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http://www.xmms.orgWhat is XMMS?XMMS is a multimedia player for unix systems. XMMS stands for X MultiMedia System and can play media files such as MP3, MODs, WAV and others with the use of Inpu

2007-05-31 19:04:00 2194

转载 Xen Basics

Copyright © 2006 Marcel Koßin You can use this tutorial under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation LicenseFeedback, ideas? Please send mail to feedback@nodemaster.deThe most current version of this

2007-05-30 19:03:00 1577

转载 Linux下PCI板卡驱动程序的编写

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 原文:How To Write Linux PCI Drivers 作者:Martin Mares on 07-Feb-2000 位置:Documentation/pci.txt 编译:dqzhangp@263.net 0. PC

2007-05-29 15:53:00 2838

转载 CFQ to become the default I/O scheduler in 2.6.18

Judging by this commit, CFQ (Complete Fair Queuing) I/O scheduler will become the default one in the upcoming 2.6.18 kernel. For a long time, anticipatory scheduler has been the default, although even

2007-05-28 10:39:00 771

转载 The Xen Hypervisor and its IO Subsystem


2007-05-23 14:32:00 828

转载 以一卖烧饼的故事来描述股市

有一个故事,来看看能不能解答你的疑问。    假设一个市场,有两个人在卖烧饼,有且只有两个人,姑且称他们为烧饼甲、烧饼乙。    假设他们的烧饼价格没有物价局监管。    假设他们每个烧饼卖一元钱就可以保本(包括他们的劳动力价值)    假设他们的烧饼数量一样多。    ——经济模型都这样,假设需要很多。    再假设他们生意很不好,一个买烧饼的人都没有。这样他们很无聊地站了半天。    甲说好无

2007-05-22 23:46:00 1033

转载 Xen Intro- version 1.0

Xen Intro- version 1.0: 目录 Introduction Xen and IA32 Protection Modes The Xend daemon: The Xen Store: VT-x (virtual technology) processors - support in Xen Vmxloade

2007-05-22 23:41:00 5943

转载 Architecture for Split Drivers Within Xen

The block, net and TPM Xen drivers are "split" drivers: they have a portion in a privileged domain handling the physical device -- the backend -- and a frontend in the unprivileged domain acting as a

2007-05-22 23:39:00 1104

转载 Virtualization in Xen 3.0

 By Rami Rosen on Thu, 2006-03-02 02:00. SoftwareDive into the new Xen release and find out what it offers for paravirtualization, split drivers and Intels new virtualization technology.

2007-05-22 23:36:00 1328

转载 Introduction to the Xen Virtual Machine

By Rami Rosen on Thu, 2005-09-01 01:00. SoftwareEveryones talking about Xen, but the code is complex. Heres a starting point.This article is intended mainly for developers who are

2007-05-22 23:35:00 1000

转载 Xen Memory Management

IntroductionUnless otherwise noted, the information here refers to Xen/unstable for x86. Guest interface to Xen memory management Start of dayAt the StartOfDay (when a guest domain

2007-05-22 21:28:00 1135

转载 Xen Architecture Wiki

http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenArchitectureTopics XenTerminology XenIntro - introduction to Xen : Implementation details and Design XenEventC

2007-05-22 20:55:00 3183

转载 Xen Debugging

This page describes a set of things to look at when trying to debug what appears to be errant Xen Behavior. Providing as much information as possible below with bugs reported to the Xen project will m

2007-05-22 20:50:00 1031

转载 How to get xen whole-machine dump image and analyse it prepair

enable kexec apply kexec patches to xen source tree. latest patches are available in xen-devel list. (It maybe merged into xen 3.0.3) install dom0cut prerequirement:

2007-05-22 20:41:00 922

转载 Enabling DMA on your disk

PrerequisitesFirst, you need to be sure that DMA is disabled. You can check this with the following command: # hdparm /dev/hdaIf your harddisk is not hda, for example if you are using a SA

2007-05-22 20:37:00 500

转载 Linux信号列表

我们运行如下命令,可看到Linux支持的信号列表:$ kill -l1) SIGHUP 2) SIGINT 3) SIGQUIT 4) SIGILL 5) SIGTRAP 6) SIGABRT 7) SIGBUS 8) SIGFPE 9) SIGKILL 10) SIGUSR1 11) SIGSEGV 1

2007-05-22 13:29:00 1186

转载 The Video4Linux2 API series

http://lwn.net/Articles/203924/ Part 1: an introduction Part 2: registration and open() Part 3: Basic ioctl() handling Part 4: Inputs and Outputs Part 5a: Colors

2007-05-20 22:37:00 1906

转载 CodeViz 安装

分别下载和按这个顺序安装如下软件 1. graphviz 2.2.1 http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/ARCHIVE/graphviz-2.2.1.tar.gz 现在最新的是2.12了,但是make install是错现错误,另外,最新版并没有太大的update,所以 还是选用这个版本。 安装: 1. 解压该文件

2007-05-20 22:10:00 1321

转载 I2C Drivers

By Greg Kroah-Hartman Created 2003-12-01 02:00 The I2C bus helps you monitor the health of your system. Heres how to develop a driver that will get you all the hardware inf

2007-05-20 22:07:00 1379

转载 Software Radio

http://volodya-project.sourceforge.net//SR/sr.phpOverview This is a project to create a software radio device that uses USB-2.0 to deliver raw data. Why software radio ? Software radi

2007-05-20 22:06:00 1444

转载 SR-1/Software Radio

http://volodya-project.sourceforge.net/SR/SR-1/sr1.phpOverview Before implementing full blown software radio I needed to become familiar with CY7C68013 and to answer a few questions:

2007-05-20 22:05:00 1106

转载 Linux and USB 2.0

  This is a short writeup explaining what USB 2.0 changed and whats going on with it in Linux. It starts by talking about user visible changes (including usbfs information) followed by driver-visi

2007-05-20 22:03:00 2141

转载 USB接口芯片SL811HS在51单片机系统中应用

摘要:介绍了CYPRESS公司生产的主/从双工作模式USB接口芯片SL811HS的性能与内部结构,给出了SL811HS芯片在单片机系统中扩展USB接口的硬件电路,同时给出了该系统的USB驱动程序及实现U盘读写功能的应用程序。 关键词:SL811HS;USB接口;驱动程序;U盘读写 1 引言 USB (通用串行总线)是INTEL、DEC、MI-CROSOFT、

2007-05-20 22:02:00 1790

转载 如何利用Video4Linux获取摄像头数据

Video4Linux是Linux下用于获取视频和音频数据的API接口,在这篇文章中,着重阐述如何利用Video4Linux获取摄像头数据,以实现连续影像的播放。 1. 摄像头的安装 在Linux 下常用的摄像头驱动是spca5xx, 这是一个通用驱动,读者可以在以下网站下到这个驱动 http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html。这个网站还给出了这款驱动支持的摄

2007-05-20 21:54:00 973

转载 GTK 编程

 準備工作 什麼是 GTK? GTK (GIMP ToolKit) 原本只是 GIMP 開發過程上管理圖型介面的一套工具程式庫. 由於它使用 LGPL 執照, 程式開發者可以免費使用它來發展公開程式碼的軟體, 免費軟體或甚至商用軟體. 隨著使用率及使用範圍的增加, 很快的 GTK 從只為了滿足 GIMP 需求而存在的印象中跳出, 發展成今日功能廣泛的一套程式庫.GTK 的穩定版已從 1.

2007-05-20 21:53:00 1705 1

转载 把系统通知控件加入到你的源码中

"系统托盘"是一个运行在指定的 X 屏幕(注1)上的应用程序,它显示由其它正在运行的应用程序提供的小图标,以此来提供通知功能。在 Windows XP 里称之为"通知区域"。受 KDE 的启发,在 Freedesktop 上的 "系统托盘协议规范":http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Standards_2fsystemtray_2dspec 中使用"系统托盘(System

2007-05-20 21:50:00 841

转载 linux下USB器件驱动程序相关

一. USB盘的实现linux下U盘的实现其实很简单,基于一个g_file_storage的模块,使用文件或其他块设备(如MTD设备)作为U盘的存储器即可,不用自己编写驱动程序。以文件为例的具体步骤如下所示:· 创建文件存储器 [root@localhost data]# dd bs=1M count=64 if=/dev/zero of=/root/data/backing_file·

2007-05-20 21:46:00 793

转载 Linux remote desktop (远程桌面)控制

这里我要说的不是telnet,rsh之类的远程控制工具,而是指远程控制桌面应用.   X window比MS windows先进的地方是,X window是个基于网络的的图形视窗系统,本身就具有远程控制的强大功能.用户在远程系统上登录执行X 应用程序,并将Xclients执行的结果传回本地主机.这就是我下面要介绍的Remote X一、Remote X  假设本地主机ip为172.16.1.1,远程

2007-05-20 21:39:00 3429

转载 改变网络接口的速度和协商方式的工具miitool 和ethtool

1、mii-tool 配置网络设备协商方式的工具;1.1 mii-tool 介绍;mii-tool - view, manipulate media-independent interface status (mii-tool 是查看,管理介质的网络接口的状态)有 时网卡需要配置协商方式 ,比如10/100/1000M的网卡半双工、全双工、自动协商的配置。但大多数的网络设备是不用我们来修改协商,因

2007-05-20 21:37:00 1163

转载 实例解读 linux 网卡驱动

在此仅仅讨论网络设备驱动的一般写法,有关硬件部分的相关代码由于硬件规格不同,予以省略。有什么地方错误,或补充,欢迎大家提出。 1, 驱动模块的加载和卸载如果网络设备(包括wireless)是PCI规范的,则先是向内核注册该PCI设备(pci_register_driver),然后由pci_driver数据结构中的probe函数指针所指向的侦测函数来初始化该PCI设备,并且同时注册和初始化该网络设备

2007-05-20 21:36:00 696

转载 redhat 安装程序 anaconda 分析

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-anaconda/index.html引言Linux 的安装过程可以分为两个阶段,第一个阶段就是加载内核,创建供后续安装过程使用的系统环境,第二阶段就是加载系统安装程序,执行具体的安装过程。对于第一 阶段,有不少资料作了比较详细的介绍,而对于第二阶段,也就是具体的安装过程,却鲜有资料介绍,本文作者结合自己

2007-05-20 21:16:00 1133


利用Qt和GDAL实现遥感图像的显示和漫游等操作。使用需要自己配置相应的Qt和GDAL路径。介绍详见原作者的blog https://blog.csdn.net/deirjie/article/details/37872743?locationNum=10&fps=1


Guide to the implementation of SCSI in Linux 2.6.X kernel

SCSI has emerged as a popular protocol in the storage world. This document is a guide to understanding the implementation of SCSI in the Linux 2.6.X kernel. This project analyzes the code implementing the SCSI protocol, provides the big picture involving the IO, explains the entry points, data structures and the exported functions. The project is intended as a reference for experimenters and developers who would be working on the SCSI module in Linux.


Design and Implementation of a Linux SCSI Target for Storage Area Networks

Design and Implementation of a Linux SCSI Target for Storage Area Networks


The Xen Hypervisor and its IO Subsystem

PThe Xen Hypervisor and its IO Subsystem



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