gpt mbr ext3_GPT3撰写了这个故事吗? *

gpt mbr ext3

Earlier this month AI think tank OpenAI released a closed beta version of their Language Modeling platform known as GPT3.


GPT3 is the world’s largest language model by an order of magnitude, essentially it has been trained on the world’s websites using, Wikipedia, and other well-known text corpa, its predecessor GPT2 was one of the world’s most advanced language models trained on 1.7 billion parameters, GPT3 is multiple orders of magnitude larger with 175 billion parameters and pre-trained on nearly half a trillion words on a Supercomputer.

GPT3是世界上规模最大的语言模型,从本质上讲 ,它已经使用 ,Wikipedia和其他知名文本corpa在世界各地的网站上进行了培训,其前身GPT2是世界上接受过最高级培训的语言模型之一在17亿个参数上,GPT3的大小增加了多个数量级,有1750亿个参数,并且在超级计算机上预训练了将近0.5万亿个字。

为OpenAI开发的超级计算机是一个单一系统,每个GPU服务器具有超过285,000个CPU内核,10,000个GPU和每秒400吉比特的网络连接。 (The supercomputer developed for OpenAI is a single system with more than 285,000 CPU cores, 10,000 GPUs and 400 gigabits per second of network connectivity for each GPU server.)

Microsoft Blog


So what does a language model do? Essentially, given a sample sentence or question a language model will give you the most likely sentence or paragraph or even full story that corresponds with your initial sample sentence.

那么语言模型有什么作用? 本质上,给定一个示例句子或问题,语言模型将为您提供最可能与您的初始示例句子相对应的句子或段落甚至全文。

WAPI for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI. Unlike most AI systems which are designed for one use-case, the API today provides a general-purpose “text in, text out” interface, allowing users to try it on virtually any English language task. You can now request access in order to integrate the API into your product, develop an entirely new application, or help us explore the strengths and limits of this technology.

W API,用于访问由OpenAI开发的新AI模型。 与大多数针对一个用例设计的AI系统不同,如今的API提供了通用的“文本输入,文本输出”界面,使用户几乎可以在任何英语任务中进行尝试。 现在,您可以请求访问权限 ,以将API集成到您的产品中,开发全新的应用程序,或帮助我们探索该技术的优势和局限性。

Given any text prompt, the API will return a text completion, attempting to match the pattern you gave it. You can “program” it by showing it just a few examples of what you’d like it to do; its success generally varies depending on how complex the task is. The API also allows you to hone performance on specific tasks by training on a dataset (small or large) of examples you provide, or by learning from human feedback provided by users or labelers.

在出现任何文本提示的情况下,API都会返回一个文本补全,尝试匹配您给它的模式。 您可以通过显示一些您想要做的事来“编程”它。 它的成功通常取决于任务的复杂程度。 该API还允许您通过对提供的示例的数据集(大小)进行培训,或者从用户或标签提供的人工反馈中学习,从而提高特定任务的性能。

Size aside, what is special about this one? In previous models a model was trained and then fine-tuned for specific tasks, GPT3 has reduced the need to provide specific training data and fine-tuning for specific tasks and can operate in what is known as Few or Single Shot mode, it only needs a sentence or example to create meaningful output.

小号 IZE不谈,有什么特别之处吗? 在以前的模型中,先对模型进行训练,然后针对特定任务进行微调,GPT3减少了为特定任务提供特定训练数据和微调的需求,并且可以在“很少”或“单发”模式下运行,它只需要创建有意义的输出的句子或示例。

By training the model on such a huge dataset this has essentially created a machine that can write human-sounding sentences that often make just as much sense as some you read on various news sites, but the applications are so much wider.


Because it’s trained on the largest body of text in history, it has learned how to do really useful things. Early beta testers have managed to demonstrate the following

由于它是经过历史上最大的文本训练的,因此它学会了如何做真正有用的事情。 早期的Beta测试人员已设法证明以下内容

  • Generate working software components and elementary websites in a number of programming languages.

  • A working search engine that can answer questions

  • Perform basic math on 3 digit numbers

  • Writing Investment Memo’s for VC firms

  • Diagnosing symptoms or answering complex medical questions

  • Pattern matching from sample data in spreadsheets and filling out answers for the next input

  • Grading and correcting papers from students

  • Writing Fiction, Songs, Interviews

  • Answering Support Questions

  • Language Translation


观察结果 (Observations)

For some years 7 years or so I have been an occasional side project experimenter with AI/ML, I like to run experiments to learn. I am a business guy that asks talented AI freelancers to try to build experiments to solve my problems, I'm certainly not capable of coding an AI model (although I have spent a lot of time experimenting with parameters) nor do I do much coding myself. I am technical from a high-level perspective, I can’t write production code but I can tell you what I need you to build to achieve what I want.

在大约7年的时间里,我偶尔是AI / ML的辅助项目实验员,我喜欢进行实验来学习。 我是一名商务人士,要求有才华的AI自由职业者尝试建立实验来解决我的问题,我当然不能编码AI模型(尽管我花了很多时间进行参数试验),我也不做太多编码我。 从高层次的角度来看,我是技术人员,我无法编写生产代码,但是我可以告诉您需要实现什么才能实现自己的目标。

Some of my experiments have included a model that can detect Malaria pathogens in blood cell images, models that can spot defects on roads, a news aggregation and summarisation system, a mobile object detection app that can read out what is in front of you (for vision impaired) and an algo trading app that can run equity trading strategies and backtesting.


My initial observations of GPT3 are as seen through the lens of an investor and technical business guy.


The supercomputer developed for OpenAI is a single system with more than 285,000 CPU cores, 10,000 GPUs and 400 gigabits per second of network connectivity for each GPU server. Microsoft Blog

为OpenAI开发的超级计算机是一个单一系统,每个GPU服务器具有超过285,000个CPU内核,10,000个GPU和每秒400吉比特的网络连接。 微软博客

  • Individual developers and startups, even most large corporations just can’t compete with the moat that this sort of raw compute power provides. The days of developers running these models on their own GPU at home or even on their own instances in the cloud are gone, the model is too large (can you imagine paying the monthly AWS/Azure bill on the V100 GPU enabled servers).

    单个开发人员和初创公司,甚至大多数大型公司都无法与这种原始计算能力所提供的护城河竞争。 开发人员在家里自己的GPU上甚至在云中自己的实例上运行这些模型的日子已经一去不复返了,该模型太大了(您可以想象在启用V100 GPU的服务器上每月支付AWS / Azure账单)。
  • The model is huge, it was trained on 45Tb of compressed data from that is housed in special compressed formats on Amazon Web Services and needs to be processed with specialised data ingestion tools, its a non-trivial technical task to do properly.

    该模型非常庞大,它接受了来自Commoncrawl.org的 45Tb压缩数据的训练,该压缩数据以特殊压缩格式存储在Amazon Web Services上,需要使用专门的数据提取工具进行处理,这是一项正常的技术任务。

  • Interestingly a lot of the code to run Commoncrawl was built by our friend and AI expert Smerity originally from Sydney University.


  • IMO this raw compute power combined with massive AI models probably implies that OpenAI is on its way to being one of the next major tech giants, they have a number of AI-based platforms that can perform many AI tasks that Google, AWS, and Microsoft do now without having to involve Developers and use their APIs, they probably have the resources and scale to build a viable AI competitor.


  • It’s also possible a variant of GPT3 could also emerge as a search competitor to Google.

  • Because of the sheer scale, these platform tools will be owned and operated by OpenAI and exposed as an API for developers to use as a service (most other AI software tools can be installed and run as standalone services).

  • GPT3 won’t work for all use cases but the street will work out how they want to use these capabilities, businesses, and developers will experiment, discard the failures, and enhance the successful experiments.

  • It doesn’t appear to update or learn in real-time, it was reportedly trained in Oct 2019, so it might be able to write about COVID but it appears in its current form it is not going to create real-time updated coverage with fresh facts.

  • As these tools become commonly available it is going to become increasingly difficult to separate fact vs opinion vs fiction. GPT3 has the potential to automate the production of news however there is a real risk that it creates readable interesting stories that are fundamentally fake news. (this is not really much different to humans writing fake news, just probably better written and in far greater volumes)

    随着这些工具变得普遍可用,将事实与观点,虚构分开变得越来越困难。 GPT3具有自动制作新闻的潜力,但是存在真正的风险,即它会创建从根本上讲是假新闻的可读有趣故事。 (这与写虚假新闻的人并没有太大的区别,只是写得更好,数量更多)
  • It makes the role of editor and fact-checker far more important as there the potential for creating disinformation on a massive scale (given so much news is copy-pasted from other news sites, news with interesting but false assertions spreads very quickly).

  • Who/what can you trust? I think it probably also highlights the need for journalists to become celebrities and become known for the quality and authenticity of their work so that their personal brand is able to act as means of authentication for the story.

    您可以信任谁/什么? 我认为这也可能凸显了新闻工作者必须成为名人并以其作品的质量和真实性而闻名,以便他们的个人品牌能够作为故事的鉴证手段。
  • GPT3 doesn’t have its own opinion or character, but it can probably mimic someone else’s

  • Models like GPT3 probably also drive the need for “Explainable AI” to validate the output from AI models.

  • If GPT3 can assemble the code to run basic neural networks, potentially it can improve itself in the future (especially if paired with a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm)

  • While the first few paragraphs of GPT3 generated text may be very readable, some of the examples I have seen start to wander off topic when running extended examples.


摘要 (Summary)

There are many news stories and hype claiming the release of GPT3 heralds the arrival of General Artificial Intelligence. I don’t believe this is true, it’s really not General AI, it has learned to Ape humans very well for a lot of tasks, but it isn’t reasoning and it performs badly on many tasks that humans do easily (see Sam Altman’s, one of the key OpenAI founders comments below).

有许多新闻报道和炒作声称GPT3的发布预示了通用人工智能的到来。 我不相信这是真的,它不是通用人工智能,它已经很好地学习了人类在许多任务上的猿猴,但它不是推理,并且在许多人类容易完成的任务上表现不佳(请参阅Sam Altman的著作) ,以下是OpenAI创始人的主要评论之一)。

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GPT3会取代人类吗? (Is GPT3 going to replace humans?)

Probably some, but not universally. It can probably be tuned to do tasks that don’t require reasoning, design or creativity, repetitive work, where the worker adds very little value, low wage white-collar jobs like writing repetitive legal documents, collecting, collating, transcribing, researching, formatting, assessing, tasks that take significant time but perhaps follow rules or guidelines.

可能有些,但不是普遍的。 可以将其调整为不需要进行推理,设计或创造力的工作,重复性工作,而在重复性工作中,工人几乎没有增加任何价值,从事低工资的白领工作,例如撰写重复性法律文件,收集,整理,转录,研究,格式化,评估需要大量时间但可能遵循规则或准则的任务。

It is difficult to imagine it will take over truly creative or work where the author, their character and the way they write or perform is part of the enjoyment.


实验与范例 (Experiments & Examples)

Screenshots from experiments found on Twitter and the web.


This is brilliant


Generating a basic Neural Network with Pytorch


Generating Graphs from data using plain English commands


This is brilliant, I hope that it's right


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SQL queries from plain English statements


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GPT3上的有趣帖子 (Interesting Posts on GPT3)

The original OpenAI paper


GPT3 an AI that's eerily good at writing almost anything


Giving GPT3 a Turing test


How do you know a human wrote this?


3-minute explainer on why GPT3 is overhyped


Airtable list of GPT3 Experiments


You can sign up for more deep tech news at Main Sequence Ventures

您可以在Main Sequence Ventures上注册以获得更深入的技术新闻

*Answer to my headline


No GPT3 did not write this article. See Betteridges Law of Headlines

没有GPT3没有写这篇文章。 参见 头条新闻

I managed to get access to AI Dungeon one of the apps that has been given early access to GPT3. AI Dungeon is set up to generate stories like an early adventure game so it wants to play a game to give context, it really isnt set up for article writing and some of the commentary that comes back is a bit random

我设法获得了AI Dungeon的应用程序之一,该应用程序已获得了GPT3的早期访问权。 AI Dungeon的设置是为了产生类似于早期冒险游戏的故事,因此它想玩一款游戏来提供背景信息,它实际上并不是为撰写文章而设置的,返回的一些评论有点随机


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