
using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using DG.Tweening;

using RGSK;

public class TestCar_Controller : MonoBehaviour


    public Rigidbody rigidBody;

    public Camera cam_Car;

    public Collider car_Collider;

    public Transform dx;

    public Vector3 centerOfMass = Vector3.zero;

    public AnimationCurve ac;


    public float reverseSpeed = 5.0f; //反向速度

    public float turnSpeed = 0.6f; //转弯速度

    public float turnNorAngle = 60;

    public float turnNitroAngle = 90;

    float turnNitorAngleTemp = 0;

    public bool driftState = false;

    /// <summary>

    /// 转弯轮胎角度

    /// </summary>

    public float turnTireAngleChange = 0;

    //Engine values

    public float engineTorque = 800.0f; //avoid setting this value too high inorder to not overpower the wheels!

    private float moveDirection = 0.0f; //移动方向

    private float turnDirection = 0.0f; //转弯方向

    public float currentSpeed = 0.0f; //当前速度

    public float currentSpeed1 = 0.0f; //当前速度

    public float downforce = 100.0f;

    public float antiRollAmount = 8000.0f;

    /// <summary>

    /// 沉睡状态 不能启动

    /// </summary>

    public bool isSleeping = false;

    public int direction = 1;       // Reverse Gear Currently.

    /// <summary>

    /// 氮气加的力

    /// </summary>

    private float fNitroAddFroce = 10000;

    /// <summary>

    /// 氮气加速

    /// </summary>


    AnimationCurve animNitroAcceleration;

    /// <summary>

    /// 氮气

    /// </summary>

    public bool usingNitro;

    public bool usingPiaoyi;

    public bool startPiaoyi = false;

    /// <summary>

    /// 开始漂移状态

    /// </summary>

    public float startPiaoyiStateSteer = 0;

    public bool bCarTengKong = false;

    public float motorInput;

    public float brakeInput;

    public float steerInput;

    public float handbrakeInput;

    public bool pulseon;

    public bool iszhuanwan = false;

    public bool autoAcceleration;

    //Wheel Colliders

    public Transform FL_Transform;

    public Transform FR_Transform;

    public Transform RL_Transform;

    public Transform RR_Transform;

    public WheelCollider FL_WheelCollider;

    public WheelCollider FR_WheelCollider;

    public WheelCollider RL_WheelCollider;

    public WheelCollider RR_WheelCollider;

    public float rawEngineRPM = 0f; // Actual engine RPM.

    public float engineRPM = 0f;            // Smoothed engine RPM.

    public float minEngineRPM = 1000f;                          // Minimum Engine RPM.

    public float maxEngineRPM = 7000f;                          // Maximum Engine RPM.

    [Range(.75f, 2f)]

    public float engineInertia = 1f;        // Inertia of the engine.

    public AudioSource engineAudio;

    public AudioSource nitroAudio;

    // Gears.


    public class Gear


        public float maxRatio;

        public int maxSpeed;

        public int targetSpeedForNextGear;

        public AnimationCurve torqueCurve;

        public void SetGear(float ratio, int speed, int targetSpeed)


            maxRatio = ratio;

            maxSpeed = speed;

            targetSpeedForNextGear = targetSpeed;



    public Gear[] gears;

    public int totalGears = 6;          //  Total count of gears.

    public int currentGear = 0;     // Current Gear Of The Vehicle.

    [Range(0f, .5f)]

    public float gearShiftingDelay = .35f;

    [Range(.25f, .8f)]

    public float gearShiftingThreshold = .75f;

    [Range(.1f, .9f)]

    public float clutchInertia = .25f;

    private float orgGearShiftingThreshold;     // Original Gear Shifting Threshold.

    public bool changingGear = false;       // Changing Gear Currently.

    public bool NGear = false;      // N Gear.

    public bool automaticGear = true;

    // Inputs.

    public float gasInput = 0f;

    internal float _gasInput




            if (_fuelInput <= 0f)

                return 0f;

            if (!automaticGear)


                if (!changingGear && !cutGas)

                    return Mathf.Clamp01(gasInput);


                    return 0f;




                if (!changingGear && !cutGas)

                    return Mathf.Clamp01(gasInput);


                    return 0f;



        set { gasInput = value; }


    internal float _fuelInput




            return Input.GetAxis("Vertical");


        set { fuelInput = value; }


    /// <summary>

    /// 离合器输入

    /// </summary>

    public float clutchInput = 1f;

    public float idleInput = 0f;

    public float fuelInput = 0f;

    public bool cutGas = false;

    /// <summary>

    /// 加速度

    /// </summary>

    float acceleration = 0;

    private void Start()


        car_Collider = transform.GetChildComponent<Collider>("Collider");

        rigidBody.centerOfMass = centerOfMass;

        if (!cam_Car && GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayCamera"))


            Transform target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayCamera").transform;

            cam_Car = target.GetComponent<Camera>();




    bool input = false;

    bool bOneStart = true;

    private void Update()


        if (RaceManager.instance.raceCompleted)


            isSleeping = false;


        if (RaceManager.instance.raceStarted && bOneStart)


            isSleeping = true;

            clutchInput = 0;

            gasInput = 0;

            bOneStart = false;

            int tempGear = 1;

            tempGear = (int)(engineRPM * 1.1f / (maxEngineRPM / 6.0f));

            acceleration = acceleration * 0.7f;


            if (tempGear == 4 || tempGear == 5)


                nitroTime = 2;




        if ((iszhuanwan) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))


            input = true;


        if ((!iszhuanwan) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.D))


            input = false;

            vel = rigidBody.transform.localEulerAngles;

            vel.y -= an;

            //rigidBody.transform.localEulerAngles = vel;

            //Quaternion velRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-an, Vector3.up);

            //rigidBody.velocity = velRotation * rigidBody.velocity;



        if (dx) dx.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, cam_Car.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);



    private void OnGUI()


        //GUIStyle fontStyle = new GUIStyle();

        //fontStyle.normal.background = null;    //设置背景填充 

        //fontStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);   //设置字体颜色 

        //fontStyle.fontSize = 40;       //字体大小 

        //GUI.Label(new Rect(100, 200, 600, 300), transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidBody.velocity).ToString(), fontStyle);


    public float wheelRPM = 0;

    void FixedUpdate()



        currentSpeed = Mathf.Abs(transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidBody.velocity).z) * 3.6f;

        currentSpeed1 = rigidBody.velocity.magnitude * 5f;

        engineAudio.pitch = 1 + currentSpeed1 / 260;


        float wheelLRPMToSpeed = (((FL_WheelCollider.rpm * FL_WheelCollider.radius) / 2.9f)) * rigidBody.transform.lossyScale.y;

        float wheelRRPMToSpeed = (((FR_WheelCollider.rpm * FR_WheelCollider.radius) / 2.9f)) * rigidBody.transform.lossyScale.y;

        wheelRPM = (wheelLRPMToSpeed + wheelRRPMToSpeed);

        //  Debug.Log("motorTorque:" + FL_WheelCollider.motorTorque + "wheelLRPMToSpeed:" + wheelLRPMToSpeed + ",wheelRRPMToSpeed:" + wheelRRPMToSpeed + ",clutchInput" + clutchInput + ",gasInput" + gasInput + ",idleInput" + idleInput);

        if (gasInput > 0.01f)

        //clutchInput 离合器输入


            float clamp01V = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, (1f - clutchInput) * (((wheelRPM * direction) / 2f) / gears[currentGear].maxSpeed)) + (((gasInput) * clutchInput) + idleInput));

            //float clamp01V = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, (1f - 1) * (((wheelRPM * 1) / 2f) / gears[currentGear].maxSpeed)) + (((1) * 1) + 1));

            float targetV = (maxEngineRPM * 1.1f) * clamp01V;

            float clampV = Mathf.MoveTowards(rawEngineRPM, targetV, engineInertia * 100f);

            rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(clampV, 0f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);

            rawEngineRPM *= 1;

          //  Debug.Log("离合器输入 rawEngineRPM:" + rawEngineRPM);




            maxEngineRPM = 7000;

            float clamp01V = Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, (1f - clutchInput) * (((wheelRPM * direction) / 2f) / gears[currentGear].maxSpeed)));

            float targetV = (maxEngineRPM * 1.1f) * clamp01V;

            float clampV = Mathf.MoveTowards(rawEngineRPM, targetV, engineInertia * 100f);

            float minRPM = 0;

            float MaxRPM = 0;

            if (currentGear <= 0)


                rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(clampV, 1000f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);

                minRPM = 1000;

                MaxRPM = 4000;

                // rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(1000, 4000,(currentSpeed1- gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) / (float)(gears[currentGear].maxSpeed - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) * Random.Range(0.5f, 1));


            else if (currentGear == 1)


                rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(clampV, 4000f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);

                minRPM = 3500;

                MaxRPM = 6000;

                //  rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(3500, 6000, (currentSpeed1 - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) / (float)(gears[currentGear].maxSpeed - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) * Random.Range(0.5f, 1));


            else if (currentGear == 2)


                rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(clampV, 5000f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);

                minRPM = 5000;

                MaxRPM = 7700;

                //  rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(5000, 7700, (currentSpeed1 - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) / (float)(gears[currentGear].maxSpeed - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) * Random.Range(0.5f, 1));


            else if (currentGear == 3)


                rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(clampV, 5000f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);

                minRPM = 5000;

                MaxRPM = 7700;

                // rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(5000, 7700, (currentSpeed1 - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) / (float)(gears[currentGear].maxSpeed - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) * Random.Range(0.5f, 1));


            else if (currentGear == 4)


                rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(clampV, 5000f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);

                minRPM = 5000;

                MaxRPM = 7700;

                //  rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(5000, 7700,  (currentSpeed1 - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) / (float)(gears[currentGear].maxSpeed - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) * Random.Range(0.5f, 1));


            else if (currentGear == 5)


                rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Clamp(clampV, 5000f, maxEngineRPM * 1.1f);

                minRPM = 5000;

                MaxRPM = 7700;

                //rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(5000, 7700, (currentSpeed1 - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) / (float)(gears[currentGear].maxSpeed - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear)*Random.Range(0.5f,1));


            if (nitroEnable)


                minRPM = 8000;

                MaxRPM = 9500;

                maxEngineRPM = 9500;


            float lerpT = (currentSpeed1 - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear) / (float)(gears[currentGear].maxSpeed - gears[currentGear].targetSpeedForNextGear);

            if (lerpT >= 0.9f)

                lerpT = lerpT * Random.Range(0.9f, 1);

            rawEngineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(minRPM, MaxRPM, lerpT);


        engineRPM = Mathf.Lerp(engineRPM, rawEngineRPM, Mathf.Lerp(Time.fixedDeltaTime * 5f, Time.fixedDeltaTime * 50f, rawEngineRPM / maxEngineRPM));


        if (!isSleeping)


            int tempGear = 1;

            tempGear = (int)(engineRPM * 1.1f / (maxEngineRPM / 6.0f));



        //if (currentSpeed1 > 100)

        //    Debug.Log(time);




        //Clutch ();





    public Vector3 vel;

    public Vector3 vvv;

    public float an;

    float time = 0;

    void Drive()


        if (!isSleeping)


            if (pulseon)


                clutchInput = 1;

                if (acceleration < 1)

                    acceleration += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 1.2f;

                if (acceleration >= 1)

                    acceleration = 1;




                if (acceleration > 0)

                    acceleration -= Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.8f;


            gasInput = acceleration;



        if ((autoAcceleration || Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0.0f) && isSleeping)//上键


            time += Time.deltaTime;

            float en = ac.Evaluate(Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));

            if (currentGear <= 0)


                if (acceleration < 12000 / engineTorque)

                    acceleration += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 1.2f;


            else if (currentGear == 1)


                if (acceleration < 18000 / engineTorque)

                    acceleration += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 1.0f;


            else if (currentGear == 2)


                if (acceleration < 26000 / engineTorque)

                    acceleration += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.3f;


            else if (currentGear == 3)


                if (acceleration < 36000 / engineTorque)

                    acceleration += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.3f;


            else if (currentGear == 4)


                if (acceleration < 49000 / engineTorque)

                    acceleration += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.2f;


            else if (currentGear == 5)


                if (acceleration < 60000 / engineTorque)

                    acceleration += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.1f;


            moveDirection = acceleration * engineTorque;

            //moveDirection = 0;

            WheelHit FrontWheelHit;

            bool groundedFL = FL_WheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out FrontWheelHit);

            if (groundedFL)


                rigidBody.AddRelativeForce(0, 0, moveDirection);

                //rigidBody.AddForce(dx.transform.forward * engineTorque);


            // ApplyWheel(engineTorque);


            //if (currentSpeed1 > 100f&& currentSpeed1<110)//速度达到一定值转弯


            //    Debug.Log("速度100 时间:"+time);


            //if (currentSpeed1 > 250f)//速度达到一定值转弯


            //    Debug.Log("速度250 时间:" + time);



        //if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") != 0)


        //    if (!input) return;

        //    turnDirection = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * turnSpeed;

        //    //rigidBody.AddRelativeTorque(0, turnDirection, 0);

        //    //FL_WheelCollider.steerAngle = 30 * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

        //    //FR_WheelCollider.steerAngle = 30 * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

        //    //rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(FL_WheelCollider.transform.right * turnDirection, FL_WheelCollider.transform.position );

        //    //rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(FR_WheelCollider.transform.right * turnDirection, FR_WheelCollider.transform.position );

        //    //rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(RL_WheelCollider.transform.right * -turnDirection, RL_WheelCollider.transform.position);

        //    //rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(RR_WheelCollider.transform.right * -turnDirection, RR_WheelCollider.transform.position);


        //if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0.0f)//下键


        //    moveDirection = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * reverseSpeed;

        //    rigidBody.AddRelativeForce(0, 0, moveDirection);

        //    ApplyWheel(-engineTorque);

        //    //if (currentSpeed > 0.05f)//速度达到一定值转弯

        //    {

        //        turnDirection = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * turnSpeed;

        //        rigidBody.AddRelativeTorque(0, -turnDirection, 0);

        //    }



        float maxAngularDrag = 1.5f; //最大阻力(转弯)

        float currentAngularDrag = 1.0f; //当前阻力(转弯)

        float aDragLerpTime = currentSpeed * 0.1f; //间隔时间(转弯)

        float maxDrag = 1.0f; //最大阻力

        float currentDrag = 0.35f; //当前阻力

        float dragLerpTime = currentSpeed * 0.1f; //间隔时间

        //float myAngularDrag = Mathf.Lerp(currentAngularDrag, maxAngularDrag, aDragLerpTime); //得出阻力(转弯)

        //float myDrag = Mathf.Lerp(currentDrag, maxDrag, dragLerpTime); //得出阻力


        //rigidBody.angularDrag = myAngularDrag;

        //rigidBody.drag = myDrag;

        if (currentGear <= 0)


            maxDrag = 0.4f;

            maxAngularDrag = 1.0f;


        else if (currentGear == 1)


            maxDrag = 0.45f;

            maxAngularDrag = 1.0f;


        else if (currentGear == 2)


            maxDrag = 0.5f;

            maxAngularDrag = 1.2f;


        else if (currentGear == 3)


            maxDrag = 0.55f;

            maxAngularDrag = 1.4f;


        else if (currentGear == 4)


            maxDrag = 0.6f;

            maxAngularDrag = 2.0f;


        else if (currentGear == 5)


            maxDrag = 0.7f;

            maxAngularDrag = 2.5f;


        float myDrag = Mathf.Lerp(currentDrag, maxDrag, dragLerpTime); //得出阻力

        rigidBody.drag = myDrag;

        float myAngularDrag = Mathf.Lerp(currentAngularDrag, maxAngularDrag, aDragLerpTime); //得出阻力(转弯)

        rigidBody.angularDrag = myAngularDrag;


    float piaoyiTempforwardSpeed = 0;

    private void Turn()


        if (isSleeping)


            if (usingPiaoyi)


                RL_WheelCollider.GetComponent<RGSK.Wheels>().shouldEmit = true;

                RR_WheelCollider.GetComponent<RGSK.Wheels>().shouldEmit = true;




                RL_WheelCollider.GetComponent<RGSK.Wheels>().shouldEmit = false;

                RR_WheelCollider.GetComponent<RGSK.Wheels>().shouldEmit = false;



        if ((iszhuanwan || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) && isSleeping)


            if (bIsCollision)


                Vector3 dir = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidBody.velocity);

                piaoyiTempforwardSpeed = dir.z;

                if (steerInput > 0)

                    dir.x += 5 * Time.deltaTime;


                    dir.x -= 5 * Time.deltaTime;

                rigidBody.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(dir);


            float h = steerInput;// Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

                                 //driftState = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.L);

            if (usingPiaoyi)


                //漂移时切换方向,高速时 取消漂移,低速时随机//

                if (startPiaoyi == true)


                    startPiaoyiStateSteer = steerInput;

                    startPiaoyi = false;

                    //Vector3 dir = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidBody.velocity);

                    //piaoyiTempforwardSpeed = dir.z;

                    //dir.z = 0;

                    //rigidBody.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(dir);




                    float value = startPiaoyiStateSteer * steerInput;

                    if (value < 0)


                        //Vector3 dir = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidBody.velocity);

                        //dir.z = piaoyiTempforwardSpeed;

                        //rigidBody.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(rigidBody.velocity);

                        startPiaoyiStateSteer = steerInput;





                if (!usingNitro && nitroTime < 5)

                    nitroTime += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.5f;

                float turn = h * turnNitroAngle * Time.fixedDeltaTime * 1;

                turnNitorAngleTemp = turn;

                Quaternion turnRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, turn, 0f);

                rigidBody.MoveRotation(rigidBody.rotation * turnRotation);

                FL_Transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -h * 30, 0);

                FR_Transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, -h * 30, 0);

                //rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(FR_WheelCollider.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right * turn) * 1.8f * rigidBody.mass, FR_WheelCollider.transform.position);

                //rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(FL_WheelCollider.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right * turn) * 1.8f * rigidBody.mass, FL_WheelCollider.transform.position);




                float turn = h * turnNorAngle * Time.fixedDeltaTime;

                Quaternion turnRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, turn, 0f);

                rigidBody.MoveRotation(rigidBody.rotation * turnRotation);

                rigidBody.AddRelativeForce(h * turnSpeed, 0, 0);

                if (currentGear >= 4)


                    if (!nitroEnable)

                        rigidBody.AddRelativeForce(0, 0, -acceleration / 8.0f * engineTorque);

                    //rigidBody.AddForce(dx.transform.forward * engineTorque);


                FL_Transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, h * 30, 0);

                FR_Transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, h * 30, 0);

                //rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(FR_WheelCollider.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right * turn) * rigidBody.mass * 1.8f, FR_WheelCollider.transform.position);

                //rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(FL_WheelCollider.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right * turn) * rigidBody.mass * 1.8f, FL_WheelCollider.transform.position);

                //if (h > 0)


                //    rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(RL_WheelCollider.transform.right * -h * turnNorAngle * 100, RL_WheelCollider.transform.position);

                //    rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(RR_WheelCollider.transform.right * -h * turnNorAngle * 100, RR_WheelCollider.transform.position);




                //    rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(RL_WheelCollider.transform.right * -h * turnNorAngle * 100, RL_WheelCollider.transform.position);

                //    rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(RR_WheelCollider.transform.right * -h * turnNorAngle * 100, RR_WheelCollider.transform.position);






            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            FL_Transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(FL_Transform.localRotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * 0.5f); //得出阻力 new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            FR_Transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(FR_Transform.localRotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * 0.5f); //得出阻力 new Vector3(0, 0, 0);


        //Vector3 vN = Vector3.Normalize(rigidBody.velocity);

        //Vector3 dN = Vector3.Normalize(dx.forward);

        //float turnadjust = Vector3.Angle(vN, dN);

        //Quaternion velRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(turnadjust, Vector3.up);

        //rigidBody.velocity = velRotation * rigidBody.velocity;


    bool bIsCancelPiaoyi = false;

    IEnumerator WaitPiaoYiEnd()


        bIsCancelPiaoyi = false;

        if (currentSpeed > 150)

            bIsCancelPiaoyi = true;



            int value = Random.Range(0, 100);

            if (value < 50)

                bIsCancelPiaoyi = true;


        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);

        if (bIsCancelPiaoyi)

            usingPiaoyi = false;


    //IEnumerator DriftAnysc()




    //private void OnDrawGizmos()


    //    Vector3 vN = Vector3.Normalize(rigidBody.velocity) * 10;

    //    Vector3 dN = Vector3.Normalize(dx.forward);

    //    Gizmos.DrawLine(rigidBody.position + Vector3.up * 5, rigidBody.position + Vector3.up * 5 + vN);


    /// <summary>

    /// Gearbox.

    /// </summary>

    private void GearBox()


        if (automaticGear)


            if (currentGear < gears.Length - 1 && !changingGear)


                if (currentSpeed1 >= (gears[currentGear].maxSpeed) && FL_WheelCollider.rpm > 0)


                    //  Debug.Log("变速:" + (currentGear + 1) + ",currentSpeed1:" + currentSpeed1 + ",engineRPM:" + engineRPM);

                    StartCoroutine(ChangeGear(currentGear + 1));



            if (currentGear > 0)


                if (!changingGear)


                    if (currentSpeed1 < (gears[currentGear - 1].targetSpeedForNextGear * .7f) && direction != -1)


                        StartCoroutine(ChangeGear(currentGear - 1));






    /// <summary>

    /// Changes the gear.

    /// </summary>

    /// <returns>The gear.</returns>

    /// <param name="gear">Gear.</param>

    public IEnumerator ChangeGear(int gear)


        changingGear = true;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(gearShiftingDelay);

        if (gear == -1)


            currentGear = 0;

            if (!NGear)

                direction = -1;


                direction = 0;




            currentGear = gear;

            if (!NGear)

                direction = 1;


                direction = 0;


        changingGear = false;


    void ApplyWheel(float torque)


        FL_WheelCollider.motorTorque = torque;// torque;

        FR_WheelCollider.motorTorque = torque;// torque;

        RL_WheelCollider.motorTorque = torque;// torque;

        RR_WheelCollider.motorTorque = torque;// torque;


    void WheelAllignment()


        Transform cL = FL_Transform.GetChild(1);

        Transform cR = FR_Transform.GetChild(1);

        WheelAllignmentOne(cL, FL_WheelCollider, 1);

        WheelAllignmentOne(cR, FR_WheelCollider, 1);

        WheelAllignmentOne(FL_Transform, FL_WheelCollider, 0);

        WheelAllignmentOne(FR_Transform, FR_WheelCollider, 0);

        WheelAllignmentOne(RL_Transform, RL_WheelCollider);

        WheelAllignmentOne(RR_Transform, RR_WheelCollider);


    void WheelAllignmentOne(Transform wt, WheelCollider wc, int t = 2)


        Quaternion rot;

        Vector3 pos;

        wc.GetWorldPose(out pos, out rot);

        //Set rotation & position of the wheels

        if (t == 2)


            wt.position = pos;

            wt.rotation = rot;


        if (t == 1)


            wt.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(rot.eulerAngles.x, 0, 0);


        if (t == 0)


            wt.position = pos;



    /// <summary>

    /// 稳定杆

    /// </summary>

    public void StabilizerBars()


        WheelHit FrontWheelHit;

        float travelFL = 1.0f;

        float travelFR = 1.0f;

        bool groundedFL = FL_WheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out FrontWheelHit);

        if (groundedFL)

            travelFL = (-FL_WheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(FrontWheelHit.point).y - FL_WheelCollider.radius) / FL_WheelCollider.suspensionDistance;

        bool groundedFR = FR_WheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out FrontWheelHit);

        if (groundedFR)

            travelFR = (-FR_WheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(FrontWheelHit.point).y - FR_WheelCollider.radius) / FR_WheelCollider.suspensionDistance;

        float antiRollForceFront = (travelFL - travelFR) * antiRollAmount;

        if (groundedFL)

            rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(FL_WheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceFront, FL_WheelCollider.transform.position);

        if (groundedFR)

            rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(FR_WheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceFront, FR_WheelCollider.transform.position);

        WheelHit RearWheelHit;

        float travelRL = 1.0f;

        float travelRR = 1.0f;

        bool groundedRL = RL_WheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out RearWheelHit);

        if (groundedRL)

            travelRL = (-RL_WheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(RearWheelHit.point).y - RL_WheelCollider.radius) / RL_WheelCollider.suspensionDistance;

        bool groundedRR = RR_WheelCollider.GetGroundHit(out RearWheelHit);

        if (groundedRR)

            travelRR = (-RR_WheelCollider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(RearWheelHit.point).y - RR_WheelCollider.radius) / RR_WheelCollider.suspensionDistance;

        float antiRollForceRear = (travelRL - travelRR) * antiRollAmount;

        if (groundedRL)

            rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(RL_WheelCollider.transform.up * -antiRollForceRear, RL_WheelCollider.transform.position);

        if (groundedRR)

            rigidBody.AddForceAtPosition(RR_WheelCollider.transform.up * antiRollForceRear, RR_WheelCollider.transform.position);

        //if (groundedRR && groundedRL && currentSpeed > 5.0f)

        //    rigidBody.AddRelativeTorque((Vector3.up * (moveDirection * 1)) * 500f);


        if (!groundedRL && !groundedRR && !groundedFL && !groundedFR)


            bCarTengKong = true;


            if (!usingNitro && nitroTime < 5)

                nitroTime += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.5f;

            downforce = 500;




            bCarTengKong = false;

            downforce = 1595;



    /// <summary>

    /// 施加向下的压力

    /// </summary>

    void ApplyDownforce()


        rigidBody.AddForce(-transform.up * downforce * rigidBody.velocity.magnitude);


    public bool nitroEnable = false;

    public bool nitroEndTeffect = false;

    public float nitroEndTeffectTime = 0;

    public GameObject nitroGroup;

    public float nitroTime = 0;

    public float nitroReduceTime = 0;

    RGSK.PlayerCamera playerCam;

    void Nitro()


        if ((usingNitro || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift)) && !nitroEnable && nitroTime > 1)


            nitroEnable = true;

            //  StartCoroutine(NitroAnysc());

            playerCam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RGSK.PlayerCamera)) as RGSK.PlayerCamera;

            nitroReduceTime = 0;






            //if (usingNitro)


            //    Debug.Log("触发氮气,但其他条件不满足 nitroTime:" + nitroTime);



        if (nitroEndTeffect)


            nitroEndTeffectTime += Time.deltaTime * 4;

            playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(70, 60, nitroEndTeffectTime);

            playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(3, 2, nitroEndTeffectTime);

            playerCam.distance = Mathf.Lerp(7.4f, 5f, nitroEndTeffectTime);

            playerCam.height = Mathf.Lerp(1.95f, 1.75f, nitroEndTeffectTime);

            playerCam.lookAtHeight = Mathf.Lerp(1.28f, 1.22f, nitroEndTeffectTime);


        if (nitroEnable)


            nitroTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;

            nitroReduceTime += Time.fixedDeltaTime;

            TestUI.Instance.SetNitro(nitroTime / 5);

            acceleration += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.5f;

            if (acceleration > 1)

                acceleration = 1;

            float value = animNitroAcceleration.Evaluate(nitroReduceTime);

            rigidBody.AddRelativeForce(dx.forward * fNitroAddFroce * value);

            if (nitroTime <= 0)


                nitroEnable = false;





            if (nitroReduceTime <= 0.2f)


                playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(60, 70, nitroReduceTime * 5);

                playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(5f, 2, nitroReduceTime * 5);

                playerCam.distance = Mathf.Lerp(5f, 7.4f, nitroReduceTime * 5);

                playerCam.height = Mathf.Lerp(1.75f, 1.9f, nitroReduceTime * 5);

                playerCam.lookAtHeight = Mathf.Lerp(1.22f, 1.3f, nitroReduceTime * 5);


            //if (nitroTime <= 0.5f && nitroTime > 0)


            //    //Debug.Log("1- nitroTime * 2:"+ (1 - nitroTime * 1));

            //    playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(70, 60, 1 - nitroTime * 1);

            //    playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(2, 5, 1 - nitroTime * 1);

            //    playerCam.distance = Mathf.Lerp(7.4f, 5f, 1 - nitroTime * 1);

            //    playerCam.height = Mathf.Lerp(1.9f, 1.75f, 1 - nitroTime * 1);

            //    playerCam.lookAtHeight = Mathf.Lerp(1.3f, 1.22f, 1 - nitroTime * 1);





            //if (isSleeping)

            //    if (nitroTime < 5)

            //        nitroTime += Time.fixedDeltaTime * 0.5f;

            TestUI.Instance.SetNitro(nitroTime / 5);



    /// <summary>

    /// 氮气结束

    /// </summary>

    /// <returns></returns>

    IEnumerator NitroEndAnysc()


        RGSK.PlayerCamera playerCam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RGSK.PlayerCamera)) as RGSK.PlayerCamera;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);

        //playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = 3;

        //playerCam.distance = 5.5f;

        //playerCam.height = 1.88f;

        //playerCam.lookAtHeight = 1.28f;

        //playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = 70;

        nitroEndTeffect = true;

        nitroEndTeffectTime = 0;

        //yield return new WaitForSeconds(.25f);

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.3f);

        nitroEndTeffect = false;

        //playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = 60;

        //playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = 5;

        //playerCam.distance = 5f;

        //playerCam.height = 1.8f;

        //playerCam.lookAtHeight = 1.2f;


    IEnumerator NitroAnysc()


        float t = nitroTime - 0.25f;

        RGSK.PlayerCamera playerCam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RGSK.PlayerCamera)) as RGSK.PlayerCamera;

        playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = 60;

        playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = 5;

        playerCam.distance = 5f;

        playerCam.height = 1.8f;

        playerCam.lookAtHeight = 1.2f;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);

        playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = 2;

        playerCam.distance = 5.5f;

        playerCam.height = 1.75f;

        playerCam.lookAtHeight = 1.22f;

        playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = 65;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.15f);

        playerCam.distance = 7.4f;

        playerCam.height = 1.9f;

        playerCam.lookAtHeight = 1.3f;

        playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = 70;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(nitroTime);

        playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = 2;

        playerCam.distance = 5.5f;

        playerCam.height = 1.85f;

        playerCam.lookAtHeight = 1.22f;

        playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = 65;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);

        playerCam.GetComponent<Camera>().fieldOfView = 60;

        playerCam.distanceZoomSpeed = 5;

        playerCam.distance = 5f;

        playerCam.height = 1.8f;

        playerCam.lookAtHeight = 1.2f;


    /// <summary>

    /// Creates the gear curves.

    /// </summary>

    public void CreateGearCurves()


        gears = new Gear[totalGears];

        float[] gearRatio = new float[gears.Length];

        int[] maxSpeedForGear = new int[gears.Length];

        if (gears.Length == 3)


            gearRatio = new float[] { 2.0f, 1.5f, 1.0f };


        if (gears.Length == 4)


            gearRatio = new float[] { 2.86f, 1.62f, 1.0f, .72f };


        if (gears.Length == 5)


            gearRatio = new float[] { 4.23f, 2.52f, 1.66f, 1.22f, 1.0f, };


        if (gears.Length == 6)


            gearRatio = new float[] { 4.35f, 2.5f, 1.66f, 1.23f, 1.0f, .85f };


        if (gears.Length == 7)


            gearRatio = new float[] { 4.5f, 2.5f, 1.66f, 1.23f, 1.0f, .9f, .8f };


        if (gears.Length == 8)


            gearRatio = new float[] { 4.6f, 2.5f, 1.86f, 1.43f, 1.23f, 1.05f, .9f, .72f };


        for (int i = 0; i < maxSpeedForGear.Length; i++)


            maxSpeedForGear[i] = new int();

            maxSpeedForGear[i] = (int)((260 / gears.Length) * (i + 1));


        maxSpeedForGear = new int[] { 61, 91, 129, 179, 221, 262 };

        for (int i = 0; i < gears.Length; i++)


            gears[i] = new Gear();

            if (i == 0)

                gears[i].SetGear(gearRatio[i], maxSpeedForGear[i], 0);


                gears[i].SetGear(gearRatio[i], maxSpeedForGear[i], maxSpeedForGear[i - 1]);


        /*if (autoGenerateGearCurves) {

                        engineTorqueCurve = new AnimationCurve[gears.Length];

                        currentGear = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < engineTorqueCurve.Length; i++)

                                engineTorqueCurve [i] = new AnimationCurve (new Keyframe (0, 1));

                        for (int i = 0; i < gears.Length; i++) {

                                if (i != 0) {

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].MoveKey (0, new Keyframe (0, Mathf.Lerp (1f, .05f, (float)(i + 1) / (float)gears.Length)));

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].AddKey (gears[i].targetSpeedForNextGear / 3f, gears[i].maxRatio / 1.1f);

                                        //                                      engineTorqueCurve [i].AddKey (gears[i-1].targetSpeedForNextGear, gears[i].maxRatio);

                                        //                                      engineTorqueCurve [i].AddKey (gears[i-1].targetSpeedForNextGear + ((gears[i].targetSpeedForNextGear - gears[i-1].targetSpeedForNextGear) / 2f), gears[i].maxRatio);

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].AddKey (gears[i].targetSpeedForNextGear, gears[i].maxRatio);

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].AddKey (gears[i].maxSpeed, Mathf.Lerp (1f, .05f, (float)(i + 1) / (float)gears.Length));

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].postWrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].preWrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].SmoothTangents (1, -.5f);

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].SmoothTangents (2, .75f);

                                } else {

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].MoveKey (0, new Keyframe (0, gears[0].maxRatio));

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].AddKey (gears[0].targetSpeedForNextGear, gears[0].maxRatio / 1.25f);

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].AddKey (gears[0].maxSpeed, Mathf.Lerp (1f, .05f, (float)(1) / (float)gears.Length));

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].postWrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].preWrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp;

                                        //                                      engineTorqueCurve [i].SmoothTangents (1, -.5f);

                                        engineTorqueCurve [i].SmoothTangents (1, .5f);

                                        //                                      engineTorqueCurve [i].SmoothTangents (2, .75f);


                                orgMaxSpeed = maxspeed;

                                orgGearShiftingThreshold = gearShiftingThreshold;



                for (int i = 0; i < engineTorqueCurve.Length; i++)

                        gears [i].torqueCurve = engineTorqueCurve [i];



    public bool hh = false;

    float stayTime = 0;

    Vector3 hitpos = Vector3.zero;

    public LayerMask hittestMalk;

    /// <summary>

    /// 车尾碰撞

    /// 描述:尾部处于碰撞状态,在转弯时加大转弯力度

    /// </summary>

    public bool bIsCollision = false;

    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)


        //rigidBody.velocity = Vector3.zero;

        // acceleration = 0;


        if (collision.contacts.Length < 1)


        ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0];

        //ContactPoint contact1 = collision.contacts[1];

        //Vector3 nor = Vector3.Normalize(contact1.point - contact.point);

        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, contact.normal);

        Vector3 pos1 = contact.point;

        if (collision.transform.tag == "RoadSide")



            stayTime = 0;

            hitpos = contact.point;


            usingPiaoyi = false;


            GameObject effectPrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("Effect/ExplosionFX");

            GameObject effectIns = GameObject.Instantiate(effectPrefab);

            effectIns.transform.position = hitpos;





            float speed = rigidBody.velocity.magnitude * 5.0f;


            Ray rayForward;

            bool hitForward = transform.InverseTransformPoint(hitpos).z > 0;

            if (hitForward)

                rayForward = new Ray(car_Collider.transform.position, transform.forward * 20);


                rayForward = new Ray(car_Collider.transform.position, -transform.forward * 20);

            Ray rayRight;

            bool hitRight = transform.InverseTransformPoint(hitpos).x > 0;

            if (hitRight)

                rayRight = new Ray(car_Collider.transform.position, transform.right * 20);


                rayRight = new Ray(car_Collider.transform.position, -transform.right * 20);

            RaycastHit rhForward = new RaycastHit();

            bool hashitForward = Physics.Raycast(rayForward, out rhForward, 100, hittestMalk);

            RaycastHit rhRight = new RaycastHit();

            bool hashitRight = Physics.Raycast(rayRight, out rhRight, 100, hittestMalk);

            float distanceForward = Vector3.Distance(rhForward.point, hitpos);

            if (hashitForward)


                if (hitForward)


                    if (hashitRight)


                        float distanceRight = Vector3.Distance(rhRight.point, hitpos);

                        float rateF = distanceForward / 5f;

                        float rateR = 1 / distanceRight;

                        float rateAvg = Mathf.Clamp((rateF + rateR) / 2, 0, 1);

                        if (!bIsCollision)

                            rigidBody.velocity = rigidBody.velocity * rateAvg;

                        Debug.Log("车头碰撞 距离:" + distanceForward + " Rate : " + rateF + " | " +

                            (hitRight ? "右" : "左") + "侧碰撞 距离:" + distanceRight + " Rate : " + rateR +

                            " \nAverageRate : " + (rateF + rateR) / 2 + " | 碰撞后速度:" + speed + "/" + rigidBody.velocity.magnitude * 5f + " |速度方向:" + rigidBody.velocity);

                        //yanjiang add//

                        //rigidBody.AddExplosionForce(5.0f, rigidBody.transform.position + rigidBody.transform.forward, 2.0f, 3.0f, ForceMode.VelocityChange);


                        cam_Car.GetComponent<RGSK.PlayerCamera>().SharkCamera(0.25f * (1 - rateAvg), 0.5f * (1 - rateAvg));




                        //Debug.Log("车头碰撞 距离: " + distanceForward);

                        if (!bIsCollision)

                            rigidBody.velocity = rigidBody.velocity * 0;





                    bIsCollision = true;

                    Debug.Log("车尾碰撞 距离: " + distanceForward);





                if (hashitRight)


                    float distanceRight = Vector3.Distance(rhRight.point, hitpos);

                    float rateF = distanceForward / 5f;

                    float rateR = 1 / distanceRight;

                    float rateAvg = Mathf.Clamp((rateF + rateR) / 2, 0, 1);

                    if (!bIsCollision)

                        rigidBody.velocity = rigidBody.velocity * rateAvg;

                    Debug.Log("车后 右侧碰撞 距离:" + distanceForward + " Rate : " + rateF + " | " +

                        (hitRight ? "右" : "左") + "侧碰撞 距离:" + distanceRight + " Rate : " + rateR +

                        " \nAverageRate : " + (rateF + rateR) / 2 + " | 碰撞前后速度:" + speed + "/" + rigidBody.velocity.magnitude * 5f + " |速度方向:" + rigidBody.velocity);

                    //yanjiang add//

                    //rigidBody.AddExplosionForce(5.0f, rigidBody.transform.position + rigidBody.transform.forward, 2.0f, 3.0f, ForceMode.VelocityChange);


                    cam_Car.GetComponent<RGSK.PlayerCamera>().SharkCamera(0.25f * (1 - rateAvg), 0.5f * (1 - rateAvg));





                    if (!bIsCollision)

                        rigidBody.velocity = rigidBody.velocity * 0.8f;




        else if (collision.transform.tag == "")



        currentSpeed1 = rigidBody.velocity.magnitude * 5f;

        if (currentGear > 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < gears.Length; i++)


                if (gears[i].targetSpeedForNextGear <= currentSpeed1 && currentSpeed1 < gears[i].maxSpeed)


                    currentGear = i;

                    // Debug.Log("碰撞减档:" + (currentGear) + ",currentSpeed1:" + currentSpeed1);



        if (currentGear <= 0)


            acceleration = 0;


        else if (currentGear == 1)


            acceleration = 12000 / engineTorque;


        else if (currentGear == 2)


            acceleration = 18000 / engineTorque;


        else if (currentGear == 3)


            acceleration = 26000 / engineTorque;


        else if (currentGear == 4)


            acceleration = 36000 / engineTorque;


        else if (currentGear == 5)


            acceleration = 49000 / engineTorque;


        //GameObject gb = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);


        //gb.transform.position = pos1;

        //gb.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 0.1f;


    private void OnDrawGizmos()


        Color color = Color.white;

        if (car_Collider)


            Ray ray = new Ray(car_Collider.transform.position, transform.forward * 20);

            RaycastHit rh = new RaycastHit();

            bool hashit = Physics.Raycast(ray, out rh, 100, hittestMalk);

            if (hashit)

                color = Color.red;

            Debug.DrawRay(car_Collider.transform.position, transform.forward * 20, color);



    private void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision)


        if (collision.transform.tag == "RoadSide")





            //Debug.Log("碰撞速度方向:" + rigidBody.velocity);

            stayTime += Time.fixedDeltaTime;

            if (stayTime > 1)


                if (Vector3.Distance(hitpos, collision.contacts[0].point) < 0.2f)


                    // Debug.Log("重置车子状态");



                    stayTime = 0;



        else if (collision.transform.tag == "")




    private void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision)


        if (collision.transform.tag == "RoadSide")



            bIsCollision = false;

           // Debug.Log("碰撞速度方向:" + rigidBody.velocity);


        else if (collision.transform.tag == "")





/// <summary>

/// 赛车计算模型

/// 物理引擎模拟模式

/// 赛车wheel仿真轨迹

/// </summary>

public enum SaiCarLogicModel




//Race_Manager.cs handles the race logic - countdown, spawning cars, asigning racer names, checking race status, formatting time strings and more important race functions.

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.IO;

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

namespace RGSK


    public class RaceManager : MonoBehaviour


        public static RaceManager instance;

        #region enum

        public enum RaceType { Circuit, LapKnockout, TimeTrial, SpeedTrap, Checkpoints, Elimination, Drift }

        public enum RaceState { StartingGrid, Racing, Paused, Complete, KnockedOut, Replay }

        public enum PlayerSpawnPosition { Randomized, Selected }

        public enum TimerType { CountUp, CountDown }

        public enum AISpawnType { Randomized, Order }

        public OpponentControl.AiDifficulty aiDifficulty = OpponentControl.AiDifficulty.Custom;

        public RaceType _raceType;

        public RaceState _raceState = RaceState.StartingGrid;

        public PlayerSpawnPosition _playerSpawnPosition;

        public AISpawnType _aiSpawnType;

        public TimerType timerType = TimerType.CountUp;


        #region int

        public int totalLaps = 3;

        public int totalRacers = 4; //The total number of racers (player included)

        public int playerStartRank = 4; //The rank you will start the race as

        public int countdownFrom = 3;

        private int currentCountdownTime;


        #region float

        public float raceDistance; //Your race track's distance.

        public float countdownDelay = 3.0f;

        private float countdownTimer = 1.0f;

        public float initialCheckpointTime = 10.0f; //start time (Checkpoint race);

        public float driftTimeLimit = 60; //time limit (Drift race)

        public float eliminationTime = 30f; //start time (Elimination race);

        public float eliminationCounter; //timer for elimination

        public float ghostAlpha = 0.3f;

        public float goldDriftPoints = 10000;

        public float silverDriftPoints = 5000;

        public float bronzeDriftPoints = 1000;


        #region Transform

        public Transform pathContainer;

        public Transform spawnpointContainer;

        public Transform checkpointContainer;

        public Transform timeTrialStartPoint;


        #region GameObject

        public GameObject playerCar;

        public GameObject playerPointer, opponentPointer, racerName;

        public GameObject activeGhostCar;


        #region List

        public List<GameObject> opponentCars = new List<GameObject>();

        public List<Transform> spawnpoints = new List<Transform>();

        public List<RaceRewards> raceRewards = new List<RaceRewards>();

        public List<string> opponentNamesList = new List<string>();

        public List<Statistics> eliminationList = new List<Statistics>();


        public TextAsset opponentNames;

        public StringReader nameReader;

        public string playerName = "You";

        public Shader ghostShader;

        public Material ghostMaterial;

        #region bool

        private bool startCountdown;

        public bool continueAfterFinish = true; //Should the racers keep driving after finish.

        public bool showRacerNames = true; //Should names appear above player cars

        public bool showRacerPointers = true; //Should minimap pointers appear above all racers

        public bool showRaceInfoMessages = true;//Show final lap indication , new best lap, speed trap & racer knockout information texts

        public bool forceWrongwayRespawn; //should the player get respawned if going the wrong way

        public bool raceStarted; //has the race began

        public bool raceCompleted; //has the race began

        public bool loadRacePreferences; //Load menu prefrences?

        public bool allowDuplicateRacers;//allow duplicate AI

        public bool assignAiRacerNames = true;

        public bool assignPlayerName = true;

        public bool enableGhostVehicle = true;

        public bool useGhostMaterial = false;

        public bool enableReplay = true;

        public bool autoStartReplay; //automatically start the replay after finishing the race

        public bool showStartingGrid;

        public bool timeTrialAutoDrive = true;

        public bool penalties = true;

        public bool timeLimit;


        void Awake()


            //create an instance

            instance = this;

            //load race prefernces from an active data loader

            if (loadRacePreferences)


                if (GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(DataLoader)))


                    DataLoader dl = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(DataLoader)) as DataLoader;





                    Debug.LogWarning("Add a DataLoader component to your scene to load race preferences!");




        void Start()


            //Set appropriate racer & lap values according to race type.

            switch (_raceType)


                case RaceType.Circuit:

                    timerType = TimerType.CountUp;


                /*case RaceType.Sprint:

                    totalLaps = 1;

                    continueAfterFinish = false;

                    timerType = TimerType.CountUp;



                case RaceType.LapKnockout:

                    if (totalRacers < 2)


                        totalRacers = 2;


                    totalLaps = totalRacers - 1;

                    timerType = TimerType.CountUp;


                case RaceType.TimeTrial:

                    totalRacers = 1;

                    enableReplay = false;

                    showStartingGrid = false;

                    timerType = TimerType.CountUp;

                    if(SoundManager.instance.musicStart == SoundManager.MusicStart.BeforeCountdown)

                        SoundManager.instance.musicStart = SoundManager.MusicStart.AfterCountdown;


                case RaceType.Checkpoints:

                    timerType = TimerType.CountDown;


                case RaceType.Elimination:

                    if (totalRacers < 2)


                        totalRacers = 2;


                    eliminationCounter = eliminationTime;

                    timerType = TimerType.CountDown;


                case RaceType.Drift:

                    totalRacers = 1;

                    showStartingGrid = false;

                    timerType = (timeLimit) ? TimerType.CountDown : TimerType.CountUp;






        void SpawnRacers()


            if (!playerCar)


                Debug.LogError("Please add a player vehicle!");



            //Find the children of the spawnpoint container and add them to the spawnpoints List.


            Transform[] _sp = spawnpointContainer.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();

            foreach (Transform point in _sp)


                if (point != spawnpointContainer)





            //Set appropriate values incase they are icnorrectly configured.

            totalRacers = SetValue(totalRacers, spawnpoints.Count);

            playerStartRank = SetValue(playerStartRank, totalRacers);

            totalLaps = SetValue(totalLaps, 1000);

            //Check for player spawn type

            if (_playerSpawnPosition == PlayerSpawnPosition.Randomized)


                playerStartRank = Random.Range(1, totalRacers);


            //Randomize spawn if total racers is greater than AI

            if (totalRacers - 1 > opponentCars.Count)


                _aiSpawnType = AISpawnType.Randomized;

                allowDuplicateRacers = true;


            //Spawn the racers

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRacers; i++)


                if (spawnpoints[i] != spawnpoints[playerStartRank - 1] && opponentCars.Count > 0)


                    //Spawn the AI

                    if (_aiSpawnType == AISpawnType.Randomized)


                        if (allowDuplicateRacers)


                            Instantiate(opponentCars[Random.Range(0, opponentCars.Count)], spawnpoints[i].position, spawnpoints[i].rotation);


                        else {

                            int spawnIndex = Random.Range(0, opponentCars.Count);

                            if (spawnIndex > opponentCars.Count) spawnIndex = opponentCars.Count - 1;

                            Instantiate(opponentCars[spawnIndex], spawnpoints[i].position, spawnpoints[i].rotation);




                    else if (_aiSpawnType == AISpawnType.Order)


                        int spawnIndex = 0;

                        if (spawnIndex > opponentCars.Count) spawnIndex = opponentCars.Count - 1;

                        Instantiate(opponentCars[spawnIndex], spawnpoints[i].position, spawnpoints[i].rotation);




                else if (spawnpoints[i] == spawnpoints[playerStartRank - 1] && playerCar)


                    //Spawn the player

                    Transform spawnPos = (_raceType != RaceType.TimeTrial) ? spawnpoints[i] : timeTrialStartPoint;

                    GameObject player = (GameObject)Instantiate(playerCar, spawnPos.position, spawnPos.rotation);

                    switch (_raceType)


                        case RaceType.Drift:




                        case RaceType.TimeTrial:


                            if (enableGhostVehicle)






            //Set racer names, pointers and handle countdown after spawning the racers




            //Start the countdown immediately if starting grid isn't shown

            if (!showStartingGrid)






                //Update cameras




        void SetRacerPreferences()


            Statistics[] racers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Statistics)) as Statistics[];

            //Load opponent names if they havent already been loaded

            if (opponentNamesList.Count <= 0)




            for (int i = 0; i < racers.Length; i++)


                racers[i].name = ReplaceString(racers[i].name, "(Clone)");

                if (racers[i].gameObject.tag == "Player")


                    //Player Name & Player Minimap Pointer

                    if (assignPlayerName)


                        racers[i].racerDetails.racerName = playerName;


                    if (showRacerPointers && playerPointer)


                        GameObject m_pointer = (GameObject)Instantiate(playerPointer);

                        m_pointer.GetComponent<RacerPointer>().target = racers[i].transform;



                else {

                    //AI Racer Names

                    if (assignAiRacerNames)


                        int nameIndex = Random.Range(0, opponentNamesList.Count);

                        if (nameIndex > opponentNamesList.Count) nameIndex = opponentNamesList.Count - 1;

                        racers[i].racerDetails.racerName = opponentNamesList[nameIndex].ToString();



                    //Ai Racer Name Component

                    if (showRacerNames && racerName)


                        GameObject _name = (GameObject)Instantiate(racerName);

                        _name.GetComponent<RacerName>().target = racers[i].transform;



                    //Ai Minimap Pointers

                    if (showRacerPointers && opponentPointer)


                        GameObject o_pointer = (GameObject)Instantiate(opponentPointer);

                        o_pointer.GetComponent<RacerPointer>().target = racers[i].transform;


                    //Ai Difficulty





        public IEnumerator Countdown(float delay)


            if (_raceType == RaceType.TimeTrial)

                yield break;

            //Set the race state to racing


            //Update cameras


            //Check whether music should be played now

            if (SoundManager.instance.musicStart == SoundManager.MusicStart.BeforeCountdown)


            //wait for (countdown delay) seconds

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);

            //set total countdown time

            currentCountdownTime = countdownFrom + 1;

            startCountdown = true;

            while (startCountdown == true)


                countdownTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

                if (currentCountdownTime >= 1)


                    if (countdownTimer < 0.01f)


                        currentCountdownTime -= 1;

                        countdownTimer = 1;

                        if (currentCountdownTime > 0)







                else {

                    //Display GO! and call StartRace();

                    startCountdown = false;




                    //Wait for 1 second and hide the text.

                    yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);



                yield return null;



        void Update()


            //Handle Elimination race times

            if (_raceType == RaceType.Elimination)



        public void StartRace()


            //enable cars to start racing

            Statistics[] racers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Statistics)) as Statistics[];

            foreach (Statistics go in racers)


                if (go.GetComponent<Car_Controller>())

                    go.GetComponent<Car_Controller>().controllable = true;

                if (go.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>())

                    go.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>().controllable = true;

                if (_raceType == RaceType.Elimination)



            //Start replay recording

            if (enableReplay && GetComponent<ReplayManager>())


            //Check whether music should be played now

            if (SoundManager.instance && SoundManager.instance.musicStart == SoundManager.MusicStart.AfterCountdown)


            //注释 yanjiang 控制是否移动

            raceStarted = true;


        public void EndRace(int rank)



            raceCompleted = true;


            if (ReplayManager.instance)



        IEnumerator EndRaceRoutine()



            RaceUI.instance.SetFinishedText("RACE COMPLETED");

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(3.0f);

            if (autoStartReplay)




        void CalculateRaceRewards(int pos)


            if (raceRewards.Count >= pos)


                //Give currency

                if (raceRewards[pos - 1].currency > 0)


                    PlayerData.AddCurrency(raceRewards[pos - 1].currency);

                    RaceUI.instance.SetRewardText(raceRewards[pos - 1].currency.ToString("N0"), "", "");

                    Debug.Log("Reward Currency : " + raceRewards[pos - 1].currency);


                //Vehicle Unlock

                if (raceRewards[pos - 1].vehicleUnlock != "" && !PlayerPrefs.HasKey(raceRewards[pos - 1].vehicleUnlock))


                    PlayerData.Unlock(raceRewards[pos - 1].vehicleUnlock);

                    RaceUI.instance.SetRewardText("", raceRewards[pos - 1].vehicleUnlock, "");

                    Debug.Log("Reward Vehicle : " + raceRewards[pos - 1].vehicleUnlock);


                //Track Unlock

                if (raceRewards[pos - 1].trackUnlock != "" && !PlayerPrefs.HasKey(raceRewards[pos - 1].trackUnlock))


                    PlayerData.Unlock(raceRewards[pos - 1].trackUnlock);

                    RaceUI.instance.SetRewardText("", "", raceRewards[pos - 1].trackUnlock);

                    Debug.Log("Reward Track : " + raceRewards[pos - 1].trackUnlock);




        public void PauseRace()


            //No point for pausing in completed or starting grid states

            if (raceCompleted || _raceState == RaceState.StartingGrid) return;

            if (_raceState == RaceState.Paused)


                //Handle un-pausing


                Time.timeScale = 1.0f;





                //Handle pausing


                Time.timeScale = 0.0f;

                AudioListener.volume = 0.0f;



        void CalculateEliminationTime()


            if (!raceStarted || _raceState == RaceState.Complete) return;

            eliminationCounter -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (eliminationCounter <= 0)


                eliminationCounter = eliminationTime;

                if (RankManager.instance.currentRacers > 1) { KnockoutRacer(GetLastPlace()); }

                //end the race after all opponent racers have been eliminated




        //Used to knockout a racer

        public void KnockoutRacer(Statistics racer)


            racer.knockedOut = true;

            if (racer.tag == "Player")




                //RaceUI Fail Race Panel Config

                string title = (_raceType == RaceType.Elimination) ? "ELIMINATED" : (_raceType == RaceType.LapKnockout) ? "KNOCKED OUT" : "TIMED OUT";

                string reason = (_raceType == RaceType.Elimination) ? "You were eliminated from the race." : (_raceType == RaceType.LapKnockout) ? "You were knocked out of the race." : "You ran out of time.";

                RaceUI.instance.SetFailRace(title, reason);

                //Stop Recording

                if (ReplayManager.instance) { ReplayManager.instance.StopRecording(); }


            if (showRaceInfoMessages)


                string keyword = (_raceType == RaceType.Elimination) ? " eliminated." : (_raceType == RaceType.LapKnockout) ? " knocked out." : " timed out.";

                RaceUI.instance.ShowRaceInfo(racer.racerDetails.racerName + keyword, 2.0f, Color.white);


            ChangeLayer(racer.transform, "IgnoreCollision");



        //Creates an active ghost car

        public void CreateGhostVehicle(GameObject racer)


            //Destroy any active ghost

            if (activeGhostCar)




            //Create a duplicate ghost car

            GameObject ghost = (GameObject)Instantiate(racer, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

            ghost.name = "Ghost";

            ghost.tag = "Untagged";

            activeGhostCar = ghost;

            ChangeLayer(ghost.transform, "IgnoreCollision");





        //Format a float to a time string

        public string FormatTime(float time)


            int minutes = (int)Mathf.Floor(time / 60);

            int seconds = (int)time % 60;

            int milliseconds = (int)(time * 100) % 100;

            return string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", minutes, seconds, milliseconds);


        //Loads racer names from a .txt resource file

        public void LoadRacerNames()


            if (!(TextAsset)Resources.Load("RacerNames", typeof(TextAsset)))


                Debug.Log("Names not found! Please add a .txt file named 'RacerNames' with a list of names to /Resources folder.");



            int lineCount = 0;

            opponentNames = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("RacerNames", typeof(TextAsset));

            nameReader = new StringReader(opponentNames.text);

            string txt = nameReader.ReadLine();

            while (txt != null)



                if (opponentNamesList.Count < lineCount)




                txt = nameReader.ReadLine();



        //Used to calculate track distance(in meters) & rotate the nodes correctly

        void ConfigureNodes()


            Transform[] m_path = pathContainer.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();

            List<Transform> m_pathList = new List<Transform>();

            foreach (Transform node in m_path)


                if (node != pathContainer)





            for (int i = 0; i < m_pathList.Count; i++)


                if (i < m_pathList.Count - 1)


                    m_pathList[i].transform.LookAt(m_pathList[i + 1].transform);


                else {




            raceDistance = pathContainer.GetComponent<WaypointCircuit>().distances[pathContainer.GetComponent<WaypointCircuit>().distances.Length - 1];


        //used to respawn a racer

        public void RespawnRacer(Transform racer, Transform node, float ignoreCollisionTime)


            if (raceStarted)

                StartCoroutine(Respawn(racer, node, ignoreCollisionTime));


        IEnumerator Respawn(Transform racer, Transform node, float ignoreCollisionTime)


            //Flip the car over and place it at the last passed node

            racer.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(racer.forward);

            racer.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = Vector3.zero;

            racer.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;

            racer.position = new Vector3(node.position.x, node.position.y + 0.1f, node.position.z);

            racer.rotation = node.rotation;

            ChangeLayer(racer, "IgnoreCollision");

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(ignoreCollisionTime);

            ChangeLayer(racer, "Default");


        //used to change a racers layer to "ignore collision" after being knocked out & on respawn

        public void ChangeLayer(Transform racer, string LayerName)


            for (int i = 0; i < racer.childCount; i++)


                racer.GetChild(i).gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(LayerName);

                ChangeLayer(racer.GetChild(i), LayerName);



        //used to change a racers material when creating a ghost car

        public void ChangeMaterial(Transform racer)


            Transform[] m = racer.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();

            foreach (Transform t in m)


                if (t.GetComponent<Renderer>())


                    //If the vehicle only uses one material

                    if (t.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials.Length == 1)


                        if (!useGhostMaterial)


                            Material instance = t.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;

                            instance.shader = (ghostShader) ? ghostShader : Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse");

                            Color col = instance.color;

                            col.a = ghostAlpha;

                            instance.color = col;

                            t.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = instance;




                            t.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = ghostMaterial;



                    else {

                        //If the vehicle uses more than one material

                        Material[] instances = new Material[t.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials.Length];

                        Color[] col = new Color[t.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials.Length];

                        for (int i = 0; i < instances.Length; i++)


                            if (!useGhostMaterial)


                                instances[i] = t.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials[i];

                                instances[i].shader = ghostShader;

                                col[i] = instances[i].color;

                                col[i].a = ghostAlpha;

                                instances[i].color = col[i];

                                t.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials[i] = instances[i];


                            else {

                                instances[i] = ghostMaterial;

                                t.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials = instances;







        //Used to disable input for when viewing a replay or for a ghost car

        public void DisableRacerInput(GameObject racer)


            if (racer.GetComponent<PlayerControl>())

                racer.GetComponent<PlayerControl>().enabled = false;

            if (racer.GetComponent<OpponentControl>())

                racer.GetComponent<OpponentControl>().enabled = false;

            if (!racer.GetComponent<Statistics>().finishedRace)

                racer.GetComponent<Statistics>().finishedRace = true;


        public void SwitchRaceState(RaceState state)


            _raceState = state;

            //Update UI



        /// <summary>

        /// Automatically starts the reply by manually setting the appropriate values

        /// </summary>

        void AutoStartReplay()


            if (ReplayManager.instance.TotalFrames <= 0) return;


            _raceState = RaceState.Replay;

            ReplayManager.instance.replayState = ReplayManager.ReplayState.Playing;


            for (int i = 0; i < ReplayManager.instance.racers.Count; i++)





        // Checks if all racers have finished

        public bool AllRacersFinished()


            bool allFinished = false;

            Statistics[] allRacers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Statistics)) as Statistics[];

            for (int i = 0; i < allRacers.Length; i++)


                if (allRacers[i].finishedRace)

                    allFinished = true;


                    allFinished = false;


            return allFinished;


        void AllOpponentsEliminated()


            for (int i = 0; i < eliminationList.Count; i++)


                if (eliminationList[i].knockedOut)




                if (eliminationList.Count == 1 && eliminationList[0].gameObject.tag == "Player")






        public Statistics GetLastPlace()


            return RankManager.instance.racerRanks[RankManager.instance.currentRacers - 1].racer.GetComponent<Statistics>();


        private int SetValue(int val, int otherVal)


            int myVal = val;

            if (val > otherVal)


                myVal = otherVal;


            else if (val <= 0)


                myVal = 1;


            return myVal;


        string ReplaceString(string stringValue, string toRemove)


            return stringValue.Replace(toRemove, "");




//Race_UI.cs handles displaying all UI in the race.

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine.UI;

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

namespace RGSK


    public class RaceUI : MonoBehaviour


        #region Grouped UI Classes


        public class RacerInfoUI


            public Text position;

            public Text name;

            public Text vehicleName;

            public Text bestLapTime;

            public Text totalTime;



        public class RacingUI


            public Text rank;

            public Text lap;

            public Text currentLapTime;

            public Text previousLapTime;

            public Text bestLapTime;

            public Text totalTime;

            public Text countdown;

            public Text raceInfo;

            public Text finishedText;

            [Header("In Race Standings")]

            public List<RacerInfoUI> inRaceStandings = new List<RacerInfoUI>();

            public Color playerColor = Color.green;

            public Color normalColor = Color.white;

            [Header("Wrongway Indication")]

            public Text wrongwayText;

            public Image wrongwayImage;



        public class DriftingUI


            public GameObject driftPanel;

            public Text totalDriftPoints;

            public Text currentDriftPoints;

            public Text driftMultiplier;

            public Text driftStatus;

            public Text goldPoints, silverPoints, bronzePoints;



        public class DriftResults


            public Text totalPoints;

            public Text driftRaceTime;

            public Text bestDrift;

            public Text longestDrift;

            public Image gold, silver, bronze;



        public class VehicleUI


            public Text currentRPM;

            public Text currentSpeed;

            public Text currentGear;

            public Image nitroBar;

            public TextMesh speedText3D, gearText3D;

            private string speedUnit;


            public RectTransform needle;

            public float minNeedleAngle = -20.0f;

            public float maxNeedleAngle = 220.0f;

            public float rotationMultiplier = 0.85f;


            public float needleRotation;



        public class Rewards


            public Text rewardCurrency;

            public Text rewardVehicle;

            public Text rewardTrack;



        public static RaceUI instance;

        private Statistics player;

        private DriftPointController driftpointcontroller;

        [Header("Starting Grid UI")]

        public GameObject startingGridPanel;

        public List<RacerInfoUI> startingGrid = new List<RacerInfoUI>();

        [Header("Racing UI")]

        public GameObject racePanel;

        public GameObject pausePanel;

        public RacingUI racingUI;

        public DriftingUI driftUI;

        public VehicleUI vehicleUI;

        [Header("Fail Race UI")]

        public GameObject failRacePanel;

        public Text failTitle;

        public Text failReason;

        [Header("Race Finished UI")]

        public GameObject raceCompletePanel;

        public GameObject raceResultsPanel, driftResultsPanel;

        public List<RacerInfoUI> raceResults = new List<RacerInfoUI>();

        public DriftResults driftResults;

        public Rewards rewardTexts;

        [Header("Replay UI")]

        public GameObject replayPanel;

        public Image progressBar;


        public Image screenFade;

        public float fadeSpeed = 0.5f;

        public bool fadeOnStart = true;

        public bool fadeOnExit = true;

        [Header("Scene Ref")]

        public string menuScene = "Menu";


        public List<string> raceInfos = new List<string>();

        /// <summary>

        /// 旋转页面

        /// </summary>

        public GameObject rotatePlane;

        /// <summary>

        /// 启动页面

        /// </summary>

        public GameObject PulseonPlane;

        /// <summary>

        /// 转盘页面

        /// </summary>

        public GameObject zhuanpanPlane;

        bool bOneStart = true;

        void Awake()


            instance = this;


        IEnumerator Start()


            if (fadeOnStart && screenFade) StartCoroutine(ScreenFadeOut(fadeSpeed));




            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);


            if (rotatePlane)


            if (PulseonPlane)


            if (zhuanpanPlane)

                ((RectTransform)zhuanpanPlane.transform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-650, 320);

            if (TestUI.Instance != null)



        void ClearUI()


            //Clear Starting Grid

            if (startingGrid.Count > 0)


                for (int i = 0; i < startingGrid.Count; i++)


                    startingGrid[i].position.text = string.Empty;

                    startingGrid[i].name.text = string.Empty;

                    startingGrid[i].vehicleName.text = string.Empty;



            //Clear In Race Standings

            if (racingUI.inRaceStandings.Count > 0)


                for (int i = 0; i < racingUI.inRaceStandings.Count; i++)


                    racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].position.text = (i + 1).ToString();

                    //Disable the parent if one exists so we can activate it later based on how many racers there are

                    if (racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].position.transform.parent)




            //Clear Race Reults

            if (raceResults.Count > 0)


                for (int i = 0; i < raceResults.Count; i++)


                    if (raceResults[i].position) raceResults[i].position.text = string.Empty;

                    if (raceResults[i].name) raceResults[i].name.text = string.Empty;

                    if (raceResults[i].totalTime) raceResults[i].totalTime.text = string.Empty;

                    if (raceResults[i].vehicleName) raceResults[i].vehicleName.text = string.Empty;

                    if (raceResults[i].bestLapTime) raceResults[i].bestLapTime.text = string.Empty;



            //Clear other texts

            if (racingUI.raceInfo) racingUI.raceInfo.text = string.Empty;

            if (racingUI.countdown) racingUI.countdown.text = string.Empty;

            if (racingUI.finishedText) racingUI.finishedText.text = string.Empty;

            if (rewardTexts.rewardCurrency) rewardTexts.rewardCurrency.text = string.Empty;

            if (rewardTexts.rewardVehicle) rewardTexts.rewardVehicle.text = string.Empty;

            if (rewardTexts.rewardTrack) rewardTexts.rewardTrack.text = string.Empty;


        void ConfigureUiBasedOnRaceType()


            if (!RaceManager.instance) return;

            if (driftUI.driftPanel) driftUI.driftPanel.SetActive(RaceManager.instance._raceType == RaceManager.RaceType.Drift);

            if (raceResultsPanel) raceResultsPanel.SetActive(RaceManager.instance._raceType != RaceManager.RaceType.Drift);

            if (driftResultsPanel) driftResultsPanel.SetActive(RaceManager.instance._raceType == RaceManager.RaceType.Drift);

            if (RaceManager.instance._raceType == RaceManager.RaceType.Drift)


                if (driftUI.goldPoints) driftUI.goldPoints.text = RaceManager.instance.goldDriftPoints.ToString("N0");

                if (driftUI.silverPoints) driftUI.silverPoints.text = RaceManager.instance.silverDriftPoints.ToString("N0");

                if (driftUI.bronzePoints) driftUI.bronzePoints.text = RaceManager.instance.bronzeDriftPoints.ToString("N0");



        void Update()


            if (!player)


                if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"))


                    player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Statistics>();

                    if (player && player.GetComponent<DriftPointController>())

                        driftpointcontroller = player.GetComponent<DriftPointController>();








            if (RaceManager.instance.raceStarted && bOneStart)


                if (rotatePlane)


                if (PulseonPlane)


                if (zhuanpanPlane)

                    ((RectTransform)zhuanpanPlane.transform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(650, 320);

                if (TestUI.Instance != null)


                bOneStart = false;



        void UpdateUI()


            if (!RaceManager.instance) return;

            //yanjiang 结束游戏//

            if (player.LapTimeCounter >= 60)




            switch (RaceManager.instance._raceType)


                case RaceManager.RaceType.Circuit:



                /*case RaceManager.RaceType.Sprint:




                case RaceManager.RaceType.LapKnockout:



                case RaceManager.RaceType.TimeTrial:



                case RaceManager.RaceType.SpeedTrap:



                case RaceManager.RaceType.Checkpoints:



                case RaceManager.RaceType.Elimination:



                case RaceManager.RaceType.Drift:




            switch (RaceManager.instance._raceState)


                case RaceManager.RaceState.StartingGrid:



                case RaceManager.RaceState.Racing:




                case RaceManager.RaceState.Complete:

                    if (RaceManager.instance._raceType != RaceManager.RaceType.Drift)









                case RaceManager.RaceState.Replay:





        #region RaceTypes UI

        void DefaultUI()



            if (racingUI.rank)

                racingUI.rank.text = "Pos " + player.rank + "/" + RankManager.instance.currentRacers;


            if (racingUI.lap)

                racingUI.lap.text = "Lap " + player.lap + "/" + RaceManager.instance.totalLaps;

            //LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.currentLapTime)


                racingUI.currentLapTime.text = "Current " + player.currentLapTime;



            //TOTAL TIME

            if (racingUI.totalTime)

                racingUI.totalTime.text = "Total " + player.totalRaceTime;

            //LAST LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.previousLapTime)

                racingUI.previousLapTime.text = GetPrevLapTime();

            //BEST LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.bestLapTime)

                racingUI.bestLapTime.text = GetBestLapTime();


        void TimeTrialUI()



            if (racingUI.rank)

                racingUI.rank.text = "Pos " + player.GetComponent<Statistics>().rank + "/" + RankManager.instance.currentRacers;


            if (racingUI.lap)

                racingUI.lap.text = "Lap " + player.lap;

            //LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.currentLapTime)


                racingUI.currentLapTime.text = "Current " + player.currentLapTime;



            //TOTAL TIME

            if (racingUI.totalTime)

                racingUI.totalTime.text = "Total " + player.totalRaceTime;

            //LAST LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.previousLapTime)

                racingUI.previousLapTime.text = GetPrevLapTime();

            //BEST LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.bestLapTime)

                racingUI.bestLapTime.text = GetBestLapTime();


        void CheckpointRaceUI()



            if (racingUI.rank)

                racingUI.rank.text = "Pos " + player.GetComponent<Statistics>().rank + "/" + RankManager.instance.currentRacers;


            if (racingUI.lap)

                racingUI.lap.text = "CP " + player.checkpoint + "/" + player.checkpoints.Count * RaceManager.instance.totalLaps;


            if (racingUI.currentLapTime)


                racingUI.currentLapTime.text = "Current " + player.currentLapTime;



            //BEST LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.bestLapTime)

                racingUI.bestLapTime.text = GetBestLapTime();

            //EMPTY strings

            if (racingUI.previousLapTime)

                racingUI.previousLapTime.text = "";

            if (racingUI.totalTime)

                racingUI.totalTime.text = "";


        void EliminationRaceUI()



            if (racingUI.rank)

                racingUI.rank.text = "Pos " + player.GetComponent<Statistics>().rank + "/" + RankManager.instance.currentRacers;


            if (racingUI.lap)

                racingUI.lap.text = "Lap " + player.lap + "/" + RaceManager.instance.totalLaps;


            if (racingUI.currentLapTime)


                racingUI.currentLapTime.text = "Time : " + RaceManager.instance.FormatTime(RaceManager.instance.eliminationCounter);



            //TOTAL TIME

            if (racingUI.totalTime)

                racingUI.totalTime.text = "Total " + player.totalRaceTime;

            //LAST LAP

            if (racingUI.previousLapTime)

                racingUI.previousLapTime.text = GetPrevLapTime();

            //BEST LAP

            if (racingUI.bestLapTime)

                racingUI.bestLapTime.text = GetBestLapTime();


        void DriftRaceUI()


            //DRIFT UI

            if (driftUI.totalDriftPoints)

                driftUI.totalDriftPoints.text = player.GetComponent<DriftPointController>().totalDriftPoints.ToString("N0") + " Pts";

            if (driftUI.currentDriftPoints)

                driftUI.currentDriftPoints.text = driftpointcontroller.currentDriftPoints > 0 ? "+ " + player.GetComponent<DriftPointController>().currentDriftPoints.ToString("N0") + " Pts" : string.Empty;

            if (driftUI.driftMultiplier)

                driftUI.driftMultiplier.text = driftpointcontroller.driftMultiplier > 1 ? "x " + driftpointcontroller.driftMultiplier : string.Empty;


            if (racingUI.rank)

                racingUI.rank.text = string.Empty;


            if (racingUI.lap)

                racingUI.lap.text = "Lap " + player.lap + "/" + RaceManager.instance.totalLaps;

            //LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.currentLapTime)

                racingUI.currentLapTime.text = "Time " + player.currentLapTime;

            //TOTAL TIME

            if (racingUI.totalTime)

                racingUI.totalTime.text = "Total " + player.totalRaceTime;

            //LAST LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.previousLapTime)

                racingUI.previousLapTime.text = GetPrevLapTime();

            //BEST LAP TIME

            if (racingUI.bestLapTime)

                racingUI.bestLapTime.text = GetBestLapTime();



        void VehicleGUI()



            if (vehicleUI.currentRPM)


                if (player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.currentRPM.text = (player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>().FR_WheelCollider.rpm).ToString("f0") + "RPM";

                if (player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.currentRPM.text = (player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>().frontWheelCollider.rpm).ToString("f0") + "RPM";



            if (vehicleUI.currentSpeed)


                if (player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.currentSpeed.text = player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>().currentSpeed + player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>()._speedUnit.ToString();

                if (player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.currentSpeed.text = player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>().currentSpeed + player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>()._speedUnit.ToString();



            if (vehicleUI.currentGear)


                if (player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.currentGear.text = player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>().currentGear.ToString();

                if (player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.currentGear.text = player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>().currentGear.ToString();



            if (vehicleUI.needle)


                float fraction = 0;

                if (player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>())


                    fraction = player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>().currentSpeed / vehicleUI.maxNeedleAngle;


                if (player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>())


                    fraction = player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>().currentSpeed / vehicleUI.maxNeedleAngle;


                vehicleUI.needleRotation = Mathf.Lerp(vehicleUI.minNeedleAngle, vehicleUI.maxNeedleAngle, (fraction * vehicleUI.rotationMultiplier));

                vehicleUI.needle.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(vehicleUI.needle.transform.eulerAngles.x, vehicleUI.needle.transform.eulerAngles.y, -vehicleUI.needleRotation);


            //Nitro Bar

            if (vehicleUI.nitroBar)


                if (player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.nitroBar.fillAmount = player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>().nitroCapacity;

                if (player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.nitroBar.fillAmount = player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>().nitroCapacity;


            //3D text mesh

            if (!vehicleUI.speedText3D && GameObject.Find("3DSpeedText"))

                vehicleUI.speedText3D = GameObject.Find("3DSpeedText").GetComponent<TextMesh>();

            if (!vehicleUI.gearText3D && GameObject.Find("3DGearText"))

                vehicleUI.gearText3D = GameObject.Find("3DGearText").GetComponent<TextMesh>();

            if (vehicleUI.speedText3D)


                if (player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.speedText3D.text = player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>().currentSpeed + player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>()._speedUnit.ToString();

                if (player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.speedText3D.text = player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>().currentSpeed + player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>()._speedUnit.ToString();


            if (vehicleUI.gearText3D)


                if (player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.gearText3D.text = player.GetComponent<Car_Controller>().currentGear.ToString();

                if (player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>())

                    vehicleUI.gearText3D.text = player.GetComponent<Motorbike_Controller>().currentGear.ToString();



        public void UpdateUIPanels()


            if (!RaceManager.instance) return;

            switch (RaceManager.instance._raceState)


                //if starting grid, set all other panels active to false except from the starting panel

                case RaceManager.RaceState.StartingGrid:

                    if (startingGridPanel) startingGridPanel.SetActive(true);

                    if (racePanel) racePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (pausePanel) pausePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (failRacePanel) failRacePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (raceCompletePanel) raceCompletePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (replayPanel) replayPanel.SetActive(false);


                //if racing, set all other panels active to false except from the racing panel

                case RaceManager.RaceState.Racing:

                    if (startingGridPanel) startingGridPanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (racePanel) racePanel.SetActive(true);

                    if (pausePanel) pausePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (failRacePanel) failRacePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (raceCompletePanel) raceCompletePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (replayPanel) replayPanel.SetActive(false);


                //if paused, set all other panels active to false except from the pause panel

                case RaceManager.RaceState.Paused:

                    if (startingGridPanel) startingGridPanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (racePanel) racePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (pausePanel) pausePanel.SetActive(true);

                    if (failRacePanel) failRacePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (raceCompletePanel) raceCompletePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (replayPanel) replayPanel.SetActive(false);


                //if the race is complete, set all other panels active to false except from the completion panel

                case RaceManager.RaceState.Complete:

                    if (startingGridPanel) startingGridPanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (racePanel) racePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (pausePanel) pausePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (failRacePanel) failRacePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (raceCompletePanel) raceCompletePanel.SetActive(true);

                    if (replayPanel) replayPanel.SetActive(false);


                //if the player is knocked out, set all other panels active to false except from the ko panel

                case RaceManager.RaceState.KnockedOut:

                    if (startingGridPanel) startingGridPanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (racePanel) racePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (pausePanel) pausePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (failRacePanel) failRacePanel.SetActive(true);

                    if (raceCompletePanel) raceCompletePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (replayPanel) replayPanel.SetActive(false);


                case RaceManager.RaceState.Replay:

                    if (startingGridPanel) startingGridPanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (racePanel) racePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (pausePanel) pausePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (failRacePanel) failRacePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (raceCompletePanel) raceCompletePanel.SetActive(false);

                    if (replayPanel) replayPanel.SetActive(true);




        void ShowStartingGrid()


            //loop through the total number of cars & show their race standings

            if (startingGrid.Count > 0)


                for (int i = 0; i < RankManager.instance.totalRacers; i++)


                    Statistics _statistics = RankManager.instance.racerRanks[i].racer.GetComponent<Statistics>();

                    if (_statistics == null) return;


                    if (startingGrid[i].position) startingGrid[i].position.text = _statistics.rank.ToString();


                    if (startingGrid[i].name) startingGrid[i].name.text = _statistics.racerDetails.racerName;

                    //Vehicle name

                    if (startingGrid[i].vehicleName) startingGrid[i].vehicleName.text = _statistics.racerDetails.vehicleName;




        void ShowInRaceStandings()


            if (racingUI.inRaceStandings.Count <= 0 || RankManager.instance.totalRacers <= 1)


            //in race standings

            for (int i = 0; i < RankManager.instance.totalRacers; i++)


                if (i < racingUI.inRaceStandings.Count)


                    Statistics _statistics = RankManager.instance.racerRanks[i].racer.GetComponent<Statistics>();

                    if (_statistics == null) return;


                    if (racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].name) racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].name.text = (RaceManager.instance._raceType != RaceManager.RaceType.SpeedTrap) ? _statistics.racerDetails.racerName

                     : _statistics.racerDetails.racerName + " [" + RankManager.instance.racerRanks[i].speedRecord + " mph]";


                    if (player == _statistics)


                        racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].position.color = racingUI.playerColor;

                        racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].name.color = racingUI.playerColor;




                        racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].position.color = racingUI.normalColor;

                        racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].name.color = racingUI.normalColor;





        public void RefreshInRaceStandings()


            if (RankManager.instance.totalRacers <= 1) return;

            for (int i = 0; i < racingUI.inRaceStandings.Count; i++)


                if (i < RankManager.instance.totalRacers)


                    if (racingUI.inRaceStandings[i].position.transform.parent)





        /// <summary>

        /// Loops through the total number of racers and shows their standings

        /// This function is called for non drift races because of different UI setup

        /// </summary>

        void ShowRaceResults()


            if (raceResults.Count > 0)


                for (int i = 0; i < RankManager.instance.totalRacers; i++)


                    Statistics _statistics = RankManager.instance.racerRanks[i].racer.GetComponent<Statistics>();

                    if (_statistics == null) return;


                    if (raceResults[i].position) raceResults[i].position.text = _statistics.rank.ToString();


                    if (raceResults[i].name)


                        if (RaceManager.instance._raceType != RaceManager.RaceType.SpeedTrap)


                            raceResults[i].name.text = _statistics.racerDetails.racerName;




                            raceResults[i].name.text = _statistics.racerDetails.racerName + " [" + RankManager.instance.racerRanks[i].speedRecord + " mph]";



                    //Total Race Time

                    if (raceResults[i].totalTime)


                        if (_statistics.finishedRace && !_statistics.knockedOut)


                            raceResults[i].totalTime.text = _statistics.totalRaceTime;


                        else if (_statistics.knockedOut)


                            raceResults[i].totalTime.text = "Knocked Out";




                            raceResults[i].totalTime.text = "Running...";



                    //Best Lap Time

                    if (raceResults[i].bestLapTime)


                        raceResults[i].bestLapTime.text = (_statistics.bestLapTime == string.Empty) ? "--:--:--" : _statistics.bestLapTime;


                    //Vehicle Name

                    if (raceResults[i].vehicleName)


                        raceResults[i].vehicleName.text = _statistics.racerDetails.vehicleName;





        /// <summary>

        /// Gets drift information from the driftpointcontroller and displays them

        /// This function is only called for drift races because of different UI setup

        /// </summary>

        void ShowDriftResults()


            if (driftpointcontroller)


                if (driftResults.totalPoints)

                    driftResults.totalPoints.text = "Total Points : " + driftpointcontroller.totalDriftPoints.ToString("N0");

                if (driftResults.driftRaceTime)

                    driftResults.driftRaceTime.text = "Time : " + driftpointcontroller.GetComponent<Statistics>().totalRaceTime;

                if (driftResults.bestDrift)

                    driftResults.bestDrift.text = "Best Drift : " + driftpointcontroller.bestDrift.ToString("N0") + " pts";

                if (driftResults.longestDrift)

                    driftResults.longestDrift.text = "Longest Drift : " + driftpointcontroller.longestDrift.ToString("0.00") + " s";

                if (driftResults.gold)

                    driftResults.gold.gameObject.SetActive(driftpointcontroller.GetComponent<Statistics>().rank == 1);

                if (driftResults.silver)

                    driftResults.silver.gameObject.SetActive(driftpointcontroller.GetComponent<Statistics>().rank == 2);

                if (driftResults.bronze)

                    driftResults.bronze.gameObject.SetActive(driftpointcontroller.GetComponent<Statistics>().rank > 2);



        public void ShowReplayUI()


            //Display the replay progress bar

            if (progressBar)

                progressBar.fillAmount = ReplayManager.instance.ReplayPercent;


        //Used to show useful race info

        public void ShowRaceInfo(string info, float time, Color c)


            StartCoroutine(RaceInfo(info, time, c));


        IEnumerator RaceInfo(string info, float time, Color c)


            if (!racingUI.raceInfo)

                yield break;

            if (racingUI.raceInfo.text == "")


                racingUI.raceInfo.text = info;

                Color col = c;

                col.a = 1.0f;

                racingUI.raceInfo.color = col;

                yield return new WaitForSeconds(time);

                //Do Fade Out

                while (col.a > 0.0f)


                    col.a -= Time.deltaTime * 2.0f;

                    racingUI.raceInfo.color = col;

                    yield return null;


                if (col.a <= 0.01f)


                    racingUI.raceInfo.text = string.Empty;


                //Check if there are any other race infos that need to be displayed








        public IEnumerator ShowDriftRaceInfo(string info, Color c)


            if (!driftUI.driftStatus) yield break;

            driftUI.driftStatus.text = info;

            driftUI.driftStatus.color = c;

            yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.0f);

            driftUI.driftStatus.text = string.Empty;


        public void CheckRaceInfoList()


            if (raceInfos.Count > 0)


                ShowRaceInfo(raceInfos[raceInfos.Count - 1], 2.0f, Color.white);

                raceInfos.RemoveAt(raceInfos.Count - 1);



        void WrongwayUI()


            //Wrong way indication

            if (racingUI.wrongwayText)


                if (player.GetComponent<Statistics>().goingWrongway)


                    racingUI.wrongwayText.text = "Wrong Way!";




                    racingUI.wrongwayText.text = string.Empty;



            if (racingUI.wrongwayImage)


                if (player.GetComponent<Statistics>().goingWrongway)


                    racingUI.wrongwayImage.enabled = true;




                    racingUI.wrongwayImage.enabled = false;




        string GetPrevLapTime()


            if (player.prevLapTime != "")


                return "Last " + player.prevLapTime;




                return "Last --:--:--";



        string GetBestLapTime()


            if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("BestTime" + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name))


                return "Best " + PlayerPrefs.GetString("BestTime" + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name);




                return "Best --:--:--";



        public void SetCountDownText(string value)


            if (!racingUI.countdown) return;

            racingUI.countdown.text = value;


        public void SetFailRace(string title, string reason)


            if (failTitle) failTitle.text = title;

            if (failReason) failReason.text = reason;


        /// <summary>

        /// Gets rid of all other UI apart from the FinishedText to show the "Race Completed" text in the End Race Rountine

        /// </summary>

        public void DisableRacePanelChildren()


            if (!racingUI.finishedText) return;

            RectTransform[] rectTransforms = racePanel.GetComponentsInChildren<RectTransform>();

            foreach (RectTransform t in rectTransforms)


                if (t != racePanel.GetComponent<RectTransform>() && t != racingUI.finishedText.GetComponent<RectTransform>())






        public void SetFinishedText(string word)


            if (racingUI.finishedText)

                racingUI.finishedText.text = word;


        public void SetRewardText(string currency, string vehicleUnlock, string trackUnlock)


            if (currency != "" && rewardTexts.rewardCurrency)

                rewardTexts.rewardCurrency.text = "You won : " + currency + " Cr";

            if (vehicleUnlock != "" && rewardTexts.rewardVehicle)

                rewardTexts.rewardVehicle.text = "You Unlocked : " + vehicleUnlock;

            if (trackUnlock != "" && rewardTexts.rewardTrack)

                rewardTexts.rewardTrack.text = "You Unlocked : " + trackUnlock;


        #region Screen Fade

        public IEnumerator ScreenFadeOut(float speed)


            //Get the color

            Color col = screenFade.color;

            if (col.a > 0.0f) yield break;

            //Change the alpha to 1

            col.a = 1;

            screenFade.color = col;

            //Fade out

            while (col.a > 0.0f)


                col.a -= Time.deltaTime * speed;

                screenFade.color = col;

                yield return null;



        public IEnumerator ScreenFadeIn(float speed, bool loadScene, string scene)


            //Get the color

            Color col = screenFade.color;

            //Change the alpha to 0

            col.a = 0;

            screenFade.color = col;

            //Fade in

            while (col.a < 1.0f)


                col.a += Time.deltaTime * speed;

                screenFade.color = col;

                yield return null;

                //Load the menu scene when fade completes

                if (col.a >= 1.0f)





        #region UI Button Functions

        public void StartCountDown(float time)




        public void PauseResume()




        public void BackHome()




        public void Restart()


            //unpause inorder to reset timescale & audiolistener vol

            if (RaceManager.instance._raceState == RaceManager.RaceState.Paused)




            if (fadeOnExit && screenFade)


                StartCoroutine(ScreenFadeIn(fadeSpeed * 2, true, SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name));







        public void Exit()


            //unpause inorder to reset timescale & audiolistener vol

            if (RaceManager.instance._raceState == RaceManager.RaceState.Paused)




            if (fadeOnExit && screenFade)


                StartCoroutine(ScreenFadeIn(fadeSpeed * 2, true, menuScene));










  • 1
  • 4
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 打赏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则




¥1 ¥2 ¥4 ¥6 ¥10 ¥20



钱包余额 0


