





我们再回到滤波过程基本思想上进行分析,测量和当前状态估计的相对确定性是重要的考虑因素,并且通常在卡尔曼滤波器的增益方面讨论滤波器的响应。卡尔曼增益是给予测量和当前状态估计的相对权重,并且可以“调整”以实现特定性能。利用高增益,滤波器在最近的测量中放置更多的权重,因此更加响应地跟随它们。利用低增益,滤波器更紧密地遵循我们设计的模型预测。在极端情况下,接近1的高增益将导致更多跳跃的估计轨迹,而接近零的低增益将消除噪声但降低响应性。当执行滤波器的实际计算时,状态估计和协方差被编码到矩阵中以处理单组计算中涉及的多个维度。这就允 许在任何过渡模型或协方差中表示不同状态变量(例如位置,速度,角度以及加速度)之间的线性关系。

接下来就从理论逐渐步入实践的阶段。首先由公式开始,卡尔曼滤波器是基于在时域中离散化的线性动态系统。我们主要为了使用卡尔曼滤波器来估计仅给出一系列噪声观测的过程的系统内部状态,必须根据卡尔曼滤波器的框架对过程进行建 模。也就是意味要着指定以下矩阵:






卡尔曼滤波器模型假定在时间 k 处的真实状态是 根据 k-1 处的状态演变而来的,就通过我上面讲的状态方程如下



 B_{k}是控制输入模型,应用于控制向量 u_{k}









\hat{x}_{k|k}  是在时间k的后验状态估计,给出观察直到并包括在时间k

P_{k|k}  后验误差协方差矩阵,它是状态估计的估计精度的度量

我们可以把卡尔曼滤波器写成单个方程,也就是看成迭代的一个轮次。但实际上它通常会被概念化为两个不同的阶段:预测更新,感觉这样更易于理解。预测阶段使用来自先前时间的状态估计来产生当前时间的状态估计。该预测状态估计也称为先验状态估计,因为尽管它是当前时间的状态估计,但它不包括来自当前时间的观测信息。在更新阶段,将当前先验预测与当前观测信息组合以细化状态估计。这种改进的估计被称为后验状态估计。 通常,两个阶段交替,预测推进状态直到下一个预定的观察,并且更新结合观察。但是,这不是必要的; 如果由于某种原因观察结果不可用,则可以跳过更新并执行多个预测步骤。同样地,如果同时可获得多个独立观察,则可以执行多个更新步骤,但这时通常具有不同的观察矩阵H_{k}


   先验状态估计                        \hat{x}_{k|k-1}=F_{k}\hat{x}_{k-1|k-1}+B_{k}u_{k}

   先验误差协方差                    P_{k|k-1}=F_{k}P_{k-1|k-1}F_{k}^{T}+Q_{k}


测量预拟合残差                                       \hat{y}_{k}=z_{k}-H_{k}\hat{x}_{k|k-1}

更新预先拟合残差协方差                       S_{k}=R_{k}+H_{k}P_{k|k-1}H_{k}^{T}

最佳卡尔曼增益                                      H_{k}=P_{k|k-1}H_{k}^{T}S_{k}^{-1}

更新后验状态估计                                 \hat{x}_{k|k}=\hat{x}_{k|k-1}+K_{k}\tilde{y}_{k}

更新后验估计协方差              P_{k|k}=(I-K_{k}H_{k})P_{k|k-1}(I-K_{k}H_{k})^{T}+K_{k}R_{k}K_{k}^{T}

测量后拟合残差                                           \tilde{y}_{k|k}=z_{k}-H_{k}\hat{x}_{k|k}






#ifndef __KALMAN_H
#define __KALMAN_H
#include "math.h"

#define Pi 	3.1415926
#define dt           0.012   //kalman滤波器采样时间
#define R_angle      0.5
#define Q_angle      0.001   
#define Q_gyro       0.003   

static float Angle_x_temp;  
static float Angle_y_temp;  
static float Angle_z_temp;

static float Angle_X_Final; 
static float Angle_Y_Final; 
static float Angle_Z_Final; 

static short aacx, aacy, aacz;		//加速度传感器原始数据
static short gyrox, gyroy, gyroz;	//陀螺仪原始数据

double KalmanFilter(const double ResrcData, double ProcessNiose_Q, double MeasureNoise_R);
void Angle_Calculate(void);
void Kalman_Filter_X(float Accel,float Gyro);
void Kalman_Filter_Y(float Accel,float Gyro);
void Kalman_Filter_Z(float Accel, float Gyro);


#include "Kalman.h"

float Accel_x;	     
float Accel_y;	     
float Accel_z;	     

float Gyro_x;		 
float Gyro_y;            
float Gyro_z;		 

//float Angle_gy;    
//static float Angle_x_temp;  
//static float Angle_y_temp;  
//static float Angle_z_temp;

//static float Angle_X_Final; 
//static float Angle_Y_Final; 
//static float Angle_Z_Final; 

char  C_0 = 1;
float Q_bias_x, Q_bias_y, Q_bias_z;
float Angle_err_x, Angle_err_y, Angle_err_z;
float PCt_0, PCt_1, E;
float K_0, K_1, t_0, t_1;
float Pdot[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
float PP[2][2] = { { 1, 0 },{ 0, 1 } };

double KalmanFilter(const double ResrcData, double ProcessNiose_Q, double MeasureNoise_R)
	double R = MeasureNoise_R;    //测量噪声  R 增大,动态响应变慢,收敛稳定性变好
	double Q = ProcessNiose_Q;    //过程噪声  Q 增大,动态响应变快,收敛稳定性变坏
	static double x_last;
	double x_mid = x_last;
	double x_now;
	static double p_last;
	double p_mid;
	double p_now;
	double kg;    //卡尔曼增益
	x_mid = x_last;           
	p_mid = p_last + Q;      
	kg = p_mid / (p_mid + R); 
	x_now = x_mid + kg*(ResrcData - x_mid);
	p_now = (1 - kg)*p_mid;
	p_last = p_now; 
	x_last = x_now; 
	return x_now;

void Angle_Calculate(void)
	//deg = rad*180/3.14
	float x=0, y=0, z=0;

	Accel_x = aacx; 
	Accel_y = aacy; 
	Accel_z = aacz; 
	Gyro_x = gyrox;  
	Gyro_y = gyroy;  
	Gyro_z = gyroz;  

        //MPU6050初始化设置范围为2g时,灵敏度 16384 LSB/g
	if (Accel_x<32764) x = Accel_x / 16384;
	else              x = 1 - (Accel_x - 49152) / 16384;

	if (Accel_y<32764) y = Accel_y / 16384;
	else              y = 1 - (Accel_y - 49152) / 16384;

	if (Accel_z<32764) z = Accel_z / 16384;
	else              z = (Accel_z - 49152) / 16384;

	Angle_x_temp = (atan2(z , y)) * 180 / Pi;
	Angle_y_temp = (atan2(x , z)) * 180 / Pi;
	Angle_z_temp = (atan2(y , x)) * 180 / Pi;

	if (Accel_y<32764) Angle_y_temp = +Angle_y_temp;
	if (Accel_y>32764) Angle_y_temp = -Angle_y_temp;
	if (Accel_x<32764) Angle_x_temp = +Angle_x_temp;
	if (Accel_x>32764) Angle_x_temp = -Angle_x_temp;
	if (Accel_z<32764) Angle_z_temp = +Angle_z_temp;
	if (Accel_z>32764) Angle_z_temp = -Angle_z_temp;
	if (Gyro_x<32768) Gyro_x = -(Gyro_x / 16.4);    //去除零点偏移,计算角速度值,负号为方向处理 
	if (Gyro_x>32768) Gyro_x = +(65535 - Gyro_x) / 16.4;
	if (Gyro_y<32768) Gyro_y = -(Gyro_y / 16.4);
	if (Gyro_y>32768) Gyro_y = +(65535 - Gyro_y) / 16.4;
	if (Gyro_z<32768) Gyro_z = -(Gyro_z / 16.4);
	if (Gyro_z>32768) Gyro_z = +(65535 - Gyro_z) / 16.4;

	Kalman_Filter_X(Angle_x_temp, Gyro_x);  ;
	Kalman_Filter_Y(Angle_y_temp, Gyro_y);  
	Kalman_Filter_Z(Angle_z_temp, Gyro_z);  

void Kalman_Filter_X(float Accel, float Gyro) 
	Angle_X_Final += (Gyro - Q_bias_x) * dt;    //先验估计

	Pdot[0] = Q_angle - PP[0][1] - PP[1][0];   

	Pdot[1] = -PP[1][1];
	Pdot[2] = -PP[1][1];
	Pdot[3] = Q_gyro;

	PP[0][0] += Pdot[0] * dt;      
	PP[0][1] += Pdot[1] * dt;   
	PP[1][0] += Pdot[2] * dt;
	PP[1][1] += Pdot[3] * dt;
	Angle_err_x = Accel - Angle_X_Final;	

	PCt_0 = C_0 * PP[0][0];
	PCt_1 = C_0 * PP[1][0];

	E = R_angle + C_0 * PCt_0;
	K_0 = PCt_0 / E;
	K_1 = PCt_1 / E;

	t_0 = PCt_0;
	t_1 = C_0 * PP[0][1];
	PP[0][0] -= K_0 * t_0;		 
	PP[0][1] -= K_0 * t_1;
	PP[1][0] -= K_1 * t_0;
	PP[1][1] -= K_1 * t_1;

	Angle_X_Final += K_0 * Angle_err_x;	 
	Q_bias_x += K_1 * Angle_err_x;	 
	Gyro_x = Gyro - Q_bias_x;	 

void Kalman_Filter_Y(float Accel, float Gyro) 		
	Angle_Y_Final += (Gyro - Q_bias_y) * dt; 

	Pdot[0] = Q_angle - PP[0][1] - PP[1][0];  

	Pdot[1] = -PP[1][1];
	Pdot[2] = -PP[1][1];
	Pdot[3] = Q_gyro;

	PP[0][0] += Pdot[0] * dt;    
	PP[0][1] += Pdot[1] * dt;    
	PP[1][0] += Pdot[2] * dt;
	PP[1][1] += Pdot[3] * dt;

	Angle_err_y = Accel - Angle_Y_Final;	

	PCt_0 = C_0 * PP[0][0];
	PCt_1 = C_0 * PP[1][0];

	E = R_angle + C_0 * PCt_0;

	K_0 = PCt_0 / E;
	K_1 = PCt_1 / E;

	t_0 = PCt_0;
	t_1 = C_0 * PP[0][1];

	PP[0][0] -= K_0 * t_0;		 
	PP[0][1] -= K_0 * t_1;
	PP[1][0] -= K_1 * t_0;
	PP[1][1] -= K_1 * t_1;

	Angle_Y_Final += K_0 * Angle_err_y;	 
	Q_bias_y += K_1 * Angle_err_y;	 
	Gyro_y = Gyro - Q_bias_y;	 

void Kalman_Filter_Z(float Accel, float Gyro) 
	Angle_Z_Final += (Gyro - Q_bias_z) * dt; 

	Pdot[0] = Q_angle - PP[0][1] - PP[1][0]; 

	Pdot[1] = -PP[1][1];
	Pdot[2] = -PP[1][1];
	Pdot[3] = Q_gyro;

	PP[0][0] += Pdot[0] * dt;   
	PP[0][1] += Pdot[1] * dt;    
	PP[1][0] += Pdot[2] * dt;
	PP[1][1] += Pdot[3] * dt;

	Angle_err_z = Accel - Angle_Z_Final;	

	PCt_0 = C_0 * PP[0][0];
	PCt_1 = C_0 * PP[1][0];

	E = R_angle + C_0 * PCt_0;

	K_0 = PCt_0 / E;
	K_1 = PCt_1 / E;

	t_0 = PCt_0;
	t_1 = C_0 * PP[0][1];

	PP[0][0] -= K_0 * t_0;		 
	PP[0][1] -= K_0 * t_1;
	PP[1][0] -= K_1 * t_0;
	PP[1][1] -= K_1 * t_1;

	Angle_Z_Final += K_0 * Angle_err_z;	 
	Q_bias_z += K_1 * Angle_err_z;	 
	Gyro_z = Gyro - Q_bias_z;	 


% Process noise variance
Q = 0.001;

% Measurement noise variance
R = 0.02;

% Q and R estimation procedure
% 1. Specify a lookback window and EWMALength
EWMALength = 15;
lookbackWindow = 30;
% 2. Set use true variance flag to 'true' to reveal actual values to KF
UseTrueVariances = 'true';

% Number of iterations  
N = 500;

% State variable initializations
% True State
x = zeros(1,N);

% Apriori state estimates
x_apriori = zeros(1,N);

% Aposteriori state estimates
x_aposteriori = zeros(1,N);

% Apriori error covariance estimates
P_apriori = zeros(1,N);

% Aposteriori error covariance estimates
P_aposteriori = zeros(1,N);

% Measurements
z = zeros(1,N);

% Smoothed measurements
smoothed_z = zeros(1,N);

% Kalman Gain
K = zeros(1,N);

% Initializations
% True initial state
x(1) = rand;

% EWMA lambda value
lambda = 1-2/(EWMALength+1);

% First measurement
z(1) = x(1) + sqrt(Q)*randn;

% First smoothed measurement
smoothed_z(1) = z(1);

% Initial aposteriori state estimate
x_aposteriori(1:lookbackWindow) = .5;

% Initial aposteriori error covariance estimate
P_aposteriori(1:lookbackWindow) = 1;

% Perform Kalman filtering
for i = 2:N
    % Update true state
    x(i) = x(i-1) + sqrt(Q)*randn;

    % Update measurements
    z(i) = x(i) + sqrt(R)*randn;

    % Update smoothed measurement
    smoothed_z(i) = lambda * smoothed_z(i-1) + (1-lambda)*z(i);
    % Wait until lookback window is primed before applying Kalman filter
    if (i >= lookbackWindow)
        % Estimate noise/process covariance
        if strcmpi(UseTrueVariances,'true')
            Ri = R;
            Qi = Q;
            [Ri Qi] = StandardCovEst(z,smoothed_z,i,lookbackWindow);
        % Update Kalman filter
        [x_aposteriori(i) P_aposteriori(i)] = KalmanFilterIteration(z(i),Qi,Ri,x_aposteriori(i-1), P_aposteriori(i-1));

% Plot Results
% Plot true state
b = plot(2:N,x(2:N),'b');
hold on
% Plot estimates
r = plot(lookbackWindow:N,x_aposteriori(lookbackWindow:N),'r');
% Plot measurements
g = plot(2:N,z(2:N),'g+');
title(['Kalman Filtering: Tracking a White Noise Process with Q = ' num2str(Q) ', R = ' num2str(R)]);
legend([b r g],'True Value','KF Estimate','Measurements');
grid on
function [x_aposteriori P_aposteriori] = KalmanFilterIteration(z,Q,R,x_aposteriori_last,P_aposteriori_last)
% Performs one iteration of the standard Kalman filter update equations
% Note: this function is used ONLY by KalmanFilterDemo.m

% Update apriori estimate
x_apriori = x_aposteriori_last;

% Update apriori error covariance estimate
P_apriori = P_aposteriori_last + Q;

% Update Kalman gain
% Note: backslash denotes right matrix inversion in MATLAB
K = P_apriori / (P_apriori + R);

% Update aposteriori state estimate
x_aposteriori = x_apriori + K * (z - x_apriori);

% Update aposteriori error covariance estimate
P_aposteriori = (eye(length(x_aposteriori)) - K) * P_apriori;
function [R Q] = StandardCovEst(z,smoothed_z,i,N)
% Estimates the process covariance (Q) and noise covariance (R) of the data
% (z) at the current index (i) over a lookback window (N) using the
% smoothed data (smoothed_z) as a surrogate for the true process states.

DIM = size(z,1);

R = zeros(DIM);
Q = zeros(DIM);

if (DIM == 1)
    z = z(i-(N-1):i);
    smoothed_z = smoothed_z(i-(N-1):i);
    diffs = z - smoothed_z;

    mean1 = mean(smoothed_z);
    mean2 = mean(diffs);
    Q = sum((smoothed_z-mean1).^2) / (N-1);
    R = sum((diffs-mean2).^2) / (N-1);
    z = z(:,i-(N-1):i);
    smoothed_z = smoothed_z(:,i-(N-1):i);
    diffs = z - smoothed_z;

    for i = 1:DIM
        mean1i = mean(smoothed_z(i,:));
        mean2i = mean(diffs(i,:));
        for j = 1:DIM
            mean1j = mean(smoothed_z(j,:));
            Q(i,j) = sum((smoothed_z(i,:)-mean1i).*(smoothed_z(j,:)-mean1j))/(N-1);

            mean2j = mean(diffs(j,:));
            R(i,j) = sum((diffs(i,:)-mean2i).*(diffs(j,:)-mean2j))/(N-1);
function [R Q] = EWMACovEst(z,smoothed_z,i,N,Rold,Qold)
% Updates the process covariance (Q) and noise covariance (R) estimates of
% the data (z) at the current index (i) with memory length (N) using an
% exponentially weighted averaging of the current covariances and the
% previous process covariance (Qold) and noise covariance (Rold) estimates.
% The smoothed version (smoothed_z) of the data is used as a surrogate for
% the true process states.

if (i == (2*N-1))
    [R Q] = StandardCovEst(z,smoothed_z,i,N);
    DIM = size(z,1);
    lambda = 1-2/(N+1);

    if (DIM == 1)
        Qnew = smoothed_z(i) - mean(smoothed_z((i-(N-1)):i));
        Rnew = z(i) - smoothed_z(i);
        Qnew = smoothed_z(:,i) - mean(smoothed_z(:,(i-(N-1)):i),2);
        Rnew = z(:,i) - smoothed_z(:,i);

    Q = (1 - lambda) * (Qnew * Qnew') + lambda * Qold;
    R = (1 - lambda) * (Rnew * Rnew') + lambda * Rold;



function [x_kf varargout] = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,varargin)
% Syntax:       x_kf = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N);
%               x_kf = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,'EWMA');
%               x_kf = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N,'EWMA');
%               x_kf = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N,'UWMA');
%               [x_kf KF] = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N);
%               [x_kf KF] = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,'EWMA');
%               [x_kf KF] = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N,'EWMA');
%               [x_kf KF] = SquareRootKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N,'UWMA');
% Inputs:       z is an m x n matrix containing n samples of an
%               m-dimensional signal
%               MAlen is the length of the moving average to apply to z
%               (used during covariance estimation)
%               N is the length of the lookback window to use during
%               covariance estimation. When N is specified and nargin == 3,
%               this function applies an exponentially weighted moving
%               average (with memory N) during covariance estimation
%               When nargin == 3, 'EWMA' instructs this function to use
%               exponentially weighted (recursive) covariance estimation
%               When nargin == 4, 'EWMA' instructs this function to apply
%               an exponentially weighted moving average with (memory N) to
%               z during covariance estimation. Alternatively, 'UWMA'
%               applies an unweighted moving average of length N to z
% Outputs:      x_kf is an m x n matrix containing the Kalman filter
%               "true state" estimate derived from noisy measurements z.
%               KF is a struct containing the following fields:
%               KF.x_pr - Apriori state estimates
%               KF.UP_pr - Apriori error covariance estimates (U)
%               KF.DP_pr - Apriori error covariance estimates (D)
%               KF.UP_po - Aposteriori error covariance estimates (U)
%               KF.DP_po - Aposteriori error covariance estimates (D)
%               KF.Q - Process covariance estimates
%               KF.UQ - Process covariance estimates (U)
%               KF.DQ - Process covariance estimates (D)
%               KF.R - Process covariance estimates
%               KF.UR - Process covariance estimates (U)
%               KF.DR - Noise covariance estimates (D)
% Description:  This function performs square root Kalman filtering on
%               noisy input data z. The assumed system model is that the
%               noisy measurements (z) = the true state (x) + white noise.
%               This function estimates the process/noise covariances of
%               the input data at each iteration using a smoothed version
%               of z as a surrogate for the true process state.
%               NOTE: This square root implementation of the Kalman filter
%               produces the same output as StandardKalmanFilter(), except
%               when the noisy measurements are poorly-conditioned, in
%               which case SquareRootKalmanFilter() prodcues a MORE
%               NUMERICALLY STABLE output (at the cost of greater
%               computational complexity.)
%               NOTE: "Square root" refers to the fact that, instead of
%               computing the error covariance P at each iteration, this
%               function computes U and D such that [U D] = myUD(P). This
%               strategy is known to be more numerically stable.

% Parse user inputs
if (nargin == 3)
    if ~ischar(varargin{1})
        N = varargin{1};
        MAType = 'EWMA';
        CovMethod = 'Standard';
        N = MAlen;
        MAType = 'EWMA';
        CovMethod = 'EWMA';
elseif (nargin == 4)
    N = varargin{1};
    MAType = varargin{2};
    CovMethod = 'Standard';
    error('Input syntax error. Type ''help SquareRootKalmanFilter'' for assistance.');

% State variable initializations
% Data dimension
DIM = size(z,1);

% Number of iterations
n = size(z,2);

% Apriori state estimates
x_apriori = zeros(DIM,n);

% Aposteriori state estimates
x_aposteriori = zeros(DIM,n);

% Apriori error covariance estimates
UP_apriori = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);
DP_apriori = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% Aposteriori error covariance estimates
UP_aposteriori = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);
DP_aposteriori = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% Process variance estimates
Q = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);
UQ = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);
DQ = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% Measurement variance estimates
R = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);
UR = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);
DR = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% More initializations
% MA smoothed measurements
eval(['smoothed_z = ' MAType '(z,MAlen);']);

% Simulation start index
startIndex = N + MAlen - 1;

% Initial aposteriori state estimate
x_aposteriori(:,startIndex-1) = smoothed_z(:,startIndex-1); %#ok

% Initial aposteriori error covariance estimate
UP_aposteriori(:,:,startIndex-1) = eye(DIM);
DP_aposteriori(:,:,startIndex-1) = eye(DIM);

% Now perform square root Kalman filtering
for i = startIndex:n
    % Estimate noise/process covariance
    if strcmpi(CovMethod,'Standard')
        [R(:,:,i) Q(:,:,i)] = StandardCovEst(z,smoothed_z,i,N);
        [R(:,:,i) Q(:,:,i)] = EWMACovEst(z,smoothed_z,i,N,R(:,:,i-1),Q(:,:,i-1));
        % Update UD decompositions
        [UQ(:,:,i) DQ(:,:,i)] = myUD(Q(:,:,i));
        [UR(:,:,i) DR(:,:,i)] = myUD(R(:,:,i));
        % Time update
        [x_apriori(:,i) UP_apriori(:,:,i) DP_apriori(:,:,i)] = thornton(x_aposteriori(:,i-1),UP_aposteriori(:,:,i-1),DP_aposteriori(:,:,i-1),UQ(:,:,i),DQ(:,:,i));
        % Decorrelate measurements
        z_ind = myUnitTriSysSol(UR(:,:,i),z(:,i),'upper');
        H_ind = myUnitTriSysSol(UR(:,:,i),eye(DIM),'upper');

        % Measurement Update
        x_aposteriori(:,i) = x_apriori(:,i);
        UP_aposteriori(:,:,i) = UP_apriori(:,:,i);
        DP_aposteriori(:,:,i) = DP_apriori(:,:,i);
        for j = 1:DIM
            [x_aposteriori(:,i) UP_aposteriori(:,:,i) DP_aposteriori(:,:,i)] = bierman(z_ind(j),DR(j,j,i),H_ind(j,:),x_aposteriori(:,i),UP_aposteriori(:,:,i),DP_aposteriori(:,:,i));
    catch e
        x_aposteriori(:,i) = z(:,i);
        UP_aposteriori(:,:,i)  = eye(DIM);
        DP_aposteriori(:,:,i) = eye(DIM);

% Return user requested data
x_kf = x_aposteriori;
if (nargout == 2)
    varargout{1} = struct('x_pr',x_apriori, ...
                          'UP_pr',UP_apriori, ...
                          'DP_pr',DP_apriori, ...
                          'UP_po',UP_aposteriori, ...
                          'DP_po',DP_aposteriori, ...
                          'Q',Q, ...
                          'UQ',UQ, ...
                          'DQ',DQ, ...
                          'R',R, ...
                          'UR',UR, ...
function [x_kf varargout] = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,varargin)
% Syntax:       x_kf = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N);
%               x_kf = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,'EWMA');
%               x_kf = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N,'EWMA');
%               x_kf = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N,'UWMA');
%               [x_kf KF] = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N);
%               [x_kf KF] = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,'EWMA');
%               [x_kf KF] = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N,'EWMA');
%               [x_kf KF] = StandardKalmanFilter(z,MAlen,N,'UWMA');
% Inputs:       z is an m x n matrix containing n samples of an
%               m-dimensional signal
%               MAlen is the length of the moving average to apply to z
%               (used during covariance estimation)
%               N is the length of the lookback window to use during
%               covariance estimation. When N is specified and nargin == 3,
%               this function applies an exponentially weighted moving
%               average (with memory N) during covariance estimation
%               When nargin == 3, 'EWMA' instructs this function to use
%               exponentially weighted (recursive) covariance estimation
%               When nargin == 4, 'EWMA' instructs this function to apply
%               an exponentially weighted moving average with (memory N) to
%               z during covariance estimation. Alternatively, 'UWMA'
%               applies an unweighted moving average of length N to z
% Outputs:      x_kf is an m x n matrix containing the Kalman filter
%               "true state" estimate derived from noisy measurements z.
%               KF is a struct containing the following fields:
%               KF.x_pr - Apriori state estimates
%               KF.P_pr - Apriori error covariance estimates
%               KF.P_po - Aposteriori error covariance estimates
%               KF.K - Kalman gains
%               KF.Q - Process covariance estimates
%               KF.R - Noise covariance estimates
% Description:  This function performs standard Kalman filtering on noisy
%               input data z. The assumed system model is that the noisy
%               measurements (z) = the true state (x) + white noise. This
%               function estimates the process/noise covariances of the
%               input data at each iteration using a smoothed version of z
%               as a surrogate for the true process state.

% Parse user inputs
if (nargin == 3)
    if ~ischar(varargin{1})
        N = varargin{1};
        MAType = 'EWMA';
        CovMethod = 'Standard';
        N = MAlen;
        MAType = 'EWMA';
        CovMethod = 'EWMA';
elseif (nargin == 4)
    N = varargin{1};
    MAType = varargin{2};
    CovMethod = 'Standard';
    error('Input syntax error. Type ''help StandardKalmanFilter'' for assistance.');

% Kalman gain computation method
KalmanGainMethod = 'pinv'; % 'pinv' or 'UD'

% State variable initializations
% Data dimension
DIM = size(z,1);

% Number of iterations
n = size(z,2);

% Apriori state estimates
x_apriori = zeros(DIM,n);

% Aposteriori state estimates
x_aposteriori = zeros(DIM,n);

% Apriori error covariance estimates
P_apriori = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% Aposteriori error covariance estimates
P_aposteriori = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% Kalman Gain
K = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% Process variance estimates
Q = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% Measurement variance estimates
R = zeros(DIM,DIM,n);

% More initializations
% MA smoothed measurements
eval(['smoothed_z = ' MAType '(z,MAlen);']);

% Simulation start index
startIndex = N + MAlen - 1;

% Initial aposteriori state estimate
x_aposteriori(:,startIndex-1) = smoothed_z(:,startIndex-1); %#ok

% Initial aposteriori error covariance estimate
P_aposteriori(:,:,startIndex-1) = eye(DIM);

% Now perform Kalman filtering
for i = startIndex:n
    % Update apriori estimate
    x_apriori(:,i) = x_aposteriori(:,i-1);

    % Estimate noise/process covariance
    if strcmpi(CovMethod,'Standard')
        [R(:,:,i) Q(:,:,i)] = StandardCovEst(z,smoothed_z,i,N);
        [R(:,:,i) Q(:,:,i)] = EWMACovEst(z,smoothed_z,i,N,R(:,:,i-1),Q(:,:,i-1));
    % Update apriori error covariance estimate
    P_apriori(:,:,i) = P_aposteriori(:,:,i-1) + Q(:,:,i);

    % Compute Kalman Gain
    if strcmpi(KalmanGainMethod,'pinv')
        % PInv method
        [inv isSingular] = myPInv(P_apriori(:,:,i) + R(:,:,i));
        K(:,:,i) = P_apriori(:,:,i) * inv;
        % UD method
        [K(:,:,i) isSingular] = KalmanGainCalc(P_apriori(:,:,i),R(:,:,i));
    % Measurement Update
    if sum(sum(isnan(K(:,:,i)))) || strcmpi(isSingular,'true')
        x_aposteriori(:,i) = z(:,i);
        P_aposteriori(:,:,i) = eye(DIM);
        % Update aposteriori state estimate
        x_aposteriori(:,i) = x_apriori(:,i) + K(:,:,i) * (z(:,i) - x_apriori(:,i));

        % Update aposteriori error covariance estimate
        P_aposteriori(:,:,i) = (eye(DIM) - K(:,:,i)) * P_apriori(:,:,i);

% Return user requested data
x_kf = x_aposteriori;
if (nargout == 2)
    varargout{1} = struct('x_pr',x_apriori, ...
                          'P_pr',P_apriori, ...
                          'P_po',P_aposteriori, ...
                          'K',K, ...
                          'Q',Q, ...


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