Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: A Survey of Current Trends in Autonomous Driving综述



In this article, we propose a survey of the Simultaneous Localization And Mapping field when considering the recent evolution of autonomous driving. The growing interest regarding self-driving cars has given new directions to localization and mapping techniques. In this survey, we give an overview of the different branches of SLAM before going into the details of specific trends that are of interest when considered with autonomous applications in mind. We first present the limits of classical approaches for autonomous driving and discuss the criteria that are essential for this kind of application. We then review the methods where the identified challenges are tackled. We mostly focus on approaches building and reusing long-term maps in various conditions (weather, season, etc.). We also go through the emerging domain of multi-vehicle SLAM and its link with self-driving cars. We survey the different paradigms of that field (centralized and distributed) and the existing solutions. Finally, we conclude by giving an overview of the various largescale experiments that have been carried out until now and discuss the remaining challenges and future orientations.



Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) has been a hugely popular topic among the mobile robotics community for more than 25 years now. The success of this field is tightly bound to the fact that “solving” the SLAM problem, that is localizing a robot thanks to a map of the surroundings built incrementally, has numerous applications ranging from spatial exploration to autonomous driving. The recent spotlight put on intelligent vehicles has pushed further the research effort with the contribution of car manufacturers. One could think of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) as a solution to this localization problem but it has quickly been showed that it was not sufficient by itself. Even though accuracy limits of classical GNSS solutions are lifted when perfectly positioned base stations are used (Real-Time Kinematic GNSS), availability remains an issue. Satellite signals are affected by atmospheric conditions that are difficult to predict. Moreover, the infrastructure can block the direct reception of signals and generate multipath interference or non-line-of-sight reception which has disastrous consequences on the provided localization. This kind of signal degradation is difficult to detect and usually causes a loss of integrity from which recovering can be tricky. These problems are more common in dense urban areas where tall buildings can mask satellites. On open roads, GNSS’s usually perform better.



Another classic approach to localization is to take advantage of the road infrastructure (road markings or roadway detection) in order to guide a vehicle in a lane. Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) are already integrating lane marking detection in commercialized cars. While this kind of approach mostly constrains the lateral position of a vehicle, it is sufficient for environments where the roadway is easily identifiable such as highways for instance. On the other hand, more complex environments (urban mostly, with intersections, curved roads, etc.) do not always provide enough road information to localize a vehicle. Moreover, the position accuracy needed along the longitudinal axis is more important than in straight, highway-like environments. Anyhow, redundancy is needed in order to build a safe system and ensure a consistent behavior on the road. As such, different localization means should be considered.

In a general manner, localizing a vehicle, be it in a global or a local frame, is an essential functionality to perform any other perception or planification tasks. Predicting the evolution of other obstacles on the road and choosing which maneuver is the most appropriate require to know exactly where the ego-vehicle is located and how it will evolve in the coming seconds. The SLAM framework gives an answer to this problematic while still being general enough to allow the use of any sensor or estimation technique that suits the prerequisite of estimating both the localization of the vehicle and the map at the same time. The map is of prime interest when autonomous driving is considered as a whole as it offers a first level of perception that is needed in order to make appropriate decisions.


一般而言,无论是在全局还是局部系统中,车辆的定位是执行任何其他感知或规划任务的基本功能。预测道路上其他障碍物的演变和选择最合适的机动动作需要准确了解车辆自身的位置以及它在未来几秒内会如何演变。 SLAM框架为这个问题提供了答案,同时仍然具有足够的通用性,允许使用任何传感器或估计技术,以适应同时估算车辆定位和地图的先决条件。当自动驾驶被认为是一个整体时,地图是最重要的,因为它提供了第一级的知觉,以便作出适当的决定。

The SLAM problem is considered as one of the keys towards truly autonomous robots, and as such is an essential aspect of self-driving cars. However, many issues are still preventing the use of SLAM algorithms with vehicles that should be able to drive for hundreds of kilometers in very different conditions. This last statement encompasses the two main problems arising when dealing with SLAM for autonomous vehicles: localization tends to drift over time and maps are not necessarily viable in every driving condition. The former problem is well-known in the SLAM community. The local and incremental positioning estimation that is given by SLAM algorithms tends to diverge from the true trajectory as the traveled distance increases. Without prior knowledge or absolute information, it thus becomes almost impossible to ensure a proper localization for several kilometers. This leads to the second problem, namely having maps that are sufficient for the localization task no matter the conditions. The mapping aspect has gained a lot of attention lately with the objective of providing the necessary information to locate a vehicle in different seasons, weathers or traffic conditions. Many solutions have been envisaged to solve these two problems like building a map with a careful selection of distinctive information with the objective of reusing it later or taking advantage of new communication systems in order to share and enhance the maps built by other road users for instance.

SLAM is a broad field and involves many topics ranging from sensor extraction to state estimation. In this article, we propose a survey focusing on the current trends in the SLAM community regarding the emergence of the autonomous vehicle market. To be clear, throughout this paper, we will refer to SLAM as approaches that are composed of at least an odometry and a mapping module in order to cover all the techniques that are of interest for autonomous driving. We will first give a general introduction to SLAM by reviewing the most commonly used estimation techniques, discuss the different existing benchmarks and data sets and point to the relevant surveys covering aspects that are not reviewed in this article. This will be the object of Section II. Then, Section III will concern the limits of classical methods for autonomous driving and more especially the impact of the drift. The problem will first be stated and we will then focus on the solutions proposed to avoid or correct this drift and on the general reliability of the exploited information. We will end this section by discussing the criteria that should be respected for a SLAM approach to be viable for autonomous driving. Section IV will concern the techniques that tackle some of the challenges of SLAM for autonomous cars, namely building and exploiting long-term maps. A survey of the methods that take advantage of previous knowledge, coming from the SLAM algorithm itself or from another resource (Geographic Information Systems for instance), will be proposed as it is a key aspect to achieve true autonomy for self-driving cars. Section V will give an overview of multi-vehicle SLAM systems. This field offers a solution to both the problems mentioned earlier: constraining drift and enhancing maps. The different design choices of such applications will be exposed and motivated with the related state of the art. Finally, Section VI will expose the large-scale experiments that have been carried out so far with relation to the localization means used. It will serve as a basis to discuss the future orientations and the remaining challenges in Section VII.


The SLAM Problem

Initiated by Smith and Cheeseman [1] in 1986, the SLAM topic got popular during the 1990s with many structuring works like [2] or [3]. Through the years, new methods have appeared using different sensors (camera, laser, radar, etc.), creating new data representations and consequently new types of maps. Similarly, various estimation techniques have emerged inside the SLAM field. A quick panorama has been made 10 years ago in [4] and [5]. Readers looking for an initiation to the global SLAM problem can also refer to [6] and [7] for a comprehensive introduction to the topic and to [8] for an extensive up-to-date review of the current challengesin SLAM.

SLAM问题由Smith和Cheeseman于1986年提出[1],SLAM话题在20世纪90年代受到了许多结构化工作的欢迎,如[2]或[3]。多年来,使用不同传感器(照相机,激光,雷达等)出现了新的方法,创建新的数据表示,从而创建新类型的地图。同样,在SLAM领域内出现了各种估算技术。 10年前[4]和[5]已经做出了快速的全景图。寻找全局SLAM问题的读者也可以参考[6]和[7],他们全面介绍该主题,另外[8]对SLAM当前的挑战进行广泛的最新评论。

SLAM methods require a wide panel of algorithms to ensure the robustness of the provided localization. As such, sensor data extraction, primitive search [9], data association [10] or map storage and updates [11] are part of the topics which concern SLAM as well. However, in this literature review, we will first focus on the main estimation methods that exist before going through the current trends in the autonomous vehicle application field.
The SLAM problem is usually formalized in a probabilistic fashion. The whole objective is to be able to estimate at the same time the state of the vehicle and the map being built. The vehicle state can be defined differently depending on the application: 2D position and orientation, 6D pose, speed, acceleration, etc. We denote xk x k the vehicle pose estimation at the time k k and m the map of the environment. To estimate these variables, it is possible to take advantage of what we call control inputs u k and which represent an estimation of the motion between k1 k − 1 and k k . They usually come from wheel encoders or any sensor able to give a first idea of the displacement. The particularity of SLAM approaches is to take
into consideration measurements coming from sensor readings and denoted z k . They help to build and improve the map and indirectly, to estimate the vehicle pose.


SLAM问题通常以概率方式表示。整体目标是能够同时估算车辆的状态并构建地图。车辆状态可以根据应用不同而定义:2D位置和方向,6D位姿,速度,加速度等。我们使用 xk x k 表示车辆在时间 k k 的位姿, m 表示的环境地图。为了估计这些变量,有可能利用我们称之为控制输入 uk u k ,他可以作为 k1 k − 1 k k 之间的运动的粗略估计。它们通常来自轮子编码器或任何能够首先提供位移的传感器。SLAM方法的特殊性在于采取考虑来自传感器读数的测量结果并记为 z k 。他们帮助建立和改进地图,间接地估计车辆位姿。

The SLAM problem can be formulated in two ways. In the first one, the goal is to estimate the whole trajectory of the vehicle and the map given all the control inputs and all the measurements. A graphical representation can be seen in Figure 1. This problem, known as full SLAM, computes the joint posterior over all the poses and the map based on the entirety of sensor data:

bel(x0:k,m)=p(x0:k,m|z0:k,u0:k) b e l ( x 0 : k , m ) = p ( x 0 : k , m | z 0 : k , u 0 : k )

图1 Graphical representation of the full SLAM problem 全SLAM问题的的图表示
The full SLAM problem can be difficult to handle in real time as the complexity of the problem grows with respect to the number of variables considered. The idea of online SLAM is to estimate the current position of the vehicle, usually based on the last sensor information. A graphical representation is shown in Figure 2. The incremental nature of the problem can be obtained using Bayes’ rule:

The estimation techniques can be separated into two main categories: filter-based approaches and optimization-based methods. The former corresponds to iterative processes that are thus suited to online SLAM and the latter regroups methods performing batch treatments and, as such, are usually applied to solve the full SLAM problem even if this trend has changed during the last ten years.


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