

Organisations spend vast amounts of time and resources on hiring smart, talented and self-motivated individuals — people who show passion and commitment to their own growth and to success of the organisation.


With a desire to contribute, these people want to challenge the status quo. They want to devise creative solutions to problems and be a part of the success story of the organisation. They all start with a big dream.

渴望贡献自己的人们,这些人想挑战现状。 他们想为问题设计创造性的解决方案,并成为组织成功故事的一部分。 他们都始于一个伟大的梦想。

However, only a few end up finding strength and satisfaction through the impact of their work. Some people thrive while others barely survive.

然而,只有少数人最终通过工作的影响找到了力量和满足感。 有些人壮成长,而另一些人勉强生存。

It’s not about the difference in their abilities, but rather how those capabilities are put to use. It’s about striking the right balance between oversight and autonomy. It’s about demanding clarity while being accountable for decisions, gaining freedom with the maturity to handle risks, and having the necessary tools and resources to establish competence in their role.

这与他们能力上的差异无关,而在于如何使用这些能力。 这是在监督与自治之间寻求适当的平衡。 它是在要求决策者负责的同时,要求要求明确,在处理风险的成熟中获得自由,以及拥有必要的工具和资源来确立其职责能力。

The relationship between the manager and the employee and the trust that they put in each other shapes their future. How do they support each other during challenging times, work out their differences, align on outcomes and help each other be a little better every day?

经理和雇员之间的关系以及他们彼此之间的信任决定了他们的未来。 他们如何在充满挑战的时刻互相支持,解决分歧,协调成果并互相帮助,每天变得更好一点?

We can all face conflicts at work, but conflict with the boss can be our biggest source of stress and exhaustion.


What if a manager pushes your buttons, takes away your high hopes, crushes your desire to be innovative, and stops you producing your best work? What if you have a micromanager?

如果经理按下您的按钮,带走了您的高期望,粉碎了您对创新的渴望,并阻止了您做出最好的工作,该怎么办? 如果您有微管理器怎么办?

为什么我认为我的老板是微管理者? (Why Do I Think My Boss is a Micromanager?)

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Credit: Author

Recognise the signs of a micromanager:


  • They act as a bottleneck for decision-making on the team. Every tiny thing requires their approval

    它们是团队决策的瓶颈。 每一件小事都需要得到他们的认可
  • They have difficulty letting go. They drill down to the minutest detail of every problem.

    他们很难放手。 他们深入研究每个问题的最详细信息。
  • They don’t trust people in the team to finish their work on time and they try to manage that fear by constantly asking for updates on the project.

  • They are scared of mistakes andnever miss an opportunity to point them out, even before the mistake has been made. Their don’t-to-do list prevents team members from developing their own critical thinking skills.

    他们害怕犯错误,即使在犯错误之前,也永远不会错过指出它们的机会。 他们的“请勿做”清单阻止团队成员发展自己的批判性思维技能。
  • They assume a superior role by believing that work won’t get done and everything will go haywire unless they prod people and are involved in the day-to-day execution.

  • They act as a perfectionist by being fixated on doing things in a certain way.

  • They raise their self-esteem by taking over issues and personally fixing them, instead of coaching the team and helping them build new skills.

  • They have fear of missing out and demand to be kept in the loop on all communication.

  • They exercise control by setting goals and then dictating how to achieve those goals. Controlling the what without the how (strategy vs tactics) makes them nervous.

    他们通过设定目标然后决定如何实现这些目标来行使控制权。 在没有方法的情况下控制策略(策略与策略)会使他们感到紧张。

  • They use authority to define project timelines, rather than influencing and helping their team members learn project planning skills.


Evaluating these behaviours requires careful examination. Disagreement with your manager can feed your confirmation bias, making you believe they’re a micromanager when what they are actually doing is part of their job . Asking for necessary updates on the progress of your work, calling out the need to be present in meetings on time, introducing processes for improving team efficiency, or suggesting changes that are critical to the success of the project does not make them a micromanager.

评估这些行为需要仔细检查。 与经理的分歧可能会助长您的确认偏见,使您认为当他们的实际工作是他们工作的一部分时,他们是微观管理者。 要求对工作进度进行必要的更新,指出需要准时出席会议,引入提高团队效率的流程或提出对项目成功至关重要的更改建议并不能使他们成为微观管理者。

It’s easy to act irresponsible and hide away from your own shortcomings by blaming it on your manager, refusing to cooperate because of your sense of self-righteousness and attributing your mediocre performance to your manager. It takes courage to see things as they are.

轻描淡写地采取不负责任的态度,并掩饰自己的缺点,将其归咎于经理,由于自以为是而拒绝合作,并把平庸的业绩归因于经理,这很容易。 看到事物原样需要勇气。

So, if you are really convinced that your boss is indeed a micromanager, take control of your behaviour. You can either put it to effective use by opening lines of communication with your manager or destroy it and shut it down by adopting a passive-aggressive approach.

因此,如果您真的确信老板确实是一位微观经理,请控制自己的行为。 您可以通过与经理建立沟通渠道来有效利用它,也可以采用被动攻击性方法将其破坏并关闭。

Take the first step to manage this relationship by changing your orientation and consciously shifting from problem to the outcome you desire. Instead of acting as a victim, take the role of a creator.

采取第一步,通过改变方向并有意识地从问题转向期望的结果来管理这种关系。 不要扮演受害者的角色,而要扮演创造者的角色。

The children of blame are cynicism and hopelessness. When we succumb to believing that we are victims of our circumstances and yield to the plight of determinism, we lose hope, we lose drive, and we settle into resignation and stagnation. “I am a pawn, a puppet, a cog in the wheel and can do nothing about it. Just tell me what to do.” So many bright, talented people feel this and suffer the broad range of discouragement and depression that follows. The principle of growth and hope throughout history is the discovery that “I am the creative force of my life.”

责备的孩子是玩世不恭和绝望。 当我们屈服于认为自己是我们所处环境的受害者并屈从于确定性困境时,我们就失去了希望,我们失去了动力,我们陷入了辞职和停滞。 “我是一个典当,一个木偶,一个齿轮,对此无能为力。 告诉我该怎么办。” 如此多的聪明才智的人感受到了这一点,并遭受了随之而来的各种挫折和沮丧。 在整个历史中成长和希望的原则是发现“我是我一生的创造力”。

— Stephen R. Covey


为什么我要进行微管理?(Why Am I Being Micromanaged?)

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Micromanagement is the symptom of a larger cause. Without understanding the what; “what is causing them to behave this way?”; you cannot define the how; “how can I stop being micromanaged?”.

微观管理是更大原因的征兆。 不了解什么; “是什么导致他们以这种方式行事?”; 您无法定义操作方式; “我如何才能不再受到微管理?”。

Be open to asking yourself, “Is it my manager or is it me?”


是我的经理吗? (Is it my manager?)

Manage up and scratch beneath the surface. You need to learn more about your manager and their mindset:

处理好并在表面下刮擦。 您需要了解有关经理及其心态的更多信息:

  • Does the company culture promote their micromanaging behaviour?

  • Are they new to management and still haven’t made a shift from their individual contributor responsibilities?

  • Do they look stressed out at all times?

  • Are they having trouble trusting others?

  • Do they act out of fear — fear of failure, mistakes, not delivering on time?

  • Are they a perfectionist?

  • Is their behaviour a reflection of their need to be in control?

  • Can they distinguish between a micromanager and an effective manager?


There’s a fine line between being involved and being too involved.


Intentions are invisible. We assume them from other people’s behavior. In other words, we make them up, we invent them. But our invented stories about other people’s intentions are accurate much less often than we think. Why? Because people’s intentions are complex. Sometimes people act with mixed intentions. Sometimes they act with no intention, or at least none related to us. And sometimes they act on good intentions that nonetheless hurt us.

意图是看不见的。 我们从他人的行为中假设他们。 换句话说,我们弥补它们,发明它们。 但是,我们发明的有关他人意图的故事比我们想像的要少得多。 为什么? 因为人们的意图很复杂。 有时人们的行为意图参差不齐。 有时,他们无意间采取行动,或者至少与我们没有任何关系。 有时他们会出于善意行事,但这仍然伤害了我们。

— Douglas Stone


Some managers have a hard time identifying when they cross the boundary from being responsible for developing their team members and contributing to business growth, to acting like someone who only cares about business growth. This behaviour is unintentional and they’re unaware of the impact of their actions on others.

一些经理很难确定何时跨界,从负责发展团队成员和为业务增长做出贡献,到像关心业务增长的人那样行事。 这种行为是无意的,他们没有意识到自己的行为对他人的影响。

Then there are those egocentric managers who are simply self-absorbed — they don’t seem to care much about others or what they think of them. They take pride in getting work done at the cost of causing pain and angst to their team members. These managers are completely intentional in the way they act since they believe it’s the only way to manage people.

然后就是那些以自我为中心的经理,他们只是专心致志-他们似乎并不在乎他人或对他们的看法。 他们以完成工作而感到自豪,但付出的代价是给团队成员带来痛苦和焦虑。 这些经理完全是故意的,因为他们认为这是管理人员的唯一方法。

那是我吗? (Is it me?)

Do a little bit of self-reflection and try to understand if it’s your own behaviour that’s causing your manager to micromanage you. Think about these questions deeply and stay true to yourself:

做一些自我反省,并尝试了解是否是您自己的行为导致经理对您进行微观管理。 认真思考以下问题,并忠于自己:

  • Have you missed deadlines on multiple previous occasions, causing your manager to be more cautious and be more involved than usual?

  • Do you keep your manager in the loop on the progress of your project? Believe it or not, they’re accountable for your team and every member in it and delivering work on time is also part of their responsibility. So, it’s absolutely necessary for them to be aware of how the project is progressing. If you make it difficult for them to get these updates or simply demonstrate a “don’t care” attitude, you’re contributing to this behaviour.

    您是否让经理随时关注项目进度? 信不信由你,他们对您的团队和团队中的每个成员负责,按时交付工作也是他们责任的一部分。 因此,绝对有必要让他们知道项目的进展情况。 如果您使他们难以获得这些更新或仅表现出“不在乎”态度,那么您正在为这种行为做出贡献。
  • Do you respect their role and try to find ways to be helpful? Or, are you too busy doing what you plan to do that you don’t care about what your manager actually needs? Building a cool feature may be your priority, but it may not align with what the company needs right now. A manager asking you to “do the right thing” is not micromanagement.

    您是否尊重他们的角色,并尝试寻找有用的方法? 或者,您是否正忙于按计划进行而又不在乎经理的实际需求呢? 构建出色的功能可能是您的首要任务,但它可能与公司当前的需求不符。 要求您“做正确的事”的经理不是微观管理。
  • Do you turn up late to meetings? Do you ignore your manager’s feedback? Instead of seeking alignment, do you speak up with the sole intention of insulting them or try to establish superiority, perhaps because you are one of the older members of the team or more experienced than your manager. How do you communicate with your manager?

    你迟到开会吗? 您是否忽略经理的反馈? 您不是故意侮辱他们,而是故意侮辱他们或试图建立优势,这也许是因为您是团队中年龄较大的成员之一,或者比经理更富有经验。 您如何与经理沟通?

While how you act doesn’t give them the permission to act as a micromanager, it’s useful to acknowledge that you contribute to it. I know, it’s difficult to accept!

尽管您的行为方式并未授予他们担任微观管理人员的权限,但承认您对此有所贡献是很有用的。 我知道,很难接受!

Take time to observe how your manager works with others. Are they different?

花时间观察您的经理如何与他人合作。 他们不同吗?

Collect some data and then decide — is it you or is it them?


与微管理器一起工作的正确方法 (The Right Way to Work With a Micromanager)

You can either be a wishful thinker and wait for your manager to change, or you can employ your critical thinking skills and take charge of your experience at work.


Look at things not as they are, but as they can be. Visualization adds value to everything. A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future. He isn’t stuck with the present .

并不是按原样看待事物,而是视情况而定。 可视化为一切增值。 一个伟大的思想家总是形象地想象将来可以做什么。 他不拘泥于现在。

— David J. Schwartz


Working with a difficult boss shouldn’t drive you crazy or make you succumb to their way of doing things.


Shift from problem to problem-solving and trigger a solution mindset by employing these practices to bring about a positive change in your relationship with your boss.


1.重新评估他们的行为 (1. Reappraise their behaviour)

Whenever your manager tries to micromanage you, instead of getting irritated or trying to resist the behaviour, take a step back and reassess it. Ask them questions that will help you understand their intention better.

每当您的经理尝试对您进行微观管理时,不要生气或试图抵制这种行为,请退后一步,重新评估它。 向他们提问,以帮助您更好地了解他们的意图。

Asking good open-ended questions to your manager with an intent to collaborate can provide them with an opportunity to look beyond themselves to how others perceive their actions. It can even help them to evaluate alternative ways of achieving the same outcomes.

向您的经理提出开放性很好的问题以进行协作,可以为他们提供一个机会,让他们超越自己,去看别人如何看待自己的行为。 它甚至可以帮助他们评估实现相同结果的替代方法。

If they are constantly asking for updates, engage with them by saying something like this: “I understand we need to deliver this project on time. I can assure you that I’m on top of this project. When and how would you like me to share updates and concerns? This twill help me organise my time better and focus on achieving our shared goals.”

如果他们不断要求更新,请通过这样的方式与他们互动:“我知道我们需要按时交付该项目。 我可以向您保证,我在这个项目的顶部。 您希望何时,如何共享我的最新动态和关注点? 这将帮助我更好地安排时间并专注于实现我们的共同目标。”

When they’re involved in discussing minor details, humour them: “I think it will be a waste of your time to discuss these minor details and I hope you can trust me to take care of them. I would like to make effective use of your time by discussing other large areas where you may have concerns. What questions do you have that will be worth discussing now?”

当他们参与讨论次要细节时,请给他们幽默:“我认为讨论这些次要细节将浪费您的时间,希望您可以信任我来照顾他们。 我想通过讨论您可能担心的其他大范围来有效地利用您的时间。 您有什么问题现在值得讨论?”

By stating your intent clearly and using a positive tone, you can force them to think and act differently.


2.建立标准 (2. Establish standards)

Reappraising behaviour is a more passive, in-the-moment approach. It can help you to shape desired behaviour whenever you notice your manager demonstrating micro-managerial tendencies.

重新评估行为是一种更加被动的,瞬间的方法。 每当您发现经理显示微观管理倾向时,它就可以帮助您塑造期望的行为。

However, an active approach involves establishing standards to align with the most effective ways to collaborate with your manager. Take some time to work out details in each of these areas for yourself, then set up some time with your manager to discuss them:

但是,积极的方法涉及建立标准,以与与经理协作的最有效方式保持一致。 花一些时间为您自己制定每个方面的细节,然后与您的经理安排一些时间来讨论这些问题:

  • Establish goals . What do you need to achieve?

    建立目标。 您需要实现什么?
  • Clarify expectations. What does success look like individually and as a team? If your manager is a perfectionist, defining quality parameters in the beginning will help you align on the expected end state and avoid frustration and rework later.

    澄清期望。 个人和团队的成功看起来如何? 如果您的经理是完美主义者,那么在开始时定义质量参数将帮助您与预期的最终状态保持一致,并避免沮丧和日后的工作。
  • Set boundaries. Make sure there are some decisions you can own completely,without your manager being involved. Use a positive tone and remind them of the value of their time if they want to be involved in all decisions.

    设置边界。 确保您可以完全拥有一些决策,而无需经理的参与。 如果他们想参与所有决策,请使用肯定的语气并提醒他们时间的价值。
  • Sharing progress. What does your manager need to know and why? What are the best mechanisms to share progress — when and how? Discuss potential downsides to sharing progress too often and how you can use that time to make progress on your work. Throw in the word “trust” multiple times in the discussion to remind them that you’re capable of handling the task.

    分享进度。 您的经理需要知道什么,为什么? 共享进步的最佳机制是什么?何时何地? 讨论过多共享进度的潜在弊端,以及如何利用这段时间在工作中取得进展。 在讨论中多次抛出“信任”一词,以提醒他们您有能力处理任务。
  • Seeking help. Comfort them with the knowledge that you are going to reach out to them in case you are stuck on any task or need their help to make progress. Asking “who else can help” can provide them with an opportunity to recommend other team members who might be well suited to unblock. The idea is to shift their focus from “I need to be involved” to “who else can add value?”

    寻求帮助。 如果您被困在任何任务上或需要他们的帮助以取得进展,请安慰他们,以备不时之需。 询问“还有谁可以帮助”可以为他们提供一个机会,推荐其他非常适合解除封锁的团队成员。 想法是将他们的重点从“我需要参与”转移到“还有谁可以增加价值?”

Clarifying expectations sometimes takes a great deal of courage. It seems easier to act as though differences don’t exist and to hope things will work out than it is to face the differences and work together to arrive at a mutually agreeable set of expectations .

澄清期望有时需要很大的勇气。 似乎似乎没有差异,希望事情能够解决起来要比面对差异和共同努力以达成相互同意的期望容易。

— Stephen R. Covey


An active discussion like this will help you gain a better understanding of your managers’ mindset and a peek into what causes them to micromanage you.


By having such discussions regularly and constantly reminding them of the best ways to operate together, you can realign their tendencies to micromanage and help shift to more effective management.


3.创造一种控制幻觉 (3. Create an illusion of control)

If your boss is a micromanager due to their need to feel in control, you can make things worse by taking that sense of control away from them.


Instead, by creating an illusion of control you can get the much-needed space without making them feel powerless.


Make them part of the change by helping them believe that it’s their own idea and show them how it will add value to the team. The language that you use plays a very important role in enabling this change. Shift from simply asking questions to seeking advice on specific issues:

帮助他们相信这是他们自己的想法,并向他们展示如何为团队增加价值,从而使他们成为更改的一部分。 您使用的语言在启用此更改中起着非常重要的作用。 从简单的提问转变为就特定问题寻求建议:

  • I know you would like me to utilise my time effectively. I work best when I do three to four hours of focussed work without any distractions which involves no emails, messages etc. Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve that at work and be more productive?

    我知道您希望我有效地利用自己的时间。 当我进行三到四个小时的专注工作时,我的工作表现最佳,没有干扰,不涉及电子邮件,消息等。您对我如何在工作中实现此目标并提高工作效率有任何建议吗?

  • I’m trying to build my critical thinking skills by learning how to make effective decisions on my own. I know it takes time to build this skill, but I’m ready to face the challenges and take complete responsibility for the outcomes. I want to learn from my mistakes to do better next time. With your trust and support, I’m confident I will grow in this area and help the team with future responsibilities. From your experience, how do you suggest I go about building this skill?

    我试图通过学习如何自己做出有效的决定来培养自己的批判性思维能力。 我知道建立这项技能需要时间,但是我已经准备好面对挑战并对结果承担全部责任。 我想从错误中学习,下次再做得更好。 在您的信任和支持下,我有信心我将在这一领域发展并帮助团队承担未来的责任。 根据您的经验,您如何建议我继续培养这项技能?

4.加强积极的行为 (4. Reinforce positive behaviour)

Think of it this way — your boss is a human being too who needs feedback just like everyone else. Without this feedback coming from their own team members, they will have a hard time knowing when they are crossing the boundary from “helping their team” to “making them feel helpless.”

这样想吧–您的老板也是一个人,就像其他所有人一样,也需要反馈。 没有他们自己的团队成员的反馈,他们将很难知道何时从“帮助团队”到“让他们感到无助”。

Reinforcing positive behaviour is a smart tactic used by all good managers to help employees understand which specific behaviours are useful. You can also employ it with your manager.

强化积极行为是所有优秀管理人员用来帮助员工了解哪些特定行为有用的明智策略。 您也可以与您的经理一起使用。

At first, it may be intimidating to think about critiquing your own manager, but you can do it with a little practice.


Whenever you see your boss do something that makes them an effective manager, call it out:


  • I really appreciate the trust that you showed on [….]. It helps me do […]

    我非常感谢您对[…。]的信任。 它可以帮助我做[…]
  • I was able to pull this project on time due to your support in […]

  • I was able to spend my time productively as we agreed upon by doing more of […] and less of […]


5.开辟新的沟通渠道(5. Open new lines of communication)

Without making an effort to show that you care about your manager, their priorities and a willingness to contribute in a manner that helps them be successful in their role, anything that you say about their behaviour can potentially backfire.


Your manager may say that they are open to feedback and encourage criticism, but just like other human beings they will have a hard time connecting to reality without believing that you have their best interests at heart.


People almost never change without first feeling understood .


— Douglas Stone


That comes from building trust . Take time out to understand your manager — what’s on their mind, what makes them stress out, and what do they really care about? This does not mean that you give in to their micromanager behaviour. It simply implies that you take an action only once you have spent sufficient time in learning about them better.

那是建立信任。 花点时间了解您的经理-他们在想什么,是什么让他们感到压力,他们真正关心的是什么? 这并不意味着您就屈服于他们的微管理器行为。 它仅表示您只有在花了足够的时间更好地了解它们之后,才采取措施。

With time, you will know if they are open to criticism. Take the opportunity to talk to them about the specific behaviours, how they impact you and what changes can be done to help you work better together.

随着时间的流逝,您将知道它们是否会受到批评。 借此机会与他们讨论具体行为,它们如何影响您以及可以进行哪些更改以帮助您更好地合作。

In some cases, discussing the specific issues with your manager’s boss may also help. But, you should do this only after you have made an effort and given sufficient time for things to improve.

在某些情况下,与经理老板讨论具体问题也可能会有所帮助。 但是,只有在您付出了一定的努力并有足够的时间进行改进之后,您才应该这样做。

In the end, the whole thing may be a flop. Some managers are indeed too difficult to work with and despite all your efforts, nothing may change. It’s best for you to decide if you should try to change your team or even consider an opportunity outside.

最后,整个事情可能会失败。 有些经理确实很难与他人合作,尽管您付出了所有努力,但一切都没有改变。 最好由您决定是否应该尝试更换团队,甚至是考虑外部机会。

如何不使用微管理器 (How Not to Work with a Micromanager)

No one likes to be micromanaged. But a negative attitude to the problem won’t make it go away. Some of the wrong ways to work with a micromanager includes.

没有人喜欢受到微观管理。 但是对这个问题的否定态度不会使它消失。 使用微管理器的一些错误方法包括。

战斗或飞行React (Fight-or-flight response)

You try to fight the situation by arguing with them, insulting them around others, or even denying to do things that are important for your boss to do their job. You try to act tough, but in a wrong harmful way. This will make your boss resent you and aggravate the problem further.

您试图通过与他们争吵,侮辱他人,甚至拒绝做出对老板工作有重要意义的事情来应对这种情况。 您尝试采取强硬措施,但采取错误的有害方式。 这会使您的老板不满您,并使问题进一步恶化。



You do not have the courage to fight and instead resort to flight. You try to flee from the situation by ignoring their behaviour and trying to do your job to the best of your abilities. Though your boss’s behaviour continues to trouble you, you do nothing about it. It not only impacts your productivity, but can also lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety at work.

您没有勇气去战斗,而是逃避飞行。 您会通过不理会他们的行为,并尽自己最大的能力来逃避这种情况。 尽管老板的行为继续困扰着您,但您却无能为力。 它不仅影响您的生产力,而且还可能导致工作中不必要的压力和焦虑

在背后说 (Speaking behind their back)

You take out your frustration by speaking to your colleagues about your boss and badmouthing them or go complaining to their manager behind their back.


It won’t be long before your manager finds out. And you can probably guess how that will turn out.

您的经理很快就会找到答案。 您可能会猜到结果如何。

No one wants to act as a micromanager out of malice and no one wants to be micromanaged. Only through action, can you change the situation. Act now for a better tomorrow.

没有人愿意扮演恶意的微观管理者,也没人要受到微观管理。 只有采取行动,您才能改变局势。 现在就行动起来,共创美好的明天。

What have you learnt from working with a micromanager or from being one?


概要 (Summary)

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Credit: Author

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/stop-being-micromanaged-d341c3838ab3


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