PREP 语法笔记 8

(A) due to…原因状语修饰主句,修饰对象错误。

(B) researchers have determined位置错误,产生修饰歧义;现在分词结构making…有修饰

researchers have determined的歧义。

(C) researchers have determined位置错误,产生修饰歧义;which不能指代句子;more… compared


(D) 现在分词making…修饰对象不清楚;many more timesmore多余。

(E)  正确,determine后跟并列的宾语从句,many times more … than…比较结构表达准确。


166. (33939-!-item-!-188;#058&007191)


Shrinking faster than any other nation's, the projected decline of Japan's population is 17 percent

during the next half century.


(A) Shrinking faster than any other nation's, the projected decline of Japan's population is

(B) Shrinking faster than any other nation, Japan's population has a projected decline of

(C) The population of Japan is shrinking faster than that of any other nation and is projected to

decline by

(D) The Japanese population is shrinking faster than any other nation, and it has a projected

decline at

(E) Japan's population is shrinking faster than that of any other nation, with a projected decline at


句子结构:The population of … is shrinking faster than that of… and is projected to…

主语是population,并列谓语为is shrinking and is projected to



1)        比较,不同范围的相同比较对象对比时,第二个要用代词指代,缺少代词会导致比较对象不对等。

2) 简洁有效,动词比形容词和名词更能清晰有效地表达原句意思。


(A) 现在分词结构在句首修饰主句主语decline,不符合逻辑。

(B) populationany other nation比较对象不对等。

(C)  正确,that指代population,两国的population对比,is shrinking… and is projected…并列谓语。

(D) populationany other nation比较对象不对等;has a projected decline表达罗嗦,动词project


(E)  名词a decline at…不如动词decline by…表达的含义清晰。


167. (34081-!-item-!-188;#058&007212)


It is possible that, like the Volkswagen, whose unchanging exterior over decades concealed many

changes in its internal machinery, the evolution of many prehistoric microbes occurred with no

significant modification to their sheaths.


(A) the evolution of many prehistoric microbes occurred with no significant modification to their


(B) the evolution of many prehistoric microbes was occurring without significant modification of their


(C) no significant modification was made to the sheaths of many prehistoric microbes as they were


(D) the sheaths of many prehistoric microbes went without significant modification during their


(E) many prehistoric microbes evolved without significant modification of their sheaths



句子结构:It is possible that, like…, whose…, many prehistoric microbes…   比较结构。



1      比较-likelike 连接比较对象要对等,同类事物。


(A) the Volkswagenevolution比较对象不对等。

(B) the Volkswagenevolution比较对象不对等;was occurring时态错误。

(C) the Volkswagenmodification比较对象不对等;被动语态表达不清晰。

(D) the Volkswagensheaths比较对象不对等;the sheaths went…during…表达不清晰。

(E) like比较结构,the Volkswagenmicrobes对比。


168. (34127-!-item-!-188;#058&007222)


An international team of astronomers working at telescopes in the Canary Islands and Spain has

detected at least 18 huge gas spheres estimated to have 5 to 15 times the mass of Jupiter, the

solar system's largest planet.


(A) astronomers working at telescopes in the Canary Islands and Spain has detected at least 18

huge gas spheres estimated to have 5 to 15 times the mass of Jupiter

(B) astronomers working at telescopes in the Canary Islands and Spain has detected at least 18

huge gas spheres that are at an estimated 5 to 15 times Jupiter's mass

(C) astronomers is working at telescopes in the Canary Islands and Spain, having detected at least

18 huge gas spheres that are estimated at 5 to 15 times the mass of Jupiter

(D) astronomers, working at telescopes in the Canary Islands and Spain, and has detected at least

18 huge gas spheres estimated at 5 to 15 times the mass of Jupiter

(E) astronomers, working at telescopes in the Canary Islands and Spain, has detected at least 18

huge gas spheres they have estimated as being 5 to 15 times Jupiter's mass


句子结构:An international team of… has detected… shperes estimated…

主语是team,由现在分词定语working at…修饰,谓语是has detected,宾语是gas shperes,由过去

分词定语estimated to…修饰,未划线部分的the solar system’s largest planetJupiter的同位语。



1) 逻辑表达,注意原句未划线部分的修饰问题,修饰成分必须紧临其修饰对象,即最近的名词,避


2) 简洁有效,动词 estimate 的用法:estimate to do 动词不定式;estimate that…estimate sth at +



(A) 正确,以Jupiter结尾是因为后面跟的同位语必须修饰紧临的名词。

(B)  mass结尾,使得同位语修饰对象错误;that are at an estimated 5 to 15 times表达方式错误。

(C) that are estimated罗嗦;estimated at 5 to 15 times 应该是estimated to be/have;将原句中的修


(D) and has…没有并列对象,应该去掉and

(E) they have estimated as being 5 to 15 times表达方式错误;they指代不清楚;以mass结尾,使得



169. (34173-!-item-!-188;#058&007252)


Part of the proposed increase in state education spending is due to higher enrollment, since the

number of students in public schools have grown steadily since the mid-1980's and, at nearly 47



million, are at a record high.


(A) enrollment, since the number of students in public schools have grown steadily since the

mid-1980's and, at nearly 47 million, are at

(B) enrollment, with a number of students in public schools growing steadily since the mid-1980's

and, at nearly 47 million, reaching

(C) enrollment: since students in public schools have grown steadily in number since the

mid-1980's and, at nearly 47 million, have reached

(D) enrollment: the number of students in public schools has grown steadily since the mid-1980's

and, at nearly 47 million, has reached

(E) enrollment: students in public schools have grown steadily in number since the mid-1980's and,

at nearly 47 million, are at 


句子结构:… increase… is due to higher enrollment: the number of students… has grown… and

has reached…

冒号后的内容起补充说明作用,主语是the numberand连接并列谓语has grown, has reached



1) 主谓一致,the number of 表示“…的数目谓语动词用单数形式,a number of 表示一定数量的


2) 逻辑表达-逻辑主语合理性,一个动作的发出者往往不能发出或接受文中的动作,或从逻辑意义上



(A) the number作主语,谓语动词应为单数has

(B) the number是表数目,a number of是形容数量多,改变了原句意思;student grow不符合逻辑;

with… growing… and reaching表达方式不及谓语动词更准确。

(C) student grow and reach不符合逻辑。

(D)  正确,并列谓语has grown and has reached

(E) student grow and reach不符合逻辑。



1) 逻辑主语的合理性

1      介词短语,分词,形容词词组位于句首时,其逻辑主语等于句子主语。

介词短语如:in contrast to,(contrary to     例外), as well as, besides,(un)like

分词:doing sth/v-ed,或前面加介词的分词短语:by doing…, in addition to doing …,等等。

形容词短语:如 Reluctant to do sth, sb…

2      一些动作应有表示动作发出者的名词或代词。

so as to 结构,该结构作状语,to       后动作的逻辑主语应与主句的主语一致。


3      状语从句的省略形式

(条件,让步,时间等)状从连词+v-ed,结构位于句首,v-ed 的逻辑主语应等于主句的逻辑主语。

2) 主谓逻辑搭配合理


1      用于排除修饰成分与修饰对象搭配不合理的选项

2      主谓搭配意思合理

3) 主系表逻辑搭配合理



4) 逻辑意思不合理












































Practice Test #2 Sentence Correction

1.    (24163-!-item-!-188;#058&001054)

Since the start of the space age, more and more littering has occurred in orbits near Earth, often

because the intentional discarding of lens caps, packing material, fuel tanks, and payload covers.


(A) more and more littering has occurred in orbits near Earth, often because

(B) orbits near Earth have become more and more littered, often from

(C) orbits near Earth became littered more and more, often resulting from

(D) there have been more and more littering of orbits near Earth, often because of

(E) there had been littering more and more of orbits near Earth, often with 


句子结构:Since…, orbits… have become…, often from…

主语是orbits,系动词是完成时态have become,表语是litteredfrom…介词短语作方式状语。



1) 动词形式-现在完成时,since是使用现在完成时态的标志。

2) 句子结构,连词后面必须跟有主谓结构的完整句子,because是连词,后跟完整句子,because of




3)        简洁有效,在GMAT中,there be句型极少,因为这种表示存在状态的句型往往不能准确地表达出



(A) 连词because后面不是完整的句子。

(B)  正确,have become现在完成时态,littered形容词作表语。

(C)  过去时态错误,since…需要用现在完成时态。

(D) there have been表达方式不恰当;名词形式littering of orbits不及动词形式更有效。

(E) there have been littering表达方式错误;介词with不能准确地表达原句来自的意思。


2.    (24209-!-item-!-188;#058&001071)


In the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for about four

cents an acre, which more than doubled the country's size and that brought its western border

within reach of the Pacific Ocean.


(A) In the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for about

four cents an acre, which more than doubled the country's size and that brought

(B) For about four cents an acre the United States acquired, in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803,

828,000 square miles, more than doubling the country's size and it brought

(C) With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States acquired 828,000 square miles for

about four cents an acre, more than doubling its size and bringing

(D) The United States, in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, for about four cents an acre, acquired

828,000 square miles, more than doubling the country's size, bringing

(E) Acquiring 828,000 square miles in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, the United States bought it

for about four cents an acre, more than doubling the country's size and bringing 


句子结构:With…, the US acquired…, doubling… and bringing…

With介词短语做方式状语,主语是the United States,谓语是acquired,并列的现在分词结构doubling

and bringing作伴随状语修饰主句。



1) 指代一致,which只能指代前面出现过的名词而不能指代整个句子,which指代前面句子表达的意


2) 逻辑表达,修饰同一对象的成分必须用连词连接使其并列,否则会产生修饰歧义。


(A) which没有指代对象,and that没有并列对象。

(B) and it brought在语法上应该与主句the United States acquired并列,it没有合理的指代对象。

(C)  正确,with在此处的意思是because of sth and as it happens, as a result of

(D) bringingdoubling并列作伴随状语修饰主句,应该用and连接,否则bringing…的修饰对象有歧


(E) it没有指代对象;acquirebought同时用,表达不简洁。


3.    (24543-!-item-!-188;#058&001465)


Defying efforts by policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic at restraining it, the United States

dollar, continuing its rise, reaching its highest level in six years against the German mark.


(A) at restraining it, the United States dollar, continuing its rise, reaching

(B) at restraining it, the rise of the United States dollar continued, to reach



(C) at restraining it, the United States dollar continued rising, and it reached

(D) to restrain it, the United States dollar continued its rise, reaching

(E) to restrain it, the United States dollar is continuing its rise, and to reach 


句子结构:Defying…, the United States dollar continued…, reaching…

现在分词结构defying…在句首修饰主语主语the United States,句尾的现在分词结构reaching…作伴




1)        动词形式-现在进行时,有些动词(表示状态或感觉的词,或者表示极短暂的动作)一般不用现在

进行时,比如:declare, recognize等,continue是表示状态的动词,不用现在进行时态。

2)        平行对称,出现连词and要注意句子的并列对象是否合理并且符合原句意思。

3)        逻辑表达,分词结构在句首作状语,修饰主句主语。

4)        习惯用语,efforts to do sth


(A) the United States dollar是主语,缺少谓语;continuingreaching两个并列的分词结构应该由连

词连接,以避免修饰歧义;effort to do sth是习惯用法。

(B) 句首的分词状语修饰主句主语rise不符合逻辑;未划线部分against的对象是the German mark

所以句子主语应该对应用the United States dollareffort to do sth是习惯用法。

(C)  并列谓语continuedreached可以省略第二个主语it,简洁;effortto do sth是习惯用法。

(D) 正确,句首的分词状语修饰主句主语the United States dollarreaching分词结构作伴随状语表达


(E) and to reach 没有并列对象;continue 不能用进行时。


4.    (24589-!-item-!-188;#058&001492)


As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream of atomic particles known as

the solar wind.


(A) As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream

(B) Besides heat and light, also the Sun is the source of a continuous stream

(C) Besides heat and light, the Sun is also the source of a continuous streaming

(D) The Sun is the source not only of heat and light, but also of a continuous stream

(E) The Sun is the source of not only heat and light but, as well, of a continuous streaming 


句子结构:The Sun is the source not only of…, but also of…     并列结构。



1)        逻辑表达,介词短语置于句首时,其逻辑主语等于句子主语,as well as是介词短语,意思是


2) 平行对称-介词短语,not only… but also…习惯搭配,平行结构中的介词不能省略。


(A) heat and lightSun并列,不符合逻辑。

(B) heat and lightSun并列,不符合逻辑。

(C) heat and lightSun并列,不符合逻辑;stream是名词,不需要用动名词形式streaming

(D)  正确,not only… but also…连接并列的介词短语。

(E) not only… but as well搭配错误;stream是名词,不需要用动名词形式streaming


5.    (24635-!-item-!-188;#058&001505)



Like their male counterparts, women scientists are above average in terms of intelligence and

creativity, but unlike men of science, their female counterparts have had to work against the grain of

occupational stereotyping to enter a "man's world."


(A) their female counterparts have had to work

(B) their problem is working

(C) one thing they have had to do is work

(D) the handicap women of science have had is to work

(E) women of science have had to work  


句子结构:Like their male counterparts, women scientists are…, but unlike men of science, women

of science have had to…  比较结构。



1) 比较-unlikeunlike连接比较对象要对等,同类事物。

2) 指代一致,句子中一个代词重复出现,必须指同一对象。


(A) 划线部分的their与前面的their指代不一致。

(B) problemmen比较对象不对等;is working改变了原句时态及意思,原句中的have had to不得


(C) one thingmen比较对象不对等;they指代对象不清楚;系动词is后面应该跟to work,而不是直


(D) handicapwork against有语意上的重复。

(E)  正确,women of sciencemen of science对比。


6.    (24681-!-item-!-188;#058&001533)


From studies of the bony house of the brain, which is the cranium, located in the back of the skull,

come what scientists know about dinosaur brains.


(A) From studies of the bony house of the brain, which is the cranium, located in the back of the

skull, come what scientists know about dinosaur brains.

(B) The knowledge that scientists know about dinosaur brains comes from studies of the bony

house of the brain, located in the back of the skull, that is, the cranium.

(C) The knowledge of dinosaur brains that scientists have come from studies of the bony house of

the brain, which is located in the back of the skull and is called the cranium.

(D) What scientists know about dinosaur brains comes from studies of the cranium, the bony house

of the brain located in the back of the skull.

(E) Located in the back of the skull is the cranium, the bony house of the brain, and it is from studies

of this that scientists know what they know about dinosaur brains. 


句子结构:What… comes from studies of the cranium, the bony house of… 

名词从句what scientists know about dinsaur brains作主语,谓语动词是comesthe bony house of…

cranium的同位语,过去分词结构located in the back of the skull作后置定语修饰名词brain



1) 逻辑表达-过去分词结构,过去分词结构如果作定语,一定要尽可能紧临其修饰词,用逗号隔离之


2) 主谓一致,what引导的名词从句作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。


(A) which就近指代brain错误;过去分词定语located in…修饰对象不清楚,可能是cranium,也可能



brain;名词从句what scientists know about…作主语,谓语应该用单数comes

(B) The knowledge that scientists know about…表达方式罗嗦;过去分词结构located…修饰对象不

清楚;that is指代不清楚。

(C)  名词从句作主语,谓语应该用单数comeswhich就近指代brain,那么and后面的is called the


(D) 正确,名词从句作主语,谓语动词用单数comesthe bony house of…cranium的同位语,二

者是相同的事物,过去分词located in the back of the skull修饰名词brain

(E) itthis指代都不清楚;scientists know what they know about表达不清晰。


7.    (24727-!-item-!-188;#058&001574) 


So-called green taxes, which exact a price for the use of polluting or nonrenewable fuels, are

having a positive effect on the environment and natural resource base of countries as varied as

China, the Netherlands, and Hungary.


(A) as varied as

(B) as varied as are

(C) as varied as those of

(D) that are as varied as

(E) that are varied as are 


句子结构:… green taxes, which…, are having effect on… base of countries as varied as… 



1) 习惯用语-A as varied as BAB要平行,B用来解释、举例A


(A) 正确,varied是过去分词作后置定语修饰countries

(B) are多余,会有和taxes比较的歧义。

(C) those指代不清楚。

(D) that are多余

(E)  结构混乱。


8.    (24773-!-item-!-188;#058&001691)


Ozone, a special form of oxygen that screens out harmful ultraviolet rays, reaches high

concentrations twelve miles above Earth, where it has long appeared that it was immune from

human influence; we have now realized, though, that emissions of industrial chlorofluorocarbons

deplete the ozone layer.


(A) has long appeared that it was immune from

(B) has long appeared to have been immune from

(C) has long appeared as being immune to

(D) had long appeared immune to

(E) had long appeared that it was immune to 


句子结构:Ozone, …, reaches high concentrations … above Earth, where... ; we have now realized



reacheswhere引导定语从句修饰Earth,该从句是主系表结构,appear作系动词,immune to human





1)        动词形式-过去完成时,很多情况下,过去时间由上下文表示出来,不需要表示过去时间的状语。

2) 指代一致,形式主语it指代了句子的真正主语(真正的主语在句子后部),因为有所指,所以句子



(A) it has long appeard thatit是形式主语,后面的it是指Ozone,两个it指代对象不一致。

(B) appeared to have been immume中的现在完成时多余,因为前面has appeared已经表达了完成时


(C) appear as being用法错误。

(D) 正确,appear用作系动词,immuneadj.,简洁明了。分号后面是have now realized,强调now


(E)  两个it指代不一致。



immune to: not affected by sth 不受影响

You will eventually become immune to criticism.     你终究会变得不在乎批评。

immune from: protected from sth and therefore able to avoid it 受保护;豁免。=exempt

Not even the President’s wife was immune from criticism by the press. 甚至总统夫人都未能免遭新


appear 的用法

1、作系动词, =seem, +adj.   作表语。

2、作动词, appear to inf 动词不定式, appear that 从句, it appears that…


9.    (24819-!-item-!-188;#058&001693)


The Environmental Protection Agency frequently puts mandatory controls on toxic substances that

present as little risk as one in a million chances to cause cancer.


(A) as little risk as one in a million chances to cause

(B) as little risk as one chance in a million of causing

(C) as little risk as one chance in a million that it will cause

(D) a risk as little as one chance in a million for causing

(E) a risk as little as one chance in a million for it to cause 


句子结构:The EPA puts controls on toxic substances that…




习惯用语-risk of doing sth, risk of sthrisk分别为名词), risk doingrisk为动词)。



(A) one指代riskrisk in a million chances表达错误;risk of doing是习惯用语。

(B) 正确,one chance in a million用以修饰littlerisk of causing cancer是正确的表达方式。

(C) that it重复,前面已经有that presentit指代不清楚,无法指代复数名词toxic substances

(D) risk后面应该跟of doing,而不是for doing

(E) it指代不清楚;risk后面应该跟of doing,而不是to do


10. (25013-!-item-!-188;#058&001959)



The rise of the Incan empire rested not only on the Incas' military might and the ability of their rulers

but also they imposed a highly organized economic and political system on many different ethnic

groups and permitting them to retain many of their customs and often their own leaders.


(A) they imposed a highly organized economic and political system on many different ethnic groups

and permitting them

(B) on their imposition of a highly organized economic and political system on many different ethnic

groups, who were permitted

(C) because of their imposition of a highly organized economic and political system on many

different ethnic groups, who they permitted

(D) on their imposing of a highly organized economic and political system on many different ethnic

groups and they permitted them

(E) imposing a highly organized economic and political system on many different ethnic groups,

permitting them 


句子结构:The rise of… rested not only on… but also on… 并列结构。



1) 平行对称-介词短语,not only, but also连接的平行对称必须形式对等。

2) 句子结构,GMAT中,常有从句的内容在语法上与主句结构并列的错误,出现连词and时,要注意



(A) Not only, but also连接对象不平行,前面是介词短语,后面是句子;and permitting没有并列对象。

(B)  正确,not only on… but also on…介词短语平行;who引导从句修饰名词groups

(C) Not only, but also连接对象不平行;because ofrest on有语意上的重复;从句中whothey两个


(D) Not only, but also 连接对象不平行,one’s+动名词不如直接用名词形式;and they permitted 没有


(E) Not only, but also连接对象不平行,前面是介词短语,后面是现在分词结构;句尾的分词结构



11. (25059-!-item-!-188;#058&002009)


Nine months after the county banned jet skis and other water bikes from the tranquil waters of

Puget Sound, a judge overturned the ban on the ground of violating state laws for allowing the use

of personal watercraft on common waterways.


(A) of violating state laws for allowing

(B) of their violating state laws to allow

(C) that it violates state laws that allowed

(D) that it violated state laws allowing

(E) that state laws were being violated allowing 


句子结构:Nice months after the county banned…, a judge overturned the ban on the ground that…

After引导时间状语从句,主句主语是judge,谓语是overturned,宾语是banon the ground that…




1)        逻辑表达,修饰名词时常用分词或that从句作定语,一般不用不定式,因为不定式通常用来作状





2)        习惯用语-on the ground(s)的两种常见用法:

on the ground(s) that…: if you do sth on the grounds of a particular thing, that thing is the reason for

your action. 

The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution has withheld crucial


on the ground(s) of +noun.

Owen was against it, on the grounds of expense. 


(A) for allowing表达方式错误,其逻辑主语有a judge的嫌疑,而原句allow…应该作laws的后置定语;

on the ground后跟of+名词或者that从句,不能跟of doing

(B) their 没有指代对象;to allow 表示目的,其逻辑主语有 a judge 的嫌疑,而原句 allow… laws

的定语;on the ground of their violating 表达方式错误。

(C) violate应该用过去时态。

(D)  正确,that引导同位语从句,现在分词结构allowing作后置定语修饰名词laws

(E)  被动语态表达不清晰;allowing距离其修饰对象laws太远,产生歧义。


12. (25105-!-item-!-188;#058&002139)


Performing a risky maneuver that required precision flying, not only did space shuttle astronauts

retrieve an orbiting satellite, it was done simultaneously while avoiding being rear-ended by a

passing ultraviolet telescope.


(A) not only did space shuttle astronauts retrieve an orbiting satellite, it was done simultaneously

while avoiding

(B) not only was an orbiting satellite retrieved by space shuttle astronauts, but they also

simultaneously avoided

(C) an orbiting satellite was retrieved by space shuttle astronauts who also avoided simultaneously

(D) space shuttle astronauts retrieved an orbiting satellite, simultaneously while avoiding

(E) space shuttle astronauts retrieved an orbiting satellite and simultaneously avoided 


句子结构:Performing…, … astronauts retrieved … and avoided…   并列结构。

现在分词结构performing…在句首作状语修饰主句主语astronauts,句子并列谓语是retrieved and




1) 逻辑表达,现在分词置于句首作状语时,其逻辑主语是主句主语,要注意有这种修饰结构的句子


2) 平行对称,not only, but also固定搭配出现,连接平行对象要形式对称。

3) 简洁有效,while可以表达的意思,与simultaneously“同时地语意上有重复。


(A) not only…, it…搭配不完整;it没有指代对象;simultaneously while语意重复。

(B) performing修饰主语satellite,不符合逻辑;not only, but also连接对象不对称。

(C) performing修饰主语satellite,不符合逻辑。

(D) simultaneously while语意重复。

(E)  正确,performing…修饰主语astronauts,并列谓语retrieved and avoided


13. (25151-!-item-!-188;#058&002234)


One of the earliest known birds with a beak and contour feathers, Confuciusornis sanctus, with

large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to climb up to a launching position




for flight.


(A) with large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them to

(B) with large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, which probably helped it to

(C) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, which probably helped them

(D) had large clawlike "thumbs" on its wings, probably to help it

(E) had large clawlike "thumbs" on their wings, probably to help it  


句子结构:One of … birds…, Confuciusornis sanctus, had … thumbs…, to help it …

主语是one,同位语Confuciusornis sanctus,谓语是had,宾语thumbs,后跟不定式to help…作目的




1)        指代一致,one of+复数名词作主语时,强调的是one,所以谓语动词及后面的代词都是单数。

2)        句子结构,作谓语的成分在选项中同时以修饰成分出现时,要注意作修饰成分的这些选项是否有



(A) 句子缺少谓语;复数them没有指代对象,且与前面的its不一致。

(B) 句子缺少谓语;复数their指代错误,且与后面的it不一致;which就近指代wings错误,应该指代


(C)  复数them没有指代对象;which就近指代wings错误。

(D) 正确,its, it指代Confuciusornis sanctusto help不定式作目的状语。

(E)  复数their指代错误,且与后面的it不一致。


14. (25197-!-item-!-188;#058&002294)    [OG原题,OG10-252]


Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.


(A) Three out of every four automobile owners in the United States also own a bicycle.

(B) Out of every four, three automobile owners in the United States also owns a bicycle.

(C) Bicycles are owned by three out of every four owners of automobiles in the United States.

(D) In the United States, three out of every four automobile owners owns bicycles.

(E) Out of every four owners of automobiles in the United States, bicycles are also owned by three. 


句子结构:Three out of every four… owners… own a bicycle. 



A, the best choice, is concise, idiomatic, and maintains subject-verb agreement. 

In B, Out of every four, three is unidiomatic. The singular verb owns does not agree with its plural

subject, three ... owners.

The passive construction in C   (Bicycles are owned by) is cumbersome and does not contribute

meaningfully to the sentence. The shift to plural Bicycles detracts from clarity by suggesting that

multiple bicycles are owned by each person in question. 

In D, the singular owns does not agree with its plural subject      three... owners. Furthermore, the

plural bicycles detracts from clarity by suggesting that multiple bicycles are owned by each person

in question. 

In E, the phrase beginning Out of every four ... cannot properly modify bicycles, and the passive

construction (bicycles are also owned) is awkward and does not contribute meaningfully to the

sentence. The plural nouns bicycles and automobiles suggest imprecisely that each person owns

more than one of each.



15. (25243-!-item-!-188;#058&002297)


In the mid-1920s the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company was the scene of an

intensive series of experiments that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their

effects on workers' performance.


(A) that would investigate changes in working conditions as to their effects on workers' performance

(B) investigating the effects that changes in working conditions would have on workers'


(C) for investigating what the effects on workers' performance are that changes in working

conditions would cause

(D) that investigated changes in working conditions' effects on workers' performance

(E) to investigate what the effects changes in working conditions would have on workers'



句子结构:… the Hawthorne Works of… was the scene of … experiments investigating the effects






1)        逻辑表达,分词作后置定语修饰名词是最简洁有效的表达方式,不定式作定语容易产生修饰歧义,




(A) their指代不清楚,可能是changes,也可能是conditions

(B) 正确,investigating作后置定语修饰experimentthat引导定语从句修饰effects


(D) 表达不清晰,可以理解为changes in… effects,也可以理解为changes in working conditions

(E)  修饰effects的定语从句changes in working conditions would have前面应该加引导词thatwhat

the effects没有谓语;该句用不定式to investigate作定语修饰experiments不及直接用分词更有效。


补充说明:as to

As to: prep. You use as to to indicate what something refers to.

They should make decisions as to whether the student needs more help.


16. (25289-!-item-!-188;#058&002314)


The single-family house constructed by the Yana, a Native American people who lived in what is

now northern California, was conical in shape, its framework of poles overlaid with slabs of bark,

either cedar or pine, and banked with dirt to a height of three to four feet.


(A) banked with dirt to a height of

(B) banked with dirt as high as that of

(C) banked them with dirt to a height of

(D) was banked with dirt as high as

(E) was banked with dirt as high as that of 


句子结构:The house…, …, was conical …, its framework… overlaid with…, …, and banked with…  

主句是主系表结构was conical,后面跟并列的名词+过去分词独立主格结构,overlaid with…,and

banked with都修饰framework





1)        句子结构-独立主格,名词+过去分词。

2)        平行对称,各选项中and连接对象不同时,注意原句表达的意思,从逻辑意思上出发,确定应该



(A) 正确,banked withoverlaid with并列,height of +数量词,表高度,例如a height of 6000 metres

(B) that没有指代对象。

(C)  复数them没有指代对象,前面是单数名词framework

(D) and was banked...在语法上与主句was conical…并列,改变原句意思。

(E) and was banked...在语法上与主句was conical…并列,改变原句意思;that没有指代对象。


17. (25335-!-item-!-188;#058&002335)


The success of the program to eradicate smallpox has stimulated experts to pursue what they had

not previously considered possible--better control, if not eradication, of the other infections such as

measles and yaws.


(A) what they had not previously considered possible--better control, if not eradication, of the other

infections such as

(B) what they had not previously considered a possibility--better control, if not eradication, of such

infections like

(C) something they had not previously considered possible-better control, if not eradication, of such

infections as

(D) something not considered a previous possibility--better control and perhaps eradication, of

other infections such as

(E) the possibility of what they had not previously considered--better control and possibly

eradication of infections like 


句子结构:The success… has stimulated experts to pursue… 

To pursue something是不定式作补语,后跟定语从句(省略了关系代词that)。



习惯用语-such as,表示举例时用such as,而不是用like


something, probability, likelihood等)。




(A) something代替名词从句,简洁;the other结构不完整,应该是one… the other搭配。

(B) consider a possibility表达方式不及直接跟形容词简洁有效;such like搭配错误,应该是such as

(C)  正确,if not eradication是插入语,such as…举例。

(D) consider应直接跟形容词,a previous possibility表达错误且改变了原意;control and perhaps


(E) the possibility of what用法错误,应该用thatpossibilitypossibly重复;control and eradication




one… the other  只有两个

some… the others      有三个以上



one… anotheranother…

some… othersothers…

others = other people/things

the others = the rest  剩余的全部


18. (25381-!-item-!-188;#058&002338)


Although the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was in the summer of

1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, it had not been announced until February, 1968.


(A) Although the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was in the summer of

1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, it had not been announced until February, 1968.

(B) Although not announced until February, 1968, in the summer of 1967 graduate student Jocelyn

Bell observed the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted.

(C) Although observed by graduate student Jocelyn Bell in the summer of 1967, the discovery of

the first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, had not been announced before February,


(D) The first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was observed in the summer of

1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, but the discovery was not announced until February, 1968.

(E) The first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, was not announced until February,

1968, while it was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell. 


句子结构:The first pulsar, …, … was observed … by …, but the discovery was not announced


主语是pulsar,后跟插入语,to be sighted是不定式作定语修饰名词pulsar,谓语是was observed

but连接转折分句the discovery是对前面句子的概括词。



1) 逻辑表达

1      逻辑主语合理性,分词结构置于句首,其逻辑主语等于主句主语,要保证其修饰合理性。

2      主谓搭配合理,一个动作的发出者往往不能发出或接受文中的动作,或从逻辑意义上考



(A) 句子主语是pulsar,系动词was,后跟时间状语,被动语态谓语结构不完整(by…没有受动对象),

不符合逻辑;it指代不清楚(语法上讲it应该指代pulsar,但pulsar不能be announced,只能是discovery

be announced)。

(B)  分词结构not announced修饰主句主语Jocelyn Bell错误。

(C)  分词结构observed by修饰主语主语discovery错误,应该修饰pulsar

(D) 正确,but连接转折分句,discovery是前句的概括词。

(E) Pulsar was not announced主谓搭配不符合逻辑。


19. (25427-!-item-!-188;#058&002348)


Some anthropologists regard the early hominids' manner of walking as being less efficient than in

modern human beings.


(A) as being less efficient than in

(B) as less efficient than it is in

(C) as less efficient than that of

(D) to be less efficient than that of

(E) to have been less efficient than it is in 




句子结构:Some anthropologists regard… as…



1)        指代一致,that指代同类(本质的,可以不带修饰部分),it指代原物,带修饰部分。That通常不

单独使用,而是that ofof后面所跟的部分与修饰部分对称。

2)        习惯用语-regardregard… as being/having, regard… as+名词。


(A) than前后比较对象不对等,应该由that指代manner

(B) it指代hominids’ manner,不符合逻辑。

(C)  正确,less… than搭配,that指代manner

(D) regard… to be用法错误。

(E) regard… to have用法错误;it指代hominids’ manner,不符合逻辑。


20. (25474-!-item-!-188;#058&002354)


The human nervous system and a telephone system superficially resemble each other, not only

because the former carries information in the form of electrical impulses and because all of its

neural pathways converge in the brain and spinal cord, which together form a kind of central



(A) The human nervous system and a telephone system superficially resemble each other, not only

because the former carries

(B) The human nervous system and a telephone system bear a superficial resemblance because

they both carry

(C) The human nervous system bears a superficial resemblance to a telephone system both

because the former carries

(D) Superficially, a telephone system resembles the human nervous system both because they


(E) There is a superficial resemblance between a telephone system and the human nervous system,

not only because they both carry 


句子结构:… system bears … resemblance to… both because… and because…    并列结构。

Both… and…连接并列的原因状语从句。



1)        平行对称,both... and…not only…, but also…搭配,连接对象要平行对称。

2)        指代一致,尽管复数代词they可以指代前面出现过的多个事物,但要注意意思是否符合逻辑,是



(A) not only…, and…搭配错误。

(B) both的位置错误,使得连接对象不平行,应该置于because前面;they没有指代对象。

(C)  正确,both because…, and because…连接并列的原因状语从句。

(D) 副词superficially位置改变,修饰对象有歧义;they没有指代对象。

(E) there be句型表达表达方式不及主谓结构更有效;both的位置错误;they没有指代对象。


21. (25520-!-item-!-188;#058&002357)


Before scientists learned how to make a synthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly in

small amounts from the pituitary glands of human cadavers.




(A) scientists learned how to make a synthetic growth hormone, removing it painstakingly

(B) scientists had learned about making a synthetic growth hormone, they had to remove it


(C) scientists learned how to synthesize the growth hormone, it had to be painstakingly removed

(D) learning how to make a synthetic growth hormone, scientists had to remove it painstakingly

(E) learning how to synthesize the growth hormone, it had to be painstakingly removed by scientists  


句子结构:Before scientist learned how to synthesize… hormone, it had to be removed… from…

Before引导时间状语从句,主句主语it指代the growth hormone



1)        逻辑表达,分词结构置于句首时,其逻辑主语等于句子主语。

2)        指代一致,要注意名词和代词在逻辑上不一致的情况,从理解句意出发,确定代词是否指代合理



(A) 句子结构不完整,只有because引导的状语从语,removing…不是完整的主句;it指代synthetic

growth hormone不符合逻辑,应该指代the growth hormone,而不是合成的H

(B) Before后跟过去完成时态错误,因为learn应该在主句动作remove时间之后;it指代synthetic

growth hormone不符合逻辑。

(C)  正确,it指代the growth hormone(明确it的指代对象,是做对本题的关键)。

(D) it指代synthetic growth hormone不符合逻辑。

(E)  分词结构learning…的逻辑主语错误,不应该是ithormone)。


22. (25566-!-item-!-188;#058&002406)    [OG原题,OG10-257OG11-138]


The direction in which the Earth and the other solid planets--Mercury, Venus, and Mars--spins were

determined from collisions with giant celestial bodies in the early history of the Solar System.


(A) spins were determined from

(B) spins were determined because of

(C) spins was determined through

(D) spin was determined by

(E) spin was determined as a result of 


句子结构:The direction in which … planets spin was determined by…

主句主语是direction,由which引导定语从句修饰,从句主语是the Earth and other solid planets,所

以从句谓语用复数spin,主句谓语是被动语态was determined



D, the best choice, is clear and concise, and uses correct subject-verb agreement. 

Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they use the singular verb spins for the plural subject

Earth and the other solid planets--Mercury, Venus, and Mars. 

Choices A and B furthermore incorrectly use the plural were, which does not agree with the singular

subject The direction.  To express cause,   determined by is idiomatic; the prepositions   from and

through in A and C are not idiomatic. The phrase determined because of in B is redundant. 

In E, the phrase determined as a result of is redundant, awkward, and unidiomatic.



Agreement + Idiom

Two verbs collide in the underlined section, and both have agreement errors.        Spins should be



plural to agree with its subject the Earth and the other solid planets; were determined should be

singular to agree with its subject the direction. The idiom determined by is used to express cause;

determined from is incorrect in this context.

A Spins should be spin; were should he was; from should be by

B Spins should be spin; were should be was; because of should be by

C Spins should be spin; through should be by

D Correct. In this sentence, spin agrees with the plural subject the Earth and the other solid planets;

was determined agrees with its subject    the direction; the idiom determined by is used to express


E The wordy as a result of is not the correct idiom


23. (25612-!-item-!-188;#058&002525)    [OG原题,OG10-264]


Scientists believe that unlike the males of most species of moth, the male whistling moths of

Nambung, Australia, call female moths to them by the use of acoustical signals, but not olfactory

ones, and they attract their mates during the day, rather than at night.


(A) by the use of acoustical signals, but not olfactory ones, and they attract

(B) by the use of acoustical signals instead of using olfactory ones, and attracting

(C) by using acoustical signals, not using olfactory ones, and by attracting

(D) using acoustical signals, rather than olfactory ones, and attract

(E) using acoustical signals, but not olfactory ones, and attracting 


句子结构:Scientists believe that…, … male moths… call female moths… using…, rather than…,

and attract their mates...

That引导宾语从句说明believe的内容,从句主语是male whistling moths,并列谓语是call and attract




Choice D, the best answer, is concise, maintains parallel structure, and clearly conveys the

comparisons being made between the two types of moth. 

In A and E, the comparison between most male moths and the male whistling moth is not clear. The

use of but not does not clearly convey that most other moths use olfactory signals;      rather than

would be preferable, as well as parallel to rather than at night.

In A, the phrase by the use of is unnecessarily wordy, and the insertion of they is not required. 

In E, the final verb should be attract (parallel to call), not attracting (parallel to using).

Choice B violates parallelism with by the use of... instead of using,       as well as with call... and


Choice C distorts the meaning of the original with its suggestion that male whistling moths call

female moths to them both by using acoustical signals and by attracting their mates during the day.

The insertion of using in not using olfactory ones is unnecessary.

24. (25658-!-item-!-188;#058&002529)


The new image of Stone Age people as systematic hunters of large animals, rather than merely

scavenging for meat, have emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany, including

three wooden spears that archaeologists believe to be about 400,000 years old.


(A) merely scavenging for meat, have emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany,


(B) as merely scavenging for meat, have emerged from examining tools found in Germany, which


(C) as mere meat scavengers, has emerged from examining tools found in Germany that includes

(D) mere scavengers of meat, has emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany, which




(E) mere scavengers of meat, has emerged from the examination of tools found in Germany,



句子结构:The new image… as…, rather than…, has emerged from… tools…, including…

主语是image,谓语是has emerged,过去分词found作后置定语修饰名词toolsincluding…是介词短




1)        逻辑表达,which引导定语从句与分词后置定语作修饰成分没有差别,但定语从句需要通过其谓语


2)        平行对称-rather thanrather than连接的对象要对等,形式要相同,介词尽量不省略以避免产生



(A) rather than连接对象不对称,分词scavenging与名词hunters;主语是image,谓语动词应该用单


(B) rather than连接对象不对称;谓语动词应该用单数hasemerge from后面应该跟名词examination


(C) That从句应该修饰复数名词tools,谓语需用includefrom + doing表状态不对,应用from+名词表


(D) That从句应该修饰复数名词tools,谓语需用include

(E)  正确,including是介词。该选项也有瑕疵,如果补充as就平行了,否则有歧义rather than+名词



25. (25704-!-item-!-188;#058&002607)


There is a widespread belief in the United States and Western Europe that young people have a

smaller commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents and that the source

of the change lies in the collapse of the "work ethic."


(A) a smaller commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents

(B) less of a commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents

(C) a smaller commitment to work and a career than that of their parents and grandparents

(D) less of a commitment to work and a career than their parents and grandparents had

(E) a lessening of the commitment to work and a career that their parents and grandparents had 


句子结构:There is a… belief… that young people have… than their parents and grandparents had

and that…  比较结构。




1) 比较,less/more adj. … than…      ,比较对象要对等,补出助动词以避免产生歧义,介词不可省略,


2) 有效用词-lessless of a lessening of 含义不同,less of 是(相比之下)较少的,而 lessoning

是减缓,没有对比的意思。lessen: verb. to become or make sth become smaller, weaker, less

important, etc. lessoning 是名词


(A) 缺少助动词had会产生比较歧义,than前面有不止一个名词。

(B)  缺少助动词had



(C) that指代commitment使than前后比较对象不对等,应补出助动词had,在句子之间对比。

(D) 正确,young peopletheir parents and grandparents之间have commitment的情况对比。

(E) less of a commitmenta lessening of the commitment含义不同;and a career与前面的名词a



26. (25798-!-item-!-188;#058&002669)


A team of scientists has recently provided evidence of Earth being bombarded daily with as many

as 40,000 small comets, vaporizing in the upper atmosphere to fall to Earth as rain.


(A) of Earth being bombarded daily with as many as 40,000 small comets, vaporizing in the upper

atmosphere to

(B) of Earth's being daily bombarded with as many as 40,000 small comets, vaporizing in the upper

atmosphere and that

(C) that as much or more than 40,000 small comets daily bombard Earth, vaporizing in the upper

atmosphere, and

(D) that daily Earth is bombarded with as much or more than 40,000 small comets that vaporize in

the upper atmosphere and that

(E) that Earth is bombarded daily with as many as 40,000 small comets that vaporize in the upper

atmosphere and 


句子结构:A team… has provided evidence that Earth is bombarded… with… comets that

vaporize… and fall…

宾语evidence后跟that引导的同位语从句,从句主语是Earth,谓语是is bombarded with,宾语comets

that引导的定语从句修饰,该从句有并列谓语vaporize and fall



1)        句子结构

1      同位语从句,名词+that同位语从句结构常被名词+of being混淆,将that位置改变,使引


2      连词and在连接句子时,只能连接并列的独立句子(即主句),and后面的句子不能与从


2)        逻辑表达,现在分词结构在句尾可作定语修饰紧临的名词,也可作状语修饰整个句子,所以在这





(A) evidence of being表达错误,evidence后面应该跟同位语从句解释evidence的内容;现在分词

vaporizing在句尾有作伴随状语修饰主句的歧义,vaporizing to fall to也不符合逻辑意思。

(B) evidence of being表达错误,evidence后面应该跟同位语从句解释evidence的内容;现在分词

vaporizing在句尾有作伴随状语修饰主句的歧义;and that没有并列对象。

(C) as much or more than搭配错误;分词结构vaporizing修饰对象不清楚。

(D) daily位置改变使其修饰对象错误;as much or more than搭配错误;and that在语法上与前面的that


(E)  正确,第一个that引导同位语从句,第二个that引导定语从句修饰comets


27. (25844-!-item-!-188;#058&002767)


In an effort to increase profits, the company moved itself from emphasizing its chemicals business

to expand into high-growth pharmaceuticals and futuristic biotechnologies.




(A) itself from emphasizing its chemicals business to expand

(B) itself from emphasizing its chemicals business then to expanding

(C) from an emphasis on its chemicals business and to expanding

(D) from an emphasis on its chemicals business and to expand

(E) from emphasizing its chemicals business to expanding


句子结构:…, the company moved from emphasizing… to expanding… 平行结构。

主语company后跟不及物动词move作谓语,from… to…是介词短语作状语。



1)        平行对称-from to,连接对象要形式相同。

2)        简洁有效,then表达了和from to重复的先后次序意思。


(A) itself多余;from… to…连接对象不平行。

(B) itselfthen多余,then表达了和from to重复的先后次序意思。

(C) from… to…连接对象不平行,and多余。

(D) from… to…连接对象不平行,and多余。

(E)  正确,from… to…连接动名词。


28. (25890-!-item-!-188;#058&002817)


In 1997, despite an economy that marked its sixth full year of uninterrupted expansion with the

lowest jobless rate in a quarter century, the number of United States citizens declaring themselves

bankrupt has jumped by almost 20 percent, at 1.34 million.


(A) declaring themselves bankrupt has jumped by almost 20 percent, at

(B) declaring themselves bankrupt jumped by almost 20 percent, to

(C) who declared themselves bankrupt has jumped by almost 20 percent, to

(D) who declared themselves bankrupt jumped almost by 20 percent, at

(E) to declare themselves bankrupt jumped almost by 20 percent, at


句子结构:…, despite an economy…, the number of… citizens… jumped by…, to…



1)        动词形式,in+年代,是表示过去的时间状语,用一般过去时态。

2)        习惯用语-jump to,如果jump表示数量或水平的进步到一定程度,常跟介词to,而不是at

3) 逻辑表达-定语,分词、定语从句、不定式都可以作定语修饰名词,但不定式作定语要慎用,因为



(A) 现在完成时态错误,In 1997是表过去的时间状语,应该用一般过去时;此句中jump后应该跟介


(B)  正确,分词declaring作后置定语修饰citizens

(C)  现在完成时态错误。

(D)  此句中jump后应该跟介词to

(E)  此句中jump后应该跟介词to



Despite: prep. =in spite of. You use despite to introduce a fact which makes the other parts of the

sentence surprising.   后跟名词。




29. (26032-!-item-!-188;#058&002964)


Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in

San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River Walk, or Paseo del Rio,

is the city's most popular attraction.


(A) Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river

in San Antonio

(B) Unlike the river in many cities in the United States, which is no longer the focal point of urban life,

in San Antonio the river

(C) Today the river in many cities in the United States is no longer the focal point of urban life,

unlike San Antonio, where it

(D) In few United States cities today, a river is the focal point of urban life, but the river in San


(E) No longer do many cities in the United States have a river as the focal point of urban life, but in

San Antonio the river


句子结构:No longer do many cities… have a river…, but… the river winds through…, and the

River…, is…

副词no longer置于句首,整句倒装。



1) 比较-unlike,与like用法相同,比较对象要对等。

2) 逻辑表达,原句中的副词等修饰成分不能随意改变,尤其是带有否定意义的词,如本题中的no



(A) unlike连接比较对象不平行,citiesriver

(B) which指代United States错误,应该指代river

(C) unlike一般不置于句中,容易产生对比歧义;it指代错误,在逻辑上不能指代前面的river

(D)  去掉no longer,把全部否定变成部分否定,改变了原句意思。

(E)  正确,but连接并列的分句,不需要形式上完全对等。




focal: adj. Focal is used to describe sth that is very imporatant. 

focal centre

2、比较结构 as/like 在句中

as 结构和 like 结构都符合语法规则的,难度较高。

As 或者 like 结构出现在两个逻辑分句的中间,这个时候就会产生歧义,到底这个结构是应该和前一


Because young children do not organize their attention or perceptions systematically, like adults,

they may notice and remember details that their elders ignore. 

(A) like adults    (B) unlike an adult   (C) as adults    (D) as adults do   (E) as an adult 

我们注意到 A 选项和 D 选项都符合语法规则,也都和前面的 children 保持数的一致性,从纯语法规

则上讲是都正确的。但是 A 存在歧义。我们不清楚 like adults 是和前一个分句构成整体还是和后一个

分句构成整体,也就是不知道大人是在“do not organize”这个动作上和小孩一样还是在“may notice

and remember”这个动作上和小孩一样,所以有歧义。

因为前后两个分句的助动词不一样,所以可以使用 as 结构区分。如果 as 结构的助动词和前一个分句






30. (26078-!-item-!-188;#058&002967)


Most of the purported health benefits of tea comes from antioxidants--compounds also found in

beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that inhibit the formation of plaque along the body's blood



(A) comes from antioxidants--compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that

(B) comes from antioxidants--compounds that are also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and

vitamin C, and they

(C) come from antioxidants--compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, and

(D) come from antioxidants--compounds that are also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and

vitamin C and that

(E) come from antioxidants--compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C, and



句子结构:Most of… benefits… come from antioxidants—compounds that… and that…

主语是benefits,谓语是come from,宾语antioxidants后跟同位语compounds,由并列的that从句修




1) 主谓一致,most of+名词,谓语动词与名词单复数一致。

2) 句子结构,连词and在连接句子时,只能连接并列的独立句子(即主句),and后面的句子不能与


3) 平行对称,and连接平行对象,要注意在语态、时态及形式上都相同。


(A) comes应该用复数;that从句就近修饰vitamin C错误。

(B) comes应该用复数;and they inhibit是独立句子,应该与主句并列,无法与从句中的found并列。

(C) and inhibitfound不平行,前者是主动语态的动词原形,后者是过去分词。

(D) 正确,that引导的定语从句并列修饰compounds

(E) and they inhibit是独立句子,应该与主句并列,无法与从句中的found并列。


31. (26124-!-item-!-188;#058&002968)


Gone are the sharp edges and jutting planes of styles from former eras; instead, designers of

everything from cars to computer monitors have adopted a cornerless style of smooth surfaces and

curves that is more ergonomic, conforming to the shape of the body rather than flaunting shape for

its own sake.


(A) more ergonomic, conforming to the shape of the body rather than flaunting shape

(B) more ergonomic, conformed to the body's shape and not to flaunting shape

(C) ergonomic, more conformed to the shape of the body and not to shape flaunted

(D) ergonomic, conforming more to the body's shape rather than shape flaunted

(E) ergonomic, conforming more to the shape of the body than flaunting shape


句子结构:Gone are …; instead, designers… have adopted a style… that is …, conforming to…

rather than flaunting…

That is定语从句修饰单数名词style,并列的现在分词结构conforming to… rather than flaunting…

状语修饰is more ergonomic




1)        逻辑表达,原句中的副词位置不能随意改变。

2)        平行对称,选项中如果都包括连接并列成分的连词,如rather than, but, and等,要注意对比各选



(A) 正确,conforming… rather than flaunting…是现在分词作状语修饰前面的句子that is more


(B) 用过去分词conformed表示被动,不符合逻辑意思;and后面的to the shape of the


(C) more位置改变,改变了原句意思;rather than连接对象不对称。

(D) more位置改变,改变了原句意思;and后面的to the shape of the body并列对象错误。

(E) more位置改变,改变了原句意思;more…than错误搭配改变了原句意思。


32. (26170-!-item-!-188;#058&003042)


The Chicago and Calumet Rivers originally flowed into the St. Lawrence by way of Lake Michigan,

but having been redirected by constructing canals so that the water now empties into the

Mississippi by way of the Illinois River.


(A) Rivers originally flowed into the St. Lawrence by way of Lake Michigan, but having been

redirected by constructing

(B) Rivers had originally flowed into the St. Lawrence by way of Lake Michigan, but they have been

redirected by constructing

(C) Rivers, which originally flowed into the St. Lawrence by way of Lake Michigan but have been

redirected by the construction of

(D) Rivers, originally flowing into the St. Lawrence by way of Lake Michigan, but having been

redirected by the construction of

(E) Rivers, originally flowing into the St. Lawrence by way of Lake Michigan, have been redirected

through the construction of


句子结构:… Rivers, flowing…, have been redirected through… so that …

主语是rivers,由现在分词结构flowing…作定语修饰,谓语是have been redirected



1)        句子结构,在主从复杂句子中要注意主句和从句的主谓结构是否齐全,常见的错误选项是缺少主


2)                                                    有效用词,by doingby+noun.  在语法上都正确,但前者强调动作,后者强调结果,在GMAT



(A) but having结构错误;by constructing无法表示结果,而是动作。

(B) originally用过去完成时态错误;by constructing无法表示结果。

(C)  主句主语是rivers,由which引导定语从句修饰,主句缺少谓语。

(D) 主句主语是rivers,由现在分词结构后后置定语修饰,主句缺少谓语。

(E)  正确,flowing…分词作后置定语修饰主语rivers


33. (26216-!-item-!-188;#058&003085)


Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth, to gather information about its size and

curvature of its surface, new observations have been made by astronomers that show with startling

directness the large-scale geometry of the universe.




(A) Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth, to gather information about its size

and curvature of its surface, new observations have been made by astronomers

(B) Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth for gathering information about its

size and also the curvature of its surface, new observations have been made by astronomers

(C) Similar to the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth, where they gathered

information about its size and the curvature of its surface, astronomers have made new


(D) Like the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth gathering information about its size

and the curvature of its surface, astronomers have made new observations

(E) Just as with the great navigators who first sailed around the Earth, gathering information about

its size and curvature of the surface, astronomers have made new observations


句子结构:Like navigators who…, astronomers have made observations that…      比较结构。




1) 比较,like连接比较对象要对等,just as A do, so B do的固定搭配。


(A) like连接比较对象不对等,navigatorsobservations

(B) like连接比较对象不对等,navigatorsobservations;表目的用不定式优于for doing结构。

(C)  where引导定语从句改变了原句意思,原句并没有说明gather information是在Earthsimilar to


 (D) 正确,navigatorsastronomers对比。

(E) just as with搭配错误。


34. (26262-!-item-!-188;#058&003094)


Besides adding complementary flavors to many foods, hot sauces stimulate the release of

endorphins in the brain, just as exercise does, and these have a pain-relieving effect like



(A) hot sauces stimulate the release of endorphins in the brain, just as exercise does, and these

have a pain-relieving effect like morphine's

(B) hot sauces stimulate the release of endorphins in the brain, like exercise, and they have a

pain-relieving effect that is like morphine

(C) hot sauces and exercise both stimulate the release of endorphins in the brain, and they have a

pain-relieving effect like morphine

(D) the release of endorphins in the brain is stimulated both by hot sauces and exercise, and they

have a pain-relieving effect like morphine's

(E) the release of endorphins in the brain is stimulated by hot sauces, just as with exercise, and

these have a pain-relieving effect like that of morphine


句子结构:Besides adding…, hot sauces stimulate the release of…, just as exercise does, and

these have…

现在分词adding在句首作状语修饰主句主语hot saucesjust as exercises does是比较从句作插入语,




1) 指代一致,关于these的指代,有疑问如下。

2) 比较,like比较结构置于句中,比较对象有歧义(详见第29题补充说明)。



3)        逻辑表达,现在分词结构置于句首作状语,其逻辑主语是主句主语。


(A) 正确,these指代endorphins。注意:一个代词可以指代多个名词的时候,优先指代离它近的那个名

(B) Like比较结构置于句中,比较对象有歧义;they指代对象不清楚;effect like morphine比较对象不


(C) they 指代对象不清楚;effect like morphine 比较对象不对等。

(D)  被动语态表达没有必要且 release     不能做 adding 的逻辑主语;they 指代对象不清楚。

(E) release   不能做 adding 的逻辑主语;just as with 搭配错误。


35. (26308-!-item-!-188;#058&003128)


Unlike the steam locomotive, which required an hour or two of firing up before it was possible to

move under its own power, nearly full power could be summoned almost instantly from the cold

engine of a diesel locomotive.


(A) it was possible to move under its own power, nearly full power could be summoned almost

instantly from the cold engine of a diesel locomotive

(B) it was possible to move under its own power, the diesel locomotive's engine, when cold, could

produce nearly full power almost instantly

(C) it could move under its own power, the diesel locomotive could summon nearly full power from a

cold engine almost instantly

(D) moving under its own power, the cold engine of the diesel locomotive could produce nearly full

power almost instantly

(E) moving under its own power, almost instantly a diesel locomotive could summon nearly full

power from a cold engine


句子结构:Unlike the steam locomotive, which…, the diesel locomotive could…  比较结构。



1)        比较-unlike,连接比较对象要对等。

2)        指代一致,形式主语it指代了句子的真正主语(真正的主语在句子后部),因为有所指,所以句子



(A) 形式主语itits指代对象不一致;unlike连接比较对象不对等,locomotivepower

(B) 形式主语itits指代对象不一致;unlike连接比较对象不对等,locomotiveengine

(C)  正确,steam locomotivediesel locomotive对比,it指代前者。

(D) unlike连接比较对象不对等,locomotiveengine

(E) before moving…没有表达出原句所要表达的能够,可能的意思;almost instantly位置改变,引



36. (26354-!-item-!-188;#058&003133)


A group of paleontologists recently announced that a site in Utah has yielded fossils of some of the

biggest armored dinosaurs ever found, and that they were at least 25 million years older than any

similar dinosaur type previously found in North America.


(A) and that they were at least 25 million years older than any similar dinosaur type previously

(B) and they are at least 25 million years older than those of any similar dinosaur type that

previously was

(C) and the fossils are at least 25 million years older than any similar dinosaur types that previously




(D) fossils that are at least 25 million years older than those of any similar dinosaur type previously

(E) fossils at least 25 million years older than similar dinosaur types previously


句子结构:A group of… announced that a site… has yielded fossils of…, fossils that…

That引导宾语从句,说明announce的内容,fossile that…是前面fossils的同位语。



1)        指代一致,they指代复数名词必须清楚单一,有多个复数名词时,尽量避免使用代词指代,以防


2)        比较-比较对象对等,compare, like等词连接比较相同对象时,要由thatthose指代,否则会使比



(A) they 指代不清楚;过去时态错误,客观描述应该用一般现在时态;fossils than types 比较对象不


(B) they 指代不清楚。

(C) fossils than types 比较对象不对等。

(D) 正确,fossils that…是同位语,those 指代 fossils。同位语结构避免了 they 代词指代的歧义。

(E) fossils than types 比较对象不对等。


37. (26400-!-item-!-188;#058&003135)


Using technology as new as space-age fabrics and as ordinary as common dry-cleaning chemicals,

scientists and historians, in their attempt at cleaning and preserving the American flag that flew over

Fort McHenry in Baltimore in 1814, are hoping that it will then last another 200 years.


(A) and as ordinary as common dry-cleaning chemicals, scientists and historians, in their attempt at

cleaning and preserving the American flag that flew over Fort McHenry in Baltimore in 1814, are


(B) and as ordinary as common dry-cleaning chemicals, scientists and historians are attempting to

clean and preserve the American flag that flew over Fort McHenry in Baltimore in 1814, hoping

(C) and as ordinary as common dry-cleaning chemicals, an attempt by scientists and historians to

clean and preserve the American flag that flew over Fort McHenry in Baltimore in 1814 is being

made in the hope

(D) but also as ordinary as common dry-cleaning chemicals, scientists and historians who are

attempting to clean and preserve the American flag that flew over Fort McHenry in Baltimore in

1814, hoping

(E) but also as ordinary as common dry-cleaning chemicals, an attempt by scientists and historians

at cleaning and preserving the American flag that flew over Fort McHenry in Baltimore in 1814 in



句子结构:Using…, scientists and historians are attempting to clean and preserve… flag that…,

hoping that…

现在分词结构在句首作状语,修饰主句主语scientists and historians,谓语是are attempting,后跟不

定式to clean and preserve…作宾语,hoping…分词结构在句尾作伴随状语。



1)        句子结构,当动词在选项中以谓语形式和修饰语成分同时出现时,要特别注意有作修饰语的句子


2)        逻辑表达,现在分词结构在句首作状语,其修饰对象(即动作的逻辑主语)是主句主语。



(A) in their attempt at cleaning…名词表达方式不及动词attempt有效,且作为插入语修饰成分,句子

谓语是are hoping that it will…,如果去掉插入语,句子虽然在语法上没有错误,但逻辑表达不清楚,


(B) 正确,and as ordinary as common dry-cleaning chemicals与前面对称,hoping…作伴随状语。

(C)  句首的分词结构using修饰an attempt对象错误;被动语态表达罗嗦。

(D) but also没有搭配对象,而且不合原意;主语是scientists and historianswho引导的从句修饰,


(E) but also没有搭配对象;句首的分词结构using修饰an attempt对象错误;主语是attempt,句子缺



38. (26446-!-item-!-188;#058&003144)


Like those of the African white and black rhinos, the Sumatran rhino has two horns, but the front

one is generally less than a foot long and the second is so small that it often appears to be missing.


(A) Like those of the African white and black rhinos

(B) Similar to that of the African white and black rhinos

(C) Like that of the African white and black rhinos

(D) As with the African white and black rhinos'

(E) Like the African white and black rhinos


句子结构:Like … rhinos, the… rhino has two horns, but the front one is… and the second is so…

that…  比较结构。



1)        比较-like,连接比较对象要对等,注意比较结构中的代词指代问题。


(A) those在句意上指代horns,比较对象不对等。

(B) that没有指代对象。

(C) that没有指代对象。

(D) as with搭配错误,应该是just as…rhinos’rhino比较对象不对等。

(E)  正确,like连接两种rhinos对比。


39. (26492-!-item-!-188;#058&003168)


As it is with traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful, since it

is primarily prescriptions that attract the customers, who then also buy other health-related items.


(A) As it is with traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful

(B) As with the case of traditional pharmacies, on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to have


(C) As is the case with traditional pharmacies, prescriptions are the cornerstone of a successful

on-line drugstore

(D) As traditional pharmacies, so on-line drugstores rely on prescriptions to be successful

(E) Like traditional pharmacies, the cornerstone of a successful on-line drugstore is prescriptions


句子结构:As is the case with…, prescriptions are…     比较结构。



1)        比较的习惯用法,as be the case (with)…,是prep新出现的固定搭配,是as the case be的倒装



表达,常见的错误用法有:as it be; than be the case; as in/with the case of等。


(A) as it is with…搭配错误,it 无指代,不能指代后面这个句子。

(B) as with the case搭配错误。

(C)  正确,as be the case with…连接比较对象。

(D) 应该是as A do, so B do结构,缺少do

(E) like连接比较对象不对等,pharmaciescornerstone


40. (26538-!-item-!-188;#058&003184)


According to one expert, the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not so much

that dogs are being bred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria as that the breeds have relatively

few founding members.


(A) the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not so much that dogs are being

bred for looks or to meet other narrow criteria

(B) the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is not as much their being bred for

looks or meeting other narrow criteria as much

(C) it is not so much the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog that they are being

bred for looks or meeting other narrow criteria as much

(D) it is not so much that the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog is their being bred

for looks or meeting other narrow criteria so much

(E) it is not so much the cause of genetic irregularities in many breeds of dog to be bred for looks or

to meet other narrow criteria


句子结构:According to…, the cause of… is not so much that… as that…      比较结构。



1)                                                                           比较的习惯用法,not so much that… as that…   与其说不如说,形式平行,常见的错误用法

有:not so much their…as much as that; not so as…as much as; not so much… so much as


2)        平行对称,GMAT语法中常见的平行结构混淆选项是形式上平行,但逻辑上修饰对象是错误的,



(A) 正确,for looks or to meet平行修饰谓语bred,是功能平行而不是形式平行,表示be bred的目的。

(B) not so much their being…as much as that…不平行。

(C) it表语从句用法错误,not so much the cause of…as much as that…不平行;are being bred for

looks or meeting…中的meeting有与being并列的歧义,应该用to meet表示目的。

(D) it表语从句用法错误,第二个is多余,not so much… so much as搭配错误;应该用to meet

(E) it表语从句用法错误;to be bredto meet逻辑上不平行;not so much that…搭配不完整。


41. (26584-!-item-!-188;#058&003206)


Scientific evidence suggests that the benefits arising from consumption of alcohol are greatest with

alcohol that is taken with meals on a moderate, regular basis than when it is consumed on binges.


(A) with alcohol that is taken with meals on a moderate, regular basis than when it is consumed

(B) with taking alcohol with meals on a moderate, regular basis as opposed to its consumption

(C) when alcohol is taken with meals on a moderate, regular basis, rather than consuming it

(D) when alcohol is taken with meals on a moderate, regular basis rather than consumed

(E) when alcohol, taken with meals on a moderate, regular basis, and not consumed




句子结构:evidence suggests that the benefits… are greatest when alcohol is taken… rather than


That引导宾语从句,从句是主系表结构,跟when引导的状语从句,状语从句有并列谓语is taken…

rather than consumed…



1)        平行对称-rather than,句中相同功能的结构并列时尽量做到语态、时态形式上都对称。

2) 句子结构,当句子中有分词结构时,注意是否该分词应该是原句的谓语。


(A) greatest with… than when…搭配错误,而且than的连接对象也不平行。

(B) greatest with taking… as opposed to its consumption中,as opposed to=rather than)连接的


(C) rather than连接对象主被动语态不平行,is taken…consuming it

(D)  正确,rather than后面省略与前面相同的助动词is

(E) when引导的状语从句结构不完整,只有主语alcohol,缺少谓语,因为taken… and not consumed…



42. (26630-!-item-!-188;#058&003212)


During the same period in which the Maya were developing a hieroglyphic system of writing, the

Aztec people also developed a written language, but it was not as highly sophisticated as that of the

Maya and was more pictographic in nature.


(A) but it was not as highly sophisticated as that of the Maya and was

(B) but it was not as highly sophisticated as the Maya, being

(C) but, not as highly sophisticated as the Maya's, was

(D) not as highly sophisticated as that of the Maya, however, being

(E) not as highly sophisticated as the Maya's however, it was


句子结构:During…, the Aztec people developed a written language, but it was not as… as that of

the Maya and was…  比较结构。

But连接并列的句子,并列谓语was not… and was …



1)        比较,as…as…连接比较对象要对等。

2)        句子结构,but连词,如果连接句子,则需要主谓结构齐全,因为连词连接的句子不一定主语相同,


3)        逻辑表达,分词结构在句尾可作状语也可作定语,要注意是否有修饰歧义存在。


(A) 正确,itthat都指代written language

(B) as… as连接的比较对象不对等,languagethe Maya;句尾的分词结构being…有作定语修饰


(C) but后面的句子缺少主语,not as…作插入语,致使后面的was more pictographicdeveloped


(D)  句尾的分词结构being…有作定语修饰Maya的歧义,如果being…not as… as…并列修饰



(E)  逗号应该在however的前面,as… as…在两个句子中间,在语法上修饰对象有歧义。

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