





  • 先给定一张内容图和一张风格图,然后是输入一张含有随机像素的一张图片。
  • 三张图片经过VGG16网络提取特征图
  • 通过计算两两特征图之间的损失值,对损失值进行优化,可以迭代出一个即含有content image的内容,同时具有style image风格的图片。
    F e a t u r e   m a p = V G G 16 ( s t y l e   i m a g e , c o n t e n t   i m a g e , r a n d o m   i m a g e ) Feature \space map = VGG16(style\space image, content\space image, random \space image) Feature map=VGG16(style image,content image,random image)
    L o s s s t y l e = L s t y l e ( F e a t u r e   m a p s t y l e , F e a t u r e   m a p r a n d o m ) Loss_{style} = L_{style}(Feature \space map_{style}, Feature \space map_{random}) Lossstyle=Lstyle(Feature mapstyle,Feature maprandom)
    L o s s c o n t e n t = L c o n t e n t ( F e a t u r e   m a p c o n t e n t , F e a t u r e   m a p r a n d o m ) Loss_{content} = L_{content}(Feature \space map_{content}, Feature \space map_{random}) Losscontent=Lcontent(Feature mapcontent,Feature maprandom)


  • s t y l e   i m a g e style \space image style image
  • c o n t e n t   i m a g e content \space image content image
  • V G G 16   N e u r a l   N e t W o r k   a n d   I m a g e N e t ′ s   w e i g h t s VGG16 \space Neural \space NetWork \space and \space ImageNet's \space weights VGG16 Neural NetWork and ImageNets weights


  • R a n d o m   i m a g e Random \space image Random image

L o s s t o t a l = L s t y l e ( F e a t u r e   m a p s t y l e , F e a t u r e   m a p r a n d o m ) + L c o n t e n t ( F e a t u r e   m a p c o n t e n t , F e a t u r e   m a p r a n d o m ) Loss_{total} = L_{style}(Feature \space map_{style}, Feature \space map_{random}) + L_{content}(Feature \space map_{content}, Feature \space map_{random}) Losstotal=Lstyle(Feature mapstyle,Feature maprandom)+Lcontent(Feature mapcontent,Feature maprandom)
由于 F e a t u r e   m a p s t y l e Feature \space map_{style} Feature mapstyle F e a t u r e   m a p c o n t e n t Feature \space map_{content} Feature mapcontent都是已知的。可以不用表示出来所以函数可以表示为:
L o s s t o t a l = L s t y l e ( V G G ( R a n d o m   i m a g e ) ) + L c o n t e n t ( V G G ( R a n d o m   i m a g e ) ) Loss_{total} = L_{style}(VGG(Random \space image)) + L_{content}(VGG(Random \space image)) Losstotal=Lstyle(VGG(Random image))+Lcontent(VGG(Random image))
又因为: L s t y l e L_{style} Lstyle L c o n t e n t L_{content} Lcontent都是 R a n d o m   i m a g e Random \space image Random image的函数所以可以修改上述式子为:
L o s s t o t a l = L s t y l e + c o n t e n t ( R a n d o m   i m a g e ) Loss_{total} = L_{style+content}(Random\space image) Losstotal=Lstyle+content(Random image)

L o s s = y − y ^ = A c t i v a t i o n ( w x + b ) − y ^ = f ( w ) \begin{aligned} Loss &= y - \hat{y} \\ &= Activation(wx + b) - \hat{y} \\ &= f(w) \end{aligned} Loss=yy^=Activation(wx+b)y^=f(w)
之前训练的模型,我们会给出数据集(x, y)大多数库函数会根据给定的x和y构建损失,初始化参数w通过迭代修改参数w的值,并保存参数值到模型中,当需要这些修改好的参数的时候直接调用就可以了。
而风格迁移一反常态,通过观察函数 L o s s t o t a l Loss_{total} Losstotal 函数得知‘权重参数’是Random image当输入成了要修改的参数就需要自己构建修改器了。


import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import imsave
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b

from keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, img_to_array
from keras.applications import vgg16
from keras import backend as K

def preprocess_image(img_path, img_size):

    open, resize and format pictures into appropriate tensors
    img = load_img(img_path, target_size=img_size)
    img = img_to_array(img)  # h * w * 3
    img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)  # 1 * h * w * 3
    img = vgg16.preprocess_input(img)  # 对img像素值减去训练图片的平均像素值
    return img  # 1 * h * w * 3

def deprocess_image(x, target_size):

    x = x.reshape((target_size[0], target_size[1], 3))
    # Remove zero-center by mean pixel
    x[:, :, 0] += 103.939
    x[:, :, 1] += 116.779
    x[:, :, 2] += 123.68
    # 'BGR'->'RGB'
    x = x[:, :, ::-1]
    x = np.clip(x, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
    return x

def gram_matrix(x):
    assert K.ndim(x) == 3
    features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
    gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
    return gram

def style_loss(style_features, comb_features, target_size):
    风格损失(style loss)的目的是在生成的图像中保持参考图像的风格
    assert K.ndim(style_features) == 3
    assert K.ndim(comb_features) == 3

    channels = 3
    S = gram_matrix(style_features)
    C = gram_matrix(comb_features)
    size = target_size[0] * target_size[1]  # w * h
    return K.sum(K.square(S - C)) / (4. * pow(channels, 2) * pow(size, 2))

def content_loss(base_features, comb_features):
    ''' 内容损失(content loss)函数 目的是在生成的图像中保持图像的内容
    return K.sum(K.square(comb_features - base_features))

# the 3rd loss function, total variation loss,
# designed to keep the generated image locally coherent

def total_variation_loss(x, size):
    assert K.ndim(x) == 4
    row = size[0] - 1
    col = size[1] - 1
    a = K.square(x[:, :row, :col, :] - x[:, 1:, :col, :])
    b = K.square(x[:, :row, :col, :] - x[:, :row, 1:, :])
    return K.sum(K.pow(a + b, 1.25))

def eval_loss_and_grads(x, size, f_outputs):
    x = x.reshape((1, size[0], size[1], 3))
    outs = f_outputs([x])
    loss_value = outs[0]
    if len(outs[1:]) == 1:
        grad_values = outs[1].flatten().astype('float64')
        grad_values = np.array(outs[1:]).flatten().astype('float64')
    return loss_value, grad_values

class Evaluator(object):
    Evaluator 类从两个不同的程序中分别获得loss损失和gradients梯度,然后统一计算

    def __init__(self, size, f_outputs):
        self.loss_value = None
        self.grads_values = None
        self.size = size
        self.f_outputs = f_outputs

    def loss(self, x):
        assert self.loss_value is None
        loss_value, grad_values = eval_loss_and_grads(
            x, self.size, self.f_outputs)
        self.loss_value = loss_value
        self.grad_values = grad_values
        return self.loss_value

    def grads(self, x):
        assert self.loss_value is not None
        grad_values = np.copy(self.grad_values)
        self.loss_value = None
        self.grad_values = None
        return grad_values

def main():
    base_img_path = "base.jpg"
    style_img_path = "style_img.jpg"
    target_prefix = "target"
    iterations = 10

    # 不同的损失权重
    total_variation_weight = 1.0  # 总变化损失权重
    style_weight = 1.0  # 风格损失权重
    content_weight = 0.025  # 内容损失权重

    # 确定风格转移图的尺寸 norws: h, ncols: w
    img_nrows = 400
    width, height = load_img(base_img_path).size
    img_ncols = int(width * img_nrows / height)
    target_size = (img_nrows, img_ncols)

    # 实例化输入图片为keras的tensor对象 -> shape=(3, h, w, 3)
    base_img = K.variable(preprocess_image(base_img_path, target_size))
    style_img = K.variable(preprocess_image(style_img_path, target_size))

    # 实例化合成的图片为keras的tensor对象 -> shape=(1, h, w, 3)
    comb_img = K.placeholder((1, img_nrows, img_ncols, 3))

    # 把输入的三张图片合并成keras的tensor对象 -> shape=(3, h, w, 3)
    input_tensor = K.concatenate([base_img, style_img, comb_img], axis=0)

    # 建立VGG网络 把base_img, style_img, comb_img 三张图片作为输入
    # 然后载入预先训练好的VGGNet的权重文件
    model = vgg16.VGG16(input_tensor=input_tensor,
                        weights='imagenet', include_top=False)

    for layer in model.layers:
        print("[layer name]: %14s, [Output]: %s" % (layer.name, layer.output))
    print("Model loaded finish")

    # 把VGG网络中的每一层的命名和输出信息放入字典里
    vgg_dict = dict([(layer.name, layer.output) for layer in model.layers])

    # 定义内容损失
    # 把block4 conv2层后的特征作为"内容损失函数"
    loss = K.variable(0.)
    # Relu_8:0 shape=(3, 50, 66, 512)
    layer_features = vgg_dict['block4_conv2']
    base_img_features = layer_features[0, :, :, :]
    comb_features = layer_features[2, :, :, :]
    loss += content_weight * content_loss(base_img_features, comb_features)

    feature_layers = ['block1_conv1', 'block2_conv1', 'block3_conv1',
                      'block4_conv1', 'block5_conv1']

    # 定义风格损失
    # 遍历feature_layers卷积层,把其征作图为"内容损失函数"
    for layer_name in feature_layers:
        layer_features = vgg_dict[layer_name]
        style_features = layer_features[1, :, :, :]
        comb_features = layer_features[2, :, :, :]
        sl = style_loss(style_features, comb_features, target_size)
        loss += (style_weight / len(feature_layers)) * sl  # 0.25

    # 定义总损失
    loss += total_variation_weight * \
        total_variation_loss(comb_img, target_size)

    # 返回loss函数关于comb_img的梯度
    grads = K.gradients(loss, comb_img)

    outputs = [loss]
    outputs += grads
    f_outputs = K.function([comb_img], outputs)  # 实例化一个Keras函数
    evaluator = Evaluator(target_size, f_outputs)

    # 创建一个归一化的(1, h, w, 3)图像
    x = np.random.uniform(0, 255, (1, target_size[0], target_size[1], 3))
    x -= 128.

    # run scipy-based optimization (L-BFGS) over the pixels of the generated image
    # so as to minimize the neural style loss
    for i in range(iterations):
        print('Start iteration', i)
        start_time = time.time()

        cur_loss = evaluator.loss
        cur_grads = evaluator.grads
        # 使用scip的L-BFGS算法计算损失函数最小值
        x, min_val, info = fmin_l_bfgs_b(
            cur_loss, x.flatten(), fprime=cur_grads, maxfun=20)

        end_time = time.time()

        img = deprocess_image(x.copy(), target_size)
        fname = target_prefix + '_%d.png' % i
        imsave(fname, img)
        print('Current loss value:', min_val)
        print('Image saved as', fname)
        print('Iteration %d completed in %ds' % (i, end_time - start_time))

if __name__ == '__main__':


L o s s t o t a l = L s t y l e + c o n t e n t ( R a n d o m   i m a g e ) Loss_{total} = L_{style+content}(Random\space image) Losstotal=Lstyle+content(Random image)

则由于我们已经出了 R a n d o m   I m a g e Random \space Image Random Image之外的任何值所以可以求的梯度。
L o s s t o t a l = L s t y l e + c o n t e n t ( R a n d o m   i m a g e ) Loss_{total} = L_{style+content}(Random\space image) Losstotal=Lstyle+content(Random image)

G r a d i e n t = ∂ L o s s t o t a l ∂ R a n d o m   I m a g e Gradient= \frac{\partial Loss_{total}}{\partial Random\space Image} Gradient=Random ImageLosstotal
G r a d i n e n t , L o s s t o t a l = K . f u n c t i o n ( R a n d o m   I m a g e ) Gradinent, Loss_{total} = K.function(Random \space Image) Gradinent,Losstotal=K.function(Random Image)

Random image = Init()
for iters:
	Loss, Gradient = K.function(Random Image)
	Random image = Random image - Gradent
	print(loss) #


Loss 主要是供我们观察损失函数情况。



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