边缘融合 边缘计算_可怕的冲击力边缘

边缘融合 边缘计算

To recap the two previous posts exploring this subject, The 2.5 Ways of Career Development, and The Golden Triangle of Work, everything you do falls somewhere on the following triangle.

回顾一下探讨该主题的前两篇文章《职业发展的2.5种方式》《工作的金三角》 ,您所做的一切都落在下面的三角形中。

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Today I want to talk about the space familiar to all software engineers (and likely many others outside the field), the Dreaded Impact-Effort edge. I’m talking about the unenviable position many early-career engineers find themselves in, of doing all the work, and getting none of the credit/recognition/rewards. Of feeling under-appreciated, taken for granted, of feeling like your career’s stalled and you don’t know what to do about it. Of feeling invisible.

今天,我想谈谈所有软件工程师(以及可能在本领域以外的许多其他人)所熟悉的空间,即“恐惧的影响力”优势。 我说的是许多早期职业工程师所处的位置,完成所有工作,却没有得到任何荣誉/认可/奖励,这是令人羡慕的。 感觉被低估,被认为是理所当然的感觉,感觉自己的职业陷入停滞,并且不知道该怎么办。 感觉看不见。

I’ve encountered a lot of folks who’ve felt that way over the years. They tended to concern themselves with high-impact, high-effort work, and didn’t think through how visible that work was to the layers of management above. Then they wondered why they didn’t get the credit they deserved, or didn’t get the promotion they wanted.

多年来,我遇到了很多有这种感觉的人。 他们倾向于对高影响力,高效率的工作感到担忧,并且没有想到该工作对以上管理层的可见性。 然后他们想知道为什么他们没有得到应有的信誉,或者没有得到他们想要的晋升。

Well… if your visibility is poor, what do you expect?


The problem, I think, is our personality. I can’t speak to other professions, but software engineering tends to attract introverts. Geeks. Nerds. We’re more comfortable manipulating computers than people. For many of us, if you locked us into our office with a challenging problem we’d be perfectly happy to spend our existence there, seeing other people only as bits on the screen.

我认为问题在于我们的个性。 我无法与其他专业人士交谈,但是软件工程往往会吸引内向的人。 极客。 书呆子。 我们比人更舒适地操作计算机。 对于我们中的许多人来说,如果您因一个具有挑战性的问题而将我们锁定在我们的办公室中,我们将非常乐意将我们的存在在那里度过,而在屏幕上看到的只是其他人。

Believe me, I understand. I was/am that way too.

相信我,我明白了。 我也是那样的。

There’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re okay with never making Senior/Principal.

没有错。 如果您永不担任高级主任/校长。

The problem is this. At some point in your career, modulo a few notable exceptions, your impact is measured less by how much code you produce, and more by how much you up-level others. And to do that, you kind of have to embrace your inner extravert. You don’t need to become a social butterfly, but you do need to learn how to talk to people effectively, and in a way that leaves you both wanting to ever see each other again.

问题是这样的。 在您职业生涯的某个时刻,除一些值得注意的例外情况以外, 影响的衡量标准更少地取决于您生成的代码量,而更多的取决于您对其他代码的升级程度 。 为此,您必须拥抱内在的外向型。 您不需要成为社交蝴蝶,但是您需要学习如何有效地与人交谈,并且以一种使你们俩都希望再次见面的方式来学习。

This is just about when the shakes start. “But I just want to code. I hate politics, and I hate dealing with people. I’ll have a beer with a colleague no problem, but trying to get them to do something? Convincing them of something?? Teaching them??? No, thank you.”

这就是摇晃开始的时间。 “但是我只想编码。 我讨厌政治,也讨厌与人打交道。 我可以和同事一起喝啤酒,但是想让他们做点什么? 说服他们做些什么? 教他们??? 不,谢谢。”

I’m exaggerating, of course. Human beings are complex, and no one metric can fit any given person. I’ve known plenty of extravert engineers. Most of the ones I’ve met are either Principals, or well on their way there. Because they can naturally project a larger scope of influence than your typical braniac introvert pounding away at their keyboard in the corner, they get the visibility and the rewards.

我很夸张。 人类很复杂,没有任何一项指标能适合任何给定的人。 我认识很多外向型工程师。 我遇到的大多数人要么是校长,要么就在他们那里。 因为与自然的内向型内向者在角落的键盘上敲打相比,他们自然可以发挥更大的影响力,所以他们可以获得可见性和回报。

And please don’t think I’m devaluing lone-ranger braniacs. Most of software engineering as we know it today has been built by their efforts. They’re the (positive) workhorses of any organization, tackling the hard problems, delivering complex features on time and with high quality.

而且请不要以为我在贬低独行侠的狂妄自大。 我们今天所知道的大多数软件工程都是由他们的努力建立的。 它们是任何组织的(积极)主力军,可以解决棘手的问题,并按时提供高质量的复杂功能。

They also tend to fall smack in the middle of the career bell curve — they’re your SDE IIs, your mid-level high performers, limited in upward momentum by their inability to share their hard-learned skills with others.

他们也倾向于在职业生涯曲线的中间跌倒-他们是您的SDE IIs,您的中级高绩效人员,由于无法与他人分享他们的硬汉技能而受到限制。

My mission as a manager is to help them get past that. And to do that, I must give them opportunities for communication, for projecting their influence outward. And I must teach them that visibility is a good thing.

作为经理,我的任务是帮助他们超越这一点。 为此,我必须给他们提供交流的机会,以扩大他们的影响力。 我必须告诉他们,可见度是一件好事。

那个聚光灯燃烧! (That Spotlight Burns!)

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Image by M.T. IIGassier from unsplash.com
MT IIGassier的图片来自unsplash.com

Because most of us are introverts, visibility is anathema. “I don’t want to have to promote myself,” I often hear engineers say. “My accomplishments should stand on their own.” Self-promotion feels icky. This is the exact reverse of the Cynical Career Path. You want to do all of the hard work, and expect the credit to come on its own.

因为我们大多数人都是性格内向的人,所以能见度就是恶心。 “我不想提升自己,”我经常听到工程师说。 “我的成就应该自立。” 自我促销很讨厌。 这与愤世嫉俗的职业道路完全相反。 您想完成所有艰苦的工作,并希望功劳能够自成一体。

It won’t.


At least, most of the time. If you have a great manager they’ll watch out to make sure you get the credit you deserve. But just be aware, you’re making them do your work for you. You’re placing your career entirely in their hands, making yourself wholly dependent on their goodwill. Why would you freely give someone that much power over you?

至少在大多数时候。 如果您有一位出色的经理,他们会注意确保您获得应有的声誉。 但是请注意,您是在让他们为您完成工作。 您将自己的职业完全掌握在他们的手中,使自己完全依赖于他们的善意。 您为什么要自由地给予某人这么大的权力?

One common issue with new engineers is the fear of looking stupid in front of their colleagues. I’ll write a post about that later, but for now just take my word that people don’t think you’re stupid for being wrong. People think you’re stupid only when you persist in being wrong in the face of facts. (Know any politicians like that?)

新工程师经常遇到的一个问题是担心在同事面前显得愚蠢。 稍后,我会写一篇有关该帖子的文章,但现在我要说的是,人们不会认为您因犯错而感到愚蠢。 人们只会在面对事实坚持错误时才认为你是愚蠢的。 (知道这样的政客吗?)

Don’t let fear hold you back. Don’t let your inner introvert hold you back. Sooner or later you’re going to want to advance past SDE II to Senior and beyond, and to do that you’re going to have to come out of your shell. Might as well do it now.

不要让恐惧使你退缩。 不要让你内向的内向阻碍你。 或早或晚,您将需要超越SDE II晋升为高级甚至更高级,并且要做到这一点,您将必须脱颖而出。 现在也可以这样做。

那么我们该如何解决呢? (So how do we fix this?)

As it happens, getting away from the Effort/Impact Edge is quite simple, and it involves exactly what I’d already talked about: passion for what you’re doing, and passion for evangelizing it. Let’s take a couple examples and work through how they can turn from invisible to visible:

碰巧的是,摆脱Effort / Impact Edge很简单,它涉及的正是我已经说过的:对您正在做的事情的热情,以及对它进行宣传的热情。 让我们举几个例子并研究它们如何从不可见变为可见:

情况1:午夜错误(以影响为先) (Situation 1: The Midnight Bug (Impact-first))

You wake up in the middle of the night to an urgent call from your manager. There’s been a critical outage of a dependency service, and the company site is down. As you’re the company’s deployment expert, you’re asked to throw on your bathrobe and go fix it.

您在半夜醒来,接到经理的紧急电话。 依赖项服务严重中断,并且公司站点已关闭。 由于您是公司的部署专家,因此要求您穿好浴袍并进行修理。

You dig into the issue, and figure out the problem is due to a regression introduced in yesterday’s ring promotion. It had actually shown up in the test ring, but the squad involved didn’t get to it in time, and the regression went to production. You spend the next two hours reverting the changes and rebooting the service, and by 3am the site is back up. You go back to sleep, and come to work the next day feeling like you’d been beaten up. Your manager gives you an appreciative nod, but other than that, the matter is closed.

您深入研究问题,并找出问题是由于昨天的促销活动中引入了回归。 它实际上已经出现在测试环中,但是所涉及的小队没有及时到达,并且回归了生产。 您花了接下来的两个小时来还原更改并重新启动服务,到凌晨3点,该站点已备份。 您回去睡觉,第二天上班就好像被殴打一样。 您的经理给您一个点头,但除此之外,此事已经结束。

结果: (Outcome:)

The team is unaware that anything untoward happened. A company-wide email is sent To-All by the CTO asking squads to be more careful in the future. The email is, naturally, ignored. A month later, the same issue happens again.

团队没有意识到任何不良事件的发生。 CTO向全公司发送了一封全公司范围的电子邮件,要求小分队将来要更加小心。 电子邮件自然会被忽略。 一个月后,同样的问题再次发生。

At next annual review, your manager mentions the incident in passing, but doesn’t give you the promotion you were expecting — budget concerns.


替代结果:(具有可见性) (Alternative outcome: (with visibility))

The next morning when you get into work, you draft up a detailed post-mortem email about the incident. Without publicly placing blame, you describe the set of events that led to them, and how they could’ve been prevented. You talk to your manager about what your team can do to prevent such issues in the future, and form a plan of action with the rest of the org. You drive meetings/discussions with the test team and the relevant squad and work with your manager to change the process around ring promotions, making incidents like last night’s extremely unlikely to recur.

第二天早上,当您开始工作时,您起草了有关此事件的详细事后电子邮件。 在不公开谴责的情况下,您将描述导致这些事件的一系列事件以及如何避免这些事件。 您与经理讨论您的团队将来可以采取什么措施来防止此类问题,并与组织的其他成员一起制定行动计划。 您与测试团队和相关小组进行会议/讨论,并与您的经理一起更改环升职的流程,从而使昨晚这样的事件极不可能再次发生。

TBH, I’m not a SaaS expert, so please don’t come after me about what the “right” way to address the issue is. My point here is simply to illustrate how taking actions like the above not only adds a huge amount of business value, but also intrinsically raises your visibility/impact/influence on the team. And, in my experience, this translates to promotions.

TBH,我不是SaaS专家,所以请不要跟我来解决问题的“正确”方法。 我的意思仅仅是说明如何采取上述行动,不仅可以增加大量的业务价值,而且从本质上提高您对团队的可见度/影响力/影响力。 而且,以我的经验,这转化为促销。

情况2:在风车上摇摆(努力第一) (Situation 2: Swinging at Windmills (Effort-first))

After having spent six months on a new team sifting through their horrid codebase you’re ready to explode. Adding a feature feels like sifting through a sea of sewage. There are no style conventions, code is copy/pasted all over the place, and certain 500-line functions could teach spaghetti how to be better spaghetti.

在一个新团队工作了六个月之后,您就可以开始爆炸了。 添加功能就像在污水中筛选。 没有样式约定,代码到处都是复制/粘贴的,某些500行功能可以教意大利面如何成为更好的意大利面。

You’ve tried talking to your manager about the issue, and she agrees that something absolutely has to be done. But weeks and then months go by, and the situation persists.

您尝试过与您的经理讨论此问题,她同意绝对必须做些事情。 但是经过了几周又几个月的时间,这种情况仍然存在。

You start taking matters into your own hands. You spend several evenings cleaning up whitespace / brace placement. You refactor the most awful of the functions/classes you encounter. You rename badly-named variables. A week turns into two. You start looking a bit haggard. Your wife and kids haven’t seen you in days. You start sleeping badly, and your work output begins dropping.

您开始将事情掌握在自己手中。 您花了几个晚上清理空白/支撑位置。 您可以重构遇到的最糟糕的功能/类。 您重命名变量名。 一周变成两周。 您开始看起来有点ha。 你的妻子和孩子几天没见过你了。 您开始严重入睡,工作输出开始下降。

Then, one Thursday evening, you get an angry email from another squad’s EM, your manager on CC, asking why you felt the need to introduce a critical regression into a class that was under their ownership, and demanding that you immediately fix the issue. You quickly see and resolve the problem — a stupid typo, made during one of these evenings when you were particularly tired — but…

然后,在一个星期四晚上,您收到来自另一班级EM(CC的经理)的愤怒电子邮件,询问您为什么觉得有必要将关键回归引入他们所拥有的班级,并要求您立即解决此问题。 您很快就发现并解决了这个问题-一个愚蠢的错字,是在您特别疲倦的其中一个晚上进行的-但是...

结果: (Outcome:)

…the next morning’s conversation with your manager isn’t pleasant. She says you’ve become difficult to direct, that you’re always swinging at windmills, and that you really ought to work on your prioritization skills. Instead of getting the credit you feel you deserve for putting up so much extra time to make the code better for everyone, you get a below-average review/rewards at the next review cycle.

……第二天早上与您的经理的交谈并不愉快。 她说,你已经很难指挥了,你总是在风车旁摇摆,而且你真的应该提高自己的优先排序技能。 您不必花很多时间来使每个人的代码更好,而得到应有的荣誉,而在下一个审阅周期中,您将获得低于平均水平的审阅/奖励。

替代结果:(具有可见性) (Alternative outcome: (with visibility))

After your fruitless conversation with your manager, you decide to try a different route. You talk to a few key developers from sister squads. They agree that, yes, the codebase has gotten unmanageable. You talk to Support, and find out that the number of support incidents has been steadily rising. You talk to PM, and find out they’re frustrated that instead of building new features, several squads are almost exclusively bug-fixing.

与经理毫无结果的交谈后,您决定尝试其他方法。 您与姐妹班的一些关键开发人员进行了交谈。 他们同意,是的,代码库变得难以管理。 您与支持人员交谈,发现支持事件的数量一直在稳定增长。 您与PM交谈,发现他们感到沮丧的是,除了建立新功能之外,几个小组几乎专门解决了错误。

Armed with this information, you put together a Quality Milestone proposal. You describe the business value of reducing technical debt, projected costs of such a milestone (i.e. how many engineer-weeks it would take — a calculation you do in collaboration with senior engineers on the product), and the general approach you expect to be taking. With support from PM and Support teams, as well as key engineering talent and your immediate manager, you present the proposal to your Director.

有了这些信息,您就可以编制质量里程碑提案。 您描述了减少技术债务的商业价值,这样一个里程碑的预计成本(即,需要花费多少工程师周—与您的高级工程师合作对产品进行的计算),以及您期望采用的一般方法。 在项目经理和支持团队的支持下,以及主要的工程人才您的直属经理,您可以将建议提交给总监。

As you can imagine, the next review cycle is going to look quite different. And not just the review cycle — in the process of doing this, you’ve greatly grown your network of advocates on the team. The next time you want to push an initiative, they’ll be that much more likely to line up behind you.

您可以想象,下一个审核周期看起来会完全不同。 不仅是审核周期-在此过程中,您已经极大地扩大了团队中倡导者的网络。 下次您要发起一项倡议时,他们更有可能在您身后排队。

Again, is a Quality Milestone the silver-bullet solution to the underlying issue? Probably not. Don’t focus as much on the specific steps in these examples as on their collaborative nature. Instead of working solo, you involve others. Instead of tackling the issues yourself, you find allies and leverage them to achieve greater effect. And by doing that, you get the visibility and the credit you desire and deserve.

同样,质量里程碑是否是解决潜在问题的解决方案? 可能不是。 不要把这些例子中的具体步骤放在协作性质上 。 与其他人一起工作,而不是单独工作。 您可以找到盟友并利用它们来取得更大的效果,而不是亲自解决问题。 通过这样做,您可以获得期望和应得的知名度和信誉。

I should also note that outcomes are never guaranteed. You might approach a situation collaboratively and be stopped in your tracks by specific personality issues, bureaucratic red tape, or assholes in the management chain.

我还应该指出,结果永远无法保证。 您可能会协作处理某种情况,并因特定的人格问题,官僚主义的繁文tape节或管理链中的混蛋而陷入困境。

Keep trying. Or switch jobs. The alternative, the giving up, is generally worse.

继续尝试。 或切换工作。 放弃的选择通常更糟。

但是我的任务从来没有涉及其他人! (But my tasks never involve others!)



Even the smallest tasks can be collaborative. Or shared. The trick is passion.

即使最小的任务也可以协作。 或共享。 诀窍是激情。

I can’t repeat this enough: if you’re excited about something you’ve done, or found, or read, or whatever, share it with someone! Those little bricks of connection add up to an edifice of respect you can use to achieve greater heights of influence and visibility.

我不能再重复一遍:如果您对自己已完成的工作,发现的东西,阅读的东西感到兴奋,请与他人分享! 那些小小的联系积淀起来可以使人们尊敬自己,从而获得更大的影响力和知名度。

关键要点: (Key takeaway:)

Visibility is a side-effect of collaboration. Tattoo that on your forehead, next to “Nobody cares about your career as much as you do.”

可见性是协作的副作用。 在您的额头上刺青,旁边是“没有人像您一样关心您的职业。”

Visibility can’t be a goal in itself — chasing visibility generally doesn’t work: at best, you lose the respect of your colleagues.


But without visibility, your career will stall.


So, when you’re excited about something, share it. If you see an issue, expose it. Don’t be afraid to speak up, to make your voice heard. When all’s said and done, that’s going to be the key catalyst of your career.

因此,当您对某件事感到兴奋时,请共享它。 如果发现问题,请公开。 不要害怕大声说出来。 总而言之,这将成为您职业生涯的关键催化剂。

您去了,有必要的免责声明 (There you go, and necessary disclaimers)

Thanks to Kurt Heston again for reviewing my scribblings.

再次感谢Kurt Heston审查了我的涂鸦。

As usual, the views above are my own, and aren’t meant to represent Adobe or Microsoft. Feel free to hit me up on Twitter @partnerinflight, comment below, or shoot me an email at partnerinflight@gmail.com

与往常一样,以上观点是我自己的观点,并不代表Adobe或Microsoft。 随时在Twitter @partnerinflight上打我,在下面发表评论,或通过partnerinflight@gmail.com向我发送电子邮件

本系列的其他条目: (Other entries in this series:)

Like what you read? Want to read more? Here’s the complete list of articles so far (in suggested order of reading):

喜欢你读的书吗? 想了解更多吗? 这是到目前为止的文章的完整列表(按建议的阅读顺序):

  1. The 2.5 Paths to Career Development


  2. The Golden Triangle of Work


  3. The Dreaded Impact-Effort Edge


  4. The Somebody Else’s Problem Field


  5. The Career Stage Bullseye


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-dreaded-impact-effort-edge-1fd771459c3f

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