
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;

public class ResourcesUpdate : MonoBehaviour
    private static ResourcesUpdate instance;

    public static ResourcesUpdate GetInstance ()
        return instance;
    public static readonly string LOCAL_VERSION_FILE = "/LocalVersion.txt";
    public static string LOCAL_RES_URL = "";

    #region 服务器版本号、资源bundle、Codebundle
    public static string SERVER_RES_URL = "";
    public static string SERVER_VERSION_FILE = "/ServerVersion.txt";
    public static string SERVER_ALl_PREFAB = "/ServerResources/ALL.assetbundle";
    //服务器上Code dll名字
    public static string SERVER_CODE_DLL = "/CoinRunner_dll.assetbundle";
    public static string SERVER_XMLCONFIG = "/xmlConfig.zip";

    #region 本地persistent版本号、资源bundle、Codebundle
    public static readonly string LOCAL_PERSISTENT_VERSION_FILE = "/LOCAL_Version.txt";
    //服务器下载下来保存到本地的Code dll 名字
    public static readonly string LOCAL_CODE_PERSISTENT_DLL = "/CoinRunner_dll.assetbundle";
    //服务器下载下来保存到本地的资源 dll 名字
    public static readonly string LOCAL_ALl_PERSISTENT_PREFAB = "/LOCAL_ALL.assetbundle";

    public static string LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH = "";
    public static string LOCAL_CODE_PERSISTENT_PATH = "";


    private string codeDllName = "CoinRunner_dll";

    private List<string> LocalResVersion;
    private List<string> ServerResVersion;

    public delegate void HandleFinishDownload (WWW www);

    public delegate void DownloadFinishResources ();

    public DownloadFinishResources finishResources;
    public DownloadFinishResources finishCode;

    public AssetBundle bundle;

    private bool isNeedUpdateRes = false;
    private bool isNeedUpdateCode = false;

    #region 本地和服务器版本号对比
    private int localCodeVersion;
    private int serverCodeVersion;
    private int localPlatformType;

    private int localResVersion;
    private int serverResVersion;
    private int serverPlatformType;

    public bool isLoadingResources = false;
    public bool isLoadingCode = false;

    public bool isServer = false;

    public GameObject child;
    public GameObject root;

    private string platformPath = "";
    private string platformValidateNumber = "";

    void Awake ()
        instance = this;
        isServer = false;
        CheckNetWorkType ();
        InitURLPath ();

    /// <summary>
    /// 等到资源、代码加载完毕之后,再调用该方法
    /// </summary>
    void OpenGameObject(){
        child.SetActive (true);
        root.SetActive (true);

    void CheckNetWorkType(){
        switch (CheckNetWork ()) {
        case 1://运行商网络
//          CommonMesgTips.GetInstance ().ShowTipsMsg ("正在使用运行商流量...");
        case 2://Wifi
//          CommonMesgTips.GetInstance ().ShowTipsMsg ("Wifi");
//          GLogger.LogError ("233333333333333333WifiWifiWifiWifiWifiWifiWifiWifi33333333333333333333333333");
        case -1://无网络连接
            CommonMesgTips.GetInstance ().ShowTipsMsg ("网络未连接,请检查网络!");

    /// <summary>
    /// //NotReachable  网络不可达
    //ReachableViaCarrierDataNetwork  网络通过运营商数据网络是可达的。
    //ReachableViaLocalAreaNetwork   网络通过WiFi或有线网络是可达的。
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The net work.</returns>
    public int CheckNetWork ()
        if (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.ReachableViaCarrierDataNetwork) {
            return 1;   
        }  else if (Application.internetReachability == NetworkReachability.ReachableViaLocalAreaNetwork) {
            return 2;   
        }  else {
            return -1;

    /// <summary>
    /// 1、得到本地持久化目录路径
    /// 2、得到本地StreamingAsset目录
    /// 3、初始化服务器下载路径
    /// </summary>
    void InitURLPath (){
        LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath ();// + "/"
        LOCAL_CODE_PERSISTENT_PATH = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath ();

        LOCAL_RES_URL = GameUtils.GetStreamingAssetsPath ();
//      platformPath = "http://xian.ruanko.com/ymres/android/PlatformType.txt";
        platformPath = GameUtils.GetStreamingAssetsPath () + "/PlatformConfig.txt";
        platformValidateNumber = GameUtils.GetStreamingAssetsPath () + "/PayValidateConfig.txt";

        if (isServer) {

            GLogger.LogError (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>从服务器下载...");

//          SERVER_RES_URL = "";
            SERVER_RES_URL = "http://xian.ruanko.com/ymres/android/";

            SERVER_VERSION_FILE = "/ServerVersion.txt";
            SERVER_ALl_PREFAB = "/ALL.assetbundle";
            //服务器上Code dll名字
            SERVER_CODE_DLL = "/CoinRunner_dll.assetbundle";

            SERVER_XMLCONFIG = "/xmlConfig.zip";
        } else {

            SERVER_RES_URL = GameUtils.GetStreamingAssetsPath ();

            SERVER_VERSION_FILE = "/ServerVersion.txt";
            SERVER_ALl_PREFAB = "/ServerResources/ALL.assetbundle";
            //服务器上Code dll名字
            SERVER_CODE_DLL = "/CoinRunner_dll.assetbundle";

            SERVER_XMLCONFIG = "/xmlConfig.zip";


    void Start ()

        LocalResVersion = new List<string> ();  
        ServerResVersion = new List<string> (); 

        if (bundle != null) {
        } else {
            LoadLocalVersion ();

    public void LoadLocalVersion ()

        StartCoroutine (DownLoad (platformPath, delegate(WWW platformContent) { 

        StartCoroutine (DownLoad (platformValidateNumber, delegate(WWW PayValidateConfig) { 

        //加载本地version配置  SERVER_VERSION_FILE
        StartCoroutine (DownLoad (GetLocalVersionFile (), delegate(WWW localVersion) {  
            ParseLocalVersionFile (localVersion.text);  
            StartCoroutine (this.DownLoad (SERVER_RES_URL + SERVER_VERSION_FILE, delegate(WWW serverVersion) {  
                ParseServerVersionFile (serverVersion.text);  
                CompareResVersion ();


    void ParsePlatformType(string _content){

        int platformType = int.Parse(_content);
        PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().currentPlatformType = platformType;
//      int isChange = int.Parse(_content);
//      PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().validateChinaMobile = isChange;

//      GLogger.LogError (">>>>>>>>>>>>>isChange " + isChange);
//      GLogger.LogError (">>>>>>>>>>>>>PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().isTest " + PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().isTest);

    void ParsePlatformValidate(string _content){

        int platformValidateType = int.Parse(_content);
//      PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().currentPlatformType = platformValidateType;
        if (platformValidateType == 1) {
            PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().validateNumber = PlatformPayValidateStatus.FormalValidate;
        } else if (platformValidateType == 2) {
            PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().validateNumber = PlatformPayValidateStatus.TestValidate;
        } else if (platformValidateType == 3) {
            PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().validateNumber = PlatformPayValidateStatus.DevelopValidate;

        GLogger.LogError (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().validateNumber " + (int)PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().validateNumber);


    string GetLocalVersionFile ()
        string filePath = null;
        if (File.Exists (LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH.Replace("file://", "") + LOCAL_PERSISTENT_VERSION_FILE)) {
        } else {
            filePath = LOCAL_RES_URL + LOCAL_VERSION_FILE;
        return filePath;

    /// <summary>
    /// 读取streamingAssetsPath下的Version文件到PersistentDataPath下
    /// </summary>
    void SaveVersionToPersistentDataPath (string localVersion)

        FileStream stream;
        string filePath = LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_PERSISTENT_VERSION_FILE;
        if (File.Exists (filePath)) {
            stream = new FileStream (filePath, FileMode.Create);
        } else {
            CreateDic (filePath);
            stream = File.Create (filePath);
        byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (localVersion);  
        stream.Write (data, 0, data.Length);  
        stream.Flush ();  
        stream.Close (); 

    private IEnumerator DownLoad (string url, HandleFinishDownload finishFun)
        WWW www = new WWW (url); 
        yield return www;  
        if (www.isDone) {
            if (finishFun != null) {  
                finishFun (www);  
        www.Dispose ();  

    private void ParseLocalVersionFile (string content)
        if (content == null || content.Length == 0) {  

        string[] items = content.Split (new char[] { '\n' });  
        foreach (string item in items) {   
            LocalResVersion.Add (item);

        ParseVersion.GetInstance ().LoadVersion (content);
        localResVersion = ParseVersion.GetInstance ().GetResVersionNum ();
        localCodeVersion = ParseVersion.GetInstance ().GetCodeVersionNum ();
        localPlatformType = ParseVersion.GetInstance ().GetPlatformType ();
//      PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance().currentPlatformType = ParseVersion.GetInstance ().GetPlatformType ();

    private void ParseServerVersionFile (string content)
        if (content == null || content.Length == 0) {  

        string[] items = content.Split (new char[] { '\n' });  
        foreach (string item in items) {   
            ServerResVersion.Add (item);

        ParseVersion.GetInstance ().LoadVersion (content);
        serverResVersion = ParseVersion.GetInstance ().GetResVersionNum ();
        serverCodeVersion = ParseVersion.GetInstance ().GetCodeVersionNum ();
        serverPlatformType = ParseVersion.GetInstance ().GetPlatformType ();
        PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance().validateChinaMobile = ParseVersion.GetInstance ().GetPlatformType ();


    private void CompareResVersion ()
        if (localResVersion != serverResVersion) {
            GLogger.LogWarning (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>资源版本不相等!!!");
            isNeedUpdateRes = true;
            DownLoadRes ();  
        } else {
            isNeedUpdateRes = false;
            GLogger.LogWarning (">>>>>>>资源版本相等!!!");
            DownLoadRes ();

    private void CampareCodeVersion(){
        if (localCodeVersion != serverCodeVersion) {
            GLogger.LogWarning (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>代码版本不相等!!!" + " localCodeVersion: " + localCodeVersion + " serverCodeVersion: " + serverCodeVersion);
            isNeedUpdateCode = true;
            DownLoadCode ();
        } else {
            GLogger.LogWarning (">>>>>>>>代码版本相等!!!");
            isNeedUpdateCode = false;
            DownLoadCode ();

    private void CamparePlatformType(){

        GLogger.LogError (">>>> 当前SDK ID >>>>>>:" + PlatformUserInfos.GetInstance ().currentPlatformType);


    private void DownLoadRes ()
        if (!isNeedUpdateRes) {  
            LoadAndShowAssetBundle ();

        } else {
//          if(isServer){
                LoadXML ();
//          }

        UpdateLocalVersionFile ();  
        StartCoroutine (this.DownLoad (SERVER_RES_URL + SERVER_ALl_PREFAB, delegate(WWW w) {  
            ReplaceLocalRes (LOCAL_ALl_PERSISTENT_PREFAB, w.bytes); 
            isNeedUpdateRes = false;
            DownLoadRes ();

    void LoadXML(){
        string inputPath = null;
        if (isServer) {
            inputPath = SERVER_RES_URL + SERVER_XMLCONFIG;
        } else {
            inputPath = GameUtils.GetAssetPath () + "/xmlConfig.zip";
        StartCoroutine (DownLoad(inputPath,DecompressXMLConfig));

    void DecompressXMLConfig(WWW www){
        string inputPath = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath ().Replace ("file://","")+"/xmlConfig.zip";
        GLogger.LogError (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>加载XML资源>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
        FileStream stream;
        if (File.Exists (inputPath)) {
            stream = new FileStream (inputPath, FileMode.Create);
        } else {
            CreateDic (inputPath);
            stream = File.Create (inputPath);
        byte[] data = www.bytes;  
        stream.Write (data, 0, data.Length);  
        stream.Flush ();  
        stream.Close ();

        string outputPath = GameUtils.GetDocumentsPath ().Replace ("file://","")+"/Config/";
            Directory.Delete (outputPath,true);

        DecompressTool.DecompressFiles7Zip(inputPath, outputPath);

    void LoadAndShowAssetBundle ()
        isLoadingResources = true;
        GLogger.LogWarning ("正在加载资源...");
        string filePath = null;
        if (File.Exists (LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_ALl_PERSISTENT_PREFAB)) {
            filePath = string.Format ("{0}{1}", LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH, LOCAL_ALl_PERSISTENT_PREFAB);
        } else {
            GLogger.LogWarning ("************************本地加载资源不存在************************");
        StartCoroutine (this.DownLoad (filePath, DownLoadFinishRes));

    void DownLoadFinishRes(WWW www){

        bundle = www.assetBundle;  
        isLoadingResources = false;

        if (finishResources != null) {
            finishResources ();

    private void DownLoadCode (){

        if (!isNeedUpdateCode) {  
            LoadCodeAssembly ();

        UpdateLocalVersionFile ();  
        StartCoroutine (this.DownLoad (SERVER_RES_URL + SERVER_CODE_DLL, delegate(WWW w) {  
            ReplaceLocalRes (LOCAL_CODE_PERSISTENT_DLL, w.bytes); 
            isNeedUpdateCode = false;
            DownLoadCode ();


    private void LoadCodeAssembly(){
        isLoadingCode = true;
        GLogger.LogWarning ("正在加载代码...");
        string filePath = null;
        if (File.Exists (LOCAL_CODE_PERSISTENT_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_CODE_PERSISTENT_DLL)) {
            filePath = string.Format ("{0}{1}", LOCAL_CODE_PERSISTENT_PATH, LOCAL_CODE_PERSISTENT_DLL);
        } else {
            GLogger.LogWarning ("************************本地加载Code不存在************************");
        StartCoroutine (this.DownLoad (filePath, DownloadFinishCode));

    void DownloadFinishCode(WWW www){

        AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;
        TextAsset assets = bundle.Load (codeDllName, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
        LocalResourceManager.assembly = Assembly.Load (assets.bytes);
        isLoadingCode = false;
        LocalResourceManager.GetInstance ().LoadCodeDll ();
        OpenGameObject ();
        if (finishCode != null) {
            finishCode ();

    private void UpdateLocalVersionFile ()
        if (isNeedUpdateRes || isNeedUpdateCode) {  
            StringBuilder versions = new StringBuilder ();  
            foreach (var item in ServerResVersion) {  
                versions.Append (item).Append ("\n");  
            UpdatePersistentVersionFile (versions);

    void UpdatePersistentVersionFile (StringBuilder versions)
        string filePersistentPath = string.Format ("{0}{1}",LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH.Replace ("file://", ""),LOCAL_PERSISTENT_VERSION_FILE);
        UpdateVersionFile (filePersistentPath, versions);

    void UpdateVersionFile (string filePath, StringBuilder versions)
        GLogger.LogWarning ("====================更新LocalVersion! " + filePath);
        FileStream stream;
        if (File.Exists (filePath)) {
            stream = new FileStream (filePath, FileMode.Create);
        } else {
            CreateDic (filePath);
            stream = File.Create (filePath);
        byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (versions.ToString ());  
        stream.Write (data, 0, data.Length);  
        stream.Flush ();  
        stream.Close ();

    private void ReplaceLocalRes (string fileName, byte[] data)

        FileStream stream;
        string filePath = LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + fileName;
        if (File.Exists (filePath)) {
            stream = new FileStream (filePath, FileMode.Create);
        } else {
            CreateDic (filePath);
            stream = File.Create (filePath);
        stream.Write (data, 0, data.Length);  
        stream.Flush ();  
        stream.Close ();  


    void CreateDic (string filePath)
        int index = filePath.LastIndexOf ('/');
        string dir = filePath.Substring (0, index + 1);
        if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) {
            Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);

/// <summary>
/// 保存本地资源dll到持久化目录
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prefabDll">Prefab dll.</param>
//  void SavePrefabDllToPersistentDataPath (string prefabDll)
//  {
//      FileStream stream;
//      string filePath = LOCAL_RES_PERSISTENT_PATH.Replace ("file://", "") + LOCAL_ALl_PERSISTENT_PREFAB;
//      if (File.Exists (filePath)) {
//          stream = new FileStream (filePath, FileMode.Create);
//      } else {
//          CreateDic (filePath);
//          stream = File.Create (filePath);
//      }
//      byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (prefabDll);  
//      stream.Write (data, 0, data.Length);  
//      stream.Flush ();  
//      stream.Close (); 
//  }

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;

public class LocalResourceManager : MonoBehaviour
    public static Assembly assembly;
    private static LocalResourceManager instance;
    public GameObject Child;
    public GameObject Root;
    public GameObject parseBaseXml;
    public delegate void HandleFinishDownloads (WWW www);

    public static LocalResourceManager GetInstance ()
        return instance;

     void Awake ()
        instance = this;

    public void LoadCodeDll(){

        if (assembly != null) {
            parseBaseXml.SetActive (true);

    void Start(){
        DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);

    public void AddComponentToResource (string className, GameObject gb)
        System.Type type = assembly.GetType (className);

//      GLogger.LogWarning ("--------------类名:" + type);
        if (type == null) {
            GLogger.LogWarning ("null--------------");

        if (gb == null) {
            GLogger.LogWarning ("null-------物体为空-------");

//      GLogger.Log (type + "***********************************" + className);
        if (gb != null && type != null && gb.GetComponent (type) == null) {
            gb.AddComponent (type);

using System;
using UnityEngine;

public class GetCommponent : MonoBehaviour
    public string[] className;

//  public BaseView baseView;

    public int[] defaultIntVale;
    public float[] defaultFloatVale;
    public string[] defaultStrVal;

    public bool[] defaultBool;

    public GameObject[] defaultGameObject;

    void Awake(){

        if (className == null || className.Length <= 0) {
//      Debug.Log("add");
        for (int i = 0; i < className.Length; i++) {
//          GLogger.LogWarning("00000000000000  " + className[i]);
            LocalResourceManager.GetInstance ().AddComponentToResource (className[i], gameObject);

    public T GetDefaultGB<T>(int index){

        if (defaultGameObject == null || defaultGameObject.Length <= 0) {
            GLogger.Log ("get gameobject fail: the defaultGameObject is null");
            return default(T);
        if (index < 0 || index >= defaultGameObject.Length) {
            GLogger.Log ("get gameobject fail: IndexOutOfRangeException index error  " + index);
            return default(T);
        if (defaultGameObject [index] == null) {
            GLogger.Log ("get gameobject fail: the index gameobject is null  " + index);
            return default(T);
        Type type = typeof(T);
//      Debug.Log(type);
        if (type.Name == "GameObject") {
            return (T)Convert.ChangeType(defaultGameObject[index],type);
        return (T)Convert.ChangeType(defaultGameObject[index].GetComponent(type),type);






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


