

There are various widely known ways to boost your credit score, from making loan repayments on time to not exceeding your limit on any credit cards you may have. Most people also know that having a little debt can be good for your score, as it allows you to show that you can handle it (though I’ve written before about how some people need to stop using their credit score as an excuse to take on more debt). Here are a few other things you can do to increase your credit score, that you may not have considered.

有多种提高信用评分的方法,从按时还贷到不超过您可能拥有的任何信用卡的限额。 多数人还知道,欠债对您的得分有好处,因为它可以让您证明自己可以应付(尽管我之前写过一些人如何停止以信用评分作为借口的借口)。欠更多债务 )。 您可能没有考虑过其他一些增加信用评分的方法。

要求增加您的信用额度 (Ask for an Increase on Your Credit Limit)

This may seem counter-intuitive and probably isn’t advisable if you can’t manage your credit and always max out your cards. However, part of how your credit score is calculated involves looking at your credit utilization rate. That basically means how much of your available credit you’re actually using. Therefore, having cards with a high credit limit, but always staying well within it, can boost your score. One way to do this is to just spend less on credit cards. But another, perfectly legitimate, way is to get your limit increased, but continue to spend the same amount. If you’ve had a particular credit card for a while and always made your payments, asking for your limit to be increased can often pay off.

这似乎违反直觉,如果您无法管理信用并始终将卡最大化,则不建议这样做。 但是,您的信用评分的部分计算方式涉及查看信用利用率。 这基本上意味着您实际使用了多少可用信用。 因此,拥有高信用额度但始终保持在信用额度内的卡可以提高您的分数。 一种方法是减少信用卡消费。 但是另一种完全合法的方法是提高您的限额,但继续花费相同的金额。 如果您使用特定的信用卡已有一段时间,并且始终付款,则要求增加限额通常可以得到回报。

不要取消不使用的卡 (Don’t Cancel Cards You’re Not Using)

It can actually be helpful to have unused credit and store cards as long as they’re not costing you anything. This is also about credit utilization. If you have cards with available credit on them that you don’t use, your utilization rate will be better. Maybe you’re trying to be super disciplined and only use one card so you can track your spending, or maybe you just paid off all your cards and don’t want to run them up again. If that’s the case, you may be tempted to cancel all your cards, but you might be better off locking them away somewhere and simply never using them.

实际上,拥有未使用的信用卡和储值卡会有所帮助,只要它们不会花费您任何钱。 这也与信贷利用有关。 如果您有不使用的可用信用卡充值的信用卡,则您的利用率会更高。 也许您正在尝试纪律严明,只使用一张卡就可以跟踪您的支出,或者您只是还清了所有卡而又不想再次使用它们。 如果是这种情况,您可能会想取消所有卡,但最好将它们锁定在某个地方并且根本不使用它们。

Remember, this is only worth doing if your cards are costing you nothing or next to nothing. Read through terms and conditions to check if the card has annual fees. If it does and they’re moderate to high, it might be a good idea to cancel it. If there is no annual fee or it’s a very low one, you might consider it worth paying as the cost of having a better credit utilization rate and slightly better credit score. While you’re checking those terms and conditions, check that you won’t find your account is closed (or charged) for inactivity. You might want to consider calling your card provider and letting them know that this is not your primary card and won’t be used regularly, but you’d like to keep the account open. Ask them if they can waive or reduce any annual fees you do have on the card. It never hurts to ask.

请记住,这仅在您的卡不花钱或几乎不花钱的情况下才值得这样做。 通读条款和条件,检查卡是否有年费。 如果是这样,并且它们从中到高,则取消它可能是一个好主意。 如果没有年费或年费很低,您可能会认为值得支付,因为它具有更高的信贷利用率和稍高的信用评分的成本。 在检查这些条款和条件时,请确保您不会因为帐户闲置而被关闭(或收费)。 您可能需要考虑致电您的卡提供商,并告知他们这不是您的主卡,并且不会经常使用,但是您想保持该帐户的开放状态。 询问他们是否可以免除或减少您的信用卡年费。 问一问总无妨。

主动 (Be Proactive)

If you know you’re going to miss a payment, pay late, or not make a full payment, admit it ahead of time. Contact your credit card company or loan provider and explain the situation. Some lenders will waive any penalties if you talk to them ahead of time, including reporting you to credit agencies. You’ll only be able to do this occasionally, so if you’re constantly having problems making payments, try to re-negotiate your monthly payment amount. Remember that credit agencies aren’t really interested in the fine print of your loan arrangements. They just want to see that you’re paying whatever you’ve agreed to.

如果您知道您将错过付款,延迟付款或未全额付款,请提前接受。 请与您的信用卡公司或贷款提供商联系,并说明情况。 如果您提前与他们联系,包括向信用机构报告您,一些贷方将免除任何罚款。 您只能偶尔执行此操作,因此,如果您在付款方面经常遇到问题,请尝试重新协商您的每月付款金额。 请记住,信贷机构对您的贷款安排的细则并不真正感兴趣。 他们只是想看看您要支付的价格是您所同意的。

The same goes for going overdrawn at the bank. An unauthorized overdraft could harm your credit score, but a quick call to the bank could result in an authorized overdraft. That’s just credit, like any other kind of credit, which means, as long as you pay it off according to whatever arrangements you make with your bank, you won’t damage your credit score, and may even improve it.

在银行透支也是如此。 未经授权的透支可能会损害您的信用评分,但是快速致电银行可能会导致授权的透支。 就像任何其他种类的信用一样,这只是信用,这意味着,只要您根据与银行进行的任何安排还清该信用,就不会损害您的信用评分,甚至可能会提高信用评分。

分散您的信用 (Diversify Your Credit)

This doesn’t simply mean ‘get more credit’. It means to get more variety in your credit profile. Having a credit card, a phone contract, and an auto loan, for example, can be better for your credit score than having three credit cards, if all other things are equal. Do remember to do this in a way that makes sense for you though. There is no advantage to taking out an interest-bearing loan you don’t need. It might, however, make sense to have a credit card you don’t need, especially if it has no annual fee and you never pay interest on it. Remember the only way to never pay interest is to pay off your card each month and not carry any debt over at the end of the payment due period.

这不仅仅意味着“获得更多信用”。 这意味着在您的信用资料中获得更多选择。 例如,如果所有其他条件都相同,那么拥有信用卡, 电话合同和汽车贷款可能比拥有三张信用卡对您的信用评分更好。 请记住,以一种对您有意义的方式进行此操作。 拿出不需要的计息贷款没有好处。 但是,拥有不需要的信用卡可能是有道理的,特别是如果它没有年费并且您从不支付利息的话。 请记住,永远不付利息的唯一方法是每月还清您的卡,并且在到期付款期结束时不承担任何债务。

检查您的信用报告 (Check Your Credit Report)

Most people never do this unless they think there’s a problem, but mistakes on credit reports are surprisingly common. You can check your score once a year for free by simply requesting your credit report from each of the three main credit companies. Make it part of your annual financial plan, maybe at the end of the year or when you file your taxes, so you don’t forget.

除非他们认为有问题,否则大多数人从不这样做,但是信用报告中的错误出奇地普遍 。 您只需向三个主要信贷公司中的每一个索取信用报告,就可以每年免费检查一次分数。 使其成为年度财务计划的一部分,也许是在年底或您提交税款时,这样您就不会忘记。

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to encourage any lifestyle changes without careful consideration and consultation with a qualified professional. This article is for reference purposes only, is generic in nature, is not intended as individual advice and is not financial or legal advice.

免责声明: 本文中的信息并非旨在鼓励任何生活方式的改变,除非仔细考虑并咨询合格的专业人员。 本文仅供参考,性质一般,不作为个人建议,也不是财务或法律建议。

Originally published on Wealthtender.com.

最初发布于 Wealthtender.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/makingofamillionaire/unusual-ways-to-boost-your-credit-score-89655d7fffcf


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