【LaTeX】 案例分析 (3) - Visio in LaTeX


Figure 1:【Visio】 第二次尝试
Figure 2:【Visio】 第四次尝试 - 流程图
Figure 3:【Visio】 第三次尝试 - 电路图
Figure 4:【Visio】 第五次尝试


About Metro.tex


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\title{\Huge \bfseries The brake system of metro vehicles}
\author{\Large Teddy van Jerry}

\chead{ALL RIGHTS RESERVED \copyright \  2020 Teddy van Jerry }



    The brake system of metro vehicles is very complicated.
    Here I choose some of them to share with you
    with the assistance of pictures made by \emph{Visio 2016}.\\

    \section{The relationship between the brake system and other systems}

            \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{Metro 1.pdf}
            \caption{The relationship between metro vehicle brake system and other systems on the train\cite{Metro}}

            \caption{Meanings of abbreviation in Figure \ref{Metro1}}
                {\bfseries Abbreviation} & {\bfseries Meaning} \\
                \hline \hline
                RBX & a kind of local control board of Controller \\
                BCU & Brake Control Unit \\
                CAN & Controller Area Network \\
                TCU & Traction Control Unit \\
                TCMS & Train Control \& Management System \\
                ATO & Automatic Train Operation system \\
                MVB & Multifunction Vehicle Bus \\

        During the manual operation mode,
        the traction or brake demand comes from the master controller,
        while the demand comes from ATO system during ATO mode.

        TCMS will transfer the brake demand from master controller or ATO system
        to traction system and brake system through MVB train BUS,
        and traction system will apply electrical dynamic brake during brake mode,
        and will send the real ED brake force to Gateway Valve.
        Then Gateway Valve will calculate the required brake force
        that shall be compensated by EP brake,
        and will distribute the friction EP brake on
        to relative bogies within the adhesion limitation level.

        The local RBX will execute the pneumatic brake force
        based on the request from Gateway Valve.\cite{Metro}


    \section{The process of fixing the calculation COF value}

            \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{Metro 3.pdf}
            \caption{\centering The process of fixing the calculation COF value for service brake control software and the relationship of emergency brake performance between ASP and BCP\cite{Metro}}

        From the brake force calculation diagram,
        we can see that based on the brake deceleration demand request from master controller or ATO system,
        the train mass calculated from the real ASP value and the relationship,
        the total brake force will be calculated by the Gateway Valve. 

        Electrical dynamic brake force will be applied firstly,
        and feedback the real ED brake force to Gateway Valve through MVB train BUS,
        and then Gateway Valve will calculate the pneumatic brake force to meet the total required brake force.
        After that,
        Gateway Valve will distribute the EP friction brake force onto individual bogies equally under the adhesion limit of each bogie.

        The local brake control will output the brake control pressure to the corresponding bogie mounted friction brake unit
        to realize the friction brake force based on the request from gateway valve through CAN internal BUS.

        For emergency brake,
        the brake force is automatically applied based on local bogie’s load signal (ASP value).

        COF value for service brake and emergency brake application
        and the relationship between ASP to emergency brake cylinder pressure will be verified and fixed during type test. \\

        In figure \ref{Metro3},
        there are three formulas:\\

            \Sigma F_{\rm Bd} = \Sigma M \cdot a_e

            \Sigma F_{\rm B} = \Sigma F_{\rm Bd} - \Sigma F_{\rm BED}

            F_{\rm B} = f(p_c)


    \section{Air dryer unit}

            \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{Metro 2.pdf}
            \caption{Air dryer unit}

        The scheme shows the dual towel air dryer unit testing device and test installation.
        On the right part of the scheme is the test bench,
        which includes DC 24V power supply for the indicating lamps S1 and S2,
        while the left part of the scheme shows the dual towel air dryer unit with two pressure switches,
        when one towel of the air dryer unit is in working status,
        the compressed air within this towel will press the corresponding pressure switch to connect the contacts,
        and the indicating lamp S1 or S2 will be powered on.


    \section{Deceleration brake control system}

            \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{Metro 4.pdf}
            \caption{\centering The process of fixing the calculation COF value for service brake control software and the relationship of emergency brake performance between ASP and BCP\cite{Metro}}

        The diagram shows the configuration of deceleration brake control system.
        Each brake control unit will detect the local deceleration rate through the integrated accelerometer
        within the brake control unit,
        and share the deceleration information onto the CAN internal BUS.
        The CCU within Gateway Valve will collect all deceleration data within the CAN BUS,
        and will calculate the deceleration for whole train’s further control function based on real deceleration. \\


        \ \ \ \ This passage is compiled by \LaTeX.\\

        You can get my \LaTeX \ code and jpg pictures in my CSDN blog:

        Figure \ref{Metro1}:

        Figure \ref{Metro3}:

        Figure \ref{Metro2}:

        Figure \ref{Metro4}:

    \bibliographystyle{unsrt} % setting the cite style



  title   = {New generation brake control technology on metro vehicle with deceleration control function},
  author  = {Jianfei ZHAO},
  year    = {2019},
  month   = {November},
  journal = {Modern Urban Transit},
  volume  = {11},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {39-46}






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