C++ 内置数据类型
数值计算公式为:(-1)^signbit * 2^(e) * (1+significantbits)
最大值为:0 11110 1111111111=(-1)^0 * 2^15 * (1+1-2^-10)=65504
最小值为:0 00001 0000000000=2^-14=6.10 * 10^-5
static byte[] FloatToHalf(float f)
Byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(f);
Byte sign = 0x80;
SByte exp;
byte[] myByte = new byte[2];//返回的数组
ushort result;
ushort m;
sign = (Byte)(bytes[3] & sign);//求符号位
exp = (SByte)(bytes[3] << 1);
exp += (SByte)(bytes[2] >> 7);
exp -= 127;
exp += (SByte)((1<<(expSize -1)) -1);
if (exp < 0)//下溢出
exp = 0;
m = (ushort)(bytes[2] & 0x7f);
m = (ushort)(m << (mSize - 7));
m += (ushort)(bytes[1] >> (15-mSize));
if (((bytes[1] >> (15 - mSize - 1)) & 1) == 1)//若被移除的最高位是1,则产生进位。
m += 1;
if (m >= (ushort)Math.Pow(2, mSize))//若进位后发生尾数溢出,则取消进位
m -= 1;
result = sign;
result = (ushort)(result << 8);//把符号位移动到最高位上
short temp1 = exp;
temp1 = (short)(temp1 << (15-expSize));
result += (ushort)temp1;
result += m;//装载尾数
myByte[0] = (byte)result;
myByte[1] = (byte)(result >> 8);
return myByte;
* <code>HalfFloatUtils</code> 类用于创建HalfFloat工具。
class HalfFloatUtils {
* round a number to a half float number bits.
* @param num
static roundToFloat16Bits(num: number): number;
* convert a half float number bits to a number.
* @param float16bits - half float number bits
static convertToNumber(float16bits: number): number;
Half-precision floating-point format - Wikipedia
浮点数值类型 - C# 引用 | Microsoft Docs
Uint16Array - JavaScript | MDN (mozilla.org)
Float16和Float32的互相转换 - BlueBerry006 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
(61条消息) 半精度浮点数(fp16,Half-precision floating-point)_mc18740458059的博客-CSDN博客_float16范围
(61条消息) 浮点数的表示 —— 基本格式、规格化、表示范围_starter_____的博客-CSDN博客_浮点数规格化规则
(61条消息) C#半精度浮点数的实现_学习记录-CSDN博客_c# 半精度浮点