
1、The aims were to (1) determine the potential of SPM as a source or sink of P throughout the entire river-lake; (2) identify the factors that influence P-buffering ability of SPM; (3) predict how changes in SPM concentration affect P level and Kd by laboratory experiments and modeling; and (4) propose implications of SPM for P cycling during transport from river to lake.

2、The aims of this study were: (1) to assess the biodiversity of bacterial and algal communities (BAC) within epiphytic biofilms; (2) to determine the relative contribution of environmental factors and algal community composition to epiphytic bacterial community variation; and (3) to investigate possible relationships between BAC in epiphytic biofilms.

3、The main objectives of the current study were: (1) to propose a suitable model for the removal of planktivorous fish in Lake Erhai, (2) to assess the effectiveness of fish removal for alleviating cyanobacterial blooms and (3) to provide lake management and decision makers with effective solutions for lake restoration.

4、We aimed to (1) distinguish the response ofambient conditions and sediment N-cycling bacterial community structure and abundance to different abundance and richness of submerged vegetation; (2) to evaluate the relative importance of submerged vegetation characteristics, water quality and sediment properties in determining sediment N-cycling bacterial community composition, diversity and abundance; (3) to unravel the direct and indirect effects of submerged vegetation on sediment Ncycling bacterial communities.

5、Our specific objectives are to 1) measure and compare nutrient uptake kinetics in 12 submerged and seven amphibious plant species in order to determine nutrient uptake capacity (Vmax) and minimum concentrations (Cmin), 2) determine if the relative growth rate (RGR) is related to high Vmax and low Cmin, and 3) quantify changes in nutrient uptake kinetics from summer to late autumn in a subset of the 19 plants in order to assess variation during growth season.

6、the main objectives of the present study were to: (i) explore the antioxidant defense mechanisms, photosynthetic systems, and radial oxygen losses of submerged plants under different concentrations of polyethylene microplastics (PE–MPs) and sulfanilamide (SA); (ii) study the effects of single/combined pollution on microbial community structure and resistant gene abundance; and (iii) assess the impact of the two pollutants on nutrient cycling processes (wate–plant–sediment) in freshwater micro-ecosystems.

7、The specific objectives were to (1) explore the responses of plant growth, photosynthetic system, and oxidative stress of H. verticillate to multiple PFAA pollution; (2) evaluate the removal efficiency of PFAAs in water; (3) excavate the linkage between the perfluoroalkyl chain length and removal rates; and (4) profile the alterations of water chemical properties and shifts of microbial community in water and biofilm under PFAA coexposure. Furthermore, our results might be helpful to understand the mechanisms by which H. verticillate alleviates PFAA stress from enzymology and to clarify the interactions between PFAA removal and submerged macrophyte-microbiota systems.

8、The specific objectives were to (1) evaluate the tolerance of V. natans through the physiological and biochemical responses of V. natans under multiple PFAA contamination scenarios; (2) explore the removal capacity and processes of multiple PFAAs in V. natans-microbiota systems; (3) clarify the relationships between the molecular structures of PFAAs and their removal; and (4) profile the microbial community shifts in water and biofilms.

9、The purpose of this study were shown as follows: 1. Assess the phytoremediation ability by V. natans in different contaminated sediments. 2. Exploring microbial community in sediments (with or without V. natans) and different niches of V. natans. 3. Toward understanding V. natans-microbe partnerships to improve remediation potential for PAH-contaminated sediment. The findings have important implications for rhizoremediation using V. natans and determine whether V. natans presence could improve remediation effectiveness. This study should contribute to setting up novel decontamination strategies based on the rhizosphere and root interior interactions between plants and their microbial associates.

10、The aims of the present study were (a) to investigate the long-term effects of CeO2 NPs on the organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus removal of a SBR; (b) to evaluate the variations of microbial activities and key microbial enzymatic activities related to organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus removal with an increase in CeO2 NPs concentration from 0 to 60 mg/L; (c) to analyze the long-term effects of CeO2 NPs on the richness, diversity and composition of microbial community in the SBR; (d) to compare the biotoxicity of CeO2 NPs to the activated sludge at different CeO2 NPs concentrations
Performance evaluation, microbial enzymatic activity and microbial community of a sequencing batch reactor under long-term exposure to cerium dioxide nanoparticles

11、we aim to (1) examine changes in primary producers and microbial communities under different turbidity stress; (2) recognize key microbes which may expand the turbidity tolerance of primary producers; (3) identify the action path of microbial communities on enhancing turbidity tolerance of primary producers.


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