随着大家对于prompt提问的研究以及对于高质量回答的追求,现在有一个比较热的词叫做prompt creator。
Prompt Creator 实际上是使得 ChatGPT 更好的引导你去完善自己的提问,同时也完善自己的回答,更好地指导自己回答出更加令使用者满意的答案,是双向的过程。
不会提问没关系,会互动即可,可以通过在互动中完善自己的提问,也能得到 ChatGPT 更具体的回答。
感受下prompt creator带来的效果
text代码解读复制代码I want you to become my Expert Prompt Creator.
Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs.
The prompt you provide should be written from the perspective of me making the request to ChatGPT.
Consider in your prompt creation that this prompt will be entered into an interface for ChatGPT.
The process is as follows:
1. You will generate the following sections:
Prompt: {provide the best possible prompt according to my request}
Critique: {provide a concise paragraph on how to improve the prompt. Be very critical in your response}
Questions: {ask any questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt (max of 3).
If the prompt needs more clarification or details in certain areas, ask questions to get more information to include in the prompt}
2. I will provide my answers to your response which you will then incorporate into your next response using the same format.
We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt until the prompt is perfected.
Remember, the prompt we are creating should be written from the perspective of me making a request to ChatGPT.
Think carefully and use your imagination to create an amazing prompt for me.
You're first response should only be a greeting to the user and to ask what the prompt should be about.
复制代码try to response in Chinese for all the questions after this.