






💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

🎉3 参考文献

🌈4 Matlab代码实现

💥1 概述


📚2 运行结果


% Set up the display
[videoReader, videoDisplayHandle, bepPlotters, sensor] = helperCreateFCWDemoDisplay('01_city_c2s_fcw_10s.mp4', 'SensorConfigurationData.mat');

% Read the recorded detections file
[visionObjects, radarObjects, inertialMeasurementUnit, laneReports, ...
    timeStep, numSteps] = readSensorRecordingsFile('01_city_c2s_fcw_10s_sensor.mat');

% An initial ego lane is calculated. If the recorded lane information is
% invalid, define the lane boundaries as straight lines half a lane
% distance on each side of the car
laneWidth = 3.6; % meters
egoLane = struct('left', [0 0 laneWidth/2], 'right', [0 0 -laneWidth/2]);

% Prepare some time variables
time = 0;           % Time since the beginning of the recording
currentStep = 0;    % Current timestep
snapTime = 9.3;     % The time to capture a snapshot of the display

% Initialize the tracker
[tracker, positionSelector, velocitySelector] = setupTracker();

while currentStep < numSteps && ishghandle(videoDisplayHandle)
    % Update scenario counters
    currentStep = currentStep + 1;
    time = time + timeStep;
    % Process the sensor detections as objectDetection inputs to the tracker
    [detections, laneBoundaries, egoLane] = processDetections(...
        visionObjects(currentStep), radarObjects(currentStep), ...
        inertialMeasurementUnit(currentStep), laneReports(currentStep), ...
        egoLane, time);
    % Using the list of objectDetections, return the tracks, updated to time
    confirmedTracks = updateTracks(tracker, detections, time);
    % Find the most important object and calculate the forward collision
    % warning    
    mostImportantObject = findMostImportantObject(confirmedTracks, egoLane, positionSelector, velocitySelector);
    % Update video and birds-eye plot displays
    frame = readFrame(videoReader);     % Read video frame
    helperUpdateFCWDemoDisplay(frame, videoDisplayHandle, bepPlotters, ...
        laneBoundaries, sensor, confirmedTracks, mostImportantObject, positionSelector, ...
        velocitySelector, visionObjects(currentStep), radarObjects(currentStep));
    % Capture a snapshot
    if time >= snapTime && time < snapTime + timeStep
%% Create the Multi-Object Tracker
% The |multiObjectTracker| tracks the objects around the ego vehicle based
% on the object lists reported by the vision and radar sensors. By fusing
% information from both sensors, the probabilty of a false collision
% warning is reduced.
% The |setupTracker| function returns the |multiObjectTracker|. 
% When creating a |multiObjectTracker|, consider the following: 
% # |FilterInitializationFcn|: The likely motion and measurement models.
%   In this case, the objects are expected to have a constant acceleration
%   motion. Although you can configure a linear Kalman filter for this
%   model, |initConstantAccelerationFilter| configures an extended Kalman
%   filter. See the 'Define a Kalman filter' section.
% # |AssignmentThreshold|: How far detections can fall from tracks. 
%   The default value for this parameter is 30. If there are detections
%   that are not assigned to tracks, but should be, increase this value. If
%   there are detections that get assigned to tracks that are too far,
%   decrease this value. This example uses 35.
% # |NumCoastingUpdates|: How many times a track is coasted before deletion.
%   Coasting is a term used for updating the track without an assigned
%   detection (predicting).
%   The default value for this parameter is 5. In this case, the tracker is
%   called 20 times a second and there are two sensors, so there is no need
%   to modify the default.
% # |ConfirmationParameters|: The parameters for confirming a track.
%   A new track is initialized with every unassigned detection. Some of
%   these detections might be false, so all the tracks are initialized as
%   |'Tentative'|. To confirm a track, it has to be detected at least _M_
%   times in _N_ tracker updates. The choice of _M_ and _N_ depends on the
%   visibility of the objects. This example uses the default of 2
%   detections out of 3 updates.
% The outputs of |setupTracker| are:
% * |tracker| - The |multiObjectTracker| that is configured for this case.
% * |positionSelector| - A matrix that specifies which elements of the
%   State vector are the position: |position = positionSelector * State|
% * |velocitySelector| - A matrix that specifies which elements of the 
%   State vector are the velocity: |velocity = velocitySelector * State|
    function [tracker, positionSelector, velocitySelector] = setupTracker()
        tracker = multiObjectTracker(...
            'FilterInitializationFcn', @initConstantAccelerationFilter, ...
            'AssignmentThreshold', 35, 'ConfirmationParameters', [2 3], ...
            'NumCoastingUpdates', 5);
        % The State vector is:
        %   In constant velocity:     State = [x;vx;y;vy]
        %   In constant acceleration: State = [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay]
        % Define which part of the State is the position. For example:
        %   In constant velocity:     [x;y] = [1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0] * State
        %   In constant acceleration: [x;y] = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0] * State
        positionSelector = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0];
        % Define which part of the State is the velocity. For example:
        %   In constant velocity:     [x;y] = [0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1] * State
        %   In constant acceleration: [x;y] = [0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0] * State
        velocitySelector = [0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0];

%% Define a Kalman Filter
% The |multiObjectTracker| defined in the previous section uses the filter
% initialization function defined in this section to create a Kalman filter
% (linear, extended, or unscented). This filter is then used for tracking
% each object around the ego vehicle.
function filter = initConstantAccelerationFilter(detection)
% This function shows how to configure a constant acceleration filter. The
% input is an objectDetection and the output is a tracking filter.
% For clarity, this function shows how to configure a trackingKF,
% trackingEKF, or trackingUKF for constant acceleration.
% Steps for creating a filter:
%   1. Define the motion model and state
%   2. Define the process noise
%   3. Define the measurement model
%   4. Initialize the state vector based on the measurement
%   5. Initialize the state covariance based on the measurement noise
%   6. Create the correct filter

    % Step 1: Define the motion model and state
    % This example uses a constant acceleration model, so:
    STF = @constacc;     % State-transition function, for EKF and UKF
    STFJ = @constaccjac; % State-transition function Jacobian, only for EKF
    % The motion model implies that the state is [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay]
    % You can also use constvel and constveljac to set up a constant
    % velocity model, constturn and constturnjac to set up a constant turn
    % rate model, or write your own models.

    % Step 2: Define the process noise
    dt = 0.05; % Known timestep size
    sigma = 1; % Magnitude of the unknown acceleration change rate
    % The process noise along one dimension
    Q1d = [dt^4/4, dt^3/2, dt^2/2; dt^3/2, dt^2, dt; dt^2/2, dt, 1] * sigma^2;
    Q = blkdiag(Q1d, Q1d); % 2-D process noise

    % Step 3: Define the measurement model    
    MF = @fcwmeas;       % Measurement function, for EKF and UKF
    MJF = @fcwmeasjac;   % Measurement Jacobian function, only for EKF

    % Step 4: Initialize a state vector based on the measurement 
    % The sensors measure [x;vx;y;vy] and the constant acceleration model's
    % state is [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay], so the third and sixth elements of the
    % state vector are initialized to zero.
    state = [detection.Measurement(1); detection.Measurement(2); 0; detection.Measurement(3); detection.Measurement(4); 0];

    % Step 5: Initialize the state covariance based on the measurement
    % noise. The parts of the state that are not directly measured are
    % assigned a large measurement noise value to account for that.
    L = 100; % A large number relative to the measurement noise
    stateCov = blkdiag(detection.MeasurementNoise(1:2,1:2), L, detection.MeasurementNoise(3:4,3:4), L);

    % Step 6: Create the correct filter. 
    % Use 'KF' for trackingKF, 'EKF' for trackingEKF, or 'UKF' for trackingUKF
    FilterType = 'EKF';

    % Creating the filter:
    switch FilterType
        case 'EKF'
            filter = trackingEKF(STF, MF, state,...
                'StateCovariance', stateCov, ...
                'MeasurementNoise', detection.MeasurementNoise(1:4,1:4), ...
                'StateTransitionJacobianFcn', STFJ, ...
                'MeasurementJacobianFcn', MJF, ...
                'ProcessNoise', Q ...            
        case 'UKF'
            filter = trackingUKF(STF, MF, state, ...
                'StateCovariance', stateCov, ...
                'MeasurementNoise', detection.MeasurementNoise(1:4,1:4), ...
                'Alpha', 1e-1, ...            
                'ProcessNoise', Q ...
        case 'KF' % The ConstantAcceleration model is linear and KF can be used                
            % Define the measurement model: measurement = H * state
            % In this case:
            %   measurement = [x;vx;y;vy] = H * [x;vx;ax;y;vy;ay]
            % So, H = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0]
            % Note that ProcessNoise is automatically calculated by the
            % ConstantAcceleration motion model
            H = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0];
            filter = trackingKF('MotionModel', '2D Constant Acceleration', ...
                'MeasurementModel', H, 'State', state, ...
                'MeasurementNoise', detection.MeasurementNoise(1:4,1:4), ...
                'StateCovariance', stateCov);

%%% Process and Format the Detections
% The recorded information must be processed and formatted before it can be
% used by the tracker. This has the following steps:
% # Cleaning the radar detections from unnecessary clutter detections. The
%   radar reports many objects that correspond to fixed objects, which
%   include: guard-rails, the road median, traffic signs, etc. If these
%   detections are used in the tracking, they create false tracks of fixed
%   objects at the edges of the road and therefore must be removed before
%   calling the tracker. Radar objects are considered nonclutter if they
%   are either stationary in front of the car or moving in its vicinity.
% # Formatting the detections as input to the tracker, i.e., an array of
%   <matlab:doc('objectDetection'), objectDetection> elements. See the
%   |processVideo| and |processRadar| supporting functions at the end of
%   this example.
    function [detections,laneBoundaries, egoLane] = processDetections...
            (visionFrame, radarFrame, IMUFrame, laneFrame, egoLane, time)
        % Inputs: 
        %   visionFrame - objects reported by the vision sensor for this time frame
        %   radarFrame  - objects reported by the radar sensor for this time frame
        %   IMUFrame    - inertial measurement unit data for this time frame
        %   laneFrame   - lane reports for this time frame
        %   egoLane     - the estimated ego lane
        %   time        - the time corresponding to the time frame
        % Remove clutter radar objects
        [laneBoundaries, egoLane] = processLanes(laneFrame, egoLane);
        realRadarObjects = findNonClutterRadarObjects(radarFrame.object,...
            radarFrame.numObjects, IMUFrame.velocity, laneBoundaries);        
        % Return an empty list if no objects are reported
        % Counting the total number of object        
        detections = {};
        if (visionFrame.numObjects + numel(realRadarObjects)) == 0
        % Process the remaining radar objects
        detections = processRadar(detections, realRadarObjects, time);    
        % Process video objects
        detections = processVideo(detections, visionFrame, time);
%% Update the Tracker
% To update the tracker, call the |updateTracks| method with the following
% inputs:
% # |tracker| - The |multiObjectTracker| that was configured earlier. See
%   the 'Create the Multi-Object Tracker' section.
% # |detections| - A list of |objectDetection| objects that was created by
%   |processDetections|
% # |time| - The current scenario time. 
% The output from the tracker is a |struct| array of tracks. 

%%% Find the Most Important Object and Issue a Forward Collision Warning
% The most important object (MIO) is defined as the track that is in the
% ego lane and is closest in front of the car, i.e., with the smallest
% positive _x_ value. To lower the probability of false alarms, only
% confirmed tracks are considered.
% Once the MIO is found, the relative speed between the car and MIO is
% calculated. The relative distance and relative speed determine the
% forward collision warning. There are 3 cases of FCW:
% # Safe (green): There is no car in the ego lane (no MIO), the MIO is 
%   moving away from the car, or the distance is maintained constant.
% # Caution (yellow): The MIO is moving closer to the car, but is still at
%   a distance above the FCW distance. FCW distance is calculated using the
%   Euro NCAP AEB Test Protocol. Note that this distance varies with the
%   relative speed between the MIO and the car, and is greater when the
%   closing speed is higher.
% # Warn (red): The MIO is moving closer to the car, and its distance is 
%   less than the FCW distance.
% Euro NCAP AEB Test Protocol defines the following distance calculation:
% $d_{FCW} = 1.2 * v_{rel} + \frac{v_{rel}^2}{2a_{max}}$
% where:
% $d_{FCW}$ is the forward collision warning distance.
% $v_{rel}$ is the relative velocity between the two vehicles.
% $a_{max}$ is the maximum deceleration, defined to be 40% of the gravity
% acceleration.
    function mostImportantObject = findMostImportantObject(confirmedTracks,egoLane,positionSelector,velocitySelector)        
        % Initialize outputs and parameters
        MIO = [];               % By default, there is no MIO
        trackID = [];           % By default, there is no trackID associated with an MIO
        FCW = 3;                % By default, if there is no MIO, then FCW is 'safe'
        threatColor = 'green';  % By default, the threat color is green
        maxX = 1000;  % Far enough forward so that no track is expected to exceed this distance
        gAccel = 9.8; % Constant gravity acceleration, in m/s^2
        maxDeceleration = 0.4 * gAccel; % Euro NCAP AEB definition
        delayTime = 1.2; % Delay time for a driver before starting to break, in seconds
        positions = getTrackPositions(confirmedTracks, positionSelector);
        velocities = getTrackVelocities(confirmedTracks, velocitySelector);
        for i = 1:numel(confirmedTracks)            
            x = positions(i,1);
            y = positions(i,2);
            relSpeed = velocities(i,1); % The relative speed between the cars, along the lane
            if x < maxX && x > 0 % No point checking otherwise
                yleftLane  = polyval(egoLane.left,  x);
                yrightLane = polyval(egoLane.right, x);
                if (yrightLane <= y) && (y <= yleftLane)
                    maxX = x;
                    trackID = i;
                    MIO = confirmedTracks(i).TrackID;
                    if relSpeed < 0 % Relative speed indicates object is getting closer
                        % Calculate expected braking distance according to
                        % Euro NCAP AEB Test Protocol                        
                        d = abs(relSpeed) * delayTime + relSpeed^2 / 2 / maxDeceleration;
                        if x <= d % 'warn'
                            FCW = 1;
                            threatColor = 'red';
                        else % 'caution'
                            FCW = 2;
                            threatColor = 'yellow';
        mostImportantObject = struct('ObjectID', MIO, 'TrackIndex', trackID, 'Warning', FCW, 'ThreatColor', threatColor);

🎉3 参考文献


[1]陈佳. 自动驾驶环境感知中的目标跟踪与轨迹预测研究[D].北京科技大学,2022.DOI:10.26945/d.cnki.gbjku.2022.000276.

[2]杜丽. 面向自动驾驶的场景理解关键技术研究[D].北京邮电大学,2021.DOI:10.26969/d.cnki.gbydu.2021.000085.


🌈4 Matlab代码实现





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