使学习曲线变得不那么陡峭。 正确编写代码的秘诀是:制定学习计划! 尽管该计划不会为您带来麻烦,但它肯定会提供急需的肘部润滑脂,使您在学习编程时保持基础和专注。

In the next couple of minutes, I will be showing you how to create the perfect learning plan that will help you learn just about any programming language you need to acquire skills in. I know this may sound too simplistic, but it has been tried and tested over a couple of years. For beginners especially, how you structure your learning plays a big role in how easily you master the concepts and practice of programming.

在接下来的几分钟内,我将向您展示如何创建完美的学习计划,该计划将帮助您学习所需的任何编程语言。我知道这听起来可能过于简单,但是已经尝试过并且经过几年的测试。 特别是对于初学者,学习结构的安排在您轻松掌握编程概念和实践中起着重要作用。

Let’s dive into the best way to learn programming.


如何制定正确的学习计划 (How to Create the Right Learning Plan)

My mini-guide on creating the perfect learning plan is divided into four simple steps. I have tried my best to create some wiggle room to make the plan as customizable as possible. This is not a cookie-cutter solution for those who do not wish to put in the hard work required to learn how to code. I have gleaned knowledge acquired over my years as both a programmer and a programming coach. I have handled different sorts of learners with varying learning aptitudes and concluded that having a good learning plan is important for any programming student.

关于创建完美学习计划的迷你指南分为四个简单步骤。 我已尽力创建一些摆动空间,以使该计划尽可能可定制。 对于那些不愿意学习编码的艰苦工作的人来说,这不是一个千篇一律的解决方案。 作为一名程序员和一名编程教练,我积累了多年的知识。 我以不同的学习能力处理了不同种类的学习者,并得出结论,制定好的学习计划对任何编程学生都至关重要。

Let’s get to the plan.


步骤1:从选择正确的编程语言开始 (Step 1: Start by Choosing the Right Programming Language)

The first thing to do is select the programming language you want to learn. If you have been in the field for some time you probably know your way around finding the next coding language to learn. For novices, this can be a daunting task. Ask yourself what kind of programmer you are looking to become:

首先要做的是选择要学习的编程语言。 如果您已经在该领域工作了一段时间,那么您可能会知道寻找下一门要学习的编码语言的方法。 对于新手来说,这可能是一项艰巨的任务。 问问自己您想成为什么样的程序员:

  • Front-end or back-end programmer

  • Web app programmer

  • Game programmer

  • Scientific applications programmer

  • Desktop app programmer

  • Mobile app programmer

  • Database programmer

  • Full-stack developers


Once you have decided on the kind of programmer you are looking to become, choose a language that will help you achieve this. This is a personal decision you should be able to make on your own. But in case you feel stuck I can give you some advice.

一旦确定了要成为的程序员的类型,请选择一种可以帮助您实现这一目标的语言。 这是您应该自行做出的个人决定。 但是,如果您感到被卡住,我可以给您一些建议。

Start with a programming language that can handle the complexity of a real-world well. In this case, I mean one that is simple enough to learn but yet practical enough to solve common problems. In this regard, Java flies as one of the best programming languages for beginners currently on the market.

从可以处理现实世界的复杂性的编程语言开始。 在这种情况下,我指的是一个简单易学但又足以解决常见问题的实用工具。 就这一点而言,对于当今市场上的初学者来说,Java是最好的编程语言之一。

步骤2:设定目标 (Step 2: Set a Goal)

Setting predetermined goals will keep you grounded and help you achieve them in a given duration of time. You do not want to be spending the next five years learning the same thing because you could not commit to any one program to the end. Do not try to learn too much in one go; this is likely to get overwhelming and discouraging and will result in a high failure rate. Instead, break down your goals into manageable targets and celebrate every small victory you achieve. The result will be high motivation and increased chances for success.

设定预定的目标将使您保持扎根,并帮助您在给定的时间内实现目标。 您不想在接下来的五年中花时间学习相同的东西,因为您最终无法承诺任何一个程序。 不要一口气学习太多; 这很可能会让人不知所措,令人沮丧,并且会导致较高的故障率。 相反,将您的目标分解为可管理的目标,并庆祝您所取得的每一个小小的胜利。 结果将是高动力和增加成功的机会。

Remember that things in the IT world are fluid and will change all the time. To avoid being stuck in the rut, take a pen and paper and clearly define your learning goals.

请记住,IT世界中的事物是不稳定的,并且会一直变化。 为避免卡在车辙中,请使用笔和纸并明确定义学习目标。

Make sure the goals you set are good old SMART goals:


  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Realistic

  • Teachable

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Going with the above, you can decide to define one goal as: “To master Java programming in three months.” With the right online course, this goal is realistic, measurable, and achievable. You can further break it down into segments such as: “To understand Java threads in 30 days” or “to understand OOP principles in 20 days.” This all depends on your learning speed and the amount of time you can allocate to this goal with no pressure at all.

结合以上内容,您可以决定将一个目标定义为:“三个月内掌握Java编程。” 通过正确的在线课程,该目标是现实,可衡量和可实现的。 您可以将其进一步细分,例如:“在30天内了解Java线程”或“在20天内了解OOP原理”。 这一切都取决于您的学习速度以及可以毫无压力地分配给该目标的时间。

步骤3:建立并执行计划 (Step 3: Create and Execute Your Plan)

Once you have your goals ready, it’s time to create a plan and execute it. This plan takes the goals you set and arranges them into sizable bits that can be easily achieved. Yes, you want to learn Java or any other programming language. But how do you plan to achieve this? The plan you create should give you a visual image on how you can tackle your bigger goals. It shows you how to handle each area and gives a roadmap for success. You can adjust this plan of attack as you go along.

准备好目标之后,就可以创建计划并执行它了。 该计划采用您设定的目标,并将其排列成可以轻松实现的相当大的部分。 是的,您想学习Java或任何其他编程语言。 但是您打算如何实现呢? 您创建的计划应该给您直观的图像,说明如何实现更大的目标。 它向您展示了如何处理各个领域,并给出了成功的路线图。 您可以在进行时调整此攻击计划。

If you choose to go with Java, for example, you should include the following items in your plan of action:


First learn Java Core:

首先学习Java Core:

  • Java Syntax

  • Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Java Collections

  • Java Exceptions

  • Input/Output Streams

  • Java Multithreading

  • Lambda Expressions.


After you go for:


  • Algorithms and Puzzles

  • Java Patterns

  • Unit Testing

  • Serialization in JSON, RMI, HttpUrlConnection, sockets


Once you have outlined all you need to cover you should choose a learning method that works best for you. Here is where I will leave some wiggle room for you to customize your plan. However, I will again recommend you find a course that is at least 70% practice-based.

概述了所有需要涵盖的内容之后,您应该选择最适合自己的学习方法。 在这里,我将留出一些空间供您自定义计划。 但是,我再次建议您找到至少70%基于实践的课程。

Let’s talk about that in the next step.


步骤4:学习如何实际编码 (Step 4: Learn How to Code Practically)

You have not learned how to program before you do the coding yourself. That is why I would so quickly dismiss any programming course that does not offer students the opportunity to practice what they have learned in theory.

在您自己进行编码之前,您还没有学习过编程的知识。 这就是为什么我会如此Swift地开除任何编程课程,而这些课程不会为学生提供实践理论知识的机会。

The programming course you settle for should provide you with lots of practice opportunities. Decide on how you are going to structure your reading to include the location, time, duration, and study method.

您选择的编程课程应该为您提供许多实践机会。 确定如何组织阅读以包括位置,时间,持续时间和学习方法。

I would recommend you go for these platforms:


  • CodeGym — a structured gamified Java programming course that involves 20% of theory and 80% of practice, created both for very beginners and for medium level Java students.

    CodeGym —一个结构化的游戏化Java编程课程,涉及20%的理论和80%的实践,是为初学者和中级Java学生创建的。

codegym java course
  • Coderbyte — this website has more than 300+ challengers for you to upgrade your programming skills.

    Coderbyte —该网站有300多个挑战者,可帮助您提高编程技能。

  • Codechef — an online competitive platform that runs friendly contests among young software professionals.

    Codechef —在线竞争平台,在年轻软件专业人员之间进行友好竞赛。


At the end of the day, this should not be a speed challenge but rather a tool to help you learn any programming language in the best possible way. It is more productive to achieve a little consistently than to try and achieve it all in one go and risk losing it all. Give yourself the opportunity to take a break and to re-energize if you start to feel overwhelmed along the way.

归根结底,这不应该是速度上的挑战,而是可以帮助您以最佳方式学习任何编程语言的工具。 与一劳永逸地尝试全部实现并冒着失去全部尝试的风险相比,保持一点一致的效率更高。 如果您在途中开始感到不知所措,请给自己机会休息一下并重新焕发活力。

Find an expert programmer in what you are learning and follow them on Facebook, LinkedIn, or any forums for programmers (f.e. Stack Overflow, Coderanch or CodeGuru) to get extra tips on how to best learn coding. You could also get extra exercises if the programmer shares ideas for small projects. Besides, you should read the code written by other programmers. Great sources for that are GitHub and SourceForge. With time, coding will be something you do with ease.

在您所学的知识中找到专业的程序员,并在Facebook,LinkedIn或任何程序员论坛(例如Stack OverflowCoderanch CodeGuru ),以获取有关如何最好地学习编码的更多提示。 如果程序员分享有关小项目的想法,那么您还可以获得额外的练习。 此外,您应该阅读其他程序员编写的代码。 伟大的资源是GitHubSourceForge 。 随着时间的流逝,编码将变得很轻松。

帮助您学习任何编程语言的额外技巧 (Extra Tips to Help You Learn Any Programming Language)

As suggested earlier, programming is not just a preserve for bespectacled IT geeks. I personally believe anyone can learn how to program in any language, if they have the right support system. Here are some additional tips on what you need to do if you want to become a coding maestro:

如前所述,编程不仅是眼镜专家的保留。 我个人相信,只要拥有合适的支持系统,任何人都可以学习如何使用任何语言进行编程。 如果您想成为编码大师,请按照以下提示操作:

1.每日代码 (1. Code Daily)

The easiest way to make coding a passion for you is through repetition. You can set an alarm that goes off at the same time each day to remind you that you need to code. You can also reward yourself for keeping up with the routine, say after every seven to ten days. The three stages of habit forming are:

使编码对您充满激情的最简单方法是重复。 您可以设置每天在同一时间响起的警报,以提醒您需要编码。 您也可以按照惯例进行奖励,例如每七到十天一次。 养成习惯的三个阶段是:

  • Cue

  • Routine

  • Reward


2.营造有利的工作环境 (2. Create a Conducive Working Environment)

You will need to create a workspace where you “go to work” each day. Make sure the workspace is conducive to learning and is also not so comfortable that it soothes you to sleep.

您将需要创建一个工作区,每天都可以在其中“上班”。 确保工作区有利于学习,并且也不舒适,无法安抚您的睡眠。

3.消除干扰 (3. Eliminate Distractions)

When you are at your workspace remember to turn off distractions such as your phone, tablet, TV, or any other potential sources of disruption.


结论 (Conclusion)

If you want to learn any programming language, start with evaluating your knowledge first. You should be realistic when doing this and probably have someone else give their opinion on your expertise level.

如果您想学习任何编程语言,请先评估您的知识。 在执行此操作时,您应该保持现实,并可能让其他人对您的专业知识水平发表意见。

The next thing is to set goals on what you want to achieve. Make sure your goals are always SMART. With your goals in place, create a plan of action to help you achieve them. Create an environment that will help you to stick with the plan you have set. I’ve covered the best ways to learn programming, so follow these steps and you’ll be on the path to achieving your dreams by making your goals a top priority in your life.

接下来的事情是为要实现的目标设定目标。 确保您的目标始终是明智的。 制定目标之后,制定行动计划以帮助您实现目标。 创建一个环境,以帮助您遵守已制定的计划。 我已经介绍了学习编程的最佳方法,因此请按照以下步骤操作,您将使自己的目标成为生活中的重中之重,实现自己的梦想。

翻译自: https://medium.com/quick-code/learn-any-programming-language-with-this-learning-plan-270359edaccf

c 语言编程学习 编程环境

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