DDR SDRAM 学习笔记 —— Per DRAM Addressability (PDA)

DDR SDRAM 学习笔记 —— Per DRAM Addressability (PDA)

Per DRAM Addressability (PDA):PDA 顾名思义,即可对单个颗粒进行设定的调节,如 Write leveling, VrefDQ training设定不同的 ODT 值以提高信号完整性

  1. 进入 PDA 模式的准备工作:
    a. Write leveling 使能
    b. RTT_PARK 使能
    c. RTT_NOM 使能
    d. MR3 A4 = 1, PDA 使能
  2. DRAM 通过 DQS 捕捉 DQ0 是否为 0 判断是否成功进入 PDA。
  3. 若成功进入 PDA,则执行先前的 MRS 命令。若 DQ0 为 1,则 MRS 命令被忽略,不执行。
  4. 在 PDA 模式中,只有 MRS 命令允许。
  5. 设定 MR3 A4 = 0 关闭 PDA
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The world of web services has been on a fast track to supernova ever since the architect astronauts spotted another meme to rocket out of pragmatism and into the universe of enterprises. But, thankfully, all is not lost. A renaissance of HTTP appreciation is building and, under the banner of REST, shows a credible alternative to what the merchants of complexity are trying to ram down everyone’s throats; a simple set of principles that every day developers can use to connect applications in a style native to the Web. Table of Contents Foreword........ . . . xi Preface........ . . . xiii 1. The Programmable Web and Its Inhabitants... . . . . . . 1 Kinds of Things on the Programmable Web 4 HTTP: Documents in Envelopes 5 Method Information 8 Scoping Information 11 The Competing Architectures 13 Technologies on the Programmable Web 18 Leftover Terminology 20 2. Writing Web Service Clients..... . . . . 23 Web Services Are Web Sites 23 del.icio.us: The Sample Application 26 Making the Request: HTTP Libraries 29 Processing the Response: XML Parsers 38 JSON Parsers: Handling Serialized Data 44 Clients Made Easy with WADL 47 3. What Makes RESTful Services Different?.... . 49 Introducing the Simple Storage Service 49 Object-Oriented Design of S3 50 Resources 52 HTTP Response Codes 54 An S3 Client 55 Request Signing and Access Control 64 Using the S3 Client Library 70 Clients Made Transparent with ActiveResource 71 Parting Words 77 vii 4. The Resource-Oriented Architecture.... . . . . . 79 Resource-Oriented What Now? 79 What’s a Resource? 81 URIs 81 Addressability 84 Statelessness 86 Representations 91 Links and Connectedness 94 The Uniform Interface 97 That’s It! 105 5. Designing Read-Only Resource-Oriented Services..107 Resource Design 108 Turning Requirements Into Read-Only Resources 109 Figure Out the Data Set 110 Split the Data Set into Resources 112 Name the Resources 117 Design Your Representations 123 Link the Resources to Each Other 135 The HTTP Response 137 Conclusion 140 6. Designing Read/Write Resource-Oriented Services.. . . . . . . 143 User Accounts as Resources 144 Custom Places 157 A Look Back at the Map Service 165 7. A Service Implementation..... . . . . 167 A Social Bookmarking Web Service 167 Figuring Out the Data Set 168 Resource Design 171 Design the Representation(s) Accepted from the Client 183 Design the Representation(s) Served to the Client 184 Connect Resources to Each Other 185 What’s Supposed to Happen? 186 What Might Go Wrong? 187 Controller Code 188 Model Code 205 What Does the Client Need to Know? 209 8. REST and ROA Best Practices..... . . 215 Resource-Oriented Basics 215 viii | Table of Contents The Generic ROA Procedure 216 Addressability 216 State and Statelessness 217 Connectedness 218 The Uniform Interface 218 This Stuff Matters 221 Resource Design 227 URI Design 233 Outgoing Representations 234 Incoming Representations 234 Service Versioning 235 Permanent URIs Versus Readable URIs 236 Standard Features of HTTP 237 Faking PUT and DELETE 251 The Trouble with Cookies 252 Why Should a User Trust the HTTP Client? 253 9. The Building Blocks of Services..... 259 Representation Formats 259 Prepackaged Control Flows 272 Hypermedia Technologies 284 10. The Resource-Oriented Architecture Versus Big Web Services. . . . . . 299 What Problems Are Big Web Services Trying to Solve? 300 SOAP 300 WSDL 304 UDDI 309 Security 310 Reliable Messaging 311 Transactions 312 BPEL, ESB, and SOA 313 Conclusion 314 11. Ajax Applications as REST Clients.... . . . . . . 315 From AJAX to Ajax 315 The Ajax Architecture 316 A del.icio.us Example 317 The Advantages of Ajax 320 The Disadvantages of Ajax 320 REST Goes Better 322 Making the Request 323 Handling the Response 324 JSON 325 Table of Contents | ix Don’t Bogart the Benefits of REST 326 Cross-Browser Issues and Ajax Libraries 327 Subverting the Browser Security Model 331 12. Frameworks for RESTful Services.... . . . . . . 339 Ruby on Rails 339 Restlet 343 Django 354 A. Some Resources for REST and Some RESTful Resources.. . . . 365 Standards and Guides 365 Services You Can Use 367 B. The HTTP Response Code Top 42....371 Three to Seven Status Codes: The Bare Minimum 372 1xx: Meta 373 2xx: Success 374 3xx: Redirection 377 4xx: Client-Side Error 380 5xx: Server-Side Error 387 C. The HTTP Header Top Infinity..... . 389 Standard Headers 390 Nonstandard Headers 404 Index........ . . . . 409


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