

内容丰富 (Informative)

介绍 (Introduction)

One of the beauties of Artificial Intelligence(AI) is its applicability across industries, and the defence industry has been dramatically impacted by advancement in AI and related areas.


F-16 fighter jets are impressive mechanical beasts traditionally flown with the skills of a human pilot.


But in recent years there have been academic groups and labs that have explored the potential of leveraging AI for two things:


  • Replacing the human component of fighter jets with an embedded AI system.

  • Reducing the footprint of human manoeuvring responsibilities.


This article will explore DARPA’s AlphaDogFights and the considerable role AI is playing within the highly awaited AlphaDogFight that took place between 18th and 20th Aug 2020.

本文将探讨 DARPA的AlphaDogFight 和AI在2020年8月18日至20日发生的备受期待的AlphaDogFight中扮演的重要角色。

什么是DARPA的AlphaDogFight? (What Is The DARPA’s AlphaDogFight?)

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Let’s start with a brief background on DARPA.


DARPA(Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) is a US Department of Defence agency created in 1958.

DARPA(国防高级研究计划局) 是美国国防部于1958年成立的机构。

The agency focuses on the utilization and implementation of advanced technologies for military purposes.


Although the DARPA primarily focuses on military tech, the agency has also impacted several widely used technologies such as networking systems and the internet.


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Dogfight illustration By Weirter, Louis 混战插图由路易斯·维尔特

A ‘dogfight is a battle between two or more fighter aircraft and involves strategical manoeuvring, combat and planning.

缠斗 是两架或两架以上战斗机之间的战斗,涉及战略机动,战斗和计划。

Dogfights were widespread in WW1, and the first scenario that involved combat between two aircraft was in Mexico in 1913.


The DARPA AlphaDogFight is a series of trials that tested the capabilities of AI algorithms executing dogfight manoeuvres, combat and strategies.

DARPA AlphaDogFight 是一系列试验,测试了执行狗斗动作,战斗和策略的AI算法的功能。

These AI algorithms performance were evaluated in a highly sophisticated simulated aerial environment.


The first trial of the series was held last year November and the second took place on January 2020.


Eight teams have taken part in the previous two trials, and the third trial of the series is the final trial that took place this week. The last trial involved each team’s AI agent controlling an F-16 fighter jet in a simulated environment.

八支球队参加了前两次试验,而系列赛的第三次试验是本周进行的最后试验。 最后的试验涉及每个团队的AI代理在模拟环境中控制F-16战斗机。

First, it’s a face-off against other AI algorithms, on the second day, the team’s AI agent then face each other. The final day of the third trial saw a simulated dogfight between the top team’s AI agents and a human-controlled F-16 jet, all in a simulated environment.

首先,这是与其他AI算法的对抗,第二天,团队的AI代理便会面对面。 在第三次试验的最后一天,高层团队的AI特工与人为控制的F-16战斗机之间进行了模拟的混战,所有这些都在模拟环境中进行。

目的 (Purpose)

The AlphaDogFight is held to find methodologies of developing AI systems that can shift the responsibilities of aerial combat and manoeuvring from the human pilot to the AI system.


To achieve this grand aim, there has to be a high level of trust in the developed AI controlling system.


有关AI的更多信息? (More On The AI?)

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Morning Brew on Morning BrewUnsplash Unsplash拍摄

Major industries have transformed through the advent of recent developments in AI.


Over the decade, there’s been a considerable increase in the automation of systems and vehicles, which have all been enabled through the advancement of fields such as deep learning and reinforcement learning.


It’s no surprise that we are currently seeing more efforts to direct the promise of AI towards defensive and military programs.


Let’s dive briefly into how AI is utilized in dogfights.


Most of the team involved in the DARPA AlphaDogFight trials are developing their AI agents by employing a combination of novel machine learning techniques and knowledge-based algorithms at varying levels.

参与DARPA AlphaDogFight试验的大多数团队正在通过结合新颖的机器学习技术和基于知识的算法在不同级别上开发其AI代理。

Although the internal details of the AI system each team within the AlphaDogFight are not made public, we can deduce the techniques that are utilized by referring to research within the areas of using machine learning and neural networks for air combat and simulations.


AI的以下小节涵盖了一些利用的AI技术: (Some AI techniques utilized are encompassed in the following subsections of AI:)

  • Deep Learning


  • Reinforcement Learning


  • Deep Neural Networks


  • Artificial Neural Networks


  • Heuristics based algorithms


空战系统AI的领域可以应用于: (Areas of air combat systems AI can be applied to:)

  • Path Planning


  • Navigation


  • Decision making


  • Evasion


  • Collision detection


  • Tracking and following


Since the early 90s, we’ve seen research that explored the utilization of neural networks for the task of decision making.


In the case of dogfights, there have been efforts that have explored the use of neural networks for fighter jets path prediction in aerial based combat.


In the previous decade, neural networks have been shown to have the capability to learn manoeuvres when equipped with a set of heuristic-based knowledge and expertise.


More recently, deep learning techniques have provided the capability to solve computer vision task such as object detection, object recognition and tracking in a real-time environment, with high accuracy.


AI agent within dogfights can be equipped with deep learning techniques that enable the detection and monitoring of an opponent agent.


Perception within AI agents can be achieved through the utilization of deep learning techniques that can identify and track objects within a stream of pixels from the simulated environment.


Some AI agent can even be equipped with obstacle avoiding procedures if the environment is perceived through methods such as raycasting.


Teams within the DARPA’s AlphaDogfight have built an end to end system for their solution; this means that they have developed not only an AI agent that can fly an F-16, but they’ve also developed the simulation environment the AI-agent is trained and developed, amongst other components.

DARPA的AlphaDogfight团队已经为他们的解决方案构建了一个端到端系统。 这意味着他们不仅开发了可以飞行F-16的AI代理,而且还开发了AI代理经过训练和开发的仿真环境,以及其他组件。

There was a research conducted in 2014 by academics based in the Netherlands. This research explored the utilization of a machine learning technique known as dynamic Scripting for the development of opponent agent behavioural systems within air combat simulation.

2014年,荷兰的学者进行了一项研究 。 这项研究探索了一种称为动态脚本的机器学习技术在空战模拟中用于开发敌方特工行为系统的方法。

Dynamic Scripting(DS) is typically found in gaming environments. DS is derived from reinforcement learning, where agents adaptively navigate through a set of predefined behaviours and rules until a goal is achieved.

动态脚本(DS)通常在游戏环境中找到。 DS是从强化学习中获得的,在强化学习中,代理通过一组预定义的行为和规则自适应地导航,直到实现目标为止。

Within an air combat simulated environment, you could have enemy fighter jets (Computer Generated Forces) that have the goal of evading or shooting down other agents. These enemy fighter jets will traverse through a set of actions and rules that are have assigned weights which enables the AI agents to learn the optimal behaviours within a scenario.

在空战模拟环境中,您可能拥有旨在逃避或击落其他特工的敌方战斗机( 计算机生成的部队 )。 这些敌方战斗机将穿越一组分配有权重的动作和规则,使AI代理能够了解场景中的最佳行为。

Neural networks have proven to be very useful in the development of AI-based systems that can handle the navigation and control systems of aircraft.


A large portion of the capabilities of AI systems developed for the AlphaDogFight will be around manoeuvres. Artificial Neural Networks have been applied to the creation of AI agents that have adaptive manoeuvring capabilities through the utilization of self-organizing neural networks (Self Organizing feature maps).

为AlphaDogFight开发的AI系统的大部分功能将围绕机动性进行。 人工神经网络已被用于通过利用自组织神经网络来创建具有自适应操纵能力的AI代理 (自组织功能图)。

Research conducted by academics Xianbing Zhang et al. showcased the use of Q-networks (derived from Q-learning reinforcement learning algorithm) to optimize the search for manoeuvre decisions within air combat systems.

研究的学者张陷饼等进行。 展示了使用Q网络 (源自Q学习强化学习算法)来优化空战系统内机动决策的搜索。

One of the critical aims of AlphaDogFight is to increase trust in AI-based systems in air combat.


Shifting the responsibilities of decision making in-flight scenarios from the human pilot to an automated intelligent system is one method of developing trust in AI.


A pilot has to make high cognitive decisions when flying F-16 or other jet fighters, and there are some notable benefits in reducing or completely relieving the pilot of decision-making responsibilities.


结论 (Conclusion)

There are significant efforts within the academic and industrial sectors that are exploring the full applicability of AI systems within autonomous flight systems and air combat systems.


Regardless of the outcome of AlphaDogFight, you should be aware of the amount of effort and resources that are directed at developing intelligent AI systems for combat.


There are already some proven methods that depict a future where AI systems can at least handle a significant portion of the roles and decisions that are involved in flight control and air combat systems.


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翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/what-the-future-of-war-could-look-like-ca27162bdcf3






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